Arcana Heart 3 Love Max [Examu]

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    • Kiku schrieb:

      Sanae tanzt.


      Release Winter für NESiCAxLive.
      Sollte aber nicht lange dauern mit dem home release (hoffe ich mal)
      Follower of the
      ゲーセン道 - The Way of the Arcade
      Doitsu Dashpunch #1 of 3

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von Mik ()

    • jetzt muss ich euch aber fragen:

      seid ihr dicht?
      ich finde das spiel nicht gut, meine postings waren beide on topic. wenn jemand darauf eingeht und es genauer wissen will, werde ich gerne erläutern, wieso ich n fuck auf AH gebe.

      ich habe lediglich meine meinung in form eines treffenden meme-artigen videos gepostet. oder darf man in einem spezifischen thread eines games keine negative ansicht über das game haben?

      seid mal nicht so behindert am freitag. ich fass es grad nicht, aber ich reg mich iwie drüber auf dass meine meinung zweimal hintereinander gelöscht wird. ist mir noch nie passiert, weil ich eigentlich der coolste hier bin.
    • Dann schreib es bitte so. Wir stehen nicht in Harlem um eine Mülltonne.

      Was das Update genau KANN und liefert weisst du nicht. Also hier mal den Ball flach halten.

      Und jetzt wissen wir dass es dir nicht gefällt. Mir gefallen viele Fighter nicht aber ich kacke das nicht breitbeinig in die News Threads.
      stay hydrated
    • Kann es kaum abwarten, mochte AH3...tiefes gameplay, gute charaktere, arcana gameplay idee war/ist genial!
      In meinem kreis wird/wurde das spiel eigentlich oft gespielt, also wir sind echt gehyped auf AH 3 Hm =)

      Success is not something you run after, but something you Attract by the person you become!
    • gibt minimal loctest info zu ah3lm. der wohl groesste change is dass sie die 2f suki aus hitstun entfernt haben. heisst: inescapable unblockables sind weg. das entfernt die kill loops die manche chars im z.b. punishment arcana hatten, und generall elza mit ihren communio resets. homing system wurde auch nerfed indem sie nen delay eingebaut haben wie schnell man nach nem jump homing machen kann. am haertesten trifft der nerf wohl die uebliche heart/weiss/akane mongocrew, tragt aber eventuell dazu bei dass das game langsamer wird?

      dann gibts noch die ueblichen char changes. zu heart, akane und cathy liest man nerfs, weiss buffen sie anscheinend (lol wtf) mit mehr jumpcancels und nem neuen move. elza wird als tot betrachtet ;_; ich bin selbst auf bissl genauere info gespannt.
      ~ palmer can all ~

      [08:38.57] <+HandyVlaf> Behinner erzählst mir was über Third strike?
      [08:38.58] <+behinner> nein
    • curbeh @ homingcancel foren hat die gesammte changelist der chars uebersetzt. achtung: immernoch loctest material

      Spoiler anzeigen

      Akane Inuwaka
      -5B does less damage and is air blockable
      -6C's first hit is air unblockable and the second hit cannot be jump canceled anymore
      -Tamafuri (22) has less recovery, but you cannot cancel into it with kotodama
      -Tsuki Hoe (28) has it's start up altered and the start up is faster. The C version will guard crush airborne opponents
      -Torigake A's movement is faster but has more recovery
      -Hananagi's ground version has a new animation and proration is better
      -Hana Utsushi has a new animation for the counter hit

      Angelia Avallone
      -2C is now two hits but lost its gatling to 6C
      -Marlin attacks have been changed to n+BC
      -Neutral throw has a new animation
      -Vertical Starlight can now be used in air with J[8]2

      Catherine Kyohbashi
      -A and B missile launch are faster and have better recovery

      -The cancel timing for I'll Smush Ya! (air) is quicker
      -You can use Hover on the ground with BC and cancel into it from JE
      -You can only use Chibigawa 3 times per match and it has more recovery
      -Cathy has new super, a timebomb with 236AB
      -Drop kick now has 5 levels and is homing cancelable. You can also cancel into it from her teleport. And you can do it in air now

      Clarice Di Lanza
      -J1C is faster and chains to JE
      -La・Granfia and La・Falla do 3 hits and you can use the follow up if it whiffs
      -La・Brezza has better start up, has throw invincibility for its start up, she moves faster
      -La・Catena will chip 0.25 of your opponents MAX arcana guage
      -La・Vicenda is now 22A and it can be done in air
      -La・Ripresa is a new move that is done with 22B during Il・Rapimento

      Dorothy Albright
      -6B has new gatlings from 5B, 2B and 4B
      -J2B will go backwards slightly if you do J1B
      -Fold; a new move that makes a new card appear with BC
      -Ground Ten is bigger and will start up faster when an opponent touches it
      -Ten of Spades has longer duration
      -One Pair, Two Pair, and Three-of-a-Kind add more untech time on the last hit

      -You can whiff cancel 5B with moves that are over specials
      -JE is now 4 hits
      -Prince C (623C) has longer invincibility
      -Drawings are chargeable can be selected depending on how hard you hit the button
      -A new drawing super with 22AB
      -Gentlemen!! (XH) is now [2]8AB, the start up is faster, and the HP requirement is gone. The down charge is 180 frames long. You must do [2]8 ([2]9 etc will not work)

      Elsa La Conti
      -5B has a better hit and clashbox, duration, and moves forward more
      -J4B has better duration and a bigger hitbox
      -You can interact with the Sanctus bottles with more attacks than just Kyrie. Also, their trajectory and number of times that they can bounce are different. The air version has better recovery

      -Benedictus is overall shorter in frames. The attack is bigger and the untechable time is longer
      -Communio downs on hit and the holy looking stuff stays after it lands on the ground
      -Gladius' second hit comes out faster if you couldn't lock with the first. The recovery is also better

      Fiona Mayfield
      -Faster homing
      -5B is slower, does less damage, but has longer duration and more upward reach
      -2B is faster and does more damage
      -Caletvwlch (623) can now be preformed in the air
      -Collbrand does less damage and knocks down on hit
      -Misty Chain's kara-cancel has been removed

      Heart Aino
      -JC untech time has been reduced and can't chain into JE anymore
      -Heartful Punch is two hits and you can use the follow up even if it whiffs
      -Ribbon Beam has better start up
      -Love Tekken Punch is chargeable now
      -Sugoi Special Kick's shock wave is now a low and is all-cancellable.

      Kamui Tokinomiya
      -Her old 6A is back
      -JA is bigger (horzontally)
      -Habaki A has less projectiles and has less recovery
      -Habaki C the second projectiles comes out on the second slash. The second slash is now all-cancellable
      -Kanagiryou's blowback is different and the stance is homing cancellable
      -Kuishi's blowback and whether it is air unblockable or not is now dependent on the which part of the move hits

      Kira Daidohji
      -5B and 6C are now chargeable
      -Ekodashiki Cluster's hit properties have been changed
      -The recovery has been changed for hit and block
      -Physical invincibility has been added to Daidohji Bunker Buster A
      -You can change the jump trajectory with 4 or 6 for Daidohji Bunker Buster C
      -Flying Armageddon has more vertical reach

      -5B has better start up, duration and recovery
      -5B, 2B, and 6C followups for Hayate Tsuki have been changed
      -The hitbox on the first part of Takinobori is narrower but, you can follow up the part right before she lifts off the ground into Doton no Jyutsu
      -The A follow up to Doton no Jyutsu has longer hitstop and is air unblockable
      -Midare Kunai's kunai spread has been randomized
      -Damage has been reduced for Konoha Special

      Lieselotte Achenbach
      -5C(no doll) is only one hit now
      -C attacks with the doll have less invincibility now
      -Parted Soul now does multiple hits
      -Endless tears is a new super move that you can do off Tyrannical Whip
      -Unstoppable Bend has a longer duration now
      -The doll will comeback during superflash for Swindler's Red Tears
      -The doll will recover -immediately- after super recover

      Lilica Felchenerow
      -6C moves forward more, and the blowback properties are different on the first and second hit
      -Screw Edge's hit back has been expanded downward and she rises less

      -Flip Through is faster, has a better upward hitbox, has better recovery on hit, and can be repeated on block

      -You no longer have a collision, hit or counterable hitbox during Night Stream's movement part. There are more bats and the timing for their startup is different
      -Cyclone Storm has better start up, moves faster and has less recovery on hit

      Maori Kasuga
      -6B has a bigger hitbox and it pulls the opponent in more
      -2C is faster, has better recovery and launches
      -Sekka no Mai is faster, has better duration and has a slightly better upward hitbox
      -Raijin Otoshi is now usable in air with J421X
      -Gagakusonae will let the sister say out forever and you can use them twice. Also, using a move that uses either little sister will cancel Gagakusonae
      -The air version of Hama no Shishiku's start up invincibility is longer

      -2B is faster but has less hitstun
      -6C has different blowback properties and gattlings to B and C moves for arcana combos
      -Genbu Toujin can now be cancelled into Byakko Houken or Seiryuu Kouzan on the first or second hit
      -Byakko Houkencan be followed with Seiryuu Kouzan on hit or block
      -Seiryuu Kouzan can be followed up with Suzaku Hourin on hit or block
      -Kirin Kougeki moves forward more before hitting and guard crushes.

      Nazuna Inuwaka
      -Spirit guage consumption has been adjusted for all moves
      -JC has a larger upward hitbox
      -You can cancel all bird techniques into specials
      -Kagiroi A is faster and had its blowback properties changed, but has less duration
      -Choujutsu・Shirayumi is faster
      -With Choujutsu・Nuedori, while the bird is on stand by, you can move it around with the stick
      -Shoukan・Suzubachi has shorter recovery and the projectiles release quicker

      Petra Johanna Lagerkvist
      -6C the two shots are now two different hitboxes. Also, you can only jump cancel it with a high jump
      -L.G.A charge-1 is now L.G.A charge-X. The amount you charge depends on the button you use
      -L.G.A dodge's cancel timings have been changed
      -L.G.A fire type-α (air) is now L.G.A fire type-α'. The recovery after hit is less and the hit properties of ground hits for anything over Lv1
      -L.G.A fire type-β, L.G.A fire type-β', and L.G.A fire type-β'' are now L.G.A fire type-β and lv3 shots rebound fewer times
      -L.G.A Fire Type-β’ can now be used in air

      Saki Tsuzura
      -5C is now her old 6C
      -6C is now her 5C
      -J2B is now J3C
      -La'a is now 63214X and can be followed up with 28X
      -Brionac can be followed up with Fragarach on hit or block
      -Gae Assail is a new super move done with [8]2 in air

      -You can follow J6B with JB on hit, but you cannot jump cancel it anymore
      -Fulcrum Schlinge (236) has faster start up and less recover in air. You can also HC it now
      -You can cancel Snap Springen in the middle of the jump
      -Drive Lauffen is a new special that you can do with [6] off Bind Ketten
      -Armor Ruestung adds more untech time and the C version has different blowback properties. It can also be done in air now

      -5C's jump cancel is HJ only now and it has more recovery
      -2E has longer duration, better recovery and she moves more
      -Rush Greiten (236) has an attack during the rush forward and the A version will not go into the slash if it whiffs
      -Set Miene (214) is over all shorter frame-wise, has a larger spread, but the projectiles release slower
      - Release Tatigkeit has a larger attack spread
      -Pursuit Juergen is a new move that you can do after Tatigkeit with 214
      -You will be able to move in air after the recovery of Layer Meteora (63214A+B) on hit

      Yoriko Yasuzumi
      -Mike has a hitbox before his neck extends for all command moves
      -J3/6/9C is now J3/6/4B+C
      -Air grab has been changed
      -The effects of Ancient Talisman are now shorter
      -Howling Anguish of Hades now reaches even higher up if you hold the button down during the effects of Ancient Talisman

      Zenia Valov
      -2C only does one hit now but does more damage
      -C Disturbed Gust's (236 follow up C) animation is different and can be followed up with A B or C on while hitting
      -Whirlwind's (236's) command grab can now grab opponents in hitstun
      -Raging Dark Tornado ([8]2) can now be homing canceled
      -Anti air Golden Edinorog is faster
      ~ palmer can all ~

      [08:38.57] <+HandyVlaf> Behinner erzählst mir was über Third strike?
      [08:38.58] <+behinner> nein
    • Ich hatte mal AH3, nachdem meine erste PS3 verstorben is war's dann weg weil ich mir die daten von meinem Ami ACC nich gemerkt hatte. XD
      Hab AH3 damals zwar nur wegen so knapp 4 Leuten aus dem PSN geholt gehabt aber wenn das als disc kommt hol ich's auch.
      Zumindest warte ich erstmal ab was passiert noch das ich jetz die normale AH3 Disc hole und dann dass Spiel noch ein drittes mal kaufen muss .^^
      "Sir we are surrounded!!" "Excellent now we can attack in any direction!"
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