F. Yagami schrieb:
Marvel president hints on MvC3!?!?
At 2008's San Diego Comic-con, Kevin Feige, President of Production at Marvel Studios was asked if a new Marvel VS Capcom game was possible. His reply was, "Yes. And maybe sooner than you think." This doesn't officially confirm Marvel VS Capcom 3 by any means, but it finally gives us loyal MvC2 fans some realistic hope. In fact, if Capcom used the Tatsunoko VS Capcom graphics and gameplay engine; they could indeed push out a new Marvel VS Capcom title rather easily... And if Tatsunoko VS Capcom never comes out in the US (due to licensing issues), perhaps we can settle for Marvel VS Capcom 3 instead. It would surely be an instant hit... But of course it's up to Capcom and Marvel to make it happen!
[Quelle: TFG]
Inwiefern wir jetzt wirklich hoffen dürfen, bleibt natürlich vorerst abzuwarten. Freuen würde es mich allerdings schon. Bei den ganzen Ankündigungen in letzter Zeit, fehlt mir nur noch Killer Instinct 3.

KEK :3
The Fighting Game Glossary by Infil - Quelle: glossary.infil.net/
Don't ride the Hate-Train, enjoy your games.
Don't ride the Hate-Train, enjoy your games.
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