Hab mich entschhieden eine analyse zum Spiel system zu machen.
Der wohl der wichtigste aspekt an einem bemu.
Anhand der Informationen die es dazu gibt.
Daraus kristalisieren was andem Titel hui und pfui ist.
Und warum der Titel bei einigen von euch nicht ankommt.
Was ich bisher an eindrücke und vergleiche zu den vorgängern gelesen habe sind:
KOF NeoWave is essentially KOF2002 ported over to the AtomisWave board. It
plays pretty much the same as KOF2k2 sans MAX Mode, with some characters
removed, and some characters from previous KOF games added back in and new
modes that influence availability of certain moves. Other than that, most of
the changes in the game are pretty subtle.
Some of the changes from KOF2k2:
- You begin the battle with full stock bar(s).
- There is now a gauge for your Guard Meter.
- 3 modes to choose from that affect the amount of stock you can have and
availability of certain moves. (see MODE SELECT for more information)
- MAX mode and quick MAX activation have been removed.
- Shingo, King, Jhun and Saisyu make a return. King and Shingo were ported
from the Dreamcast version of 2k2, Jhun from KOF2000 and Saisyu from KOF98.
- New background graphics, stage themes and (S/HS)SDM effects.
- All HSDMs now have the same screen effect: the background turns black and
bolts of green lightning appear while the HSDM is active. There are no more
special screen effects for the Orochi Yashiro, Orochi Shermie, Kula, Iori
and Chang's HSDMs. Orochi Chris' HSDM still turns the screen white.
- An extra button to activate "HEAT MODE" which allows you to do more damage,
at the cost of your own health. (see HOW TO PLAY section)
- The CPU will now use HSDMs if in MAX2 Mode. In Guard Break Mode, the CPU
will use Just Defends, Guard Breaks and Guard Cancels. In Super Cancel mode
, the CPU will sometimes use Free/Super Cancels.
- Many tweaks to characters' moves, especially regarding Super and Free
Somit kommen wir auch zu den 3 Modes mit ihren eigensfchaften:
- Characters can have a maximum of 3 stock bars.
- You can use Super Cancels, at the expense of one extra stock bar
meaning 2 stocks for DMs and 3 for SDMs.
- You can Free Cancel certain special moves into other specials at the
cost of one stock bar. Certain DMs can be canceled as well, and you
can now
Free cancel into projectiles and certain throw moves. However, you can
no longer Free Cancel standalone or uncancelable command attacks.
- You can use SDMs any time as long as you have 2 stock bars.
- Characters can have a maximum of 2 stock bars.
- Characters have a special unblockable Guard Break move,
performed with qcf+CD. The move is a Critical Wire and costs
one stock to use. There is a
short pause before the attack, but during that time, your character is
immune to non-throw attacks. The animation is the same as your characters
standing CD attack, but your character will be glowing yellow. Note that
the invincibility is only during the pause and not the actual attack.
- Characters lose the ability to perform Guard Cancel Blowback attacks (press
CD while blocking).
- Characters can use the Just Defense, which is performed by blocking shortly
before an attacks hits. If a Just Defense is triggered, characters may
cancel their blocking animation with any attack.
- Unlike Garou:MOTW, using a Just Defend does not regain life, and you can't
Just Defend in mid-air. You don't take any chipping damage on a successful
Just Defend, and you gain stock for each hit you Just Defended.
- You can use SDMs any time as long as you have 2 full stock bars.
3 MAX 2(M2) MODE
- Characters have only one stock bar, but it refills automatically.
- Characters do way more damage in this mode, more so with Heat mode* on. Note
that (S)DMs still do normal damage.
- Characters lose the ability to perform all Emergency Evasion moves (rolls),
with the exception of the Fallbreaker (recovery roll).
- SDMs can only be performed when lifebar is red.
- HSDMs are available in this mode and can be performed once the lifebar is
red. Since your gauge refills automatically, some characters can really
abuse their (S/HS)DMs.
*Heat mode
NOTE: Heat mode allows you to do more damage, but your health will rapidly
diminish as well. You can activate it by pressing E anytime you're not being
hit, knocked down or attacking. This means you can use Heat mode while jumping
or blocking (though that's pointless). Heat mode ends if you get hit, if you
press E again or after enough time has passed. You cannot use Heat mode when
your health is critical (red).
Quelle: Gamefaqs
Der SC Mode ist jedenfall was für 2k2 zocker wobei das mehr an die leiste von SVC erinnert.
Da das Aktivieren der leiste weggevallen ist Funktionierts wohl sobald die gauge voll ist. Was für die combo vernarten techniker.
Der GB mode ist wohl für die eher Defensiven spieler.
Nach nem geblockten angriff folgt dan ein wuchtiger gegen hieb.
Das ist RAW Power hat was vom K-grove
Zum M2 Mode ?? Das ist ja wohl die old school leiste vonn 94-97
ausser das die sich von aleine auflädt. Ist wohl eher was für die abuser da drausen. Damit eine athena spielen ist bestimmt super cheap. :lame:
Naja , war jetzt nicht so die analyse. Aber wenigstens das spiel system verständlicher gemacht. (hoffe ich doch)
Der wohl der wichtigste aspekt an einem bemu.
Anhand der Informationen die es dazu gibt.
Daraus kristalisieren was andem Titel hui und pfui ist.
Und warum der Titel bei einigen von euch nicht ankommt.
Was ich bisher an eindrücke und vergleiche zu den vorgängern gelesen habe sind:
KOF NeoWave is essentially KOF2002 ported over to the AtomisWave board. It
plays pretty much the same as KOF2k2 sans MAX Mode, with some characters
removed, and some characters from previous KOF games added back in and new
modes that influence availability of certain moves. Other than that, most of
the changes in the game are pretty subtle.
Some of the changes from KOF2k2:
- You begin the battle with full stock bar(s).
- There is now a gauge for your Guard Meter.
- 3 modes to choose from that affect the amount of stock you can have and
availability of certain moves. (see MODE SELECT for more information)
- MAX mode and quick MAX activation have been removed.
- Shingo, King, Jhun and Saisyu make a return. King and Shingo were ported
from the Dreamcast version of 2k2, Jhun from KOF2000 and Saisyu from KOF98.
- New background graphics, stage themes and (S/HS)SDM effects.
- All HSDMs now have the same screen effect: the background turns black and
bolts of green lightning appear while the HSDM is active. There are no more
special screen effects for the Orochi Yashiro, Orochi Shermie, Kula, Iori
and Chang's HSDMs. Orochi Chris' HSDM still turns the screen white.
- An extra button to activate "HEAT MODE" which allows you to do more damage,
at the cost of your own health. (see HOW TO PLAY section)
- The CPU will now use HSDMs if in MAX2 Mode. In Guard Break Mode, the CPU
will use Just Defends, Guard Breaks and Guard Cancels. In Super Cancel mode
, the CPU will sometimes use Free/Super Cancels.
- Many tweaks to characters' moves, especially regarding Super and Free
Somit kommen wir auch zu den 3 Modes mit ihren eigensfchaften:
- Characters can have a maximum of 3 stock bars.
- You can use Super Cancels, at the expense of one extra stock bar
meaning 2 stocks for DMs and 3 for SDMs.
- You can Free Cancel certain special moves into other specials at the
cost of one stock bar. Certain DMs can be canceled as well, and you
can now
Free cancel into projectiles and certain throw moves. However, you can
no longer Free Cancel standalone or uncancelable command attacks.
- You can use SDMs any time as long as you have 2 stock bars.
- Characters can have a maximum of 2 stock bars.
- Characters have a special unblockable Guard Break move,
performed with qcf+CD. The move is a Critical Wire and costs
one stock to use. There is a
short pause before the attack, but during that time, your character is
immune to non-throw attacks. The animation is the same as your characters
standing CD attack, but your character will be glowing yellow. Note that
the invincibility is only during the pause and not the actual attack.
- Characters lose the ability to perform Guard Cancel Blowback attacks (press
CD while blocking).
- Characters can use the Just Defense, which is performed by blocking shortly
before an attacks hits. If a Just Defense is triggered, characters may
cancel their blocking animation with any attack.
- Unlike Garou:MOTW, using a Just Defend does not regain life, and you can't
Just Defend in mid-air. You don't take any chipping damage on a successful
Just Defend, and you gain stock for each hit you Just Defended.
- You can use SDMs any time as long as you have 2 full stock bars.
3 MAX 2(M2) MODE
- Characters have only one stock bar, but it refills automatically.
- Characters do way more damage in this mode, more so with Heat mode* on. Note
that (S)DMs still do normal damage.
- Characters lose the ability to perform all Emergency Evasion moves (rolls),
with the exception of the Fallbreaker (recovery roll).
- SDMs can only be performed when lifebar is red.
- HSDMs are available in this mode and can be performed once the lifebar is
red. Since your gauge refills automatically, some characters can really
abuse their (S/HS)DMs.
*Heat mode
NOTE: Heat mode allows you to do more damage, but your health will rapidly
diminish as well. You can activate it by pressing E anytime you're not being
hit, knocked down or attacking. This means you can use Heat mode while jumping
or blocking (though that's pointless). Heat mode ends if you get hit, if you
press E again or after enough time has passed. You cannot use Heat mode when
your health is critical (red).
Quelle: Gamefaqs
Der SC Mode ist jedenfall was für 2k2 zocker wobei das mehr an die leiste von SVC erinnert.
Da das Aktivieren der leiste weggevallen ist Funktionierts wohl sobald die gauge voll ist. Was für die combo vernarten techniker.
Der GB mode ist wohl für die eher Defensiven spieler.
Nach nem geblockten angriff folgt dan ein wuchtiger gegen hieb.
Das ist RAW Power hat was vom K-grove

Zum M2 Mode ?? Das ist ja wohl die old school leiste vonn 94-97
ausser das die sich von aleine auflädt. Ist wohl eher was für die abuser da drausen. Damit eine athena spielen ist bestimmt super cheap. :lame:
Naja , war jetzt nicht so die analyse. Aber wenigstens das spiel system verständlicher gemacht. (hoffe ich doch)
China, the home of KOF!