Early Celebration - Guilty Gear Xrd/BlazBlue CPE - Rom, Italy - 9-10 Januar

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    • Early Celebration - Guilty Gear Xrd/BlazBlue CPE - Rom, Italy - 9-10 Januar


      Via Sgurgola, 7, 00179 Rom

      9. Januar 2016 - 10. Januar 2016

      GGxrd/BB Event in Rom. Top3 in Xrd hat wohl 600€ garantierten Pot.

      Tournaments general rules:

      - All games will be played on the default settings, unless otherwise specified, below.
      - All macros available via the in-game controller configuration menu are allowed.
      - Hardware programmable input entry, rapid-fire, or other hardware assisted mechanisms are strictly forbidden.
      - Accidentally pausing the game at any time during the fight may force you to forfeit the round (solely at a judge’s discretion).
      - Any player using “Random Select” to pick their character, must “Random Select” again if they win the match, provided that there is no way to pick a certain character in the random box.
      - You must provide your own controller for games played on all systems.
      - All converters are the responsibility of the player.
      - Cronus Max Plus and Titan One conveters are banned.
      - All wireless controllers which pair to the XBOX 360 and PlayStation 3 are banned.
      - XBOX One wireless controllers are allowed to be used only with a USB cable, and no batteries or battery pack in the controller.
      - PlayStation 4 Dual Shock controllers are allowed, but must remain at the pool stations during tournament play.
      - Nintendo 3DS, 2DS, or WiiU gamepad are not allowed. Pro Controller as well as GameCube controllers are allowed for Smash Bros. for WiiU.
      - 3rd party controllers which pair to a dongle like the MadCatz controllers are fine.

      Guilty Gear Xrd -SIGN- prizes

      1) €400,00 + sponsors prizes
      2) €150,00 + sponsors prizes
      3) € 50,00 + sponsors prizes

      Guilty Gear Xrd -SIGN- Tournament rules

      - Version: PlayStation 3
      - 2/3 rounds
      - 2/3 games
      - No Character ban
      - No Character lock (the first set looser can change his Character)
      - No Color ban
      - No Stage ban
      - If the players do not agree on a stage within 15 seconds, the match will be random stage select.

      - Format: Pools + Double Elimination Bracket
      - Pools: Best of 3, in case of a draw game there will be an instant playoff.
      - Pools: Victory 2-0: 3 points / win 2-1: 2 points / Loss 1-2: 1 point / 0-2 Loss: 0 points. The scores will be considered only in case of an even score in the number of wins.
      - Double Elimination Bracket: Best of 3 , Final Winners , Losers Final and Grand Final Best of 5 . No break-even expected, immediate playoff .
      - Blind pick or player side through a “Rock, Paper, Scissor” match available if requested.
      - Turbo stick or pad wireless banned

      BlazBlue Chronophantasma Extend prizes

      1) 60% of the tournament fees + sponsors prizes
      2) 30% of the tournament fees + sponsors prizes
      3) 10% of the tournament fees + sponsors prizes

      BlazBlue Chronophantasma Extend Tournament rules

      - Version: PlayStation 3
      - 2/3 rounds
      - 2/3 games
      - No Character ban
      - No Character lock (the first set looser can change his Character)
      - No Color ban
      - No Stage ban
      - If the players do not agree on a stage within 15 seconds, the match will be random stage select.

      - Format: Pools + Double Elimination Bracket
      - Pools: Best of 3, in case of a draw game there will be an instant playoff.
      - Pools: Victory 2-0: 3 points / win 2-1: 2 points / Loss 1-2: 1 point / 0-2 Loss: 0 points. The scores will be considered only in case of an even score in the number of wins.
      - Double Elimination Bracket: Best of 3 , Final Winners , Losers Final and Grand Final Best of 5 . No break-even expected, immediate playoff .
      - Blind pick or player side through a “Rock, Paper, Scissor” match available if requested.
      - Turbo stick or pad wireless banned

      Ich überleg (trotz DS3-Ban) hinzufahren. Sonst wer?
    • Ich hätte interesse aber da der ps3 controller gebannt ist, ist es fast sinnlos hinzufahren.
      Ich muss wohl warten bis die ps4 Main Konsole wird und ich es mit dem brook converter nutzen kann, es sei den es ist dan immernoch gebannt.

      Ich habe 10 ps2/ps1 Controller kann aber mit denen nicht spielen. Mein DS3 kontroller ist umgebaut worden so das alles softer ist und ich die Knöpfe nicht drücken sondern nur leicht antippen muss.
      Das habe ich gemacht weil mein Daumen bei den motionens immer wehgetan hat.
      Auch mein D-pad wurde verändert so das ich lange spielen kann ohne das ich probleme damit habe.

      Ich hoffe wirklich das die DS3 controller mit dem brook converter wieder erlaubt werden.

      Villeicht gehe ich hin spiel mit dem ps2 controller verkack übels und spiel mit dem ps3 controller dan casuals.
      Dafür lohnt es sich villeicht doch noch.