[IVGC Seeding Event] DokuSaru Arcsys & Marvel Tournament
This event will take place on January 18th & 19th at Smartoys Liège, in Liege, Belgium.
The single player Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 event is an official International Video Games Cup (IVGC) seeding event, and will follow its system (http://www.cannesivgc.com/the-ivgc-seeding-point-program/)
1/ Schedule
- Singles events on Saturday 18 from 11 AM to 3 AM (CET)
- A nightful of FGC shenanigans at an affordable yet comfy hotel (2 nights for 3 people for around 30€/pers. [or less if you're not picky]) (we strongly suggest you try to book at the local Ibis first)
- Team events on Sunday 19 from 11 AM to 4 PM (for those who work on Mondays), with freeplay/casuals available until 12 PM ( for those who don't)
2/ The Games
- BlazBlue ChronoPhantasma (PS3)
- Guilty Gear XX Accent Core +R (Xbox360)
- Persona 4 Arena/Ultimate in Mayonaka Arena (Xbox360)
- Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 (Xbox360)
3/ The Rules
We pay a fix venue fee of 4€ per player, and around 1€ per ticket in commissions. (these fees are of course included in the prices)
Around 60% of the tournaments fees (we'll round it up, way up) will be redistributed as cash-prizes, various other prizes will also be given by our sponsors.
The "missing 40%" will pay for the various unavoidable expenditures related to this event.
DokuSaru is strictly non-profit: we're doing it for & with the community.
All our tournaments use double elimination brackets. You will have two “lives” to spare: use them wisely.
Our rules & regulations have been diehard tested in many tournaments and are readily available on our facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/DokuSaruLiege, in French & English ), but they really are:
Simple rules for a simple tournament.
PS: Don't forget to watch our live stream on: http://www.twitch.tv/zoulcalibur
PPS: Don't hesitate to ask @DokuSaruLiege if you need help with your travel options, hotel or with this ticket shop.
Kuroi Mashimaro Time!