2013 DokuSaru Tournament Series - Liege Belgium
Event 1 - Saturday August 17 at Smartoys Liège - SSF4AE.2012
10AM- 11PM
Hi guys,*
Most of you know me for my community managing/promo work for #FGC events like the WorldGameCup, the Stunfest or the Capcom Sreet Fighter 25th Anniversary French leg.*
For those that don't know me yet, I've been around for what seems like forever as either Doc or kurama_tengu. Since 2001, I've helped organize dozens of events, where I ran pools, checked entrants at the sign-up booth, did web-design & copy/pasted promo messages all around the Web.
DokuSaru is my pet project: a series of events built to help my local community grow, to help its players old & new to reach the very top of International tournaments ladders. But most of all it's a great opportunity to have loads of fun.
I've been living in Belgium for nearly 7 years now, it's time to give back & so far the project is a real success

This first event will feature one of the most popular fighting games in Europe:*
-Super Street Fighter IV AE ver. 2012
We pay a fixed venue fee of 4€ per player, and we use a simple entry fee of 10€ for all tournaments whether it's singles, 2v2 or 3v3, so the overall pricing will be a simple:
14€ for one tourney
24€ for two tourneys*
*The second player will have to pay the 4€ venue fee if he/she hasn't done so already..
I most cases, we will use double elimination brackets. You will have two “lives” to spare: use them wisely.
Our rules & regulations have been diehard tested in many tournaments and are readily available a bit further down this message, but they really are:
Simple rules for a simple tournament.

PS: Don't forget to watch our live stream on: http://www.twitch.tv/zoulcalibur
The venue is the underground game-room of the local Smartoys shop:
Smartoys Liège
Rue de la Régence, 12
4000 Liege, Belgium

How to come
-By Train-
The store is 20mn on foot/9mn by bus from the Liege-Guillemins train station.
You can get there from many cities including Paris, Lille, Brussels, Ostende, Anvers, Aachen, Maastricht & Luxembourg
At the station, you should get on Bus #3 toward Liege, the final stop is Place Cockerill, from there it's a short walk to Rue de la Cathédrale, you will find the shop in no time.
*-By Bus-
Liege is one of the main stations of the Eurolines bus service, so it's quite easy & cheap to get there this way:*eurolines.be/en/
Rules & Regulations
1. Venue
The tournament series known at “DokuSaru″ will be hosted at the underground game-room of Smartoys Liège - Rue de la Régence, 12 - 4000 Liège, Belgique.
2. Date & Schedule
The first event of the tournament series known at “DokuSaru″ will take place on Daturday August 17 2013.
The game shop will be open from 10AM to 11PM for the tourney.
3. Tournament Rules & Regulations
Super Street Fighter IV AE v.2012 - Singles
Entry Fee: 10€ (+ 4€ venue fee, this fee is only payable once)
MAX Cash-Prize Pool: 224€, shared between the Top3 in a 70/20/10 spread
Prizes will be added if available
Rules & Regulations of Solo Tournaments:
Tournament limited to 32 players : 2/3 matches until the Top 4
Pools are run in double elimination.
The Winners' Final, Loser's Final & Grand Final matches will be played in 3/5.
During the Grand Final, the player coming from winners' will have to win a set of 3/5 matches to take it while the player coming from losers' will have to “reset the bracket', winning 2 sets of 3/5 matches.
General Rules & Regulations for the SSFIV AE v.2012 tournaments:
- All characters allowed
- Button configuration allowed
- Pad or Stick allowed, adapters allowed
- Random side selection (by coin-toss)
- Full counter-pick allowed
Super Street Fighter IV AE v.2012 - Teams
Team 2vs2 / Double Elimination
Entry Fee: 10€ per team (+ 2x 4€ venue fee, this fee is only payable once)
MAX Cash-Prize Pool: 224€, shared between the Top3 in a 70/20/10 spread
Prizes will be added if available
*Special Rules & Regulations for Team Tournaments:
Team tournaments are played with the «*Team Battle Relay*» rules
- The tourney is played as a double elimination bracket
- 2 players per team
- No doubles of a character in the same team
- Before each bout, the two captains play a game of Rock-Paper-Scissors:
>>> The LOSING captain must announce his/her first player. The WINNING captain can then choose who he/she wants to face him/her.
>>> After that the winner of the match stays, and the loser’s team will then send their next player to him/her.
General Rules & Regulations for the SSFIV AE v.2012 tournaments:
- All characters allowed
- Button configuration allowed
- Pad or Stick allowed, adapters allowed
- Unique character chosen & announced at registration.
- Random side selection (by coin-toss)
4. Detailed Schedule
To optimize the available time, we will make sure to use it as to offer as much freeplay/casuals as possible.
10AM-11.30AM – Freeplay/Casuals
11.30AM-4PM – Singles Tourney
4PM-8PM – 2v2 Tourney
20h-23h – Freeplay/Casuals
-Tournaments might take a bit more time than we accounted for, so please plan accordingly.
-The tournament schedule is final, you will be sent to losers'/disqualified if you're late & we can't advance any further in the bracket
5. Hardware
We will use XBOX 360 setups for most tournaments, with the notable exception of TEKKEN TAG TOURNAMENT 2 which will be run on PS3 by popular demand.
Be advised that for all these tournaments, you must come with your own accessories (adapters included). The organization simply won’t be able to lend pads, adapters and/or sticks.
The DokuSaru Series are BYOC events! (bring your own controller, be it a pad or a stick)
You will of course be allowed to borrow accessories from other players, but it mustn’t be a bother or holdup the competition (as you might get disqualified if that’s the case).
All game controllers allowing macros/cheats are strictly forbidden, as are the activation of turbo/automatic modes on any allowed controller.
6. Registration & Payment
We’d like to remind you that it will only be possible to register at the venue :
- As the number of spots is limited, we urge you to use our booking service (it's still first come, first served though), we will update the list on Facebook almost in real time so you can see how many spots are left.
A waiting list of 6 names will be provided to make up for cancellations
ATTENTION: You'll only be able to pay the tourney fee in cash, so bring some if you don't own a credit/debit card (there are two ATMs in the close vicinity).
7. Intellectual Property Rights Waver
Any one person completing the registration for a tournament of the tournament series known at “DokuSaru″ gives its organization the right to use the photo or video image of the said person for promotional use. One can deny the use of its image when confirming its registration.
8. Disqualification
Any player refusing to respect the schedule created by the organization will be disqualified & won’t be refunded.
The players will be called to play by the referees, if they aren’t in the tournament zone by the third (3rd) call, they will be disqualified.
Under such circumstances, it is highly recommended that the players remain in the Competition Zone for the whole duration of the tournament(s) they signed up for.
Please be advised the organization of the tournament series known at “DokuSaru″ reserves the right to disqualify a participant if:
- The player tries, by any means possible, to cheat during a tournament.
- The player utters insults or threats towards other players.
- The player has a racist behavior, is violent and/or reviling.
The registration of a player in a tournament of the World Game Cup includes an explicit and total acceptance of the rules & regulations of the games in competition.
Kuroi Mashimaro Time!
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