VanDammage|5.1 - Maximum Risk Livestream

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    • VanDammage|5.1 - Maximum Risk Livestream

      Am Samstag (19.01) werden auf dem VirtualDojo Twitch Kanal: ab 15:30 Uhr die Finals gestreamt.
      Die Reihenfolge:

      ~17:00 SoulCalibur V ( Top 4 )
      ~17:30 Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 ( Top 8 )
      ~19:00 Tekken Tag Tournament 2 ( Top 4 )
      ~20:00 Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition ( Top 8 )
      ~21:30 Street Fighter III - 3rd Strike ( Top 8 )

      Die Finalisten, sowie die einzelnen Gruppen aus denen sie kommen, werden morgen Abend bekannt gegeben.
      The Old School Fighter

      _____Remembers when spacing game was called footsies and shoryukens had priority. Doesn’t really like numbers.
      ____ __Mostly an intuitive player. Strong fundamentals and reactions, but lack of full understanding can be detrimental.,,

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von nozarex ()

    • Brackets:

      SCV: (8 participants)
      TTT2: (13 participants)
      UMVC3: (21 participants)
      SSFIVAE: (38 participants)
      The Old School Fighter

      _____Remembers when spacing game was called footsies and shoryukens had priority. Doesn’t really like numbers.
      ____ __Mostly an intuitive player. Strong fundamentals and reactions, but lack of full understanding can be detrimental.,,

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von nozarex ()

    • Stream beginnt um 17:00 :D
      The Old School Fighter

      _____Remembers when spacing game was called footsies and shoryukens had priority. Doesn’t really like numbers.
      ____ __Mostly an intuitive player. Strong fundamentals and reactions, but lack of full understanding can be detrimental.,,