We are proud to announce FFM-Rumble 6!
Date: 16th-18th November 2012
Location: FH-Frankfurt, Nibelungenplatz 1, 60318 Frankfurt am Main / Germany
Tourney games: SSFIVAE2012 (2on2 Team-Tournament), Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3, BlazBlue Continuum Shift Extend, The King of Fighters XIII, Dead or Alive 5, (Maybe Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown - we are in contact with SEGA)
Entry-Fee: 20EUR(one price for all tournaments you want) + 10EUR (minimum consumption per person for drinks and food)
Partners: Hardedge.org
Stream-Team: Hadoken.eu, FightClubNRW
Sponsors: Capcom, Tecmo Koei, ZenUnited, Arc System Works, Nintendo, Namco Bandai Partners
Prize: Stay tuned...
Sign-up: rumble.hardedge.org/signup/
After sending this registration form, you will receive an email with instructions to complete your sign-up!
Hostel/Sleeping: Sleeping in the location will be possible or you book a Room at 5elementshostel.de
Any questions?
Contact us:
E-Mail: rumble@hardedge.org
Homepage: rumble.hardedge.org
Facebook: facebook.com/ffm.rumble
This is it?
No! More will come! Stay tuned

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 10 mal editiert, zuletzt von Banker KingAlo ()