ich will mich ab heute mit unserem Saikyo Meister beschäftigen, habe also noch absolut keine Ahnung was mit Dan geht bzw. ging.
Aber nachdem ich gestern sah, dass sein st.MP +8 auf hit hat, habe ich mir das mal näher anschauen wollen.
Was hat sich denn in der AE getan mit Dan? Irgendwelche neuen Hitconfirms oder Combos, die einfach Pflicht sind?
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ich will mich ab heute mit unserem Saikyo Meister beschäftigen, habe also noch absolut keine Ahnung was mit Dan geht bzw. ging.
Aber nachdem ich gestern sah, dass sein st.MP +8 auf hit hat, habe ich mir das mal näher anschauen wollen.
Was hat sich denn in der AE getan mit Dan? Irgendwelche neuen Hitconfirms oder Combos, die einfach Pflicht sind?
Normal Moves
• Close Standing Light Punch's startup is changed to 3 frames. This was 4 frames in SSFIV.
• Crouching Medium Punch's startup was changed to 5 frames, was 7 frames in SSFIV.
• Close Standing Light Kick, Close Standing Medium Punch, Close Standing Hard Kick, Far Standing Light Punch, Crouching Light Punch, and Crouching Medium Kick's recovery time was reduced, so there are new combos available.
• For example, Far Standing Light Punch into Crouching Medium Kick will combo along with Crouching Medium Punch 2x.
• Neutral Jumping Hard Punch has pursuit property, and will slam opponents down to the ground when hit.
Special Moves
• Medium and Hard Dan Kicks damage distribution got adjusted.
• Hard Dan Kick's total damage was decreased.
• Koryuken (Dragon Punch) will give air reset on trade, this is likely on Dan, not the opponent.
Ultra 2
• Haoh Gadoken's invincibility was decreased to 8 frames after Ultra freeze. As a result, if it can be stuffed, and projectile will not come out when that happens.
Normals are enormously buffed, so it became interesting in a close range brawl. This character is for pros, but this could be the one step forward for Saikyo!
• Close Standing Light Punch's startup is changed to 3 frames. This was 4 frames in SSFIV.
• Crouching Medium Punch's startup was changed to 5 frames, was 7 frames in SSFIV.
• Close Standing Light Kick, Close Standing Medium Punch, Close Standing Hard Kick, Far Standing Light Punch, Crouching Light Punch, and Crouching Medium Kick's recovery time was reduced, so there are new combos available.
• For example, Far Standing Light Punch into Crouching Medium Kick will combo along with Crouching Medium Punch 2x.
• Neutral Jumping Hard Punch has pursuit property, and will slam opponents down to the ground when hit.
Special Moves
• Medium and Hard Dan Kicks damage distribution got adjusted.
• Hard Dan Kick's total damage was decreased.
• Koryuken (Dragon Punch) will give air reset on trade, this is likely on Dan, not the opponent.
Ultra 2
• Haoh Gadoken's invincibility was decreased to 8 frames after Ultra freeze. As a result, if it can be stuffed, and projectile will not come out when that happens.
Normals are enormously buffed, so it became interesting in a close range brawl. This character is for pros, but this could be the one step forward for Saikyo!
Sand, Steine und Messer!