Rufus - Beste "Fluchtmöglichkeiten" gegen ihn?

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    • Rufus - Beste "Fluchtmöglichkeiten" gegen ihn?

      Titel klingt vielleicht etwas blöde, aber beschreibt in etwa mein Problem gegen "gute" Rufus-Spieler. 8D

      Wenn mich Rufus in die Ecke drängt und seine nervigen Dive-Kicks spammt, dann sehe ich leider kaum Land. Was kann man denn hier am Besten tun um zu entwischen bzw. etwas Luft / Raum zu bekommen?
      "Let's take this to the next level."
    • Mit s.Lk kannst du glaube ich die divekicks stuffen, bevor du unter druck kommst.
      Ist er drin in der richtigen lücke und mit einer Ex Bar solltest du z.B. mit Ex Psycho Crusher gut raus kommen.
      OS Techen mit mp könnte etvl. auch gut sein bin mir aber nicht sicher.

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von NITRO ()

    • Je nach Standort, finde ich, ist der Teleport besser...Warum? Mir ist es einfach zu häufig passiert, dass ein Dive-Kick während der :v: :h: -Motion trifft. Ein Warp oder Teleport passt nach meiner Erfahrung eher...
      "Daigo says he rape all the bison players in japan. WHO R U?" - Chris Hu - "He told Daigo I will make you remember my name! ENEAE Andre."
    • Sollte dir gut weiter helfen xD

      Bison vs Rufus
      Spoiler anzeigen
      Ground Game:

      Rufus's best way to get in is with dive kicks and tornadoes to vacuum in
      the opponents. You can keep him out of dive kicks with s.MK and s.HK
      shuts him down at a distance. He's more of a threat in closer
      mid-to-point blank range, but less so in the further mid-to-long range.
      Mid range, you have pokes and footsies to keep him out, long range you
      have the timer on your side if you have a life lead. But leaving Rufus
      on the other side of the screen isn't always the best option since he
      can just start building up some meter for his offense with random
      EX-messiah. Once he has EX meter he's pretty dangerous as you don't want
      to be put into too many guessing games. Zone him out with s.HK and
      s.MK, if he tries to suck you in with Tornado, try to get out and reset
      the situation by any means.

      If you have Rufus cornered, c.LK xx Knee Press loops are good because it
      spaces you out of his c.LP c.LK poke ranges. It becomes risky when he
      has meter for EX-Messiah Kick which still has a lot invincibility frame.
      You must watch his meter and try to bait them out by taking guesses.

      If Bison has a knockdown on rufus in the corner, Bison sitting on Ultra I, starts out a cr.LK xx LK Knee Press meaty string:

      A) cr.LK is safe from Messiah kick
      B) cr.LK catches jump attempts
      C) Ultra I reversal OS will catch EVERY attempt other than LK from messiah
      D) You auto-block LK followup so that unless rufus has meter to FADC,
      you have essentially OS'd for cr. lk x3 xx lk sk at the end of that as
      well to start the situation over.

      For up to 3 Knee Press strings in a row, you can either risk the third
      Knee Press to get back in or risk a jump to apply more corner pressure.

      Quite literally for three Knee Press strings Rufus can do absolutely
      nothing or he WILL eat Ultra I, or if he wants a reset on the situation.

      You can out footsie Rufus up close when he has no meter so you can use
      c.LK more often. Rufus' fastest attack comes out in 4 frames (c.LP) but
      ,Bison's c.LK comes out in 3. On top of that, you have a lot of frame
      traps that will beat him out up close.

      If you time it well, Rufus has no answers against your c.LK xx LK Scissors Loop aside from
      • Neutral jump (which can be avoided if you only follow up with scissors after the c.LK hit confirm)
      • EX Messiah Kick
      Rufus has major pressure and forced guessing for Bison to take, it's one of the worst things about fighting Rufus.

      There are some ways to handle it, but as always, they're never 100% fool proof.

      Also remember that you can block his dive kick low, so you only have to
      worry about blocking which side, and not which side + up/low. He has an
      overhead kick, but just like all the other overheads, they're slow
      enough to react to if you're expecting it.

      Dive Kick Shenanigans
      • Focus Attack to catch those dive kicks.
      • use s.HK to PREVENT his dive kicks, not beat it (in other words, do it psychically and make Rufus fear it)
      • neutral jump now and then. If he dive kicks under you, do neutral j.HK, bnb to punish.
      • Head Press is not too useful in this matchup since Rufus will be
        looking for ways to land his EX Snake Strike. You can catch some dive
        kicks with EX-Head Press quickly, but for the most part use it if Rufus
        is cornered and you catch him trying to get out.
      • s.LK can reset dive kicks if you see them coming, especially the off-ground dive kicks.
      There's plenty of ways to get out of his pressure as well, they're the
      typical escape options but you must know where to use it because half of
      the time you can get punished and the other half they're safe.

      Reversal EX-DR to escape in this matchup is better than reversal
      teleport if you have space behind you since Rufus has no ways of chasing
      you to punish. If Rufus has Ultra II loaded up, EX-DR away from him
      otherwise there's a chance he can catch you with Big Bang Typhoon if you
      get too close. You will be vacuumed into it.

      Reversal EX-Psycho Crusher is safe if you get it off point blank. If you
      don't pass further than half screen behind him, he can c.HK or c.HP and
      retaliate after the blocked hits.

      If you're pressured by dive kicks, EX-Knee Press can be a better escape
      option if you are pretty sure that he will follow up with another dive
      kick. Invincibility frames on EX-Knee Press are earlier than EX-Psycho
      Crusher (i.e. easier for Rufus to grab you out of EX PC than EX
      Scissors) The trade off though is that EX Scissors isn't safe compared
      to EX PC, but that's if you manage to get it out.

      Air Game:
      Rufus c.MP beats out Head Press and Devil's Reverse at many angles on
      reaction. EX-Snake Strike still does amazing damage and can catch Bison
      out most of the time. You should be grounded for most of this match as
      Bison can't really harass Rufus in the air unless he's staying on the
      ground and you can safe jump and bait some EX-Messiahs or catch him with
      a good jump in combo.

      j.HK can also beat out Head Press and Devil's Reversal start ups if they
      do it quick enough or predict it from the correct distance. I would
      recommend using Devil's Reverse further away at around mid-to-long range
      to bait j.HK's and Snake Strikes to retaliate with the follow up.

      Blocked EX-Messiah kick will allow you to Ultra I him on reaction but be wary of whiffing if he uses the overhead followup.

      Ultra Combo:
      Ultra I can combo off many things; s.LK s.HK target combo, you must keep
      your footsies in check. EX-Messiah, LK follow up FADC, j.HK juggle, and
      some more I can't think of at the moment.

      Ultra II can suck you in if you get too close with all your special
      moves. It has to be done on reaction though, so part of your plan
      againts a Ultra II Rufus user is to try to force it out and punish
    • Das Matchup kenne ich durch Thomson sehr gut.

      In der Ecke ist der Divekick pressure natürlich am schlimmsten aber auch sonst sollte man Knockdowns unbedingt vermeiden. Das erreicht man indem man Rufus immer etwas über maximaler Reichweite hält. Da hat Rufus nur schlechte Optionen während Bison dort seine starken pokes voll ausspielen kann. Wenn der Fettsack springt kann man ihn mit abfangen. Am Boden hat er es durch schwer unbeschadet die Distanz zu verringern.
      Wenn man sich strikt an die Distanz hält ist das Matchup verdammt eintönig aber machbar. Zum gewinnen muss man aber auch seine Chancen zum angreifen nutzen. Ohne Ex und Ultra ist Rufus nur halb so gut.

      Wenn man dann doch in der Ecke landet und Rufus weiter dive Kicks spammt kommt man mit EX Scissors raus. Eine der wenigen Situationen wo der Move was taugt. Ex PC ist schlecht weil er durch Dive Kicks geschlagen wird(Rufus hopst drüber und trifft Bison an den Stiefeln).
    • Ach T-Vairus, du tummelst dich auch hier rum? Wie läufts?
      Baheeda sagts schon, EX Scissors sind wichtig, wenn die Dive Kick Pressure kommt. Wenn du das Pattern des Gegners siehst, kannst du einen sLK bzw. Option Select raushauen, damit stoppst du Rufus eigentlich ziemlich. EX HS geht in einzelnen Fällen auch, wenn das Spacing stimmt aber aufpassen vor dem Snake Strike.