Auf der SDCC ist ja was los...
und fuer manche das interessanteste:

quelleOno san has just announced that cpacom is working on a psn/ xbox live edition of Street Fighter III dubbed Street Fighter III 3rd strike Online edition. No release date has been given, but Ono san added that it will not be released in the immediate future
quellethe Street Fighter panel is underway as i type this, and Ono san has just announced that a new set of alt costumes will soon find its way to the psn and xbox live. Ono then proceeded and showed some of the alt costumes. We will post the pictures as soon as they become available.
und fuer manche das interessanteste:

quelleThis just got announced seconds ago!!! Street Fighter vs Tekken is indeed real and a trailer was just shown at the SDCC Sf panel! We will be uploading the trailer as soon as it becomes available.
The trailer shows dan smashed against a wall and Ryu and Jin fighting each other in an ink style trailer. Street Fighter X Tekken will be coming to PS3 and Xbox 360 next year.
Ono then surprised everyone by handling the crowd a demo of the game on blu-ray discs for PS3. The game plays like SF4, which mean strictly 2d gameplay with 3d models.
UPDATE: this is just in!!! Harada san, tekken producer, announced that another game titled Tekken X street fighter (namco style) is also in developpement