SF 4 in Bamberg

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    • SF 4 in Bamberg

      Hi I am new to germany i reside in bamberg de kaserne. Are there any local arcades that i can go to so i can play SF 4? I wont have a ps3 for a few more weeks as i am waiting for my household to get here. any help would be greatly appreciated.
    • there are no arcades and such in germany at all - u have to stick with consoles

      EDIT: i saw that bamberg isnt that far away from frankfurt - you are lucky, there will be a big sf4 and blazblue tournament this month! check this thread for further details:

      FFM Rumble Vol. 3 - 27.02.2010 - SPONSORED BY CAPCOM, MAD CATZ, ZEN UNITED and HEADUP
      "Say what you will about video games being a massive time sink, but the one cool thing about offline fighting game competition is that it’s an inherently social activity. You can’t go to an arcade, or a local game night, or a tournament without meeting new people, making friends, forming rivalries, dealing with pressure, and learning things about yourself."
    • Welcome to Germany, Darkumas!

      I will post a short list of links here so you can get a good start into the German community:

      • http://forum.hardedge.org/organisation-and-information/meetings-matches/8194-beat-em-upper-meldeamt-reload/ - This is the "registration office". You can look for players in your area here and also post your details so people in your area can find you.
      • http://forum.hardedge.org/fighting-games/capcom-fighting-games/street-fighter-iv/10205-der-neue-hardedge-official-sf4-player-index-360-ps3-pc/ - If you are a SF4 Player you can find XBL and PSN people here.
      • http://forum.hardedge.org/organisation-and-information/board7-meetings-matches/ - This is the board where we organize all our events and meetups.
      If you got any other questions, feel free to ask them. Somebody will help you out. :)

      10 PRINT "PIPE"
      20 GOTO 10
    • eight schrieb:

      Welcome to Germany, Darkumas!

      I will post a short list of links here so you can get a good start into the German community:

      • http://forum.hardedge.org/organisation-and-information/meetings-matches/8194-beat-em-upper-meldeamt-reload/ - This is the "registration office". You can look for players in your area here and also post your details so people in your area can find you.
      • http://forum.hardedge.org/fighting-games/capcom-fighting-games/street-fighter-iv/10205-der-neue-hardedge-official-sf4-player-index-360-ps3-pc/ - If you are a SF4 Player you can find XBL and PSN people here.
      • http://forum.hardedge.org/organisation-and-information/board7-meetings-matches/ - This is the board where we organize all our events and meetups.
      If you got any other questions, feel free to ask them. Somebody will help you out. :)


      Thank you for all the help, i will be sure to check them out.