seth hat es geklärt.
cvs2 zu auf ps3&x360 zu porten kostet viel geld und capcom will seine kohle lieber in etwas reinstecken, wo sie mehr mit verdienen können. daher wird es (zumindest für einiege zeit) kein cvs2 hd remix oder eine 1:1 portierung geben.
"Is it possible we'll see a re-release of Capcom vs. SNK 2 any time soon?
Seth: I too would love to turn on my consoles and have my choice to play any of my past favorites, but a few things to keep in mind for CVS2, or really any Capcom fighter not currently available on next-gen systems:
"Just release it on PSN (or XBL, etc.)" is much harder than it sounds. As you can see from MVC2 and SF HD Remix, we aim high in terms of overall standards even for digital-only releases, and getting online right, much less the port itself, can be a very painstaking process. Having been a part of both of these from the inside, the amount of work that goes into the games, even when they are just ports+online (like MVC2) would likely shock you. It takes a lot of time and effort, all of which costs money.
That leads us to consideration #2: return on investment (aka "yes, this is a business that has to make money to keep the lights on"). CVS2 has a very dedicated following, and had a long tournament life, but wasn't one of Capcom's most generally popular fighters. In order to make these proposals "pencil" (as in, predict reasonable sales that at least cover our development costs), we need to be able to offer games that appeal to a larger base than just existing CVS2 fans. This is a hard market to expand, however, because CVS2 is *extremely* complicated for new users. It has C, A, P, S, N, and K "grooves," a large cast, multiple team members, not to mention roll canceling (the first hurdle you must jump if you want to play "seriously"), which puts the difficulty bar at a ridiculously high place for anyone trying the game for the first time.
Finally, even if we can generate enough sales to cover costs, there are at least two other issues to consider: First is opportunity cost. That's basically the cost of having our staff work on this instead of something else. The people we have working on CVS2 online aren't working on SSFIV, or some other game that might produce a better return. We're all about the fan service (trust me when you see a few of the things we have in store!), but when fan service becomes a black hole for time and money, that party gets ended pretty quick.
The second issue has already been mentioned here, and that's flooding the market. I am insane about fighters, as are a few of you, but for most of the game-buying public, they only have room for a fighting game or two per year. If Capcom decides to release a bunch all at once (and let's not forget, we've already gone from approximately zero per year to MANY just since I've started), we risk burning out even the hardcore. Being "hardcore" about any game means devoting a lot of time to it, so having a lot out at once can get in the way of having enough time to really spend with any of them. Fighters are special -- they aren't like your Assassin's Creed, where you play it, hopefully enjoy it, get to the end, and then stick it on the shelf with your collection, probably never to play it again. You can play a good fighter every day for well over a decade without getting bored, and even without mastering it. Having TOO many such creations around can be taxing on everyone's time."
cvs2 zu auf ps3&x360 zu porten kostet viel geld und capcom will seine kohle lieber in etwas reinstecken, wo sie mehr mit verdienen können. daher wird es (zumindest für einiege zeit) kein cvs2 hd remix oder eine 1:1 portierung geben.
"Is it possible we'll see a re-release of Capcom vs. SNK 2 any time soon?
Seth: I too would love to turn on my consoles and have my choice to play any of my past favorites, but a few things to keep in mind for CVS2, or really any Capcom fighter not currently available on next-gen systems:
"Just release it on PSN (or XBL, etc.)" is much harder than it sounds. As you can see from MVC2 and SF HD Remix, we aim high in terms of overall standards even for digital-only releases, and getting online right, much less the port itself, can be a very painstaking process. Having been a part of both of these from the inside, the amount of work that goes into the games, even when they are just ports+online (like MVC2) would likely shock you. It takes a lot of time and effort, all of which costs money.
That leads us to consideration #2: return on investment (aka "yes, this is a business that has to make money to keep the lights on"). CVS2 has a very dedicated following, and had a long tournament life, but wasn't one of Capcom's most generally popular fighters. In order to make these proposals "pencil" (as in, predict reasonable sales that at least cover our development costs), we need to be able to offer games that appeal to a larger base than just existing CVS2 fans. This is a hard market to expand, however, because CVS2 is *extremely* complicated for new users. It has C, A, P, S, N, and K "grooves," a large cast, multiple team members, not to mention roll canceling (the first hurdle you must jump if you want to play "seriously"), which puts the difficulty bar at a ridiculously high place for anyone trying the game for the first time.
Finally, even if we can generate enough sales to cover costs, there are at least two other issues to consider: First is opportunity cost. That's basically the cost of having our staff work on this instead of something else. The people we have working on CVS2 online aren't working on SSFIV, or some other game that might produce a better return. We're all about the fan service (trust me when you see a few of the things we have in store!), but when fan service becomes a black hole for time and money, that party gets ended pretty quick.
The second issue has already been mentioned here, and that's flooding the market. I am insane about fighters, as are a few of you, but for most of the game-buying public, they only have room for a fighting game or two per year. If Capcom decides to release a bunch all at once (and let's not forget, we've already gone from approximately zero per year to MANY just since I've started), we risk burning out even the hardcore. Being "hardcore" about any game means devoting a lot of time to it, so having a lot out at once can get in the way of having enough time to really spend with any of them. Fighters are special -- they aren't like your Assassin's Creed, where you play it, hopefully enjoy it, get to the end, and then stick it on the shelf with your collection, probably never to play it again. You can play a good fighter every day for well over a decade without getting bored, and even without mastering it. Having TOO many such creations around can be taxing on everyone's time."