Blazblue: Continuum Shift [TaitoTypeX²/XBOX360/PS3]

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    • EkusuKariba schrieb:

      Was zur Hölle meinst du mit invincible invincible?
      UL Hakumen ist sicher nicht invincible.

      Die CPUs killste wie die meisten Spieler auch.. blocken und angreifen.
      Zu Beginn jeder Runde macht UL Hakumen immer irgendwas, wo du ne easy CH Combo bekommst.
      -> Einfache 3~4k Combo

      Dann einfach weitere (CH)-Hits bekommen und deine Combos machen. Die Computer blocken zwar jedes High/Low Mixup, aber dann brauchste halt nur Dinger wie 5b treffen.. das is nicht sonderlich schwierig.
      invincible Frames due to his moves. z.B. beim dash oder Hotaru gespamme oder Yukikaze während man irgendwo steht. Mit haku ist es schwer gleich combos zu machen IMO. starte meistens mit 5D klappt zu 95%. Danach fängt sich unl. haku mega schnell. Follow up? Deshalb bräuchte ich ja tips. zudem hält er mich dann meist in der corner ohne chance wieder ins spiel zu kommen. zudem laufe ich immer in seinen Counter (Zanshin)

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von TheWhiteVoid ()

    • Shino schrieb:

      Tager Beginner Mode - drück C dann macht er Tager Buster, drück C wenn Gegner am boden liegt dann macht er Gadget Finger danach wieder C für Tager Buster. wenn du 50 Heat hast A+B halten für 720 statt Buster - repeat.

      Danke hatte ich mir auch schon überlegt. ich komme aber mit dem beginner mode nicht klar. Zumindest schaffe ich es gar nicht erst bis zu Ihm. Wollte es ausserdem vielleicht auch so schaffen

      Ab 14:40 Valkenhayn ingame. Drive Combos und DD.
      Sieht verdammt gut aus. Davor werden auch Johnny und Slayer erwähnt aber ich versteh kein Wort :/

      Auch ganz interessant:
      Wird mit BBCS2 eingeführt. Deswegen wahrscheinlich auch BBCS "2", weil die das Game auf das neue (?) System anpassen.
      I am the hurricane.

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von bonetrim ()

    • Hier mal die ersten* Balance-Changes die bei der Präsentation von Continuum Shift 2 aufgefallen sind:
      5D on grounded opponents no longer floats
      3C is techable
      5B>6A gattling is gone
      Inferno Divider no longer has wall bounce
      Belial edge doesn't bounce as high any more (can still follow up with a quick 5D)

      2C>5C gattling added (cannot re-input 2C)
      B musou knocks down again

      2C>5C gattling added (cannot re-input 2C)
      j4D is damn fast. As if you can't see her falling from the air.
      5D reduced invincibility frames

      Overall damage increased
      5B>2B gattling added
      6A activation speed increased
      6B on counter slides
      6B jump cancel possible on block
      2C hit stop increased
      5C>C now slides. Mid screen C lobelia>3D> Sword iris/BBL combos. In corner 5C>C>3C can be done for 2 loops.
      j2C can be canceled into attacks on landing
      Lobeilas come out even when hit
      George has been changed (there's a frog gauge now)
      Tempest dahlia? what the heck is that? [i think he means it's been removed]

      Nothing known.
      something about his collider mechanics being revised

      new jB, cat motion 2's animation for 2 hits
      old jB is now j2B
      taunt loop's been nerfed bad. it's now a joke.
      drives are more stiff(?), increased hit stop.
      health increase [i think.]

      overall damage decreased
      guarded drive moves give less curse meter

      more gattlings without staff
      6A with staff must be RC otherwise no followups available
      4D slides. follow up possible in corner
      6D's level(?) decreased. [maybe priority?]
      jC without staff is now techable

      5B slower start up
      2B slower start up
      2B>5B gattling added. (cannot reinput 2B)
      heavenly phoenix thrust no longer wall bounces for both air and ground
      3C is techable
      ashura slower start up, no more invincibility frames, has become a joke DD

      2B>5B gattling added cannot re-input 2B)
      ada's gauge recovers slower

      jD cannot be followed up
      5D increased damage
      [something about his yukikaze.]
      other than that don't know much

      5DD activation slowed
      blade summonings are slower

      5D instantly gives 1 stock, but holding down D gives a slightly slower charge speed
      2D starts out slow but the charge speed rapidly increases. Also more stiff now.
      jD charge speed increased
      5B more strong
      2BB>5BB gattlings added (Cannot re-input 2BB)
      236A start up time increased, if comboed into cannot be follow up [i think.]
      214A, B doesn't float opponent even when done by itself
      623A on counter hit, untechable time decreased so cannot follow up
      cannot cancel into any move from throw, throw slides. mid screen do 236D
      to follow up, in corner can follow up with normal combos.
      after air throw timing for follow up attacks more strict

      Ouroboros start up and move speed slowed (although it really feel like there's no difference)
      Ouroboros gauge takes longer to recover
      5B level reduced. If 5B>3C is not inputted with the fastest timing it won't combo.

      parry cancel gone
      5B faster start-up, can jump cancel even on block.

      cannot block or crouch in wolf form. cannot switch directions.
      Quelle: Dustloop / Jap.Original

      EDIT: Anmerkung: ich will vorweg sagen, das dies eben Änderungen sind, die noch von einer nicht fertigen Version stammen, es kann (und da bin ich mir sicher) sich bei den nächsten Loke-Tests noch einiges ändern von daher haltet bitte das Geweine auf einem zivilisierten NIevau okay? :)

      Anmerkung 2: der Punkt bei Hakumen bezüglich Yukikaze wurde bei mir in etwa so übersetzt, das der Move jetzt bei Hit den gegner ins Stagger versetzt, ich sag aber gleich das es sich evtl um einen Übersetzungsfehler handeln kann. (habs nur mit ner Übersetzungsmaschine gecheckt)
      Auf meinem Grab soll stehn:
      "Naja, immerhin hat ers versucht"

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von Thunderwiesel ()

    • jC without staff is now techable

      Yeah neue Combos lernen :D

      Wenn wir schon mal dabei sind


      "Step Character" - has reasonable range. Good at follow-ups while doing damage.

      cannot crouch/block in beast mode/ [something odd about walking left and right based on attack/throw? direction]

      5A, 2A - small punches
      5B - kick
      2B - low kick
      6A - some kind of knee kick
      6B - some kind of mid attack
      5C - ridiculously long kick; reaches far
      6C - flying kick; hits mid ; feet invincible; no disadvantages even on guard; crushing attack
      2C - anti-air kick; fast startup; crushing attack
      3C - knockdown kick
      j.A, j.B - par for the course
      j.C - downward kick; even Slayer would be surprised how good this is.
      236A - called "Hell's Fang" - slight advantage on hit
      236B - has B-follow-up; low rush
      236C - "Upper"-type rush; hits mid
      Beast A - low clawing motion
      Beast B - stabs upward; head invincible
      Beast j.A - clawing motion
      Beast j.B - rages about in mid-air
      Beast C - goes airborne quickly
      Beast 236A, 236B - wolf charge; A moves horizontally, B moves diagonally upward
      Beast 236D - command throw, 2300 damage
      632146D - like Chipp's FujiyamaGeisha super; left defenseless if all hits are guarded
      j.236236C - Chokkagata Dandy
      214214214D - Astral Heat ; launches opponent, transforms, [something happens involving moon]

      Impressions: Valkenhayn is too strong as he is now.
      Runners up are Rachel, Arakune; goodbye to Ragna, Bang, and Litchi!

      Valkenhayn has lots of options; I'll confirm tomorrow some things I may have forgotten.
      The other characters felt a little strange/suspicious, so I'll test more tomorrow.

      Is this not enough notes? People are saying that more and more!
      Individual accounts of Lambda have suspicious information. Will test tomorrow.…147&viewfull=1#post749147
      I am the hurricane.
    • So, habe mal die entstandene Diskussion hierhin ausgelagert:
      Der BBCS und BBCS2 Diskussions-Thread

      Hier bitte News und Facts posten, diese können dann in dem Diskussions-Thread bequatscht werden.

      Und bitte, Fragen, die einem unter den Nägeln brennen, z.B. bzgl. den Challenges und so im Fragenkatalog als Thema formulieren. Dafür ist der Fragenkatalog ja da.

      Strategy? Spacing? I just keep punching until I hit something.

      == Editierfarbe ==
    • Valkenhayn release am 21.9 (nächste Woche Dienstag zum PSN Store update)

      Neuer Valkenhayn footage

      Hier gibts auch noch eine Patchnotes liste(?), hab bisher keine Übersetzung gefunden..


      Paar Übersetzungen aus Dustloop

      -Matching speed of Ranked Matches improved.

      -The specs of Makoto's special attack "Space Counter" (Parrying) have been adjusted.

      Network mode now remembers what character you used last.

      Challenge mode now autosaves when you complete a mission rather than waiting for you to exit to menu.
      I am the hurricane.
    • Hier die ganzen Änderungen: Quelle Dustloop, dooku

      Translation of changes listed here:

      PS3 patch - 9/20 Valk - 9/21 (JPN time)
      360 patch/Valk - delayed

      System changes & bug fixes
      - Trophy/Acheivement update w/ Valk DLC
      - Faster matching speed in Ranked Matches
      - Fixed a problem where some effects didn't disappear, which made the game have to process more info.
      - On Kagatsuchi Port (Rain) stage, fixed a problem where an environmental sound effect didn't play correctly
      - Fixed a problem where under certain circumstances if you choose Makoto in Player Matches the character select screen glitched.
      - Fixed a problem in training mode where sound effects may not stop under certain conditions.
      - Game now autosaves after completing each mission in challenge mode, you no longer have to go back to the main menu to save progress for that.
      - Now when clearing score attack, your final score is displayed (this wasn't done before? never played score attack)
      - Fixed the problem where in Legion mode DLC character portrait icons appeared, even though they're unusable in Legion mode.
      - In network mode it remembers the last character you chose, and defaults to them.
      - On network mode results after matches, "Used character PSR" and "Top PSR" information is displayed.
      - Fixed a problem where in Ranked Matches / Quick Match the matching system would lock up and not advance.
      - When training in ranked / player matches, on the character select screen you can now hit select/back to return to the room.
      - Fixed some typos.

      Character adjustments & bug fixes
      - Fixed a problem where after George gets hit by Carl's Cantabile special, he started acting oddly.
      - Fixed a problem where when using Taokaka's DLC colors, the displayed effects became distorted.
      - Fixed a problem where icons sometimes did not display correctly near the health guage when Nirvana dies.
      - In challenge mode, when using Λ-11's gravity well, the gauge auto-refills (I guess after dropping the combo, so you no longer have to wait for it to recharge)
      - Fixed a problem which caused v-13's ghost merging with Λ-11 during her intro vs. Ragna to display incorrectly.
      - Fixed a problem where if you pause during Tsubaki install the sound effect loops (or if you reset in training mode lol)
      - Fixed a problem where under certain conditions after using Hazama's Jakou the effects didn't disappear properly after the move executes.
      - Fixed a problem where Hazama didn't use the correct voice set vs. certain characters in Network Mode.
      - Fixed a problem with V-13's voice set in Network Mode.
      - Changes made to how Makoto's Space Counter (Parry) input functions. (Probably goodbye parry loop imo)
      - Changed something about how holding the D button to charge Makoto's Big Bang Smash and Planet Crusher.
      - Changes made to Makoto's beginner mode.
      - Fixed a problem where during Makoto's Planet Crusher Astral her crest effect didn't display.
      - Fixed the problem where after getting hit by Makoto's Planet Crusher Astral you could still move around sometimes.

      PS3 Specific fix:
      - Fixed a problem where after clearing score attack and uploading your score, it wasn't registered.

      360 Specific fix:
      - Fixed a problem where PSR was added during Player Matches.
      Insert Game - Retro & Arcade Gaming Community
      Play Blazblue/Persona/Under Night, join #blazblue (<- mich kann man anklicken.)
    • Zum EU-Erscheinungstermin (Ja, ich weiss, interessiert hier keinen):
      Gamestop in Düsseldorf hatte das Spiel garnicht gelistet (Stand Anfang September) und Amazon gibt den 31. Dezember 2010 an. Aber mein Spieledealer hat letztens erstmal meine Vorbestellung für den 30.10. angenommen, also bin ich guter Dinge.
      Insert Game - Retro & Arcade Gaming Community

      "Joa, dann nomma en bischen in der Turnhalle jeübt, ne? Aber ich mein, im Endeffekt macht et mir keinen Spass zu üben, ne? Ich will welche kaputt hauen, nix üben, ne?"
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