Street Fighter 4 Patches?

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    • Street Fighter 4 Patches?

      Hi Leute,

      hätte mal ne Frage:

      Gibt es irgendwo ne Seite wo man sehen kann oder erfahren kann, wann SF4 noch mal gepatcht wird oder ist irgendein Patch angekündigt worden?

      Z.B. bessere Replayfunktionalität (Speichern auf HDD) und sowas?

      Würd mich mal interessieren, ob Capcom das Spiel eigentlich weiterpatched.
    • Nope.
      "Say what you will about video games being a massive time sink, but the one cool thing about offline fighting game competition is that it’s an inherently social activity. You can’t go to an arcade, or a local game night, or a tournament without meeting new people, making friends, forming rivalries, dealing with pressure, and learning things about yourself."
    • Ein Blick in meine Kristallkugel hat mir folgenden Coup von Capcom verraten: Es wird eine neue Verkaufsversion von SF4 geben, wofür uns Big "C" weitere 60-70€ aus der Tasche zieht.
      Street Fighter 4 "Turbo Strike" kommt mit einem funktionierenden Online-Modus, einer Replay-Funktion (die selbst beim ausstattungsarmen KoF12 im Lieferumfang enthalten war) und einem weiterem Shoto-Charakter, genauer mit Goukens Tocher. Sie wirft mit einer Hand 4 Feuerbälle, die einen 180° Radius vor ihr treffen, ihr Shoryuken wird mir :u: :u: :lp: ausgelöst und ihr Wurf aktiviert ihr Ultra direkt ohne Befehlseingabe.

      Weiter wird es - unter anderem - noch folgende Balanceänderungen geben:
      - Sagats Walkspeed wird verringert um ihn an die Spielbalance anzupassen. Ansonsten bleibt er unverändert.
      - Ryus Feuerbälle und sämtliche harten Schläge/ Tritte versetzen den Gegner nun in einen Juggle, damit er es einfacher hat sein Ultra anzubringen.
      - Kens und Ryus Shoryuken Priorität wurde erhöht. Kens Ultra lässt ihn nun golden glitzern, seine Haare wachsen kurz bis auf den Boden und macht über 9000 Dmg.
      - Guiles und Vegas Ultimate- und Super-Eingabe wurde vereinfacht. Sie lautet nun 2 sec :uh: :lk: , dann :v: :u: :uv: :h: :u: :uh: :ov: :lk: ( :mk: :hk: )
      Insert Game - Retro & Arcade Gaming Community

      "Joa, dann nomma en bischen in der Turnhalle jeübt, ne? Aber ich mein, im Endeffekt macht et mir keinen Spass zu üben, ne? Ich will welche kaputt hauen, nix üben, ne?"
    • @ Nitemare
      Bevor die Ulkkompanie den Thread vollendens kapert, kurz back to topic: In Japan steht erstmal Super Battle Opera an, das größte und wichtigste Fighting Game Turnier weltweit. Wenn das vorbei ist, werden die wohl einen Spielbalance Patch rausbringen, zumindest gibt es da traufähige Gerüchte^^.. ob da in einem Aufwasch auch gleich Online spezifische Dinge angegangen werden, wird man sehen müssen.
      "The real challenge is to stay in range of the long-term pespective when you are under fire and hurting in the middle of the war. This is at the core of the art of learning"
      -- Josh Waitzkin

      GG AC Engine FAQ
    • Robbes schrieb:

      Ein Blick in meine Kristallkugel hat mir folgenden Coup von Capcom verraten: Es wird eine neue Verkaufsversion von SF4 geben, wofür uns Big "C" weitere 60-70€ aus der Tasche zieht.
      Street Fighter 4 "Turbo Strike" kommt mit einem funktionierenden Online-Modus, einer Replay-Funktion (die selbst beim ausstattungsarmen KoF12 im Lieferumfang enthalten war) und einem weiterem Shoto-Charakter, genauer mit Goukens Tocher. Sie wirft mit einer Hand 4 Feuerbälle, die einen 180° Radius vor ihr treffen, ihr Shoryuken wird mir :u: :u: :lp: ausgelöst und ihr Wurf aktiviert ihr Ultra direkt ohne Befehlseingabe.

      Weiter wird es - unter anderem - noch folgende Balanceänderungen geben:
      - Sagats Walkspeed wird verringert um ihn an die Spielbalance anzupassen. Ansonsten bleibt er unverändert.
      - Ryus Feuerbälle und sämtliche harten Schläge/ Tritte versetzen den Gegner nun in einen Juggle, damit er es einfacher hat sein Ultra anzubringen.
      - Kens und Ryus Shoryuken Priorität wurde erhöht. Kens Ultra lässt ihn nun golden glitzern, seine Haare wachsen kurz bis auf den Boden und macht über 9000 Dmg.
      - Guiles und Vegas Ultimate- und Super-Eingabe wurde vereinfacht. Sie lautet nun 2 sec :uh: :lk: , dann :v: :u: :uv: :h: :u: :uh: :ov: :lk: ( :mk: :hk: )
      Geil, ich musste echt lachen :D
      Vor allem die Dbz Anspielungen sind klasse!
    • haha ich musste auch lachen
      aber mal im ernst da muss echt dringend ein patch her vor allem für die pc version der online part hat echt nen schlag weg ich kann mit den meisten leuten zocken aber mit einigen kommt immer diese behämmerte teilnahme nicht möglich mitteilung

      und die ports sind alle offen ich hab auch schon ohne firewall probiert
      nichts hilf und das merkwürdige ist ich kann mit pc a spielen aber nicht mit pc b aber pc b kann mit pc a spielen wo is den der sinn dahinter ich raff es einfach nicht
    • Joa du bist whrhaftig Confused :P
      Kleiner Scherz am Rande^^
      Als Hirte erlaube mir,
      zu dienen mein Vater dir.
      Deine Macht reichst du uns durch deine Hand,
      diese verbindet uns wie ein heiliges Band.
      Wir waten durch ein Meer von Blut,
      gib uns dafür Kraft und Mut.
      In nomine patris,
      et filii et spiritus sancti.
    • Shoto schrieb:

      @ Nitemare
      Bevor die Ulkkompanie den Thread vollendens kapert, kurz back to topic: In Japan steht erstmal Super Battle Opera an, das größte und wichtigste Fighting Game Turnier weltweit. Wenn das vorbei ist, werden die wohl einen Spielbalance Patch rausbringen, zumindest gibt es da traufähige Gerüchte^^.. ob da in einem Aufwasch auch gleich Online spezifische Dinge angegangen werden, wird man sehen müssen.
      mhm quelle? *aus der versenkung mal nen hallo rüberreich*
    • reaper2507 schrieb:

      Shoto schrieb:

      @ Nitemare
      Bevor die Ulkkompanie den Thread vollendens kapert, kurz back to topic: In Japan steht erstmal Super Battle Opera an, das größte und wichtigste Fighting Game Turnier weltweit. Wenn das vorbei ist, werden die wohl einen Spielbalance Patch rausbringen, zumindest gibt es da traufähige Gerüchte^^.. ob da in einem Aufwasch auch gleich Online spezifische Dinge angegangen werden, wird man sehen müssen.
      mhm quelle? *aus der versenkung mal nen hallo rüberreich*
      Er hat ein Tarot-Kartenset. Ist in meinen Augen auch die bessere Wahl, nur das Bild stinkt im Vergleich zur Glaskugel halt ab.
      Insert Game - Retro & Arcade Gaming Community

      "Joa, dann nomma en bischen in der Turnhalle jeübt, ne? Aber ich mein, im Endeffekt macht et mir keinen Spass zu üben, ne? Ich will welche kaputt hauen, nix üben, ne?"
    • lol

      Naja, vielleicht interessiert den ein oder anderen ja die Q&A Session die von Azrael übersetzt wurde:

      By Azrael:

      Q.How do I unlock Fei Long?
      A.If you beat the game with Abel, you can unlock Fei Long!

      Q.I was thinking of reserving the PC version of SF4, but its out of stock. What should I do?
      A.Really sorry about that... The pre-orders really exceeded our expectations. We have been scrambling to make more copies.

      Q.I'll bet even Capcom didn't think that it would sell so well this quickly! LOL

      Q.It would be nice to have an option where the CPU characters used the alternate costumes...
      A.To be honest with you, to try and do that now would be very difficult...!

      Q.There are certain attacks which have attributes which break Saving Attack.
       I'd like to know what the conditions for those break attributes are.
      A.To answer this, I've gotta interview the project leader!
        He was asleep from a long day of hard work, but I woke him up to get his answer.
      Its a bit long, but this is him giving you a straightforward answer!
        "Although the current setup has its pros and cons,
        the break attributes were something we introduced in the latter stages of development.
        SA allows you to both defend and attack, and since it can be cancelled into a forward or back dash
        its a pretty potent ability for the person using it. (That's one of its charms.)
        The battle concept for SF4 is controlling the ground, similar to SF2.
        If you jump you have to land at some point, so this is a fight where you have to use footsies well, push
        your opponent into the corner, pressure with chip damage and throws, and look for the smallest opening.
        Especially at mid range, you have to be really careful. And the ease of use and effectiveness of SA really
      threw off the game balance.
        Characters with a good in-close game who could rush down were way too strong.
        On wakeup, you could repeatedly threaten the opponent with a Lvl 3 SA.
        So we went through a trial and error adjustment period, and this was the best system that we could come up with!"

      Q.Ken's eyes are blue this time.
        They've been brown up until now.
      Why are they blue all of a sudden?
      A.That's a question about the little details, so even I don't know that stuff.
        But after talking with the main designer of the arcade version Ikeno, and the design team,
        the result was "Well, this time we'll go with blue!"
        But you'll notice that his eyes are brown on the character select screen. So really, I think he's
      wearing color contact lenses!

      Q.I think it was a good idea to include characters from the Alpha series even if its not time accurate.
        The timeline from SFI to SFIII has gotten all mixed up anyway, so this was a good call.
      A....Yeah, this was up for discussion a lot.
        The most obvious example is, of course, Sakura.
        In the anime, Chun-Li calls her the "Eternal Schoolgirl", but in SFIV we didn't really elaborate on it.
        Just, Sakura's character is "The female highschooler who chases after Ryu", so we decided to stick
      with that design rather than change her.

      Q.Personally, I'm concerned about Vega (Claw).
        He's definitely very weak, I think anyone can see that.
        It'd be nice if he could get at least one unbeatable attack. Is this possible?
      A.Ah, the loketests he was a bit too strong, and in development we constantly tweaked him,
      never quite finding a right balance.
        Controlling him can be tricky, and compared to other characters it can be difficult to bring out his
      full power, but I believe that if you hang in there and you'll be able to do well with him!
      (Az's Note: In other words, NO TWEAK FOR YOU! ...Also, I dunno what she means about the loketests, I was
      at a few of them and we never thought of Vega as strong, not that I remember at least.)

      Q.Thank you for your reply. I'll be back to ask questions again, so please continue this blog!
      A.Thank you for writing in Japanese! Please keep making comments!
      (Az's Note: Maybe she's responding to one of you...?)

      Q.Would it be possible to make a SFIV TV anime from the special DVD, plus the arcade mode openings and endings,
        and adding some new content in as well?
      A.This is something we really want to do, but actually getting it on air there's a lot of hurdles to overcome..

      Q.Have you cleared everything in Trial Mode yet?
      A.I can't finish it!!!

      Q.Akuma has always had poor vitality, to the point where you can say his armor is like paper.
      Is this just for game balance, or are some story elements involved as well? Like, if you master the Satsui No Hadou,
      it causes your life force to drain away or something...
      A.Well, I've never heard of that, but if that were true it would certainly add some depth to the series!
        Truthfully, because Akuma has enormous damage output capability, we reduced his vitality to balance him out.

      Q.If you (Shiozawa) were a playable character, what would be your style, win/lose quotes, super and ultra?
      A.What's up with this question?!
        But since it was asked, I have to answer!
        For fighting style, it would have to be TKD, which I studied.
        My taunt would be "Low-life..."
        My win quote would be "As expected"
        My losing quote would be "..." (pouting)
        Super combo...give them a back kick against the wall, finish it off with a blow to the neck/head.
        Ultra...I want at least a 10-hit combo. For the finisher, I'd slam down on their back from mid-air with my heels!

      Q.Does the PC version have options for the sound test?
      A.No, its the same as the console versions, just options for volume level.

      Q.Looking at the father (Gouken) and the brother (Akuma), Gouken's daughter would be pretty bulldog-ish, wouldn't she?
      She'd probably be named Kyoko (I think referring to some female Japanese wrestler).
      A.Not Kyoko! I think she'd be a beautiful, graceful lady. Her name might be something like..."Violet"!

      Q.Who is drawing the pictures you sometimes post up here?
      A.Those are all from the "Street Fighter Art Book" I mentioned here before,
        so there are many various artists!

      Q.If you can't make it a new character, how about turning DJ into a capoiera character?
        He's black, he dances, he's passionate, he fits the capoiera perfectly.
        ...Maybe it doesn't work after all?
      A.If DJ learned capoiera...he'd probably become good friends with Eddy!
        Capoiera might be a nice top-off for DJ's rhythm!

      Q.If there are any new costumes coming (?), the Kamen Rider look would be great for Vega
      A.You had a good idea for me, but unfortunately I'm kinda lost...sorry.
        The Kamen genre definitely exists, huh? I want to see it!

      Q.Maybe its kinda late, but what are the conditions to fight Gouken in the arcade.
      A.I see, the details were never released, were they! Well then, let's spill em.
        First, the game needs to be beaten with Akuma.
        Next, beat the game with any character you've already beaten the game with, fulfilling the following conditions.
        Gouken will jump in, and if you beat him you will be able to use him.
        No Continues/Cannot Lose Even 1 Round/Win With Designated Number of Perfects
        (Ex: 3 Round Match, At Least Twice) Super of Ultra Finish
        (Ex: 3 Round Match, At Least Five Times)Get the First Attack
        (Ex: 3 Round Match, At Least Ten Times)
      (Az's Note: The question was about the arcade, but she answered for console. And in Japanese the conditions also are
      hard to understand.)

      Q.I've searched, but I haven't been able to find what Vega says at the continue screen.
        All I hear is "seisei"...
      A.I gave it a shot myself! It's gotta be "seisai wo"!

      Q.Are there any plans to make the mobile site compatible with the iPhone?
      A.None right now. Sorry!

      Q.SF4 makes the first time I've come to want some figures!
        Any chance for an affordable yet highly posable SF4 series from Revoltech or figma?  
        And if it happens, the first release should be Cammy! LOL
      A.If you want figures, then it means the characters are really appealing!
        Thank you very much!
        I also would like some poseable SFIV figures.
        Something not too expensive!

      Q.Is there any chance that the first/early designs for Rufus could be introduced as a character somehow?
        Maybe like a relative or acquaintance or something?
      A.I'd like to introduce him as a relative or something like that!
        That first design was pretty cool, huh? I understand becoming a fan of it!

      Q.Why don't the new characters have names for their normal moves?
        I'd like for them to have names for their normal moves as is standard.
        I'm concerned over these particular details!
        Sorry for being a Street Fighter freak!
      A.A freak who gets hung up on the little details is the best!
        Ah, the normal moves don't have names...
        I just learned something.

      Q.Will there be any more downloadable content in the future? I'll give you three options.
        ・Undecided (Don't Know)
      A.Undecided (Don't Know)

      Q.In Challenge Mode, Survival Normal Level 2,
        Who is the famous person in the crowd??
        I have no idea LOL! Please tell me!!
      A.Heh heh heh. Well, you definitelly have to look reeeeeeeeeally hard to find em.
        Pay close attention to the 2 Italian mafia guys.

      ↑・・・Haven't you seen...somewhere before...heh.

      Q.The models for SFIV are really nice! Would it be possible to get Cammy, Gen, or
      even all the characters the next time?
        Bandai, Capcom, Natsuki, how about it?
      A.Yeah, how about it?! Bandai!

      Q.(In the Blog about the models) - Hey, that's Seth in the background! LOL
      A.Yep. I tried to blur it out, but you noticed anyway!

      Q.How about a moe character?!
        It would be perfect for the modern times.
        Capcom should also make a fighting game featuring cute girls jumping up and down.
        But just don't sacrifice SF for it!!
        I just wrote what I felt, so thanks for reading this long garbage.
      A.Yeah, when we think about new characters, one of the important points is "Can they compete with Ryu and the rest?"
        Even if the character is fine on their own, they have to fit into the world of Street Fighter.
        That's the biggest challenge in making characters.

      Q.In the next iteration of IV, give Abel an air throw!
        You can call it "Flying Seiyaaaaaa!"
      A.I laughed.
        You gave it a nice name and all, but the last half is just him screaming...
        But even if it is just a joke, this is kind of Abel-like, so it's pretty good.

      ↑Is this what you had in mind for the Flying Saiyaaa...?!

      Q.1: Can SFIV be found in arcades overseas?
        I'm going to Guam this summer vacation, and not only do I want to play overseas,
        But I want to go to local game shops and arcades as well.
        It'd be nice to challenge people overseas in SFIV.
        2:Can the English voice actors speak Japanese?
        In the home version I set the voice options to English, and when Ryu says "Hadouken",
      "Shoryuken", "Tatsumakisenpyuukyaku" etc I was surprised that the prounciation was pretty good.
        For "The Movie", it was all "Hadu--ken", "Sho--ruken", "Tatsumakizenmya---gu" and like that.
        3:Is it not possible to use the console version for arcade events?
        There are various events for the arcade version, but
        you can't do an update or something to include the console version?
        You can but won't, or you can't - please tell me which it is.
      A.1:There aren't really any arcades as there are in Japan in America.
        Even if there is an arcade, its the type where you stand while playing (like pinball).
        Unfortunately, they didn't get the arcade release of SFIV.
        2:There were voice actors who could speak Japanese,
        but basically, most of them couldn't.
        However, during the English recording session, sometimes they were instructed that "it sounds too much like Japanese,
      so make your prounciation worse". Interesting, isn't it? update would be really difficult.
        If we could do it, it would be really interesting wouldn't it...

      Q.In my circle of friends, its considered rude to taunt your opponent.
        And so we treat it as something that shouldn't be used.
        How should we use them in the future?
      A.Yeah, we've gotten a lot of comments regarding taunts/appeals...
        Its difficult to define how they should be used in the future.
        If, in a tight battle, there was a way to use them to say "This was a good fight!" without leaving yourself open
        Or, if we could add the appropriate amount of wit to them, then maybe they'd be more user-friendly.
      At least, that's my personal opinion.
        If there's a big difference in player strength, then a taunt can be taken the wrong way,
        But this is something individualistic about the characters that we'd like you all to enjoy.
      Something like that!

      Q.Playing everyday, this is something that's bugged me, but in the anime
      when Akuma fights Ryu, what's the name of the multi-air fireball he throws at him?
      A.I have no idea! I don't think its been named yet...
      Q.In Rufus's ending, I laughed to see the two of them walking and enjoying themselves!
        Then after that, Ryu got a ride from Ken, didn't he? But in the animated movie as well as SFIII,
        Ryu turns it down and says "I'd rather walk"...
      A.Yeah huh... Especially SFIV Ryu, it seems like he'd be all hard on himself, and while in deep thought
        he'd say something like "I'll go by my own two feet."

      Q.As he is the default choice on the character select screen, I've really come to like Abel from all the times
      I've had to use him. I'm not winning a lot, but I like his production and lose quote "karada ga...")
        and really grown to like using him.
      A.Heh heh, thank you very much!
        Though he's often called empty, really he's a character that's fun to use and strong, and he has his own
      personality and his lines are cool too. So I'm really happy that you've come to like him!
        Keep on using him until you master him!
      So few people are willing to actually get into a game and understand what makes a 2-D fighter tick that everyone will write it off as something they'd already seen. You can't really have a 2-D fighting game anymore without a "gimmick" and people will judge the game based on what the gimmick is.
      Unfortunately, it doesn't really work. It's almost impossible to argue that the best 2-D fighting game ever produced was Hyper Fighting. We've been going in the wrong direction ever since.

      --Jay Snyder
    • Aus einer Zusammenfassung eines Interviews mit Ono-San:

      Any talk of patching/game balance?

      -already did the championship mode earlier this spring which took up the last of the development budget - so no
      -but rest assured, requests for patches have been heard by Capcom

      Why did SF4 not use GGPO which Capcom acquired the rights to?
      -Ono was interested in it but Capcom thought it was too process intensive so they didn't use it

      Insert Game - Retro & Arcade Gaming Community

      "Joa, dann nomma en bischen in der Turnhalle jeübt, ne? Aber ich mein, im Endeffekt macht et mir keinen Spass zu üben, ne? Ich will welche kaputt hauen, nix üben, ne?"
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