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    • Motivation...

      A persons’ morale can be the most detrimental force that impacts their day to day life. In E-Sports, multiply that by about 10 times. Within E-Sports, every action you make is dependent upon your mood essentially; the way you post on public forums or websites, the way you handle yourself in an interview, and generally the way you make your day to day decisions. This can either be a good thing, or a terrible thing; it really depends on your morale. And let’s face it, we are in trying times at the moment, with financial difficulties plaguing every organization and every event; motivation is low for many people to carry on in the E-Sports industry, and many have already opted out.

      “Motivation can be a beast, because it can effect a person, player, or team both in and out of game……The bottom line is, if you compare two teams of equal skill level - the one with more motivation and drive will succeed over the other.” –Marcus ‘djWHEAT’ Graham

      Motivation can do more than affect your morale. Without a desire to win, what else do you really have? If you cannot be bothered to care about the game, your game-play will fall apart no matter what your skill level may be. You can be the best fragger, have the best micro, or have the best strategies; however without the will to win you haven’t got a thing. To play at your best and to improve and surpass your own expectations of how well you can play; you need to have the motivation and desire to do so.

      Going into a game with a depressed or dour state of mind will only hinder you. Players today face so many obstacles, sometimes the hardest obstacle being they themselves. Learning to control your emotions and maintain focus and calm, clear, open state of mind will be the only way to rid yourself of demoralizing issues that are plaguing your performance.

      "I can’t deny, if I have a problem in my personal life I will leave wc3" -Daeduck 'kei' Yoon

      Happenings in your day to day life such as a death in the family, or becoming sponsored for the first time will have a detrimental effect on your desire to practice or play a match. With a devastating impact that can cripple us emotionally, it will be a lot harder to stay focused and push aside feelings of despair and sadness. Outside pressures, especially bad ones can distract people from the task at hand. On the other hand however positive news, such as becoming sponsored, can really help a player’s desire to practice and perform well. They will be willing to practice and play harder so they won’t let the sponsor down.

      On the other hand your motivation in E-Sports can affect your personal life too; when performing poorly in league matches and tournaments your morale is usually rather low, causing a disruption in your personal life in regards to your motivation and desire to do things such as go to school or work.

      “It was hard to keep focus on my goals if things in my personal life weren`t going too well at the start of my career. With time you learn to deal with it” –Alessandro ‘Stermy’ Avallone

      Staying focused on your way to the top of the rankings is a lot easier for most people than staying on top continuously trying to defend your title. The ‘where do we go from here’ sentiment tends to leave teams lacking the desire to continue on in something they feel they have now achieved.

      “Being the team to beat requires us to consider our tactics more than being an upcoming team; our rivals will study us but also respect us.” –Patrick ‘cArn’ Sattermon

      This is where your goals come into play in a big way and you start to question yourself after you have finally made it to the top. Do you want anything beyond this? How important is it to defend your title? Was it only fun because you had a concrete goal to work towards?

      These questions can wreak havoc on your motivation. Not knowing what one wants makes it difficult for anyone to work towards something. This leads you to ask yourself what sort of atmosphere motivates you; would you rather negative feedback to give you the desire to play and prove people wrong? Or would you prefer positive feedback to help boost your confidence and trust in yourself?

      “No matter what the positive reinforcement or negativity, they all can be your motivators” –Sun Yi ‘F91’ Feng

      Figuring out which one works best for you could just help give you the drive and determination to reach the goals you have set out to achieve. Having the proper state of mind, and heart to be constantly motivated towards your goals is more important in E-Sports than most people realize. Players use configs, custom keys, special peripherals, etc. to help their game get better, however many players disregard the mental side of E-Sports giving themselves a self imposed handicap.

      Motivation goes both ways however; finding your own way is important, but what about your teammates? Without you there to help them through the good and the bad what will they do? Your own personal motivation is only a small portion of the teams overall morale. Taking into account a teams’ goals and overall feeling towards what you are doing –practice, tournaments, PR work, etc. - has a very large impact on the success of a team.

      “I love to think that I can handle these kinds of things pretty well, I think I can contribute a lot of joy into any team I play in just because I never take myself serious – it´s all about having fun for me.” –Patrick ‘cArn’ Sattermon

      Maintaining a positive atmosphere for your teammates; such as supporting them through family problems, or helping them overcome a problem in-game might just be the bit of encouragement they need to stay motivated and pleased with their current situation and goals.

      The problem that comes up with motivating people, or trying to stay motivated yourself, is that people lack the tools to do so. Either they just don’t know what they want, they feel they don’t deserve it, or they are simply too lethargic to seek out their own personal ‘motivational posters’ so to speak.

      "I think each player has their own motivator. There is no universal motivation, for anything. Except possibly talking to women at bars."-Alex 'Jax' Conroy

      Coming up with a clear goal to work towards is the most important thing; if you are just going through the motions and don’t really care about anything, you aren’t going to achieve anything. Picking something you desire, and that you can work towards maintaining, is the first step. Learning to stay focused and to maintain that level of determination and desire is the next.

      You can use things that are readily available to you, such as inspirational movies, or music to help you get that drive back when you are in a rut. As well, turning to a manager or family and friends – a sort of support group – is also important as it gives you a safety net of support. Without it, many people wouldn’t know what to do and get bogged down with problems and feel like they are alone, when they aren’t. Finding things to relieve stress and pressure will help to keep your morale at a healthy level.

      Motivation and morale are the most important factors for anyone involved in E-Sports. If you are doing something for the wrong reasons, no one will benefit, you least of all…

      “I think you just gotta find something you love to do and do it for the rest of your life” –Max Fischer, Rushmore.

      quelle: (desweiteren findet ihr persöhnliche Interviews von bekannten E-Sport Gesichtern)

      Sehr interessanter Artikel für, wie ich denke, jedermann! :)

    • Ich kann mich noch erinnern, als ich zum ersten Mal gemerkt habe, dass Motivation beim Spielen wirklich wichtig ist. Ich wollte damals meinem Vater zeigen, wie gut ich spielen konnte. Er hatte natürlich keine Ahnung von der Materie, aber ich hab ihm einfach gesagt, er soll schauen, wie schnell der gegnerische Lebensbalken heruntergeht.
      Irgendwie war ich von dem Zeitpunkt, als ich den Raum betreten habe bis hin zum Schluss elektrisiert. Meine Gedanken waren klar und ich habe alles ausführen können, was ich wollte. Diesen "clean state of mind" hatte ich bisher nur einmal, und es war auch bisher nur das einzige Mal, dass ich 3 Turniere hintereinander gewonnen habe. Vielleicht war es wegen dem Druck, den Gegner unbedingt schnell wie zu töten, dass ich so entschlossen war und keine Angst hatte.

      Sehr komisch, imo. Manchmal habe ich so Phasen in denen ich beaste, manchmal habe ich Phasen in denen ich einfach nur scheisse spiele. Ich denke es war die ganze Zeit alles von der Motivation abhängig, irgendwie...
      Ich versuche sie immer mit ein paar japanischen Matchvideos hochzuziehen. Das hilft.
      So few people are willing to actually get into a game and understand what makes a 2-D fighter tick that everyone will write it off as something they'd already seen. You can't really have a 2-D fighting game anymore without a "gimmick" and people will judge the game based on what the gimmick is.
      Unfortunately, it doesn't really work. It's almost impossible to argue that the best 2-D fighting game ever produced was Hyper Fighting. We've been going in the wrong direction ever since.

      --Jay Snyder
    • Jo - Guter Artikel - Vorallem der Teampart gefällt mir gut.

      Motivation und gute Stimmung für das Team wie für einen selbst sind idR. wichtig.

      Wenn einer mal demotiviert ist überträgt sich das auch gern mal auf die anderen :) - in einigen Games sehr fatal
      Spielt ihr Blazblue, Guilty Gear, Anime Games, Airdasher oder sonstige FGs? join HE-Discord (<- mich kann man anklicken.)
    • Budo schrieb:

      aha, das ist also motvitaiotn im esport 8o . das wort könnte man auch durch sucht ersetzen :whistling: .
      Genau diese (entschuldige) unglaublich dumme Definition des Wortes "Sucht" verdankt die Videospielbranche ihren schlechten Ruf in der Gesellschaft.
      Any sound can shake the air. My voice shakes the heart!
    • don_tknow schrieb:

      So schauts mal aus... Wenn jemand jeden Tag Basketball spielen geht ist das legitim, wenn jemand jeden Tag SF zockt, ist er sozial verkommen. Dass es im Prinzip die gleichen Beweggründe hat, erkennen die wenigsten...
      perfekt auf den punkt gebracht; in asian/us hat sich die lage ja ein wenig weiter entwickelt, bei uns is es noch immer so wie damals wie ich starcraft competetive gezockt hab, also grauenhaft.
      MoeBro #8
    • Jo. Videospiele sind halt nur kinderkram. Damit beschäftigt man sich als seriöser Erwachsener halt nimmer ;)
      Uns stell dir mal vor du würdest nich Bemus oder RTS spielen sondern die bösen Killerspiele. Dann wärst du ja gleich NOCH ne Stufe tiefer ^^
      Ich hätte mir echt gewünscht das Deutschland da endllich mal "reifer" wird. Wie du sagst. US/Japan machen es vor.
      Normalerweise machen wir ja auch alles nach. Nur das nicht :(
      - warum du hab orangr :fplm:
      Pullin' in the reigns and hold back the hunger!
      No, now it's too late...
    • he ich hab die letzten zwei jahre TF2 davor starcraft/cnc gespielt, bin gegen alles abgehärtet :P

      bin übrigens gespannt wie das jetzt mit der deutschen zensur auf onlineshops weiter geht, alles recht amüsant.
      MoeBro #8
    • Helly schrieb:

      he ich hab die letzten zwei jahre TF2 davor starcraft/cnc gespielt, bin gegen alles abgehärtet :P

      bin übrigens gespannt wie das jetzt mit der deutschen zensur auf onlineshops weiter geht, alles recht amüsant.
      die bekommen ein stoppschild angehängt und das wars ;) aber das is ja OT

      Finde auch das kompetives Zocken nichts schlimmes ist - finde auch idR. sind das die angenehmeren Spieler nach meiner Erfahrung
      Spielt ihr Blazblue, Guilty Gear, Anime Games, Airdasher oder sonstige FGs? join HE-Discord (<- mich kann man anklicken.)
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