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Wer die ideale Musik zum Zeichnen sucht, findet sie bei "Healing Winds", SCIII OST.
Wir haben eine Gallerie! Wir haben eine Gallerie!
Postet eure Artworks und selbsgezeichneten Bilder hier. Kommentare und Anregungen zu bereits geposteten Werken sind natürlich erwünscht

Wer die ideale Musik zum Zeichnen sucht, findet sie bei "Healing Winds", SCIII OST.
So few people are willing to actually get into a game and understand what makes a 2-D fighter tick that everyone will write it off as something they'd already seen. You can't really have a 2-D fighting game anymore without a "gimmick" and people will judge the game based on what the gimmick is.
Unfortunately, it doesn't really work. It's almost impossible to argue that the best 2-D fighting game ever produced was Hyper Fighting. We've been going in the wrong direction ever since.
--Jay Snyder
Unfortunately, it doesn't really work. It's almost impossible to argue that the best 2-D fighting game ever produced was Hyper Fighting. We've been going in the wrong direction ever since.
--Jay Snyder
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