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    • Uh...
      Yang matches? Youtube matches?

      So few people are willing to actually get into a game and understand what makes a 2-D fighter tick that everyone will write it off as something they'd already seen. You can't really have a 2-D fighting game anymore without a "gimmick" and people will judge the game based on what the gimmick is.
      Unfortunately, it doesn't really work. It's almost impossible to argue that the best 2-D fighting game ever produced was Hyper Fighting. We've been going in the wrong direction ever since.

      --Jay Snyder
    • Am coolsten ist es, wenn die japanischen Kommentatoren bei Yangmatches

      Hoi Hai Hoi Hai HAI!

      So few people are willing to actually get into a game and understand what makes a 2-D fighter tick that everyone will write it off as something they'd already seen. You can't really have a 2-D fighting game anymore without a "gimmick" and people will judge the game based on what the gimmick is.
      Unfortunately, it doesn't really work. It's almost impossible to argue that the best 2-D fighting game ever produced was Hyper Fighting. We've been going in the wrong direction ever since.

      --Jay Snyder
    • @Dino

      schau dir auch mal den Yang von KO an, der geht riiiiiichtig gut ab.

      hab allerdings keine ahnung ob der KO-Yang technisch gesehen oder yomi/engineerfahrungtechnisch/zomgichbinKO gesehen der hitshit ist^^
      - Wämpaier Sejfjohr -

      SFIII, da bin ich dabei.
    • roshihikari langt imo.
      du bist eine schade für beat em ups :) Komm mal in tekken6 dann zeig ich dir 17 hit sample move mit deviljin
      wenn du tekken hast zock nächstes ma mit mir da das spamm in tekken6 nich geht da man es kontert und dabei nen combo move zu kombinieren :)

      cheat cheat, niemand will mit dich spielen, patetic playing
    • Alle sagen immer Kenzo wäre besser mit Yang als mit Yun und er hätte ne Menge Jahre damit verbracht ihn zu meistern etc... Aber wenn man sich dann mal die Matches von Roshi anschaut merkt man doch dass er besser mit Yang ist als Kenzo.
      Mh... Ich denke das is wie mit Messatsu/RX und Sugiyama/PinoAB.
      So few people are willing to actually get into a game and understand what makes a 2-D fighter tick that everyone will write it off as something they'd already seen. You can't really have a 2-D fighting game anymore without a "gimmick" and people will judge the game based on what the gimmick is.
      Unfortunately, it doesn't really work. It's almost impossible to argue that the best 2-D fighting game ever produced was Hyper Fighting. We've been going in the wrong direction ever since.

      --Jay Snyder
    • Roshihikari war schon der geilste irgendwie - Kenzou aka KO ist halt ein alter EX Rekka abuser ^^ Ansonsten waren / sind auch noch Goemon & Boss nicht schlecht!
      Gazörd Master of the
      Rührei-Ninjutsu Kakutou-Ryu Dojo Ruhrpott

      "Wenn es trifft, ist es nicht random!"

      Doitsu Dashpunch #2 of 3

      3rd Strike: Ken, Necro, Makoto, Ibuki
      Garou: Gato, Terry
      KOFXIII: ?
      VF5FS: ...
    • Benutzer online 1

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