Tatsunoko vs. Capcom - Cross Generation of Heroes

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    • Den kann man gar net zocken der is Boss only :pinch: .. zumindest bisher.

      Wieder der Elvenshadow Blog:

      "Elvenshadow" schrieb:

      DISCLAIMER: These impressions of the game are probably going to turn out very wrong when the game is finally updated to its last version and people actually have played it enough to learn all the broke shit you can do. These are very early impressions and are based on playing for a very short time so if I end up being wrong on a lot of my predictions then well... dont flame me too badly :P

      Throughout the day at the location test, the number of people fluctuated greatly. There were times when I had to wait a long time, there were times when almost no one was in line to play, but there were always a good number of spectators. They had 2 setups going, one was for 2 player vs mode and the other was one player arcade mode vs the CPU. It seems that Gold Lighton is only going to be a boss CPU character, I cant really see them making him playable. He always has super armor and doesnt block and he takes up the whole screen. When You fight him, its zoomed out so far it looks like you are playing Arcana Heart lol. Hes very slow but does tons of damage and can interupt any attack. However, I never bothered to play arcade mode sijnce the line was long, I just played vs mode the whole time. I noticed that the select screen is setup in a way that there may not be very many characters beyond whats already announced. The way its set up, perhaps they could rotate around and fit more characters in the back, but im not really sure how thats gonna work with 2 seperate cursers trying to select a character. I hope theres a lot more characters though. I tried out Morrigan, Ryu, Batsu, Souki, Tekkaman, Ken, and Casshern. Overall I ended up using Morrigan and Casshern the most often. Most of the people there (including myself) didnt really know wtf they were doing so I didnt get to see too much advanced stuff going on. There was this other foreigner there and he was doing a good job of ninja taping some matches all sneaky like. He was also nice enough to let me barrow a 100 yen coin after I got to the front and realized I didnt have any change.

      Some basic info about the game. Personally I think visually the game looks very nice, and people complaining about it not using sprites need to stop. I love sprites as much as the next guy (im a fuckin Guilty Gear player!) but I honestly dont think the game suffers at all and still looks and feels very 2d. All characters in the game have an air dash. You can call assist with the tag button and tag with back and tag button. Theres some special feature you can use to sacrifice your red health in order to flash and extend combos. It like cancels the recovery on whatever move you use it after which allows for extended combos. I saw other people use it but I didnt know how to activate it. It doesnt seem to use any super meter. The game features mid combo tagging but I dont know how to do it and I didnt see a single person use it all weekend. The 3 button makes the game feel more limited in terms of using normals for zoning and poking but I think the game doesnt suffer a whole lot from it. You can still get different normals by pressing a direction and the button just like in Guilty Gear for example, so its not that bad. Push blocking is really good in this game. Here are quick initial impressions so far of each character...

      Morrigan plays really nice, her multi directional air dash gives her tons of mobility and mixup options. Her mixup game almost sorta feels like I-no which was cool. She can combo into her level 3 super pretty easily too which is nice. I can see her being good in this game. Her assist isnt so great though, she just throws a soulfist.

      Ryu also feels good. Hes got all his old tools but having his kick special from SF3 gives him good combo options. He can do a ground chain into the kick and then combo his level 3 shoryuken super and it does TONS of damage. His shinkuhadouken is more or less just as it always has been. You can easily combo into it but it gets scaled a lot. He can combo shinkuuhadouken off of regular huricane kick. Also, his huricane kick always goes straight, it doesnt use jump momentum ever. Having an air dash feels really cool for Ryu too. His assist is just a hadouken and didnt seem so great. I can see him being good though.

      Casshern was a lot of fun to use. I can see some good okizeme potential after knockdown if you summon his dog properly, but the dog comes out slow otherwise and I hardly ever saw anyone get hit by it at all (theres 3 version of it by the way, one hits you, one bites you and holds you in place, the other shoots a flame thrower out of its mouth). His specials are overall pretty good and seem usefull. though im not sure how safe his lightning punch is yet... it seems dangerous on block so not very abuseable, but his short hop ground slam move seems good. I also noticed he had a sorta knee upper move (kinda like Joe Higashi) and it wasnt listed on the move list. It was done by doing a backwards DP motion. His level 3 super seems nice and does tons of damage. His range on his normals arnt fantastic though but hes pretty fast. He seems above average probably.

      Ken (Gatchaman) seems like the fastest character in the game, with multi directional air dash, teleport, dash attack move and just overall fast speed. He also doesnt have great range but he can rush down very well. He has a maximum spider like super and it does TONS of damage for a level 1.

      Tekkaman... I dunno, I was really hoping he would be great since I love him as a character but hes very slow in general. He didnt feel very effective when I tried him out but I think perhaps he has potential once people figure out some stuff they can do with him. When he throws is lance as a projectile, it does lots of damage and multi hits, but then he has to go pick it up and he has to fight with his hands until he picks it up which is kinda a big disadvantage. His damage was decent but I dunno... he doesnt seem so great to me so far. However, as an assist character I see potential with him. He has a chord pull grab move sorta like omega red and I can see it being used well as an assist, it points upward for the assist version, but he has 3 different versions when you are playing as him. Also his jumping hard attack seems like it might have crossup potential, but it comes out a bit slow.

      Souki... he plays pretty basic and doesnt have many moves at all, but he has autoguard special moves and it seems pretty effective and goes through tons of shit. It also knocks the opponent high into the air if they get hit by the auto guard swipe. Overall hes probably the slowest character in the game but he does lots of damage. He also has a dragon install type move which seems pretty good.

      Batsu, seems pretty average all around. Hes a bit slow but his specials are good. I dont really see him having anything very dominating. Damage is pretty average I guess. Hes just kinda a straight forward character from what I can tell. However, he does have a very fast air kick special that lets him play a good runaway game and he can keep people at bay with his fireball.

      Yatterman was used a lot but I didnt bother trying him out. He has a quick overhead which seems good for mixup. He doesnt seem to do much damage though and his supers seem pretty crappy overall, very easy to block and dont even do that much damage. I didnt try him so I really dont know honestly how good is gonna end up.

      Polymer seems pretty solid but I didnt try him either. I noticed people doing some nice long ground combos with him. He seems like a pretty technical character but I dont really know much about him to be honest.

      Chun-li seems pretty solid. I didnt try her out either but she seems to be a lot like her MVC1 self and her old level 3 super was nice to see in this game. She actually didnt get used much so I didnt see much of her.

      Alex.... I must say, Alex seems broken right now. Probably the best in the game (?). He can combo into his super on the ground and afterwords the opponent gets dizzied. He can then do another combo into the super again! This right there is enough to pretty much kill someone with a full life bar. The super does a TON of damage and the damage doesnt get scaled after the dizzy. I dont know if the dizzy is escapable but I didnt see anyone get out of it. He wasnt even very slow at all, he was pretty fast. All his stuff seemed pretty usefull too. I think they really need to tone Alex down...

      This time at the loketest there were a lot more players that seemed to know what they were doing, most likely since the game has been there all weekend and they were able to learn some stuff. This is where I saw the broken Alex player dominating really hard.
      "The real challenge is to stay in range of the long-term pespective when you are under fire and hurting in the middle of the war. This is at the core of the art of learning"
      -- Josh Waitzkin

      GG AC Engine FAQ

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von Shoto ()

    • grafisch find ichs nice, spielerisch siehts erbärmlich aus imo. air hadoken stehend, mehr als 1 hado auf dem screen, super istn riesenbeam, dann das floaty air movement ("air movement"), ist mir zu sehr MVC, nur ohne chars die mich ansprechen. find das ganze ziemlich sinnlos leider.
      du bist eine schade für beat em ups :) Komm mal in tekken6 dann zeig ich dir 17 hit sample move mit deviljin
      wenn du tekken hast zock nächstes ma mit mir da das spamm in tekken6 nich geht da man es kontert und dabei nen combo move zu kombinieren :)

      cheat cheat, niemand will mit dich spielen, patetic playing
    • Ja, durchaus, Alex ist noch ein klein wenig zu stark in dieser aktuellen Version. Den "goldenen Kühlschrank" hätte ich mir gar nicht so groß vorgestellt... wird mir ein Vergnügen sein, ihn von den Stelzen zu holen. ^^

      Welche typischen Charaktere gibt es eigentlich sonst noch von der Tatsunoko-Seite (die höchstwahrscheinlich sogar noch im Spiel vorkommen könnten)?

      The Fighting Game Glossary by Infil - Quelle: glossary.infil.net/

      Don't ride the Hate-Train, enjoy your games.
    • Das sieht halt genau aus wie die VS-Games - langsame, riesige Hadoken, alle Moves offenbar mid-air möglich (mit der Ästethik eines SF2 Hacks), screengroße Bosse, Laserbeam-Super... war doch eigentlich zu erwarten? IST ja ein VS-Game...
      "Für Karl Popper ist für die Wahrheit einer Aussage ihre Herkunft, also wer sie behauptet, nicht ausschlaggebend; im Falle von Hegel machte er von dieser Regel jedoch eine Ausnahme."
    • Megaman (Capcom Site) Confirmed!

      New Intro (+ Megaman und ein, zwei andere Charaktere die ich nicht kenne)

      Megaman Match

      Comment: Ich bin mir nicht sicher, welcher Megaman es ist... auf jeden Fall hat er keinen Helm auf.

      The Fighting Game Glossary by Infil - Quelle: glossary.infil.net/

      Don't ride the Hate-Train, enjoy your games.
    • Das ist der MegaMan aus Legends.

      Die Musik ist mal klasse :>
      "Für Karl Popper ist für die Wahrheit einer Aussage ihre Herkunft, also wer sie behauptet, nicht ausschlaggebend; im Falle von Hegel machte er von dieser Regel jedoch eine Ausnahme."
    • Sie haben den Megaman genommen weils der einzige ist, der sich ducken kann 8D... wobei... man denke an Zero (Megaman X Zero) aus SNK vs Capcom... hmmmmmmm......

      Hoffentlich gibts noch mehr Charas... irgendwie find ichs ganz furchtbar wenn es unter 20 Charas sind...
      Es gibt nichts Besseres als knusprige Peking Ente :3 Ohm nom nom nom nom x3
    • [dNs]Bloodreaper schrieb:

      Kann mir eigentlich jemand von euch sagen, was das für andere Charaktere im "New Intro"-Vid (ab 1:25) sind?


      Das Mädel im Kostüm (und vermutlich auch die einzige die kämpfen wird von den Charas) ist Doronjo aus ich glaube Yatterman. Die anderen da sind ihre Untertanen.
      Es gibt nichts Besseres als knusprige Peking Ente :3 Ohm nom nom nom nom x3
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