Unglaublich aber wahr, da es noch keinen Thread hierzu gibt hab ich mir mal die Freiheit heraus genommen einen Aufzumachen.
Kommt fürs aktuelle Taito Board raus Taito TypeX² das sich graphsich wohl irgendwo zwischen PS2 und PS3 bewegt und 2008 erscheint.
Hier mal die ganzen Links dazu
Homepage: Klick Mich
Moves List(und somit enthaltene Chars):
Pic 1 | Pic 1 | Pic 3 | Pic 4 | Pic 5
Youtube Links vom 2ten Location Test:
Vid 2 | Vid 3 | Vid 4
Gibt noch ne menge mehr also sucht gefälligst selbst danach ihr faulen Penner
Also im Moment siehts noch bissl Mau aus imo aber ich freue mich schon drauf und hoff es gibt ne Consolen Version. Finds auch geil das der Schaden den die Schläge machen wieder so hoch ist
BTW der editor zerstört mir ständig die Formatierungen und fettet und unterstreicht selbstständig ein WTF!!! Ausserdem zerstört er die links
Kommt fürs aktuelle Taito Board raus Taito TypeX² das sich graphsich wohl irgendwo zwischen PS2 und PS3 bewegt und 2008 erscheint.
Hier mal die ganzen Links dazu
Homepage: Klick Mich
Moves List(und somit enthaltene Chars):
Pic 1 | Pic 1 | Pic 3 | Pic 4 | Pic 5
Youtube Links vom 2ten Location Test:
Vid 2 | Vid 3 | Vid 4
Gibt noch ne menge mehr also sucht gefälligst selbst danach ihr faulen Penner

"The Professor" schrieb:
The artwork on the moves list is definitely Senri Kita. She also did the artworks for Nintendo's recent Fire Emblem titles as well, so I guess she moved out of Capcom.
There's no in-depth reports yet but here's some info from Japanese forums. Kind of surprizing that there were reportedly around 50 people at the test, considering Tokyo's being hit with a throughout the whole day.
Returning characters:
Haohmaru, Genjuro, Ukyo, Nakoruru, Hanzo, Galford, Kyoshiro, Wanfu,
Kazuki, Sougetsu, Charlotte.
New characters (Spellings may be incorrect)
Gallows (looks like a Viking)
Kim (ancestor of Kaphwan? must be, determening from his move names)
J (Afro Samurai)
Angelica (Short haired ethnic-looking female.)
Varta (Armored knight.)
Black Hawk (Looks like a native American, fights with two Axes)
Yaibei? (Old man, name is probably incorrect)
Chiyo (Youngster with a wooden sword.)
Suzuhime (looks like a Japanese princess)
A- Side slash
B- Vertical slash
C- Kick
R- Extra moves (throw, deflect attacks, etc)
A+B Feirce- Side slash
B+C Feirce- Vertical slash
(let go) - Step-in
(hold on) - Dash
- Backstep
+ R- lower deflection
+ R- upper deflection
NeutralNeutral- move downwards on Z axis
NeutralNeutral- move upwards on Z axis
-Basically, they've based the roster on Samurai Shodown 2 and filled half of the game with new characters.
-Reportedly, the game plays something inbetween Soul Calibur and Tekken.
-Galford has no dog. Nakoruru doesn't have her hawk.
-No selectable fighting modes (meaning Shura, Rasetsu, etc)
-Single hits don't take away half the life bar like in previous SS releases. It's become more combo oriented like other 3D games. Float the opponent, hit them around.
1. Graphics = PS2.
I was very wrong on my first impression on Samurai Sen's graphics" linkhref=" my apologies. With Tekken 6 cabinets now out in arcades and running side by side with Samurai Sen" linkhref=" there were clear differences. Samurai Sen looks like it has PS2 quality graphics. The texture is nowhere par to Tekken, the resolution is... surprizingly low. IMO, the graphics looked at a higher resolution during the first beta testing.
2. Gameplay feels like SS1
There hasn't been any game system or control changes since the first beta test. However, the damage rate has been massively, MASSIVELY, increased. One feirce slash can literally take away half a life bar or more. Two feirce slashes and the round is over. At the current point, people were playing the game a bit like an SS1 (albeit with combos), poking each other with weak attacks and looking for a chance to slice in a feirce.
When KO'ing an opponent with a feirce slash, the camera zooms into the loser as they slowly fall onto the ground. In the case of Suzuhime, she's not wearing a skirt so the camera shows her underga nevermind.
Rimururu and a new fencer
Two new characters were unlocked for this beta test; Rimururu, and a new male fencer named Killian. Judging from his looks and move names, he's Spanish. Two more character slots are still to be unlocked.
Nakoruru's got her bird
Nakoruru's Hawk is in the game. I'm not sure if she can command it to attack, but she can definitely grab onto its legs and fly.
That's about it for now!
Also im Moment siehts noch bissl Mau aus imo aber ich freue mich schon drauf und hoff es gibt ne Consolen Version. Finds auch geil das der Schaden den die Schläge machen wieder so hoch ist

BTW der editor zerstört mir ständig die Formatierungen und fettet und unterstreicht selbstständig ein WTF!!! Ausserdem zerstört er die links
They should call me Hadouken 'cause I'm down right fierce!
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