King of Fighters´98 Ultimate Match [TaitoTypeX/PS2]

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    • Yeah, gut is das natürlich :D
      Aber wärs fürs AW gekommen...da hätten sich wohl auch EINIGE gefreut.

      VOr allem ich, denn dann hätte ich gleich mal eins geordert ..manno XD

      Arcade <3
      Willze ma mitt mir im Schwimmbad schnaufen? 8D
    • Übersetzung der ersten Seite.

      "Perfect" schrieb:

      Typical translation disclaimer:
      My Japanese isn't all that hot, so read whatever I translate with a hint of salt. Also, the translation is done loosely with an emphasis on English that isn't too awkward to read.

      Page 1 translation:

      Red Title text:
      That famous masterpiece that even now enjoys support among fans powers up and makes its reappearance!

      Blue text under logo
      A new KOF 98, a renewal of a game through which intense battles were waged during Super Battle Opera 07. As we reported in our previous issus, it's been decided that this game will have an arcade release! Focusing on the new systems and new characters, we present to you a look at the essentials of the game.

      *The contents reported here are of a game under development. Changes deemed worthy for the game's improvement might be made. Lastly, screenshots are taken from the PS2 version.

      Info box:
      The King of Fighters '98 Ultimate Match
      Developer: SNK Playmore
      Genre: 2D Fighting
      Controls: 8 way lever and 4 buttons
      Date of release: Next Spring (i.e. 08 Spring)
      Development board: TAITO Type X

      Essential New Features, No. 1:
      Customise the game with the new ULTIMATE Mode!
      In KOF '98, players could chose between Advanced and Extra modes. UM adds on to that with the Ultimate mode, for a total of 3 modes.

      The old Advanced and Extra modes can be broken down into 3 components each, the movement type (run or hop dash), the evasion type (roll or dodge) and the power gauge (97-onwards bar or 96 and prior bar). As the table on the right shows, the new Ultimate Mode lets you choose 2 of the 3 components from the older modes.

      One might think that just Ultimate Mode is enough after looking at all this, but the older modes have recieved updates as well, which we will detail below. Each have their own strengths and weakensses.

      Blue bar: The existing systems are still alive and kicking!

      The basic controls are: the 8 way stick, and the four buttons with A as light punch, B as light kick, C as strong punch, and D as strong kick. There are also 4 types of jumps, Normal, small, middle and large. There are also various body blow attacks (Note: Old school CD attacks, XI style E attacks), throws, throw counters,recovery rolls etc. The basic system from KOF 98 remains intact. This continues the tradition of the system from the KOF series, so you should be able to just jump and play without having to adjust.

      (Note: This is a pain to do in plain text, and I think I've already explained this well enough above, so I'm going to skip this)

      Screen shots:
      Left SS:
      The new Ultimate Mode lets you pick 2 choices from the various movement types, evasion types, and power gauges.

      Right SS:
      The basic SS is the same as '98, hence blocking during vertical and backward jumps are possible. You can block projectiles and jump attacks.

      Essentials of the new Advanced Mode:
      In UM's Advanced mode, you can cancel normals and command moves with a roll.
      If you read your opponent's guard cancel body blow attempts correctly, some characters might be able to use this to set up their combos!? Also, the MAX DMs, which previously could only be activated while in Max Mode, can now also be done outside of Max mode by pressing AC or BD at the time of activation. While this will consume 3 stocks, this is surely a change for the better.

      Screenshot: First featured in KOF 2002, it is now possible to cancel your normals and command moves with a roll. While the details as to whether it consumes a stock or not, and whether there's any invincibility or not remain unclear, it is certain that this broadens the scope for potential strategies.

      Essentials of the new Extra Mode:
      While this was a rarely-used mode in KOF 98, this installment sees Extra Mode juiced up significantly. You can now cancel normals and command attacks with a dodge, and the forward walking speed is 1.3 times of Advanced Mode. Once your power gauges fills up it remains that way, until the player activates Max mode by pressing ABC. This Max mode activation can be done after your normals or special moves hit, and even in the midst of blocking your opponent's attacks.

      As the Max mode activation is now player controlled, the efficiency of the the power gauge has been increased slightly. In addition, if you activate Max mode while hitting with your normals or special moves, the lag of your attacks will be decreased! You might even be able to make even longer combos with this!?

      End Page 1 translation.
      stay hydrated
    • jepp, das finde ich auch! Und das man nun quasi jederzeit aktivieren kann (im Blocken, während man angreift etc.) find ich auch geil <3 Das wird alles um einiges dynamischer dadurch imo.
      Kyokugen-Ryu Dojo Berlin
      KOF is best in life: In Behinner we trust!
    • RealBout c.f. schrieb:

      Irgendwie bin ich auf einmal total geil auf das Spiel. :S

      Weiss jemand, ob die Hintergründe 2D oder 3D sind? Lowres oder Highres?
      also bei der snk neujahr feier[vorletztes jahr) haben die es angezockt komentiert von den kof syncron sprecher und die backgrounds wahren 3d und die chara sprites haten nen weich zeichner drüber. ob high oder low konnteman von der video qualität nicht erkennen.
      Hab gerade nen trailer gefunden bei dem man es gut sehen kann:…-match-official-trailer-1
      China, the home of KOF!

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von [dNs]Goeniz ()

    • Page 2:

      "Perfect" schrieb:

      Essential New Features, No 2:

      Fan-demanded characters make their appearance!

      Text on right:
      The essential new features of KOF 98 UM do not end with just the new systems. Many characters who did not make an appearance in the original KOF 98 now step up to join the battle! First up, we have the "WE MUST BEAT KYOKUGEN KARATE!" duo, Eiji and Kasumi. Both have enjoyed continued popularity, and fans will be surely pleased to see their faces here. You can look forward to using them with their new moves!

      First making his appearance in Art of Fighting 2, this ninja proudly claims that the Kisaragi-ryuu Ninjutsu style is superior to all, and seeks to crush Ryo and the other Kyokugen Karate practioners. Just like(?) a ninja, he excels at using his quick movement abilities, sudden attacks and his chi projectiles to confuse and leave his opponents at his mercy. Can he surpass Kyokugen Karate with his abilites this time?

      Left SS:
      Kikouhou, his familiar special move that sees him shooting out his chi in front of him. As can be seen from the screenshot, it seems to have a fairly long reach. Could it be used for both combos and as a punishing move!?

      Mid SS:

      From his Last Blade ancestor(?), Zantetsu, Eiji gains the (Note: Gannui? Mukuronui?) It's a special move that rains knives down upon his opponents.

      Right SS:
      Although this was a special move in 95, his Zantetsuha has been changed into a DM. The screenshot on the left shows the the MAX version.

      The Kobujitsu practioner that debuted in the Art of Fighting Series as the daughter of Todo Ryuhaku, she showed up with the aim of defeating the Kyokugen Karate practioners who defeated her father. She has also made appearances in 96, 99, 2000 and XI in the KOF series. Her moves include the Kasaneate, a move that release chi in front of her, Kobujitsu style counter moves, and combination attacks that flow into each other.

      Left SS:
      The trademark move of the Todo style, the Kasaneate continues to go through evolutions. In this installment, she's gained a diagonally upward version of the move, named the Anti-Air Kasaneate!

      Right SS:
      Releasing her chi right in front of her with a shout, Kasumi gains her special move from Art of Fighting Gaiden, the (Note: Raihoukou?). Does it still possess the ability to cause the opponent to stumble?

      Bottom SS:
      The DM, Chou Kasaneate, gains the surprising ability to be done in mid air! Although it depends on the hitbox and when the move is initiaed, it seems like it can be used for mid-air combos.

      Bottom Red Box:
      Even the transition screens get a facelift!
      As you can tell from the screenshots on the right, the opening, transitional cinematics etc have been redone, giving the game a new refreshing feel. It seems like special introductions between characters and special team endings have also been added.
      stay hydrated
    • Page 3

      "Perfect" schrieb:

      Of course, the bosses of evil have come back with new skills and abilities too!

      Showing up in 96 as the boss team, Geese, Krauser and Mr Big have come back to KOF 98 with new moves in tow! Thus, every single character from 94-97 make their appearance in 98 UM. But, wait, wouldn't that mean that CPU boss character and that CPU boss character might make their appearance too!? Stay tuned for our continuing coverage of this game!

      Having stayed away from the 2D KOF for so long, the three make their long awaited reappearance! I guess there's no choice but to use them now!

      The boss of the Fatal Fury series, and the originator of the counter-throw techniques. The head of the Howard Connection, the organisation that controls SouthTown, Geese Howard joins the battle! Clad in his gi outfit, Geese's techniques include the above-mentioned counter throws, strong hitting attacks and the Shinkuu Nage command throw.

      Top SS:
      From the Fatal Fury Real Bout series, the (Note: Raikouzenha?) throw picks up an opponent off the ground and throws him. A stable source of follow up damage you can rely on?!

      Middle SS:
      One of Geese's signature moves, the Raikoumawashigeri. As this is not treated as a command move in this installment, you might be able to use it in a combo after cancelling it from his normal moves.

      Bottom SS:
      The ranbu-style DM, Deadly Rave, is available for Geese's use. It seems that in this installment, you no longer have to manually input all the commands for the hits to connect.

      Mr Big:
      The Mafia Boss controlling Southtown that first made an appearance in the Art of Fighting Series. Mr Big was formerly in the Army's Special Forces, and fights skillfuly with a pair of clubs. His long-reaching attacks, made possible by his large frame and his clubs, are as big a threat as ever in this installment.

      Top SS:
      Drumshot, his new move that sees him hitting his opponent in quick succession as though they were a drum. Mr Big used this move in Art of Fighting 2.

      Middle SS:
      Blaster Web, his DM that sees him shooting out lightning from his clubs. It seems like in this installment it will be useful in combos as well.

      Bottom SS:
      Rising Spear, a hidden move in Art of Fighting 2. A command grab DM that catches the opponent and impales him several times.

      The boss of Fatal Fury 2, and the head of the Stroheim family that controls the underworld. Also a brother to Geese by way of a different mother. A character that relies on dynamic attacks leveraging on his gigantic frame, as well his projectile attacks.

      Top SS:
      Shown is the finisher of Unlimited Desire, his new ranbu style technique. The increase in variation in his DMs is something gladly appreciated.

      Middle SS:
      Gigantic Cyclone, a command grab that has him spinning with 2 outstretched arms and sucking his opponent towards him. Just like Unlimited Desire, this is a move that was previously used in Real Bout Fatal Fury 2.

      Bottom SS:
      His jumping body blow attack now has a new animation. The horizontal reach is certainly there, and the downward priority seems rather high too.

      Page 4
      Essential New Features, No. 3
      Even more EX characters to be added!

      EX King:
      EX Characters are characters that have different special moves and abilities from the normal version of the characters, and in this installment ever more of them are added. King's EX character is closer to the Art of Fighting version of her character in terms of abilities, thus she has (Note: Moushuukyaku?) added, among others, and in return for her losing her Illusion Dance DM, the Surprise Rose and Double Strike have become DMs.

      Left SS:
      Tornado Kick has been reverted to her 94 motion. It was an extremely strong move in 94, but how will it be like in this installment!?

      Right SS:
      This is the MAX version of the Double Strike. With 2 large projectiles being fired, it's really hard for the opponent to evade them!?

      EX Blue Mary:
      This EX character takes herher Real Bout incarnation as a base. She has the Young Dive, a move where she somersaults forward and body splashes her opponent, as well as the follow up moves Reversal Kick and Dangerous Spider. Leg Press, the move that hits opponents off the ground, etc, are techniques that the normal version of Mary do not have. As she almost seems like a completely different character it looks like it'll be pretty fun playing her.

      Left SS:
      The followup from her Straight Slicer move, Stun Fang sees her attack with a Stun Gun.

      Right SS:
      Her new DM, the M. Escalation. This is a move that powers Mary up, and allows for several moves that are restricted to this power up mode to be done.

      EX Yamazaki:
      EX Yamazaki also takes as its base the Real Bout incarnation of Yamazaki. As such, the motions for his Hebi Tsukai (Note: qcb p Snake hand move) and Sabaki no Aikuchi (Note: dp p dagger move) have been changed, the Oohebi (Note: Big snake) that results from charging the Hebi Tsukai, and the Todome finisher with the ability to hit opponents off the ground have been added. Also, his weak Baikaeshi (Note; qcf p projectile reflector move) will, after absorbing the projectile, release the projectile at a time of your choosing after inputing the command again.

      Left SS:
      The Real Bout Style Sabaki no Aikuchi. After this the Todome off the ground move is a sure hit!?

      Right SS:
      At the charging phase of the 4th step of the Drill, pressing ABC at the same time will result in the 5th step of the move from Real Bout Fatal Fury 2.

      EX Geese:
      Even Geese, who joins 98 for the first time gets an EX character whose base is taken from the Real Bout series. The normal Geese has short range Reppukens and Shupuukens, but EX Geese has projectiles that cover the range of the screen. Rashomon is usable as a DM command grab, among others. First impressions seem to suggest he is a very powerful character, but will his strength persist?

      Left SS:
      Double Shipuuken, a move that sees 2 Shipuukens being fired at the same time, is usable. Of course, these 2 projectiles do not dissipate before hitting the ground.

      Right SS:
      Rashomon has an animation that is just too cool. The Raging Storm has also taken on the look from Real Bout 2.

      A total of 59 characters can be used!
      98 already had a high number of characters, but with the new characters being added and the EX versions of the characters showing up as well, the number of characters have increased tremendously! With the most number of characters ever for the series, this seems like it'll be endless fun!

      (Note: Table shows all the characters. Do I really need to translate this? The red text signifies that character has an EX version)

      Kyokugendo and Cabbits both have high expectations for 98 UM!!

      K: The remake of the highly popular KOF 98, KOF 98 UM has finally arrived huh.
      C: Personally, the thing I'm most excited about is that we'll be able to play this in the arcades!
      K: I played a bit of this during Tokyo Game Show 2007, but with existing characters getting new moves and even small changes being made throughout, I really think we'll be able to enjoy this game as if it were an entirely new game.
      C: 98 was controversial in its large number of characters, but the fact that this remake ups the character count some more really surprised me!
      K: There are characters from 98 I wish to play, but there are also characters who've undergone significant changes that I want to get my hands on... whatever shall I do about my team....
      C: It's a worrying decision we're happy we have to make, right? *laughs*
      stay hydrated
    • Jetzt müssten sie nur noch vernünftige Artworks machen, die Announcer-Stimme ändern, und evtl. ein paar Post-´98-Charaktere reinpacken. Obwohl, beim letzten Punkt bin ich mir unsicher, wäre irgendwie cool, hätte aber auch seinen Reiz das ganze in sich geschlossen zu lassen.

      Hoffentlich haben sie die lange Zeit, seitdem das erste Material gezeigt wurde, genutzt, um das Spiel auszubalancieren.

      Aber irgendwie haben die schon wesentlich mehr gemacht bzw. am ursprünglichen Spiel geändert als ich erwartet habe.
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