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    • Hi, herzlich willkommen in unserer community. freut mich, dass du dich doch noch getraut hast dich hier anzumelden. :D
      Unschlagbarkeit liegt in der Verteidigung - die
      Möglichkeit des Sieges liegt im Angriff
    • Hallo Leutz!^^

      Bin neu hier und wollt mich erstmal kurz hier vorstellen.
      Ich komme aus Berlin, heisse Tobias und bin 22 Jahre alt!

      Mein erstes bemu war Street fighter 2 turbo auf SNES! Hatte damals mit Ryu angefangen und zogge ihn seit heute noch!^^ Allerdings immer nur so funmäßig, weil ich mich nie wirklich mit SF stark beschäftigt hatte. Das hat sich nun seit heute geändert, da ich 3rd Strike bekommen hab und mir das game so gut gefällt, dass ich mich halt mal richtig reinfuchsen will. Hoffe ich bekomme hier n paar gute Infos aber ich denk mal das dürfte kein prob sein! ;)

      Ausserdem zogge ich aktiv Tekken. Wenigstens ein game was ich halbwegs kann! =P
      mains: Baek, Wang

      c ya LeutZ!
    • Jo Jo

      Watt los

      Wilkommen in der deutschen beamu community ^^

      Hey ich bin auch aus berlin wie viele andere auch , kannst dich ja
      mal blicken lassen bei nem treffen oder so.

      Wir spielen auch viel 3rd :D
      The Matrix has its roots in primitive arcade games,' said the voice-over, 'in early graphics programs and military experimentation with cranial jacks....
      ― William Gibson, Neuromancer
    • Hey! thx a lot für die nette Begrüßung! Ich komm gerne mal vorbei um gegen euch zu zoggen aber erstmal will ich so die Grundsachen und so üben! Is ja totales Neuland für mich. ;) Ausserdem hab auch noch mit Tekken zu tun!
      Nächstes WE is Turnier! :D

      btw. Gibts hier irgendwo nen Thread der erstmal über die basics so aufklärt? Am besten gleich auf Ryu bezogen! ^^
    • So in der Form nicht aber schau mal auf
      nach. Da wirst du unter SF3 sehr schnell fündig. Ansonsten hilft dir der thread hier beim Einstieg:

      mfg SHii
      stay hydrated
    • @ ARESone:

      Guck mal hier:

      unter Texte: Spieleberater: Spielsystem 1-6
      Ist ein muss.. wenn du ein paar Sachen nicht verstehs (ist wohl sehr nah am japanischen Satztbau übersetzt oder sowas, auf jeden Fall wirkt es manchmal etwas umständlich) frag im Forum nach^^. Naja, in deutscher oder englischer Sprache wüsste ich nicht wo man diese informationen noch halbwegs systematisch bekommt. Also lesen^^ (auch wenn du am Anfang wohl noch nicht mit allem was anfangen kannst).

      Dann noch eine Top Empfehlung:

      Wirklich richtig gut für den Chara Einstieg (und darüber hinaus, erklärt auch viel Advanced Stuff) und Komplett mit Begriffserklärungen und Frame Data. Super gut um Basics zu schaffen^^. Kauf dir den, ist sein Geld mehr als Wert und ist die einzige wirklich systematische Quelle für Basic 3s Wissen die mir bekannt ist.

      Der letzte Ansatzpunkt:
      Btw.: Ich hasse SRK.. unübersichtlich und man ließt 10 Seiten Müll für eine Seite guten Kram.. und sobald man die Basics hat findet man nur noch sporadisch was wirklich überzeugendes.. naja ganz so schlimm ist es nicht aber ohne bereits einen Überblick zu haben geht man da unter. Ist dennoch die Standart Anlaufstelle für Capcom Prügler und enthält auch ein paar Schätze (aber die zu finden). Stell es dir als die 3s Variante von Tekken Zaibatzu vor :P

      3s Tierliste und später im Thread noch Matchup Verhältnisse:
      "The real challenge is to stay in range of the long-term pespective when you are under fire and hurting in the middle of the war. This is at the core of the art of learning"
      -- Josh Waitzkin

      GG AC Engine FAQ
    • hey ho,
      hab hier schon länger mitgelesen und nu hab ich mich angemeldet und will ich mich mal vorstellen.

      Mein name ist Arthur bin 24 Jahre alt und komme aus Berlin.
      Angefangen mit Prüglern hat es bei mir mit Alpha2 das ich beim Kollegen auf Saturn gezockt habe was dazu führte das ich mir einen DC und Alpha3 holte. Kurze Zeit später kam dann 3rd Strike und andere Prügler dazu. Doch 3rd war das Game was gezockt wurde bis zum umfallen.
      Leider hat es sich dann verlaufen so war dann erstmal schluss mit regelmässigen zocken. Jetzt zock ich ab und an mit Kollegas aber eher selten.

      Schau ich mir aber die Match und Combo Vids hier an dann bekom ich richtig böcken zu prügeln, da juckt es mir jetzt noch in den fingern aber echt ey ;)

      mfg Dash
    • Hey, wie geil ist das denn? Noch ein Berliner! Hey, Dash.DX, setzt dich mal mit [STP]Mr.Broken zusammen, schreib ne PN oder so. ^^

      Über den erreichst du bestimmt auch alle anderen Berliner. Und du kannst wieder 3rd und A3 bis zum abwinken zocken! Du musst wissen in Berlin sind gerade richtig viele Leute am Start.^_^

      Herrzlich willkommen auf Hardedge! :D
      The evolution of ZERO3 does not stop.

      And the ultimate level which is not seen yet awaits us with “Ultimate ZERO 5”.

      ~by UZ4 STAFF 18.12.2004~
    • Hi bin nun auch neu hier, hab das Forum heute erst entdeckt und mich direkt mal angemeldet, dann mal auf gutes schreiben :D
      Bin immer so schlecht in Reden halten, weiß jetzt garnicht so recht was über mich zu posten :oops:
    • "Hay Lin" schrieb:

      Hi bin nun auch neu hier, hab das Forum heute erst entdeckt und mich direkt mal angemeldet, dann mal auf gutes schreiben :D
      Bin immer so schlecht in Reden halten, weiß jetzt garnicht so recht was über mich zu posten :oops:
      Also wichtig und interresant wäre, wenn du kurz beschreibst, welche Games du gerne zocktst. Mehr will man eh nicht wissen. Und zähl am besten ein paar Beat'em ups auf, sonst haste vielleicht das falsche Board erwischt. ^^
      Obwohl hier ja theoretisch jeder willkommen ist!
      The evolution of ZERO3 does not stop.

      And the ultimate level which is not seen yet awaits us with “Ultimate ZERO 5”.

      ~by UZ4 STAFF 18.12.2004~
    • Also am liebsten zocke ich die Street Fighter Serie wobei Super SF2 und die SF Alpha Serie meine Favoriten sind
      Ansonsten besitze ich noch KOF 2000 / KOF 2001 /KOF MI / KOF EX Neoblood / KOF 2004 / DOA 2 / Soul Calibur / Rival Schools usw. und sofort ;)

      Das Dorf im Torf liegt in NRW :D
    • Hallo. :)
      Ich komme aus Lissabon, Portugal.
      Ich wohne in Osnabrück Gebiet. (seit September 2006)
      (Und mein Deutsch ist nich sehr gut... :P Beginne lerne jetzt)

      Favorite beat'em up spieles:
      - SSF2T, SFA3, 3rdStrike, MK3.

      Entschuldigung, der nächte text ist sehr komplex für mein Deustch...
      Background history:

      Since i've been told you like nice histories, here goes the big version of it. :)

      - Started in fighting games with Street Fighter 2 World Warrior, in the arcades (October 1992). Was 14 years old (just done) and watching out for cops cause I was under age to be in a arcade (+16 years law) :P
      My first option in the game was Dhalsim, which continues to be my favorite char. But it was with Ryu that I actually went far in the game. First time I tryed him went all the way till the final 4 bosses. From what I remember the machine only had 3 buttons, was later that I realized that the game itself was trully 6 buttons. hehehe..

      - In 1993, in that same arcade (that i used to play in school breaks) i came to know SF2CE and MK1 at the same time. Thus becomming the 2 games that more marked me (SF2 & MK1).

      In 1993 and 1994 also saw some other fighting games: Fatal Fury saga, World Heroes 1 (finished the game at first try, just by watching others for 30 minutes) & 2, Killer Instinct, Virtua fighter, ... to name a few. But SF and MK was what actually I played the most and with more pleasure, also due to the nice difficulty (not too hard not too easy).

      In the meanwhile arcades started disapearing, and the ones left are mainly "badly frequented" if you get what I mean..

      Once I noticed and stayed totally excited when I saw for the first a "new" SF since the SF2. Not being a "hacked" version (like Champion Edition or Hyper Fighting), but actually new animation, levels and characters. ...I saw a dark figure in a middle of thunders that seemed fairly familiar... Stayed looking at it.. And it became ryu... (SSF2T) I remember it like if it was today. Yes sounds geeky, unfortunally :P , but i totally loved SF. And still do. I tryed it out but did not went far mainly due to the new chars that i did not knew. Since that arcade was far from my house..

      (I didn't really had money, and like i said, arcades were growing less and more and more "dark & unsafe" places to be.)

      never played it again...

      only kept some access to SF on the console versions, that i would play at stores (my parents were not rich to afford SNES or MegaDrives and their games and since the live cost level in Portugal is greater than many other europeans, was even a 3 times harder task.)

      ...until ;) I finally had a computer of mine (december 1995). :) A nice old Pentium 120. Bought by me with the money raised by me since 1992. I wanted to become a computer expert, and when I was 14 years old (1992) I already knew it. So at 17 years old, I finnally got my computer. :D

      SF2 for the pc was crap. Lots of frames missing, and it was not because being a slow computer. Fortunally SSF2T came out on pc. And that was when i finally got the oportunity to train SF at home. I had no real good players near me, so I played vs CPU most of the times. Even played with school colleges, but they were never as good as the CPU.

      So then was when a funny thing happened. Since I had no arcades to play, and no consoles to play, i only had that. A computer. No pads or sticks... Just a keyboard. And that was all I used. ...Playing SSF2T from 1996 to 2000 on the PC (and also FPS games with no mouse), made me very good at playing with a keyboard.. and very bad playing with anything else :P .

      - On 2001 I started playing for the first time the SF Alphas, thanks to arcade emulators. Was a bit hard to adjust, but i managed (altough loosing my quality on SSF2T). I bought a pad in 2001. But by far i could play much better with the keyboard. And keyboard continued to be. "Why change the input in wich i am already by far better at?" Also in 2001 due to be tired of knowing no other good player I founded a irc channel and created a virtual dojo. Took some time but my wish became true. A community of portuguese streetfighters was formed, and kept growing as good players and new players from all the country would come across the channel and participating on the Online Tournaments managed by me.

      After 2 years, unfortunally, real life catched up for good. I was having less and less time and on the other hand the tournaments were becomming more and more complex to manage due to the increasing number of ppl (first tournament had 8 subcriptions, 2 years after had more than 30).. So I stopped making online tournamments, but kept the Dojo existing. :)

      1 year and a half after I stopped the online tournaments something wonderfull happened in Portugal. A portuguese (from Azores island) organized a event and made publicity to it in the SF-Dojo, inviting us to participate. Seems that the guy was a very good player that made some internacional gamming. And now wanted to retire, but first wanting to analise the ppl in the continent. So he saved money, went to Lisbon and created the EFT 2004 (Extreme Fighting Tournament 2004). The first national, offline tournament. It even had fully size good looking cups. The guy, nicknamed "Akuma" (creator of won most of the games 1st prizes. He used SFA2 as one of the games in the tournament, and that had an impact. Ppl loved the tournamment existance and asked for more, not wanting that to be the last time to see such a thing and such a good player. Also ppl got to meet each others and not only that but little communities of diferent beat'em up sagas became aware of each others (KOF players <-> Tekken players <-> StreetFighter community). One of the guys present at that tournament, some months later on created a forum named PTFIGHTERS for ppl to keep contact with each others wich today is an active community of fighters in Portugal. So trough there, the ppl that went to EFT2004 started to organize their own offline tournaments. This was gold for me. Overtime ppl from other countries started to be invited. And so far we already had brazilian, spannish and philipines fighters.
      I could finally be with ppl, making friends, knowing nice players and feel competition. A strong one and going stronger! :)

      As for the keyboard input, the first tournaments I never made a nice game to watch, cause without the keyboard I was not really able to to much anymore. I bought pads to train in, got a bit better, but even so by far with a keyboard I play better. How could I overcome, in a short period, a input i trainned almost a decade? Answer... I couldn't.

      Luckly my prays were eard it seems. :) An adapter to use a PC keyboard as a input "pad" on the consoles. Unfortunally such was for the PS2 not the Saturn. So it was only now, with this year release of the SF Fighters Generations for the PS2 that Alpha tournamments became on playstation (and much better than saturn, cause it's arcade perfect).

      So now that I moved to Germany, in search for a happier and financially better live, I have a keyboard and a adaptor for ps2 and I am not afraid to use them! :D ;)

      Let's see how my story continues in German lands ;)

      Hope i did not bored anyone to death :P

      That's my history. ;)

      I look forward to meet the German players. :)
      "I am all that I lived" - Tiago Silva
    • Oh, yeah. That's the kind of a story I wanted to hear man! Thank you! :good:

      And thanks for the little view about the fighting scene overthere. I always wondered how long the players in Portugal were playing on tournaments. Now I'm a little bit more informed. =)

      Your story is very interesting, espacially the keyboard part. And I can promise if you come to Hamburg some day, man, I will give you a good challenge in A2. :)
      The evolution of ZERO3 does not stop.

      And the ultimate level which is not seen yet awaits us with “Ultimate ZERO 5”.

      ~by UZ4 STAFF 18.12.2004~
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