E3: Street Fighter Alpha (3 ?) für PSP !

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    • E3: Street Fighter Alpha (3 ?) für PSP !

      Capcom Announces Street Fighter Alpha For PSP >
      2005-05-16 16:17:52: Posted by SD6

      Capcom has announced that they will release Street Fighter Alpha for PSP. Apparently, the game may or may not have Online play, as it has a Network Battle option, but so did Darkstalkers Chronicle. The real question is why does't Capcom just release a compilation featuring all 3 (or 3.5 if you count Alpha 2 Gold) of the Street Fighter Alpha games instead?


      Yay.... :D
    • Jepp, en XX#R würd sich auch net schlecht machen :) Offen bleibt, wie lange die Hardware das "Comboen" mitmacht :?

      BTW: Von IGN bzgl. SFA4PSP:

      The fight will continue on PSP. Capcom announced today its second PSP fighting game with a version of Street Fighter Alpha for PlayStation Portable.

      There's little info on the game at the moment, but Capcom has just unveiled the game as part of its E3 conference, and we expect to know more soon. So far, we know that the game will arrive with "Network Versus" play (which is hopefully online play with the PSP, although DarkStalkers Chronicle used the same "network" term to describe its off-line Ad-Hoc multiplayer.) The game will also include a new "Battle Mode" exclusive for the PlayStation Portable, but details are not available yet on what this mode is. Video of the game showed smooth and fast motion, even though the game is early in production and won't arrive until this winter.

      It's unknown if Street Fighter Alpha will be on the show floor, but we'll have more details when they are available.

      Mir fällt da gerade ein, dass doch en GG angekündigt war; also für die PSP?!? AFAIK hieß es Guilty Gear Judgement o.ä.?!
    • Ihr könnt die Idee mit Bemu auf PSP mal ganz schnell wieder vergessen, das DigiPad des PSP ist so dermassen nicht geeignet für Bemus!

      Habe Vampire auf dem Ding "VERSUCHT" zu spielen und es ist einfach die Gretze!
      Bin nicht bekannt für Mörderexecution aber das ich nicht mal nen QCF+P kann man ja noch durch aus auf mein Unvermögen schieben. Aber das ich nicht mal Tief blocken konnte?

      PSP Ist ne Total Geile Höllenkreation! Aber leider nicht für Bemus geeignet!
      Don't hate the Players!
      Hate YOUR GAME!
    • Dann schaut Euch das mal an!


      Street Fighter Alpha 3 E3 2005 Preshow Impressions

      Toward the end of its pre-E3 press conference this morning, Capcom showed a brief gameplay video of the previously unannounced PSP version of Street Fighter Alpha 3. The only information that Capcom made a point of sharing with attendees was that the game will boast wireless multiplayer support. That aside, the footage that we saw basically looked a lot like what you'd expect a widescreen version of Street Fighter Alpha 3 to look like, which is to say that it was colorful, fast-paced, and nicely animated.

      In case you're not familiar with the arcade, Saturn, Game Boy Advance, PlayStation, or Dreamcast versions of Street Fighter Alpha 3, the game boasts a roster of no fewer than 34 fighters. Four new characters were introduced, and they were: Karin Kanzuki, Rainbow Mika, Juli, and Juni. There were also a number of favorite faces returning to the fray, including Guile, E. Honda, Blanka, Balrog, Dee Jay, and Fei Long.

      No release date for the PSP version of Street Fighter Alpha 3 has been announced at this time. We'll bring you more information on the game as soon as it becomes available.

      Ob es sich nun wirklich um Street Fighter Alpha 3 für die PSP handelt ist noch unklar, da Capcom momentan nur "ein SF Alpha für die PSP" angekündigt hat...