The Französiche Kartofeln championship is not over yet !!!

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    • The Französiche Kartofeln championship is not over yet !!!

      Hello to all the players of Germany !

      The session of this week end was so TERRIBLE, it was really really fun I hope there'll be other sessions like that
      I'll train my Sol and My Johnny against Dizzy and Testament to be mort efficient 8) hehe

      Anyway you're all really cool, and it's always a pleisure to play with people from other countries ( sounds like you come from )

      Cuong told me Mike is coming again in august
      is it right ?

      see ya
    • @ sakuragi

      WTF?! Französische Kartoffeln championship! :lol: Nice titel though! :lol:

      Yeah, I wrote cuong, sometime in August I/we will try to come again.

      If you plan to do anything or you get bored ( :P 8) ) in August, you shout out our names, and we will be there. :)

      Just kidding. But let us know in advance if you plan to do something small or big in August so I can organise the German players. Or suggest a date.

      If nobody can come; I´ll come alone to get slaughtered. :roll:

      Damn, was an honor to play against a "real" Sol. All Sol players in Germany should bow down before you. Njahahahahahaha :lol:

      Keep in touch.

      chun_li1 aka that Dizzy player who to stupid to block high or short The Mike
      Bemu Semi-Retired, Keeper of the Secret Arts

      <Jesus> aber abwarten
      <Jesus> falls dizyz kommt tun mir die leute leid
      <Jesus> falls du dann wieder einsteigst

      Atm am spielen :
      Ich bin Setsuna :angry:

      Nuka Welt - weil ich durstig bin
    • dizzy nightmare

      i remember how you played testa and dizzy so i'll find new techniques with others players to optimize johnny and sol, cause sol vs dizzy is fucking hard!!!!

      but i'm sure you can upgrade too to become like japanese dizzy:
      "a japanese dizzy let you approch her only if she wants to "

      and aCdhell can upgrade to japanese testament
      "a japanese testament...... HURTS"


      prepare for the Frankreich VS Manschaft #reload
    • Hi guys!

      This meeting was very coooool !

      You guys are very kindly and goods pplayers (Tayfun and Zero for 3rd and Chunli_1 and Sebastian for #reload 8O !)

      I hope we can continue in this way and make good relations between Deutsch and French players!

      Come to our event the 2 and 3 October to fight with Daigo! :twisted:

      PS : Sorry Tayfun and Zero for 3rd, we aren't enough good for you ^^;
    • @Cuongster
      Looks like i got to start playing GG#R in a Serious Way now :P

      Yeah they told me about you guys and how Phat the whole session was! I would love to join them next time to learn from Europes Best Johnny Cuongster! Cause my Johnny sucks as Hell!

      I hope we can continue in this way and make good relations between Deutsch and French players!

      That would be Orgasmic!

      Anyway you're all really cool, and it's always a pleisure to play with people from other countries ( sounds like you come from )

      Why does it sound like somebody's from Hong Kong? AFAIK I'm the one and Only Cantonese here! (Sure there are others but I'M the One :P )

      Hope to meet you guys soon!
      Don't hate the Players!
      Hate YOUR GAME!
    • Combo for Testament

      in the corner, you were using a Grave Digger Loop
      but you weren't using the Poison Fury

      try this combo :

      in the corner

      S,HS,Poison Fury .... HS,Grave Digger .... K,HS,Grave Digger ... ( Testa goes in the corner ) K,S air combo Grave Digger.......

      you can pick up more than 75 % thanks to the Poison ^^
      the longer the combo... the better the poison lol

      try and tell me ;)
    • Re: Combo for Testament

      "sakuragi" schrieb:

      try this combo :

      in the corner

      S,HS,Poison Fury .... HS,Grave Digger .... K,HS,Grave Digger ... ( Testa goes in the corner ) K,S air combo Grave Digger.......

      you can pick up more than 75 % thanks to the Poison ^^
      the longer the combo... the better the poison lol

      Poisen Fury = Nightmare Circular = 632146H ?

      Sounds not bad... should be a very cruel way to do
      even more damage then the GD, RC, D, GD alternative...

      tested an approved
      IT RULES!
      THX A LOT!

      :: Real Bout Fatal Fury 2 ::
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