Was ist mit Holland?

    Das Hardedge Forum wurde am Abend des 30.01.2023 eingestellt und in ein Archiv umgewandelt. Bitte nicht versuchen sich zu registrieren oder einzuloggen.

    • holland kommt noch dieses jahr,

      das sollte eigentlich auf einer lan stattfinden aber die lan wurde gecancelt und das ganze wird verschoben soweit ich weiß

      Games:3rd Strike(Q,Oro) Alpha3(X-Dhalsim) MvC(Dr.Doom,Cpt.Commando,Magneto)
    • "This has been running for about a year now, i'm busy with it, i can't post every day about it or even very week, these things go slow, can't help it.
      The guy who was running the LAN party let me down not so long ago and said to me that he's going to do it next year, because it's too soon for him to do it this summer. So i'm talking with other organisations right now to make this event possible, gameparty also turned out to be not a good partner, atleast not for this year.
      This event will hapen, if not this summer then by the end of this year(December).
      Don't forget this only started as a test, to see how many people would come. U're right a lot of players have signed in, so i'm NOT letting them down.
      Please don't ask me about the tournament anymore, i will let everybody know in June if its a go or if its delayed to december."

      Von Kakarot,aus dem Drakenslag.nl forum...
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