Capcom Fighting Jam

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    • Ryu und Guile sollen doch aus sf2 sein oder?
      Aber das sind doch nie im leben die sf2 sprites!
      Sehen eher wie die aus CvsS2 aus.
      Da fragt man sich doch was das ganze Gamewars gelabber soll wenn sie es dann doch nicht durchziehen.Da könnten sie auch gleich neue machen.
      Dies ist ein Text, der an jeden Beitrag von dir angehängt werden kann. Es besteht ein Limit von 200 Buchstaben.
    • "Akuma" schrieb:

      Ryu und Guile sollen doch aus sf2 sein oder?
      Aber das sind doch nie im leben die sf2 sprites!
      Sehen eher wie die aus CvsS2 aus.

      Ryu und Guile sind spielerisch aus SF2T, d.h. Moveset und Groove.
      If the customer is not playing the game due to it's difficulty setting, it is useful to change the game start difficulty to an easier or a more difficult setting.
    • Capcom hat heute neue Release Dates fuer Europa bekannt gegeben und fuehrt fuer Winter 2004 folg. Spiel auf:

      Capcom Fighting Evolution

      Wird wohl bei uns eine Namesaenderung geben oderso.


      in den Beta Tests sind angeblich folgende Charactaere aufgetaucht:

      Zangief, Anakaris, Urien und Karin. Update: Warzard Chara Null ist mit dabei, wer auch immer das ist ^^, lese grade der heisst "Nool" und ist ein Octopus, wann lernen die Japaner endlich schreiben.

      Mal sehn ob das noch mehrere Leute bestaetigen koennen.
      the end of all hope ----> my gameplay- and comboskills :C
    • "Cpt.Atom" schrieb:

      Capcom hat heute neue Release Dates fuer Europa bekannt gegeben und fuehrt fuer Winter 2004 folg. Spiel auf:

      Capcom Fighting Evolution

      Wird wohl bei uns eine Namesaenderung geben oderso.


      in den Beta Tests sind angeblich folgende Charactaere aufgetaucht:

      Zangief, Anakaris, Urien und Karin.

      Mal sehn ob das noch mehrere Leute bestaetigen koennen.

      Woher hast du das wenn ich fragen darf?
      Dies ist ein Text, der an jeden Beitrag von dir angehängt werden kann. Es besteht ein Limit von 200 Buchstaben.
    • Von Capcom die haben mich grade auf dem HAndy angerufen.

      Zangief ! Karin ! Urien ! ANAKARIS ! NULL or whatever his name is written !
      AND NO Gôki.
      Yippie yippie.

      SF2 : extremely simple, no bizarre subsystem, deal a lot of damage. 3 punch = jikansaokiagari ("delayed wake up ?")

      Zero : the original combo are the key to everything. 2 strong buttons = activation.
      Air gard.
      Zero counter.
      They also seem to have supercombos.

      Street 3 : blocking, leap attack, big jump, quick standing, dash. can stock up to 2 meters.

      Alex vs Zangi kitaaa! Anakaris come back kitaaa! Karin vs Ingrid kitaaa! Octopus love kitaaa! Urien... Urien.

      Ryû has his usual 3 moves + the fire hadôken. supers : shinkû hadôken + shinshôryûken.

      VAMPIRE : ES AND EX moves !? love love love. air guard + chain combo + guard cancel + idô okiagari ("moving wake up"?) + oiuchi kôgeki (hitting the opponent on the ground).

      ***(add random Anakaris love here)***

      The selection screen is set with Ingrid in the middle, and her box seems bigger than the one of others. I begin to fear she's the only one not from one of the 5 games and we've seen all the characters... But Anakaris is here, and I'm happy.
      Someone thought it would be a good idea to put each game logo on the select screen, and surprisingly enough, it was not.

      The Vampire sprites seem quite dull (no joking ?). On the contrary, the Warzard sprites, having not been seen in years (and being CPS3) are extremely good looking. Both Warzard and Alex have lost some frames, the result is quite strange on Alex (Chunli and Yun being CvS2-ish)

      To balance their many systems, Vampire characters deal very little damage (the opposite of SF2 characters). They also are extremely quick. Much Felicia and Jedah angst ahead. (Zangi / Jedah = 0:10 ?)

      You can use your second character in the first round by pressing 3 kicks.
      The gauges carry on to 2nd and 3rd round.
      For all systems, normal throws and nagenuke (going out of a normal throw) is made by pressing the 2 weak buttons.
      Ingrid seems to be in C groove : 3 meters, zenden (KOF-like invinsible forward going move), idô okiagari, air guard.
      Let's hope it's because it's a test, but there are few alternate colors.
      Many supercombo couldn't be done (including the MB). It's still unclear wether they are not (yet?) in the game or their commands have been changed. At least, Ingrid's level 3 is not yet implemented, and will be at some point in the future.

      (Even if the MB is not in the game, maybe the ôke no sabaki is in, or the Pharaoh magic/illusion/decoration. Because Demitri was in SvC and Anakaris was not, some people seem to forget that my beloved pharaoh has the sex change thing too, and he also has the sabaki. I just hope it's not a half-assed thing like in MvC2. I DO hope it's not an half-assed pharaoh like in MvC2. But no one seems to give him any pharaoh-love...)

      Hauzer can be thrown like every other characters. Big damage, big stun gauge damage as well. He is far from weak. His fighting style seems to be Dahlsim-esque : don't let the opponent come near you. He has a good number of wide range moves, a good fireball, down+middle punch = strong antiair, down+strong kick = tail move, long range and big damage, down+strong punch : stomp move, for little pixies like Felicia, Yun or Ingrid.
      But then of course, he's huge, he has difficulties to come near the opponent (I'm not sure he's supposed to anyways) and his jump is very low. His Berzerk mystic break (hyper armor) is not in the game (yet?), he has the gust flame (the thing he spits on Demitri on one of the first pics we had) and a rushing forward break.

      The Warzards have the Ultimate Counter (guard cancel) and mystic breaks (super combos). Like in Warzard, the Ultimate Counter is everything but ultimate (no invinsibility, the two monster may have trouble if cornered). They get gems to level up, but mystic breaks use one gem (= level down). The screwdriver-like move of Leo or Hauzer's jumping antiair move can be done only when leveluped. Octopi's (Billy Kane-like)anti air seems to be like Chunli's move now (the 3rd strike thingie).
      Keeping those characters for a second or third round may be the best idea. Personally, they seem the funnier characters to use (especially the 2 monsters) even if they may be weak. Hauzer and the Octopi (I'll stick to that name until I know how to write "Null") seem to have winning quote as well as the human characters.

      Yun has the geneijin.

      The BGM are all original, and fixed on each stage (sigh)

      SF3 : no SA select. They all have 2 (3?) SA. It seems quite hard for them, the blocking is P Groovy, and there is no red blocking. They have the EX moves.

      Urien's tackle and projectile have nearly no lag, upper has no lag but misses a jumping opponent and can't be followed up, tyrant is his most useful move, Aegis has been toned down a lot.

      Some of Alex's normal moves are faster, and his dash is fast also. But not only his specials are slow, but the Vampire characters having their idô okiagari make his mind games useless, and he is toast against them. Felicia doing her litter kick all day is enough to kill him. (Felicia is her Hunter self ?). If he had the red blocking he could face the Vampires, but... Let's hope the final balance of the game won't be acquired by raping Jedah and Anakaris (And no, I don't care for the two others, they can nutter the cat is they want). Especially Anakaris has a long history of being called game breaker in the beta tests, then ending sub-middle character at best...

      Ugh, some employee said Gôki was in the game... As the boss ? As the 5th character of the SF2 team ? (and would it mean we will have 5 more characters at least ?)

      Hmmm... like someone says, Jedah/Zangief being 9:1 (Zangief deals TONS of damage, his screw driver is Samurai Spirit-ish) may not be as awful as Gedô/Mina. After all, that's what the character change system is for.

      Jedah love : he has the decapitation as a normal move, and his 2 ES. and he has his usual air dash. He has everything you can ask, except (like the other Vampire characters) the comical burning frame (since the burning animation here is like in CvS2, the usual sprite in red with flames on it). His Finale Rosso (and Pharao's Naraku no ana) are turtling Guile killers. And with the kotodama gaeshi, I smelling a 9:1 for Anakaris/Guile matches. Yeay. For a reason (I don't know Zero much), Anakaris also seems like a Rose killer.
      Ah, nobody says wether the Dark forces are here or not. I couldn't care less.
      Jedah dominates the game so far (or maybe it's just because the guy using him is a famous Savior player and know his character?) followed by Anakaris and Demitri. I wouldn't want my favourite game to be bashed because they are too strong (being ugly is enough), so I hope (and I guess) they will be toned down before the next beta. Let's hope it doesn't lead to another Mizuki drama.

      At the test, the vs computer game was only 5 matches, then game over, no boss. It has beautiful backgrounds, some characters (guess who?) looking weird on them. Characters in the background are strange, not moving ones are barely visible and moving ones are... well, anime GIFs.
      The general speed is fast, stuns are easy, missing throw make your gauge grow (and while it rimes, I'm not sure it's exact).

      A Guy player is having an orgasm because the bushinmusôren... ketsu ? (Not sure of how it reads) is even stronger than in Zero2 (I think it's his super throw?). The far strong kick is stronger and the slide has less lag.

      Ugh, great news : the Vampire character don't freeze the screen (like in all the games when a character does a super combo, except Vampire) when they do their ES. TAMARANNNNNNNN !

      Octopi report : quick dash. Jump is high and slow. Punch = trident attacks, half of the screen. Kick = tentacle attacks, need to be used to.
      236P : raises a tornado (but since he is taller than the tornado, he is sashimi if jumped)
      623K : rush head forward
      63214K : turns into a ball and rush forward. It seems between 3rd Chunli's kick move and Shumagorath's ball move. useful.
      214P.K:Lays egg from where baby octopies spawn and paralyze the opponent like baby Amingoes. the place where the egg appear changes with the button. Huge lag while laying.
      236236P: thunder attack.
      214214K:catches the opponent with his tentacles.
      [maybe more moves ahead. He at least misses the energy drain]

      With the 2 monsters and Anakaris in the game, even I begin to think it's a good thing they didn't waste a character spot with Dahlsim. (especially with the SF2 ism so far). And now that I think of it, Octopi occupies Mars People's place as the "let's make funny dôjin with Ingrid/loli Athena" character. Hmm, great choice, really.

      Ingrid is very SNK-ish (and some Capcom fanboys already hate her).
      6+middle punch : chûdan (overhead?)
      6+middle kick : something like Leona's 6+ kick.
      236+P Sunshoot. slow curved projectile, curve changing with the button.
      236+K Sunrise : step forward then sommersault. weird.
      in air 214+K : Sundive, falls down like Seth in 2000. fall route depends on the button.
      623+P : Sun Upper, maybe a counter move
      623+K : Sun Lower, same thing, but low.
      236236+P : Sun burst, LV1SA. An energy ball that flies forward and explodes on contact.
      214214+K : Sunshine, LV2SA. goes forward with many kicks, then finishes with a sommersault. Except for the finish, it looks like Zaki's super.
      LV3SA : Sun Octopus, hundreds of baby octopus come out of nowhere and rape her repetadly.
      Ugh, no, wait, I'm not sure of the last one.
      Anyway, either she has hidden techniques nobody had the time to discover because of Jedah, or she is amongst the weakest characters of the game. Her normal moves are weak, and only one or two of her special are usable... Well, like at the CFA? beta, many consider her as a boring character (but at least this time, she's the only one to be boring). But since she hasn't been added to be played with, I'll let the perverts draw their dôjin and stick with, for example, some Zangi love :
      the sprites and most of his moves are Zero3-ish. The Screw swallows quite widely, and takes about 1/4th of the life. He doesn't seems to have the larriat (Ugh?) Final Atomic Buster takes 60% of the life. his other super is a ranbu (UGH????). The burning uses the SF2 command. He has too many natural enemies ; so far, it's ??Russia (simple 1500 series).

      for 3rd characters : the gauge being like in the DC version when you put all the SA, it's quite long, especially for the Aegis Reflector.

      Someone reports the warzard characters are actually like this : as the gauge raises, they gain up to 3 gems, that can be used to do mystic breaks or to level up (both middle buttons). He says the level up only makes your character stronger, no new moves (?), and can be done without any limitation (maybe 9 times?) BUT it is comes back to 1 at the end of the round (noooooo!). The Ultimate guard and counter are like in Warzard, almost useless, but don't use any gem.

      The jikan okiagari (delayed wake up?) is quite long, and it's used to prevent Anakaris to do his naraku no ana all day.

      Judging by the select screen, someone says there should be 2 more characters by game (if only !)

      Yun's moves seem to be like in 3rd, not CvS2. He doesn't seem to be able to summon Yang.
      The original combo seem to be just a free cancel, not a bunshin like in Zero (to make it different to Yun's geneijin?)
      Most of the super combos of the Zero characters are level 1, but they seem to have a long invincibility window.

      To sum up everything and dream about more characters (if only) :

      SF2 : Ryû/Guile/Vega/Zangief
      Maybe : Blanka Balrog Gôki (Gôki is in the game, the question being wether a playable character or not, and if he will be SF2-groove)
      Background : Cammy Ken T Hawk Honda Sagat Dahsilm DJ Fei Long Bison (drawings)

      SFZero : Guy Sakura Rose Karin
      Maybe : Gen R.Mika Rolento J&J
      Background : Cody Nash Dan Birdie Adon Eagle Maki Sodom (drawing)

      SF3 : Chunli Yun Alex Urien
      Maybe : Remy 12 Dudley (no boxers so far, so I'll bet at least on him) Oro Elena Necro Gill
      Background : Hugo Sean Makoto Ibuki Yang Q (shadow on a wall)

      Warzard : Leo Hauzer Mukuro Null
      Maybe : Tao Tabasa kongo (sp?) Blade (by what happenned so far, if we get 6 characters by games, we will have one more player character and one more monster, my bets being on Tao and Blade)
      Background : Gigi, Sekmet, Ruan, Vactor. And no, I don't know how to write any of the monsters names. Shut up now.

      Vampire : Demitri Felicia Jedah Anakaris
      Maybe : Buletta Q Bee Lilith Victor Aulbath Donovan Phobos Pyron Sasquatch (if Q bee or Phobos are in the game, Zangief is even more dead than he already is. Victor wouldn't be a good choice with already 2 monsters being huge and long ranged).
      Background : Gallon Zabel Leilei Bishamon Morrigan (drawing)

      CFA? : Ingrid
      Maybe : DD Rook

      Ah, and a last thing : except the usual whiners who complain about mugen-copipe-etc, ALL the posts are about in game details. No one complains about the game being boring. It looks weird, Vampire characters look horrible, 3rd and Warzard characters lost too many frames, it miss this and that character, but, so far, IT'S FUN. This is not the return of CFA?.

      I'm going back to sleep now. Good night everyone. (in an alternate reality where "going back to sleep" means "looking for???????????")

      da endet das Gespraech...
      the end of all hope ----> my gameplay- and comboskills :C
    • Grrreat Input Cpt., keep it comin' ^^

      For a reason (I don't know Zero much), Anakaris also seems like a Rose killer.

      Nicht wenn sie Illusion und A3-like j.forward hat :twisted:

      Ingrid is very SNK-ish (and some Capcom fanboys already hate her).
      6+middle punch : chûdan (overhead?)
      6+middle kick : something like Leona's 6+ kick.
      236+P Sunshoot. slow curved projectile, curve changing with the button.
      236+K Sunrise : step forward then sommersault. weird.
      in air 214+K : Sundive, falls down like Seth in 2000. fall route depends on the button.
      623+P : Sun Upper, maybe a counter move
      623+K : Sun Lower, same thing, but low.
      236236+P : Sun burst, LV1SA. An energy ball that flies forward and explodes on contact.
      214214+K : Sunshine, LV2SA. goes forward with many kicks, then finishes with a sommersault. Except for the finish, it looks like Zaki's super.
      LV3SA : Sun Octopus, hundreds of baby octopus come out of nowhere and rape her repetadly.
      Ugh, no, wait, I'm not sure of the last one.

      Sieht so aus als wird sie ein spassig juggle-orientierter Chara, good stuff. Die Typen sagen sie ist langweilig ? Die sollen aufhören Gief zu spielen, move on to the future and get raped 4free by ALMIGHTY OCTOPI :lol:

    • 8O 8O 8O
      Ich glaubs nicht!
      Die wollen echt wieder diese alten Darkstalkers Sprites benutzen?
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    • CFJ wird auf Namcos System 246 Board laufen.

      OK, the tension has calmed a little and people come back to their winny selves. Don't take what follows too seriously.

      Strongest characters : Ryû, then the whole Vampire cast, lead by Anakaris. The Vampires are nearly unchanged since their game, except the guard cancel which has been toned down, but since it doesn't concern Anakaris, he levelups from weak to strongest. History repeats itself. Jedah and Anakaris are especially blessed when they fight a character with no air guard, something they were not supposed to do when they were created.
      Guile is quite strong. No one use the Zero characters, since there's no meaning in practicing original combos on a beta version. SF3 characters seem to have been royally screwed system-wise, and they seem to be quite different from their original selves (=need to re-learn them). Urien is really strong, the others are... ugh. Karin seems to have been toned down a bit also.
      Since nobody is used to them, very few people use the Warzard cast, which may be a problem given how strong they seem when used well. Good luck to balance all this, Capcom...

      For what it's worth, the select screen is like this :

      OO|[ ]|OO

      "O" = character
      "[ ]" = Ingrid (she takes the place of 2 characters, maybe it means we will have someone else to pair her up with, DD?)

      Up left : SF2, up : SF3, up right : Vamp, down left = Zero, down right = Warzard. No random.

      "X" show the logo of each game. They are ugly and shouldn't be there. They are too ugly to have been placed there by someone in his right state of mind, so everybody want to think they are hidding 2 spots for more characters.

      And the next one here to insult Anakaris will be flamed until he is drowned in my urine. There are some things that can't be allowed between people of good extraction. And remember, Anakaris was not in MvC2, it was an actually Retsu in a costume.

      Ingrid : A boring and weak crappy character OR a crappy character who wears a miniskirt and doesn't even show her panties. Either way, let's forget her.

      Ryû : the Hadoûken is too strong, huge invincibility on the shôryûken.

      Guile : having a system with a big attack bonus blesses him.

      Zangi : extremely strong, but toast against Vampires and Warzards.

      Nobody uses Vega, so he remains a mystery. He does seem to have his CvS2 moves (warp and all).

      Zangi HAS the Aerial Russian something. Pheeew...

      Rose : not changed a lot since Zero 3. She may not have her air throw. 2+strong punch = reliable antiair, but not easy to combo after. Supercombo : Aura soul spark and aura soul throw, both level 1 but with a fair invincibility window so useful. The AS throw is an excellent weapon against Jedah. And she still gets Miyamu bonus points.

      Leo : low jump, so you need a good timing to jump a projectile. Not a lot of quick moves, so you have to rely on his range. 412P makes him use a weapon, each button being a different weapon. May need some training.

      Hauzer : easy to use. Very strong against characters without projectile (Zangi, Karin, even Ingrid since hers is so slow) but facing a lot of problems against Ryû, Guile or Anakaris. The more I read about the game the more I see the "psychological dimension" of the 2P team. Except it appears more like a jankenpon-fighting game.

      Yun : he really fights like in 3rd strike EXCEPT he doesn't have the Geneijin. Maybe it's not yet in the game, but there was no way to do it. NOTE : so far the 3rd characters have 2 supers, not 3. I don't know the name of his moves so I don't get crap, but the player is pleased with the current state of the character (well, except the geneijin). He even says he can have a fair match against Ryû. (but not the Vamp).

      Sakura : weaken. Her original combo deals around 30% damage, but maybe she just needs to be relearned.

      Guy : Not only is he like in Zero 3 but since he is in V Ism, he can't use his level 3 super combo. Crap character. So the guy who talked about his super throw = intox ?

      Demitri's normal/ES/Guard cancel Demon cradle never have any invincibility. His normals are short ranged (there's a reason why he became taller in SvC). The Midnight Plesure is like in Hunter, it's strong, but overall, he's the weakest of his game.

      Jedah : loses a little, gains on other moves, overall the same. Still suffer from not having a decent antiair, but against someone not used to Vampire, he's a sure winner.

      Anakaris benefits heavily of being in a game where you can stun your opponent easily. Against character with a bad mobility, using only low punch and the coffins is nearly enough to win.So far, stronguest character. We know how it'll end.

      There is no dialogue before or after the matches between characters, but it may (should) be because it's still a beta. Only 3 winning quotes is NOT possible. And only 2 colors by characters...

      Chunli has been toned down since 3rd, her SA2 doesn't combo as much. But maybe you just have to make a kikôchô instead, and everything will be alright. Her normals are still her best weapon.

      SF3 characters can't use blocking at all against Vampires. Vamp can chain combo all day without fear of a guard cancel, while the SF3 must predict the whole sequence of 3-6 moves before even dreaming of a counter attack. And since the blocking is like in P Groove, the game doesn't freezes, so the Vamp won't risk to loose the timing of their chain combo. If only it had the red blocking...

      I really have the feeling the decision to make the game was taken by someone who didn't know the original games and barely played CvS2. The reason why Savior has such a perfect balance even though all the characters have so many offensive possibilities is because the defensive actions where perfectly balanced to counter them, without turning the game in a turtling fest. Savior without advanced guard or Guard cancel would have been quite different, and now Savior characters get to fight characters that don't even have an air guard... Ugh.
      Same thing for 3rd strike. The systems where interesting because everyone had the same defensive possibilities, and the characters where created to match those. I really wonder what's going to happen...
      No, OK, I'm just crancky because of Anakaris's Sabaki.

      the end of all hope ----> my gameplay- and comboskills :C
    • Karin seems to have been toned down a bit also.

      Rose : not changed a lot since Zero 3. She may not have her air throw. 2+strong punch = reliable antiair, but not easy to combo after. Supercombo : Aura soul spark and aura soul throw, both level 1 but with a fair invincibility window so useful. The AS throw is an excellent weapon against Jedah. And she still gets Miyamu bonus points.

      No one use the Zero characters, since there's no meaning in practicing original combos on a beta version.

      Sakura : weaken. Her original combo deals around 30% damage, but maybe she just needs to be relearned.

      Okay, wenn man nur lvl.1's benutzen kann neben der OC, diese aber mehr Invincibility haben ... dann hoffe ich die machen mehr Schaden als ich denke, sonst wird Karin sich GANZ anders anfühlen, zumindest für mich ^^
      Bei Rose, naja no big deal :wink: wenn c.strong und lvl.1 Air Throw Super wieder wie in SFA2 sind dann steppt der Bär mit Rolf.
    • Mist der Character Select Screen sieht nicht so aus als ob da noch viele hinpassen.
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    • man nimmt an das die Gamelogos nur "slot blenden" sind um die in der beta fehlenden chars zu kaschieren.

      Die Backgrounds sollen allgm scheisse aussehn, auf den bildern gefallen sie mir aber...naja
      the end of all hope ----> my gameplay- and comboskills :C
    • Capcom gibt bekannt, dass man das 2D Prügelspiel Capcom Fighting Jam Mitte Oktober 2004 in Japan ausliefern wird.
      Q: Gamefront

      somit scheint auch der Name CF Jam fuer Japan und CF Evolution fuer USA und Europa bestaetigt.
      the end of all hope ----> my gameplay- and comboskills :C
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