3s yang...

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    • 3s yang...

      jemand was zu ihm zu sagen?
      ich weiss nur, dass sein s.:hp: gut reichweite hat und dementsprechend gut zum poken sein muesste... genau wie sein :hk:, den man aber gut timen sollte. sein :mp: ist auch ganz geil um druck zu machen.....

      seinen n.:mk: kann man innen superjump canceln.. UND DANN? die frage ist, ob es nicht besser ist, nach dem launch einen qcf :k: zu machen, denn der superjump into HK ist ja nicht wirklich das wahre.. hat yang auch yuns air combo? habe ich nciht ausprobiert :/

      sein qcf :lk: ist n guter antiair und die schwereren versionen auch, oder um unter projektilen durchzurollen!

      seine jdf.:k: moves sind gut um zu nerven beim wakeup oder einfach so, oder als crossup zu benutzen, richtig getimed laesst sich daraus comboen..

      man kann als combostarter irgendwie nur richtig gut seinen c.:mk: benutzen, oder halt wenn man SAII nimmt auch seine :mp: :hp: b.:hp: chain... mit SAI trifft jener nur 2-5 hit :/ :hp: geht zwar auch, man muss sihc aber beeilen und er zieht weniger ab als der :mk: glaube ich.

      dabei mag ich den super, invincibility, antiair und wakeup sind geil damit.. aber halt nur aus :mk: zu machen... er hat noch ne :lk: :mk: :hk: chain, die aber meines erachtens nach nicht weiter toll ist, hoechstens um ein bisschen schaden zu machen...

      sein qcf :p::p: laesst sich aus dem LP comboen, was ganz geil ist, kostet jedoch immer meter, der bei yang sowieso verdammt gebraucht wird!

      spielweise? angstgegner? strats? waere sehr dankbar darueber, da er mir irgendwie gefaellt, der funke will jedoch nicht wirklich ueberspringen!

      ach ja, welchen super empfehlt ihr mir? lohnt SAIII? wenn ja, dann hab ich angst :/ verdammt schwer aber vielleicht ja ganz geil 8)
    • [YANG]

      Yang ist ein relativ zugänglicher Character, der sehr auf Basics aufbaut und dementsprechend gespielt werden kann. Er hat aber auch viele Stärken im Detail. Ausserdem rockt die Frisur :D
      Ich skippe mal den Teil den du eh schon kennst (BnB, SA1/2 Combos usw.) ;)


      - far s.fierce
      -> deliziöse Reichweite und Prio, aber relativ viel Startup (10 frames), viel wichtiger: macht unter Yang's Pokes am meisten Damage/Stun (12/15)
      - close s.strong
      -> famoser Move, dick Frame Advantage (+6 on Block, +7 on Hit, +8 on crouching Hit), cancelbar in Special und Super, kann man ne Menge mit anstellen ;]
      - c.strong
      -> sehr guter Move, trifft tief, ist sein whiff Meter Builder (wichtig wenn man SA3 spielt), hat Frame Advantage (+2, +3, +4), eignet sich gut für tick throw weil der Gegner kaum weggedrückt wird, nicht cancelbar (einziger Wertmutstropfen)
      - c.forward
      -> Yang's combobarer Poke schlechthin, beste Möglichkeit auf Reichweite die Slashes zu comboen (cancelt auch in Super), safe auf Block (-1) aber nen Tick leichter zu parrieren als andere (8 Frames Startup, durchschnittliche c.forwards ala Chun, Ken oder Ibuki haben 7)

      Erwähnt seien hier noch c.short (+2, guter Ticker), s.forward (wird aber deklassiert von s.fierce in nahezu allen Bereichen) und far s.strong (ist schneller als far fierce mit 6 Frames Startup, macht aber weit weniger Damage/Stun = 5/5).

      [Anti Air]

      - c.fierce
      -> dieser Move hat godly Prio, da es ein crouching Move ist bietet Yang wenig Angriffsfläche und deckt mit dem Fierce genau den Bereich schräg vor/über ihm ab, perfekt
      - early qcf short
      -> werde ich nur selten rausgehauen, sehr hoher Winkel macht es effektiv gegen Jumpins die man sonst vielleicht nicht trifft
      - (walk under) c.forward xx fierce slashes
      -> 1337 Strat, try pie try

      [Super Arts]

      SA2 ~ SA3 > SA1

      SA2 rockt als Universal-SA für jede Lage mit dem meisten Raum für EX-Moves, macht aber relativ wenig Damage. SA3 hat das grösste Potential und 'ne superkurze Leiste, wenn man smart spielt hat man beinahe konstant volle Leiste wenns drauf ankommt. SA1 ist okay, wird aber locker deklassiert von SA2/SA3.

      Da SA2 und SA1 ja simpel sind skip ich die mal und komm gleich zu meinem eigentlichen Liebling :D ...

      [The Magic of Sei-ei Enbu]

      Generell erstmal ..
      Wenn die Combo geblockt wird probier simples Mixup. Es ist relativ safe, da die Schatten dir gutes Backup geben und der Gegner eh Angst hat (haben sollte, heh). Moves die brücksichtigt werden sollten >>
      - UOH (strong + forward)
      - c.short/c.forward (xx jab slash x1)
      - hcb K
      - c.strong ( -> crossup j. df roundhouse)

      Setups >>

      generell sollte man immer wenn man den Gegner auf den Boden fegt den Super aktivieren, sprich nach Sweep, Slashes, midscreen forward/backward Throw, Launcher oder whatever. Dann muss man sich allerdings erst reinarbeiten, weil es kein garantiertes Opening mehr gibt. Gute Setups für 'nen Crossup Dive Kick sind ...

      - neutral throw (short + jab)
      - back throw (b short + jab) in die Corner
      - Slashes in die Corner
      - strong, fierce, b fierce Chain in die Corner


      (1) crossup sj. df roundhouse / UOH / c.short, c.forward xx [ qcf jab ] x N

      => Das Ding ist recht simpel, wichtig ist nur das man nur einen Slash rausbringt, und direkt nachdem der recovert ist den nächsten. Das Ding ist ne Combo, macht aber auch nett Chip Damage auf Block und ist quasi nicht parrierbar. Von den jab Slashes kann man auch gut in sein high/low/throw Mixup übergehen.

      (2) crossup sj. df HK, c.strong, c.roundhouse, [ crossup j. df roundhouse, c.strong, c.roundhouse ] x 2, (meter low), crossup j. df roundhouse, c.strong, c.forward xx qcf fierce x3

      => Das war sein Unblockable in der Arcade Version. Ist zwar keiner mehr in der DC-Version, funktioniert aber immer noch auf Pseudo. Macht DICK Schaden wenn du's durchziehen kannst (rund 60%), wenn geblockt einfach in Combo (1) übergehen.

      (3) c.forward / UOH, [qcf fierce, qcf jab, c.forward] x4 (meter low) xx qcf fierce x3

      => Die Standard-Damage-Ground-Combo. Wenn man keinen Crossup Dive Kick setten kann zeitmässig dann is die quasi erste Wahl.

      Es gibt sicher noch ne Menge Variationen, aber das ist doch schonmal ne gute Basis.
    • The Water Storm Dragon

      Yang FAQ

      By: Mysterious M

      For more MvsC2 and SFZ3 related articles, game stuff, anime stuff and more,
      visit my site at www.members.home.net/myst.mc

      Or message me on ICQ # 21086683 with questions and comments.


      Revision History

      V.1 - Uh... Whatever you see here



      The Wind Gust Dragon and Water Storm Dragon, otherwise known as Yun and Yang
      are the adolescent gang leaders of Hong Kong. The pair of them live with their
      uncle and keep a small shop in the heart of the city. They both attain great
      support from their "God fathers" the crime lords of Hong Kong. The pair of
      them are also known to cause a fair bit of mischief all in the name of good
      Both Yun and Yang fight in a style of Chinese Gong (Kung) Fu which seems to be
      rooted deeply in Kempo. Since their grandfather, none other than Gen of
      original and Zero Street Fighter fame, taught them their fighting style, I
      wouldn't be surprised if this was true (Gen actually fought in the "animal"
      arts of Mantis and Crane). Despite the fact that their fighting style is the
      same, the two have very branched techniques. Yun concentrates on instantaneous
      and fast hits like gusts of wind while Yang prefers a flowing style which flows
      like the sea. "Be shapeless, like water… water can flow, or it can crash"
      (Bruce Lee).
      In terms of the game, I remember back in the original Street Fighter III when
      Yun and Yang were nothing but palette swaps of eachother. Those days are far
      behind now as Yun and Yang are different enough to be considered completely
      different characters! First it should be noted that Yang is far from the
      strongest character in the game. He doesn't deal a whole lot of damage, takes
      quite a fair bit himself, and has only average priority. However I can say
      that, when played well, he is a very fun character to use and can hold his own
      against anyone you care to name. His strategies are varied and his game of
      pressure is excellent.

      + Fast special moves which are almost all controllable
      + Long impressive chain combos
      + A brutal high-low game
      + 3 useful supers!
      + He just looks really cool

      - Physically quite weak
      - Takes a slightly higher amount of damage than most other characters
      - Average priority
      - Specials are vulnerable if incorrectly used
      - Normals aren't as good as Yun



      1.1 – Abbreviations
      1.2 – Movelist
      1.3 – Special Movelist
      1.4 – Super Movelist
      1.5 – Strategies
      1.6 – Facing Yang
      1.7 – Combos
      1.8 – Cool Animations
      2.0 – Thanks
      2.1 – Legal Stuff


      1.1 – Abbreviations

      LP = Low punch
      MP = Medium punch
      HP = High punch
      LK = Low kick
      MK = Medium kick
      HK = High kick


      1.2 – Movelist


      Standing: A stabbing poke to the neck area. Your basic jab, used in combos
      and such, I've heard that it makes a good anti-air but I have yet to see it.

      Crouching: Same stabbing poke but to the leg area. I only use it for combos,
      but it is LIGHTNING quick and as such I have often used it to stuff opponent's
      attack before they even pull them off!

      Jumping: A stabbing poke downwards at a 45 degree angle. Not very useful at
      all as it has short range and can't be used well as an air-to-air attack do to
      the angle it's pointed.


      Standing: Yang steps forward, lowers his head and pokes his elbow out. A
      great move with superior range and priority. Add to this the fact that it can
      be chained into a HP and Palm strike and this will be one move that you will be
      abusing quite often. The recovery time is also minimal so you don't have to
      worry about any big retribution… if any at all.

      Crouching: A downward poke to the opponent's feet. You can't chain it
      from/into anything but its rather quick and a little deceiving. As it stands,
      I use it as a quick, low damage counter and thanks to the fact that it hits so
      low you can counter certain moves… but its really not that useful.



      Standing: Standing close Yang does a two hit chop punch upwards. It's a
      decent low damage air counter (I wouldn't recommend it though) and the recovery
      time is minimal so you should be okay sticking it out.
      Standing far away Yang does makes a step forward and extends his arm almost all
      the way out while stabbing at the opponent's neck. This is an EXCELLENT move
      with high priority, average priority and extreme range. This is your main
      stuffing move as it is fast enough that, with some anticipation, you can hit
      opponent's out of critical moves. The power is quite pleasing as well. My
      main poke.

      Jumping: Long poke downwards. It comes out rather quickly, but the range is
      only average. The priority is pretty good and as such can be used pretty well
      as a jump in. More to the fact, it also works well as an air-to-air counter
      when the opponent is slightly below you.

      Crouching: An interesting move. Yang hits forward with his usual poking palm
      and then angles upwards to hit again. For a move of this type, the range is
      AWFULLY short but it sure looks cool. As for its usefulness… you can't really
      poke with it, but the fact that it hits upwards is useful for countering
      Hurricane Kicks and Tornado Kicks which you may have ducked under. I must
      mention that the priority is quite high.


      Standing: A quick shin kick. It won't combo into itself and it isn't really
      the greatest/fastest poke but you can buffer a teleport afterward which makes
      for some great mix ups.

      Crouching: A dinky little kick that hugs the ground. The range is not very
      far at all, but it's a good move to stick out after landing from a Toe Press
      since it must be blocked low. Unfortunately it can really only combo into
      itself and the damage is pretty laughable.

      Jumping: An awkward looking jump kick which is aimed pretty horizontal. While
      its laughably weak, the range is actually quite good and can be used to snuff
      air attacks with relative ease.


      Standing: Yang has three versions.
      Up close (within a throwing distance) Yang will perform a vertical version of
      the splits (ouch) which launches the opponent high into the air. Feel free to
      follow this up with any air attack, Senkyuutai or Zenpou Tenshin. There is
      quite a bit of recover in terms of lag though. While this use to be Yang's
      primary (or mine at least) air defense, it is now nearly useless as your
      opponent must be extremely close for you to be able to use it. As it stands,
      it can be used as an air counter, but good luck timing it.
      Far away Yang will perform a quick headshot. This move is a great poke with
      only minimal recovery. This is negligible however taking into account both its
      speed and range. Throw this out periodically to annoy your opponent (some
      people actually walk right into it!) but beware as smaller characters can duck
      under it.
      Holding Forward + MK will make Yang do your infamous Gong Fu hop kick. This is
      Yang's overhead, and not a bad one at that. The speed is pretty good, and if
      you know how to mix it up then you won't often be punished even when it is
      blocked. The damage isn't that heavy (are any of Yang's moves heavy?) but you
      can generally hit opponent's quite often with it. One thing to note is that
      even though Yang appears to be off the ground, he can still be hit by certain
      moves (Ibuki's sweep comes to mind) but avoid others. I advise you be careful.
      Still, its eons beyond his leap attack.

      Crouching: This will soon become one of your standard moves. Yang gets low
      and runs his leg across the ground quite a ways. The damage is only moderate,
      but the move is both fast and can be comboed into the Mantis Slashes (a blocked
      MK should never end without tagging on at least one Mantis Slash). Its
      priority is very high for such a quick move, and I often use it in my footsie
      game or to punish missed moves (buffered into Mantis Slashes of course).
      Beware however as there is a teeny bit of lag afterward.

      Jumping: One of your primary jump-ins. Yang performs your typical Gong fu
      style jump kick. The range is pretty good as is the priority (it has semi good
      stuffing power). One thing to note is that you can combo it into a MK Toe
      Press. Mix it up by doing the Toe Press sometimes and leaving it out at
      others. This is absolute hell for parry happy players.


      Standing: Yun got the better HK as Yang is left with this awkward looking
      Roundhouse kick to the face. The range is excellent and damage is quite
      pleasing, but compared to Yang's other moves this sucker is slow. There are
      instances in which you can use this, especially when countering far off moves
      that he could otherwise not reach, but pulling this out in the middle of
      nowhere will get you killed as the lag time afterward is pretty hefty.

      Crouching: Yang's infamous Roundhouse Sweep, compared to other sweeps in the
      game this one is FAST. You can use it often to keep opponent's off their feet
      and, if you pull it early enough, you may even find yourself countering moves
      BEFORE they come out. Despite having a miniscule amount of lag time afterward,
      I am rarely punished except by the fastest of moves.

      Jumping: Yang's "stolen" kick from Chun-li's olden days. Yang will perform a
      mid air kick which reaches up to his face. This move has EXCELLENT priority in
      an air-to-air scenario but it is just a tad slow. I would never use this as a
      jump-in however (with a possible exception against Hugo) as it just isn't aimed
      in the right direction.


      Knee Bash
      Motion: LP + LK
      Yang will grab his opponent's head and continually smash it into his knee. The
      faster you mash the buttons, the more hits you are likely to get. Has the
      potential of being his strongest throw.

      Foot Propel
      Motion: Forward + LP + LK
      Days of Lei Woolong from Tekken come to mind as this is his exact throw. Yang
      will grab his opponent, place his feet on his/her chest and kick off. Cool
      throw, low damage.

      Back Toss
      Motion: Backward + LP + LK
      Yang will drop to the ground, grab his opponent and push him up and over with
      his legs. Good move for getting out of the corner (and actually switching
      places with your opponent!)

      Motion: Forward, down-forward, down, down-back, back + Kick
      See "Special Move" Section


      1.3 – Special Movelist
      Torou Zan or Mantis Slashes
      Motion: Down, down-forward, forward + Punch (x3)
      EX-able: Yes

      Yang delays a fraction of a second and then rushes forward while crouching low
      swinging his arm outward infront of him as a streak of light follows his
      motion. If performed again then Yang will swipe outwards with the same arm,
      and if done a 3rd time then Yang will swipe in once again accompanied by a much
      larger flash. This can be done in a combo or delayed for timing purpose. The
      higher the punch, the farther and faster Yang will go, but his lag time will
      also increase. When Exed Yang can perform up to 5 Mantis Slashes very quickly
      and the punch will only control the distance as the speed will remain constant
      (but very fast) for all 3.

      This is Yang's bread and butter move. Not only is it fast and averagely
      damaging, but its also EXTREMELY versatile since you have control of all 3
      slashes. As a general rule, you must learn to react instantaneously as to
      whether or not the first slash hits or if it is blocked/whiffs. If you hear
      the crackle of broken bones, perform the motion again and again until all 3
      slashes come out thus comboing for some reasonable damage. If you hear a
      block, immediately stop. The first Mantis Slash has little to no recovery at
      all and seldom will you find it ever being countered. The second slash however
      has pretty bad recovery and the third, well, expect to be eating a combo after
      getting that one blocked. Since the priority is pretty good on the Mantis
      Slashes, you can use them to get ahead in a footsie game. If you find an
      opponent who enjoys parrying your slashes, delay the second one a half second
      and then perform it, you'll probably ruin them as they finish tapping forward
      realizing that you didn't do anything. Of course as always, combo at least one
      after a crouching MK (a single Mantis Slash has less recovery than the MK
      itself) but it can be good to throw these out by themselves without the MK
      since their priority is higher.

      The EX version has the added advantage of 2 extra hits, and always has the
      recovery of just a little longer than the first hit of the Mantis Slash, no
      matter how many you perform. The only bad thing is that it is fairly difficult
      to consistently pull out all 5 slashes in a combo fashion because you must do
      them so quickly. If you can perform the EX after a MK, your better off for
      being able to do so, but if not, it doesn't hurt to throw out an EX Mantis
      Slash here and there because it covers distance VERY quickly (Unlike the un-
      EXed version) and you may just catch your opponent by surprise.

      Senkyuutai or Roll Kick
      Motion: Down, down-forward, forward + Kick
      EX-able: Yes

      In the LK version Yang thrusts himself off the ground with his arm with his
      foot aimed almost straight up. In the MK and HK version Yang will perform a
      roll across the ground first before the thrust. MK causes Yang to roll about
      half a screen forward while HK makes him travel almost a full screen's

      The Roll Kick is a very hard move to use effectively, but when you can, it can
      be deadly. First off, the damage dealt is not really all that great, and its
      priority is maybe a tad above average. It should be noted that as Yang rolls
      he is vulnerable as I've been sweeped and, yes, even thrown out of this move!
      However, if during a roll, Yang encounters his opponent before reaching the
      distance of the button used, he will automatically go into the thrust.
      That being all the bad things said, this is probably also Yang's best and most
      reliable anti-air move. If you have a jump happy opponent then performing the
      LK version nets you about the same results as a Dragon Punch with the added
      bonus of two hits if performed when the opponent is deep enough. While the
      priority actually isn't that high, there are rarely occasions when I've been
      knocked out of this move, although I have frequently traded hits. As it
      stands, this is the version I use most as it is very reliable.
      The MK and HK versions I use primarily to snuff predicted fireballs. Yang's
      roll is, least being said, quite fast and can counter fireballs with ease. You
      can also use it as a quick getaway if the opponent is bearing down on you with
      an endless flurry of uncounterable jump-ins. This is far more effective than
      using a Teleport since there's no startup. You should, however, NEVER use this
      if your opponent is simply standing like a dumbass because if you get blocked,
      kiss your Gong fu butt goodbye. Unless you telegraph your opponent pulling out
      a missed move and you use this to counter, I wouldn't ever advise using this
      move if your opponent is grounded.
      The EX version increases the speed to nearly double the normal version and adds
      an insane amount of priority plus a garunteed 2 hits. I generally don't use it
      much out of combos except to counter the obvious fireball here and there. No
      matter what 2 kicks you use, Yang will always perform the roll before the
      launching kick.

      Byakou Sushouda or White Tiger Twin Palm Strike
      Motion: Down, down-back, back + Punch
      EX-able: No

      A nasty move and one which only expert Yang players can really put to effective
      use. Yang will pair his fists together and then push forward with his palms
      (and his entire body). Unlike Yun's version, Yang puts slightly more range on
      his Twin Palm Strike which can either aid your distancing or throw it off
      (depending on what you're use to). The LP version has minimal startup and
      damage, the MP has slightly increased startup but more damage and the HP
      version is SLOW but takes a nice chunk of the opponent's lifebar away.
      Admittedly I have yet to use this move to its full potential. Due to the slow
      nature of its startup (Yang is vulnerable throughout the entire move) I am
      often hit out as opponents rush in to hit me. However, as I learn, I find this
      move increasingly useful simply because of the extreme priority it has. I've
      taken out everything from Elena's array of annoying kicks to a Shoto's Dragon
      Punch to Dudley's own Rocket Upper! It's all about distancing and if you can
      get this down pat, your Yang shall be feared far and wide as a stuffing king.
      Another note to make about the Twin Palm Strike is that it can be cancelled.
      By this I mean it both ways. 1.) You can cancel it into Supers but more
      importantly 2.) you can abort the move by performing it with 2 punches instead
      of one. If you do this, Yang will begin the motion for the palm strike but
      stop just as he brings his hands back. Naturally this opens up the doors for
      all kinds of sadistic mind games as you can really mess up opponents by giving
      them what they THINK is a window of opportunity and then canceling quickly.
      For example, when fighting an opponent you can try pulling off a Twin Palm
      Strike a few times doing nothing but harmlessly pushing you away as they block
      from their get up. The next time, abort the move and you will often find that
      you have cancelled your Twin Palm Strike right at the time they decided they'd
      try to parry you. There you go, an open window to pull off a nice damaging
      combo. Another trick to try is pulling out random Twin Palm Strikes during a
      match, then cancel one when up close. Often times the opponent's immediate
      reaction is to simply block fearing to take damage and those with slower
      reactions may not notice until the last second when you walk right out of the
      move and throw them. Remember, it's all about mind games.

      Toe Press
      Motion: [During a jump forward/straight up] Down-forward + Kick
      EX-able: No

      Yang spreads his arms out in the air and quickly drops down at an angle with
      one leg extended downward in a diving kick fashion. LK results in a very steep
      descent, MK a medium descent and HK ends up with him kicking down in nearly the
      normal landing trajectory.
      The Toe Press is one of THE moves which must be mastered to play Yang
      effectively. Although in no way as good as Gouki's own version (but let's face
      it, why would it be?) it is still exceedingly useful when placed in a variety
      of confusion tactics. First of all, as an actual attack, the Toe Press is
      pretty weak. The priority is pretty good, but it's parried rather easily.
      It's also rather weak and, if performed at the wrong time, can get you
      seriously punished even if you manage to connect with it!
      This being said, the Toe Press is FAR from useless. First off, you must use
      all 3 versions to get the absolute most out of this move. The LK version
      should be used to stop short of your opponent, placing you right in front of
      him/her and poising you in the perfect position to either start a high low game
      or possibly even throw. If you expect an attack, parry low and go into a big
      combo. The MK version should be used intermittently with the jump-in MK and
      the jump-in MK -> MK Toe Press chain, especially against parry-happy opponents.
      Indeed, it is a thing of wonder to find an opponent who can accurately
      telegraph the three every single time! If you use the Toe Press by itself,
      make sure to aim low so Yang connects with the attack lower than the opponent's
      chest, this way you can immediately move into a combo and avoid such counters
      as the Powerbomb/Megaton Press. HK Toe Press is the most difficult to use, but
      also the most reliable once you get it down. First, there are two situations
      you will find the HK the most useful. First, it can be used from nearly a full
      screen's distance in the same fashion as the LK version. Use it to stop just
      short of your opponent and then confuse the crap out of him with a high-low
      game he wasn't expecting. However the second, and infinitely more useful use
      of the HK Toe Press is to use it very early as a cross up attack. The idea is
      to perform the Toe Press early enough in the air that Yang's will connect with
      your opponent in the head, just around the forehead area. This will cause Yang
      to pass over to the other side of the arena thus causing your opponent to block
      in the wrong direction. Follow this up with your quickest, meanest combo for a
      very flashy and skillful move or a Cartwheel/Teleport to add more confusion to
      the madness. Either way, your opponent will be dazed and confused by the time
      you finish leaving you with a very satisfied grin.

      Motion: Forward, down-forward, down, down-back, back + Kick
      EX-able: No

      Yang leans forward and grabs, if he connects he'll perform a cartwheel over his
      opponent's shoulders landing him on the opposite side and giving him a margin
      of time to strike his opponent as they stand dazed. If he misses, he'll lose
      his balance and grab the air while taking an eternity to recover.
      This is, in no way, like Ibuki or Necro's command throw. It's slow, really
      slow. Slow enough that the opponent can throw you before you can throw them
      (though few people have reactions that fast). This move isn't without its uses
      though. In certain instances of turtling, you may want to confuse your
      opponent by Cartwheeling them into a combo, and it can be useful in moderation
      with the Toe Dive. Unfortunately the move immediately makes anything chained
      afterward combo-buffered meaning that damage will be greatly decreased. This
      being said, it is actually quite difficult to get that combo on the end of the
      Cartwheel because the window of opportunity after the flip is about ½ second,
      so I suggest you react quickly.

      Kaihou or Teleport
      Motion: Forward, down, down-forward + Kick
      EX-able: No

      Yang kneels down and becomes a blur before quickly reappearing a distance away.
      The harder the kick used, the farther Yang will go but also the longer the
      initial "blurred" state lasts.
      Yang's teleport, and probably the single most underused move I've ever seen in
      a character's aresenal. First of all the teleport is fast, really fast. We're
      not talking Gouki speed here, we're talking LIGHTNING! This being said, it is
      fairly easy to be exactly where you want to be in a fight in an instant. The
      teleport is not only fast, but the varying distances make it a great move for
      playing mind games with your opponent. Try performing multiple teleports over
      an opponent's fallen body. By the time they get up, they don't know which way
      to block. Need to put pressure on a retreating opponent? No problem, rush'em
      and they'll be flustered to find that you're STILL in their face even after a
      hasty retreat. This being said, I wouldn't abuse this move TOO much as there
      is a starting and ending lag. During the point in which Yang is "blurred' he
      is still completely vulnerable. Due to this, I wouldn't suggest using this as
      a means of escaping a corner trap (the Roll Kick is far superior anyway) nor
      would I attempt any feats of ludicrous bravery by tempting fate with a teleport
      through a super. I would also be ready with a parry after finishing a
      teleport, just in case your opponent has immediate (yet misguided) reactions to
      fear. = )
      More strategies for the Kaihou in the Strategies section.


      1.4 – Super Arts

      I – Raishin Mahakan
      Motion: Down, down-forward, forward, down, down-forward, forward + Punch
      Bar Length: Long
      Number of bars: 1

      Yang stomps the ground with his foot while stabbing forward with a speared
      palm. If he connects, he will quickly pass through his opponent as they are
      hit repeatedly around the neck area.
      This is, in my opinion, Yang's best super. First of all, Yang generally
      charges the super bar rather quickly, so even if you whiff you could
      potentially have it charged in a short amount of time. Second, this super does
      the highest damage of all of Yang's supers (with the possible exception of the
      Sei-ei-enbu) with the least amount of recovery time, rarely will you find
      yourself getting countered very badly after being blocked. This being said,
      there are some guidelines that should be followed if you want to use this super
      art to its fullest potential.
      First off, the Raishin Mahakan has a slight delay before the move actually
      comes out. This has some interesting effects in the fact that the delay often
      works to your advantage if you can think well ahead in a fight. While the
      super does not combo after the typical MP -> HP -> Back + HP chain combo for
      more than a few hits, it can have wondrous effects if your chain is blocked.
      Often times, opponents will try to counter you after blocking or parrying the
      final Back + HP (Modified Twin Palm Strike) not realizing that the special move
      can be cancelled into the Raishin Mahakan. What does this mean? Performing
      the super right after the Modified Twin Palm Strike can, and will on many
      occasions, catch your opponent in the middle of their counter attack. This
      being said, the Raishin Mahakan has excellent priority and 95% of the time
      you'll end up on top.
      Second, the Super can easily be used as a counter move due to its long range
      and high priority. Found an incessant Ibuki player who tries to put pressure
      on you as you stand up? Raishin Mahakan for a nasty surprise.
      Thirdly, the Raishin Mahakan can be comboed after a crouching MK. Use this
      well, but be aware that the move becomes combo buffered and does less damage
      (about 90% of a non-buffered Raishin Mahakan)
      An interesting note is that this move can be also used with some degree of
      competency as an anti-air move. However your timing must be excellent, as you
      must hit your opponent square in the body if you want all the hits to connect.
      Touching an opponent's legs as they descend will net you probably 3-4 hits
      maximum unfortunately.

      II – Tenshin Senkyutai
      Motion: Down, down-forward, forward, down, down-forward, forward + Kick
      Bar Length: Medium
      Number of Bars: 2

      Yang rolls into what looks like a supped up version of the Roll Kick. Instead
      of hitting twice with the leg thrust, Yang goes into a long 8 hitting flurry of
      This super art isn't what it was from Second Impact. The damage has been toned
      down (especially in combos) and its priority isn't what it used to be. Due to
      this, it has fallen behind the Raishin Mahakan, but that doesn't mean that this
      super isn't useful.
      First off, the number of bars and length of them makes this the ideal super to
      use if you like EXes.
      As for the super itself, it covers distance like nothing else. There's no
      denying that this super's fast, really fast. Due to this, you can use it as a
      far range counter with ease (although with Yang you should never be far away
      anyway). While you can use it in this manor, I've more often seen it used
      after his MP -> HP -> Back + HP chain combo, and while the combo buffered super
      becomes very weak, the combo itself still does enough damage, has enough style,
      and can connect often enough that it is still quite formidable.
      There are a few weaknesses to the Tenshin Senkyutai however. First of all, as
      Yang is rolling his priority is pretty low. I've been hit out of the roll by
      almost anything you can name. Sweeped, thrown, even OVERHEADED out of the
      roll. While this is a big problem against he computer, the super's quick
      nature makes it difficult for a human opponent to pull this off. Unfortunately
      there is a second, and much more serious problem with the super. If you are
      blocked or parried, Yang still performs the rest of the super launching himself
      into the air like a dork. Like any Shoryu Reppa type supers, you are basically
      left open to any degree of pain that your opponent decides to inflict.

      III – Sei ei Enbu
      Motion: Down, down-forward, forward, down, down-forward, forward + Punch
      Bar Length: Very Small
      Number of Bars: 1

      Yang gathers energy around himself and multiple images of him. During the
      duration of the super (about 7 or so seconds) Yang's damage is decreased, but
      he gains the coverage and damage of a pair of images that trail and perform all
      the actions that Yang himself performs.
      This is, without a doubt, the super in the entire game which requires the
      highest skill level to use. First of all, humans are a fickle sort. There are
      two ways most will react to seeing Yang call his "helpers". Either act super
      defensive, or super offensive. First of all, dealing with a super defensive
      opponent can be done with a quick game of high-low. Utilize Yang's overhead
      and crouching MK -> Mantis Slash combo to put the pressure on your opponent. A
      super offensive opponent is a tad more difficult to deal with. Utilize the
      already high priority of your jumping HP or HK to swat those who jump-in (with
      the power of the multiple images, priority shouldn't be a problem) and dashes
      can be stopped by a simple crouching MK -> Mantis Slash combo (it hits 12
      TIMES!). Remember to follow up with a Toe Press into yet another combo before
      they have the chance to assault you again.
      While figuring out what to do while shadowed is difficult, harder still is
      figuring out when to initiate the super art in the first place so as to have
      the maximum amount of time and best opportunity to inflict the maximum amount
      of damage. As far as my experience goes, it is easiest and most useful to
      perform the super after knocking down your opponent, then follow up with an
      immediate jump into a HK Toe Press and then into a combo (if hit) or a high-low
      game (if blocked). Few individuals can parry all 3 hits of your Sei-ei-enbu-ed
      Toe Press so exploit it. Note that if your timing is good, you can combo the
      crouching MK off of his forward + MK overhead which means death for those
      people who consistently block low. If in doubt, the Cartwheel has enough
      coverage now to make it worth using as you can now move into a nice damaging
      combo and follow up. The main basis is, be creative, mix up your attacks and
      make sure that as soon as you hear the crunching of bone, press into the
      longest most stylish combo you know. = )


      1.5 – Strategies

      General Strategy
      It is true that Yang is only a shadow of his former self. He's been slowed
      down and his priority has been lessened since the days of Second Impact. He
      also deals less damage while taking more damage than his counterpart, Yun (who
      is, admittedly, more effective than his older brother). How does one make due
      with these weaknesses? Attack, attack, attack and don't get hit. Uh, yeah,
      easier said than done. Well, as a general note with Yang, if you play him
      right then you should barely ever be getting touched.

      Yang's absolute worst level of play, a defensive Yang is pretty much a dead
      Yang. If you ever actually find that you need to retreat for any reason
      whatsoever, a quick double tap backwards yields one of the best back dashes in
      the game (a backwards flip) which is both fast and covers a great distance. In
      a defensive position, there are few strategies that Yang can call upon. His LK
      Roll Kick and close range MK make for decent anti-airs should your opponent try
      to come down on you. Actually I digress, the LK Roll Kick is actually a very
      good anti-air if you can time it right (try to perform the motion just as the
      opponent reaches the peak of their jump). Naturally you can always parry into
      a chain combo which knocks the opponent down (thereby giving you leeway to
      breathe and start a new pressure game). The Twin Palm Strike is actually very
      useful in a defensive position and if you use it enough, your opponent will
      start to fear it (which is its real use). Use the LP and HP versions
      intermittently to confuse your opponent as they will always try to counter the
      HP version, but instead get hit by a LP version. Also be aware that Yang's
      version of the Twin Palm Strike pushes out further, so you may have to adjust
      your distancing accordingly. The standing (far) HP is also a very useful
      defensive move simply because it has great priority and is quite fast to boot.
      I've seen it counter jump-ins with a great degree of competency (very strange
      because it doesn't look like an anti-air at all) but even more important is
      that it counters missed chain combos (the sort that Ibuki, Dudley and Yun can
      dish out) quite well, thereby causing your opponent to use them less
      frequently. A good defensive trick is to back dash into the corner, wait for
      your opponent to follow up and then make for a LK teleport. This way, your
      opponent lands where he/she thought they would intercept you and immediately
      turns your defensive position into a far more useful offensive one.
      Note that the Raishin Mahakan is an excellent stuff for opponents who like to
      put pressure on you when you get up. Otherwise, you can also use it to stuff
      in-between moves that don't combo (you must know your opponent very well to
      pull this off).

      While Yang simply doesn't have the reach to deal with mid-range big boys like
      Remy or Urien, he does have a few strategies he can employ in this situation.
      First of all, his crouching MK has quite a bit of range on it which makes it an
      effective poke. Remember to generally follow this up with at least one Mantis
      Slash for damage and protective purposes. Again, his standing HP also makes a
      formidable poke for hitting opponent's out of mid-range moves. Unfortunately
      Yang's overhead simply doesn't have the distance necessary to make it a
      frequently used move at mid-range (Unlike Ibuki's) so I would suggest that you
      use a MK Toe Press instead, just don't become too predictable with it. Yang's
      standing MK makes for a great poke too, it has long range and comes out very
      quickly. You may want to note the fact that smaller characters can duck under
      it however, leaving you very open so make sure it either connects or is
      blocked. His standing HK can also poke, but be careful since it is so slow.
      If you find yourself walking back and forth with your opponent with pokes here
      and there, execute a LP or MP Twin Palm Strike, you may find your opponent
      startled by the sudden change that they won't react fast enough. Also remember
      that his Raishin Mahakan has pretty good range, so you may find that you can
      fit it in as your opponent tries to poke you. This is especially useful
      against Urien, Gill (yes Gill) and the shotos.

      Without a doubt, the preferred place to be fighting with Yang as he is mainly a
      pressure character. In order to worm your way inside, use frequent Toe
      Presses, jumping MK -> Toe Press chains and normal jumping attacks. This is
      meant to mess up the timing of those individuals who are hungry for parries.
      Remember to use varying distances on the Toe Presses so as to confuse your
      opponent into parrying when he doesn't need to, or parrying early, etc. A LK
      or MK teleport can also gain you much needed ground in a short amount of time,
      but make sure to do it as your opponent is reeling from a past attack, while he
      is on the ground, or otherwise occupied as there is a moment of vulnerability
      which could get you hurt rather badly. I would generally advise against using
      Yang's dash because it's pretty slow compared to dashes like Sean's. Maybe use
      it once and a while but never when your opponent is standing because they have
      ample time to give you a quick jab into a combo.
      Once inside, there are numerous things to be done. The first and most obvious
      is to combo away. Generally your jumping MK -> MK Toe Press -> MP -> HP ->
      Back + HP combo is the safest to pull off and puts you at such a distance that
      it is difficult to counter you. Even more so, the delay after the Twin Palm
      Strike is quite misleading, try pulling off the Raishin Mahakan. The delay on
      the super and the delay after the Twin Palm Strike is perfect to mislead an
      opponent into THINKING they have an open window to attack. Alternately, if you
      don't have a super charged you could try to parry almost immediately after the
      Twin Palm Strike because it is generally quite assured that your opponent will
      try to counter.
      In terms of a mix-up game, Yang's most potent weapons are his forward + MK
      overhead and crouching MK -> Mantis Slashes. Neither has a great deal of
      recovery time, although you have to be quite close to use the overhead attack
      or you might whiff. Remember to stick in a LP Twin Palm Strike now and then to
      give your opponent what seems to be a break from your constant assaults. If
      you play your cards right, your opponent will leap at the opportunity to get
      out of that corner you've pasted him to.
      Another nasty confusion strategy involves almost constant use of Yang's
      Teleport and Cartwheel. Try using a MK Toe Press and land deep into your
      opponent, then follow up with a LP -> LK chain. Note that you can chain the LK
      teleport from the LK, so do so. At this point, your opponent may be dazed and
      confused so you can try one of two things. If you want to end it right there,
      simply throw them as they concentrate on which way they're supposed to be
      blocking. Alternately, if you want to be really risky, cartwheel throw them
      into a combo, or hit LK as you hit the ground again and then LK teleport again.
      By now your opponent should be reeling from the innate headache which you have
      just given him/her so pull out into a big combo or super art. Against humans
      this can be a very effective little strategy that is beautiful in both looks
      and execution, but just be sure to get the timing down pat. A split second too
      early and often times the cartwheel wont come out, and a split second too late
      and your opponent will have had the time to recover his/her senses.
      Special mention needs to be made when the Sei-ei-enbu is activated as Yang's
      entire base of attack is centered around getting a single move to hit, because
      once this happens almost anything you do will pretty much chain together
      nicely. When activated your main focus should be a forward + MK / crouching MK
      -> Mantis Slashes mix up so that one way or another your opponent gets hit.
      From there just go into simply combos but don't try for anything too fancy (the
      multiple images tend to mess up big combos). If you can get two crouching MK -
      > Mantis Slashes chains to connect, you've already done quite a bit of damage.
      Add to this the fact that the super is charged almost constantly and you may
      find that you can activate it WITHIN combos (good luck, try after a close
      standing MK launcher) because its within these types of combos that Yang's true
      power becomes evident (admittedly my skill is not this far along yet).

      Character Specific

      In my opinion Alex is one of the more overpowered characters in the game.
      While he is a tad on the slow side, fact remains that he just deals way too
      much damage and takes way too much damage before going down. In the case of
      fighting a very skilled Alex player, you could be in a heap of trouble. Your
      jump-in combos can be snuffed with his Knee Smash and often times he'll be
      grabbing you out of teleports if you aren't careful. What can you do about
      this? In terms of getting in close, Toe Presses aimed for the legs will
      generally get you some offensive ground without fear of being thrown. Remember
      that Alex is another character of primary offense, but the difference between
      him and Yang is that Alex is pure power while Yang is pure speed. This being
      said, Alex cannot initiate moves very quickly and this is where you can hit him
      hard. When you first play him, you'll notice how Alex basically spends most of
      his time swinging his arms about, and you should take advantage of this
      accordingly. Countering anything he whiffs / blocks should be rather easy. Be
      aware of his standing HP as it is an overhead, but if you block it he's left
      open for a pretty long time. His Flash Chop is also a very vulnerable move
      that you can knock out after being blocked. If you dash about often you can
      often get him to miss the Hyper Bomb.
      After a while you'll begin to notice that while you can attack Alex after his
      moves, parrying will dictate that this will soon become counterable and thereby
      dangerous. The next stage to take is to beat out Alex BEFORE he performs any
      moves. As it stands, in terms of speed your Light moves beat out his, your
      Mediums beat out his and your Hard's beat out his! Take the two instances
      above. Instead of countering his HP, beat him out with a MP -> HP -> Back + HP
      chain combo. Instead of blocking the Flash Chop, look for it and perform a LP
      Mantis Slash to take him out before he can get the move out in the first place.
      Alex will use any opportunity to get his Power Bomb in, and as such, don't
      ever, EVER teleport in front of him (even if he's reeling, its dangerous).
      Instead, use quick back dashes and long range teleports followed by quick moves
      to mislead him into whiffing his Power Bomb, which gives you TONS of time to
      counter. Remember, thanks to Alex's slow speed, the name of the game is to hit
      him hard with quick, low risk moves. With this strategy down, the big man
      should give you little trouble. You basically want to combo him to death, and
      keep the high-low game to a minimum (unless he's REALLY turtling… but Alex is
      generally not played this way).

      Maybe I complain too much, but Chun-li is another horribly overpowered
      character. She's fast, she's got LOADS of priority and let's face it, she's
      freakin' STRONG. Its hard to deal with her because usually she'll be all over
      you before you can get all over her (no I don't mean that way, don't be
      perverted). Assaulting you with a jumping MK into a big combo (a simple
      crouching MK -> Hokyou Sen will decimate nearly half your energy bar). Her
      footsie game is primed too with the crouching MP/MK and Flip Kick to give her
      just about all the priority she needs over Yang. As you can see this is a
      fight I pretty much dread.
      If your opponent is stupid enough to use fireballs, it should be noticed that
      Chun-li has some HORRIBLE fireballs. Simply jump over the slow projectile and
      Toe Press into a big combo. Failing that, Roll Kick past it as her recovery
      time is not very good. When she jumps in with her MK (expect it, her other
      jump-ins aren't very good) you can either LK Roll Kick or parry into a LK Roll
      Kick. Either way works well with the parry being obviously safer if you can
      pull it off. While you can snuff her out of the air, the one thing Chun-li
      lacks is a definite ability to snuff you out of the air. If you meet air-to-
      air with her you will surely lose to the priority of her jumping MK, however
      should you be fortunate enough that she does not meet you in the air she can do
      little more than block or parry your jump-in. Sure she has her standing MK,
      but its got pretty bad range and the priority isn't really all that high
      (except in the last few frames of animation). Just beware of players who
      choose the Tensei Ranna super, as this makes for an excellent anti-air (most
      players will pick the ludicrously overpowered Hokyou Sen however). That being
      said, try to jump-in on her at times when you know she won't be intercepting
      Dealing with her amazingly good footsie game can be difficult but not
      impossible. Don't forget about the power of your standing HP as a basic
      counter to a lot of moves, but also to take priority over that stupid crouching
      MP/MK. Your standing MK makes for an excellent poke as well, but be cautious
      about overusing it as Chun-li is one of the characters that can duck under it
      without taking a scratch. With Chun-li it is generally safer to block low than
      high, but be aware of her Axe Kick (she's had it since Zero) as it is both fast
      and fairly damaging. Counter this with a quick parry and chain combo (she ends
      up on the ground). Finally, try to keep Chun-li off balance, she has a problem
      with getting up as she's got almost no high priority wake-ups to mention.

      Dudley is actually one of the characters that I have less trouble fighting with
      Yun/Yang. Maybe it's just his amazing stage music that gives me energy, I
      dunno. As it stands, Dudley's basic strategy can be played two ways. Poking
      with high priority, high damaging moves while walking back and forth is one
      that I have come to know and love. This kind of player will often advance and
      retreat very quickly, then at certain times bust out with a highly damaging
      move which can kick (punch?) the crap out of you when you sleep (which is what
      the whole "dancing" is meant to do). How do you deal with this? Don't fall
      asleep. With Dudley going back and forth like a moron, be ready for a Machine
      Gun blow because that's what he'll use mostly to surprise you. I have a habit
      of parrying the first blow, blocking the next few hits, and Red Parrying the
      last hit to give me a HUGE window of opportunity. As it stands, even blocking
      the last hit will give you ample time to lash out with a crouching MK -> Mantis
      Slashes combo. Other moves he'll sporadically whip about is the Ducking (not
      crouching… its his special move) Straight. Again, if you learn to look out for
      the Ducking, then you'll have few problems parrying the Straight and then
      counterattacking with something big. Another thing I've noticed is players who
      walk right up to you and then perform the Cross Counter. I find this a really
      stupid thing to do, as I'm not fooled at all. I meet them back with a
      crouching MK -> EX Mantis Slashes combo (well… as often as I can pull it off on
      a Dreamcast controller. ARGH!). He'll also bust out with his forward + HP
      which is basically just the Straight. This is a little harder to see coming,
      and I suggest blocking it unless you've got reactions of lightning. Also be
      aware that he may try a crouching HK which juggles you possibly into more
      damage (the Ducking Straight is a move often utilized afterward). However the
      launcher is incessantly slow and thus you should be able to block or even parry
      it (I find it really hard to parry down on a DC controller). As for his
      supers, only the Corkscrew Blow needs to really be feared, the Rocket Upper is
      only good when comboed and can be brutally countered when whiffed. As for the
      Rolling Thunder, blocking it equals death for Dudley.
      The other kind of Dudley player is the "I'm on offense but only 'cause I wanna
      use my brutal 1-2-3 Chains". I find these Dudley players a BIT more dangerous
      simply because of the aggression factor. If you really have the time, learning
      to parry the 1-2-3 chains (from what I've heard, you parry all 3 versions the
      same way, i.e. with the same timing) just takes away Dudley's entire game. At
      this point proceed to slap him around the arena like squash ball. However I
      personally cannot parry all 3 hits of the 1-2-3 chains so I pretty much am
      stuck blocking them (some of them leave openings for countering at the end).
      The trick I use to beating him when he's like this is to put constant pressure
      on him so I can avoid the Chains completely. Unlike Yun/Yang, Dudley must be
      in very, very close to use his chains so they combo together correctly (almost
      within throwing distance). Basically what you want to do is get him into the
      corner, knock him on the ground, and Toe Drop / MK -> Toe Press chain into
      either a combo or high-low game. For the jump-in, don't worry too much about
      the Jet Upper. It has low priority (I've managed to hit him out of it
      countless times). Rather worry about the crouching HP. Basically, you want to
      land the Toe Press just as Dudley is getting up, and aim for his hand. This
      way, he has no time to perform his crouching HP and you're Toe Press takes
      priority over his standing LP any day of the week. If you perform the MP -> HP
      -> Back + HP chain then you're left relatively safe (from anything Dudley can
      dish out anyway) and in enough of a position to teleport behind a possible
      counter and possibly throw. The High-Low game is riskier, but the results
      netted after being successful warrants its use. Yang's overhead is a little
      slow to hit Dudley (especially with his lightning fast jabs) so you need to
      learn to hide your overhead behind a façade of other moves. Tryin standing up,
      jabbing, crouching and jabbing, throw in a LK and a crouching MK -> Mantis
      Slash combo to close the distance again. Periodically throw in an overhead and
      you shouldn't have too much trouble.

      It's strange, at first I had HORRIBLE trouble with Elena but now that I've been
      playing the game faithfully for a few good months, I find her one of the easier
      opponents. Most Elena players try to keep you at mid-range with her wide array
      of annoyingly high priority kicks and wide assortments of fast, misleading
      overheads. For a lot of players (not me, I'm not good enough) it's a simply
      matter of parrying EVERYTHING (I've seen it done) because her moves "flow" so
      they're rather easy to see coming. My strategy? Depends solely on what super
      she's using.
      Without the healing super, you can play her poking game if you want.
      Distancing is the key. Get just barely out of her legs reach and perform a LP
      Twin Palm Strike. Like Eddie Gordo from Tekken 3, a lot of Elena players chain
      buttons together into a sort of flow. This being said, they often aren't even
      aware that you're performing the Twin Palm Strike until you've already done it,
      in which case they're already flat on their back. If you can't distance and
      can't parry, just block her moves (they generally are low kicks with the
      sporadic overhead). The overheads are hard to deal with at first, but once you
      learn to look out for them then you'll recognize their animation and hopefully
      realize that you need to STAND UP. In Elena's case, you may want to ditch the
      crouching MK almost entirely, it won't help too much since she pushes you so
      far out. Instead, look for her crouching MK or overhead. Counter after the MK
      or before the overhead with a quick HP Mantis Slash chain. Nine out of ten
      times this will get her on the floor. At this point, jump-in and Toe Press
      because her anti-airs are horrible (her Scratch Wheel is an absolutely crappy
      anti-air). Then combo her to (she doesn't play high-low very well).
      The game changes entirely when she's playing with a healing super. The name of
      the game is constant pressure, but thankfully with the "brothers" this isn't a
      big difference from their normal style of play. Again, Toe Presses will do the
      job nicely when buffered into a combo. Her sweeps is really, really slow and
      obvious so you should generally be able to block that fairly easily and counter
      with some Mantis Slashes. You can pretty much expect her to Heal if she
      manages to floor you. Keep pressure on her and trap her in the corner to which
      she cannot escape even if you need to take some damage to get her there. When
      the super bar fills, the opponent's train of thought generally changes to "I
      must get out of the corner and use my super!". Good luck, your Yang should be
      pretty much charging her every 2 seconds without relief. If she attempts to
      jump out of the corner, either greet her in the air with a jumping HP/HK (her
      jump is pretty slow) or LK Roll Kick her face back into that corner. You may
      actually want to take a moment to back off a bit, and then perform a HP Twin
      Palm Strike. Players often mistake that opportunity to try and counter you,
      and if your distancing is right you'll hit her right out of a sweep. In
      general, don't give her any leeway to even think of activating her super and
      Elena will go down like a ton of bricks.

      Gouki (Akuma):
      Big trouble. Expect mainly to be playing against scrubs, because anyone who
      really (and by really, I mean truly) plays any sort of Street Fighter will
      realize that picking Gouki will lead to a beating (in real life of course).
      Really, this guy just dominates the entire game. Sure he takes "more" damage
      than most characters, but that doesn't mean a damn thing when you can't even
      lay a finger on him!
      Gouki players generally stay super offensive. You'll be seeing jump-ins very
      often, especially that Dive Kick. The Dive Kick will often take priority over
      your LK Roll Kick, and more often than not he'll be bearing down on you too
      fast for you to even get that counter off anyway. If you can see Gouki jumping
      for a distance, meet him in mid-air with a jumping HP or HK and smack him back
      down to earth (his air-to-air moves only have average priority). This being
      said, if he lands a Dive Kick you can expect a crouching MK -> Fireball ->
      Super Fireball combo. Remember to block low after the Dive Kick so you don't
      get comboed. If he chucks fireballs at you, try to Roll Kick past them to
      close that distance. To get inside, I wouldn't really recommend the Toe Press
      very often because his Go-Shoryuken has crazy speed, priority and damage. Try
      teleporting inside or a quick dash when he doesn't expect it. Once in this
      range, your infamous MP -> HP -> Back + HP chain, crouching MK -> Mantis
      Slashes and ever useful standing HP should be your tools of pressure. If you
      see Gouki go into his Ashura Warp, remember that it is vulnerable at the
      beginning so use your chain combo to knock him out of it. Many Gouki players
      will jump the gun when they see a opportunity to attack, so try a MP -> HP ->
      Back + HP chain combo and then perform the Raishin Mahakan afterward, you might
      catch him in mid-counter. After a few combos, big or small, Gouki will go
      down, and you can feel proud of yourself for having done so.

      This is interesting, as Hugo players vary GREATLY from player to player. They
      basically wait for you to do something, block and then throw. This being the
      case, you really have to be careful when throwing around stronger moves with
      more recovery. First, Hugo's priority is a strange thing indeed. I have yet
      to truly figure out how it works. You're pretty much better off blocking high,
      too many of his moves are overheads. Stay mid-range so he can't throw you too
      often, but as you are getting up from a knock-down, always crouch (Hugo can't
      throw crouching opponents when they get up off the ground). I wouldn't
      teleport too much, unless you do so very far away, as he can throw or POUND you
      as you're vulnerable. The Toe Press is also a rather ineffective way to get
      close to him due to the fact he can throw you if you aren't deep enough. So
      what can you do? First off, jump at him if he performs a move from far away,
      this way you pretty much guarantee he can't air grab you. I would use the MK -
      > Toe Press air chain into a simple combo to try and down him, but be sure it
      leaves distance between you if he blocks it. Poking him is generally a good
      idea, but watch out for players who can parry consistently, even more so
      against opponents who can parry consistently and do the 360 from a standing
      position. If he charges you, simply duck and punish him with a big combo. If
      he dashes at you, make sure you hit him AS he's dashing or you can be sure
      you're gonna get thrown. If you keep moving around, Hugo shouldn't pose too
      much of a problem. Oh, and I would recommend either the Raishin Mahakan or,
      even more so, the Sei-ei-enbu. Due to Hugo's large size, you can perform some
      pretty freaky combos on him since you can jump, kick him, and land before the
      shadows are done kicking him thus leading to some MONSTER combos.

      Ibuki is definitely not the super strong powerhouse she was in previous games,
      but she is still fairly dangerous if played correctly. For the most part, her
      priority is way beyond yours and her speed beats yours out, so you need to take
      advantage of your farther reach and more useful combos. For the most part,
      Ibuki players are based on complete offense, which is difficult to deal with
      since Yang is also based completely on offense. First, the easiest thing to
      deal with is her jump attacks. While most of her jump attacks aren't so great,
      the MK has great priority and a very far range. Players tend to abuse this one
      more than the others, but I've found a loop hole after about 25 rounds with my
      friend's Ibuki. Yang's jumping HP, in any situation and at almost anytime,
      will beat Ibuki's jumping MK. Since her descent from her jump is generally
      quite fast, its hard to pull off a LK Roll Kick, so instead meet her in the air
      with your own jumping HP. Trust me, you'll beat her out a good 95% of the
      time. At this point you may find your opponent jumping a lot less, but this by
      all means should not mean that you should be jumping more. Her Kazekiri is an
      anti-air to be feared and, unless you can parry it well, it will knock you out
      of all but the best timed Toe Presses (aim for her head before her foot gets
      that high). This being said, you may now encounter the ground player. He/she
      will hop back and forth and perhaps perform the teleport now and again. This
      player is a little harder to deal with, but note that Ibuki's dash is actually
      a little more vulnerable than it looks. You can actually smack her out of the
      ending which is surprisingly long (longer than it looks anyway) but be careful
      if she dashes right in front of you, she does pass through you. I like to meet
      each dash with a LP Twin Palm Strike, but your own preference may vary. Next,
      Ibuki will often perform her chain combo followed by a crouching HK which is
      delayed slightly. Basically if you can't parry well, block the first 3 hits,
      and hit her with a trio of Mantis Slashes or a Raishin Mahakan just as she's
      breaking out with her crouching HK. After this the player will generally stop
      with the HK at the end of the chain, but if they don't, feel free to punish
      them again. Now that her chain combo is taken away, remember your own chain
      combo (MP -> HP -> Back + HP). Remember that you've got quite a bit of range
      on this move, so use it accordingly. Some players realize that Ibuki is one of
      the few characters fast enough to hit you after the Modified Twin Palm Strike,
      so perform the Raishin Mahakan after it to give her a nasty surprise. As for
      her own supers, the Kasumi Suzaku is a common super to see just whipped out for
      block damage. If you can, try to avoid blocking it (I've never seen anyone
      parry it before) because it deals nearly the same damage. Keep moving so she
      can't aim it properly, and then teleport behind her and punish her when she
      misses. The Yoroi Doshi is your basic super, you don't want to miss anything
      with really long lag time up close or you're going to be eating it. If you
      can't deal with the Yami Shigure, I don't even know if this FAQ can help you.
      As it stands, fight Ibuki at a distance just beyond her limbs, because that
      distance is just within your limbs. If you can take away her moves
      systematically, she has nothing left.

      Shotos are generally a big problem, but in terms of Street Fighter III they
      aren't too bad (except for Gouki). While Ken is as effective a player as he's
      ever been, his priority has been toned down (which is a good thing) and his
      recover times after his various fancy kicks have also been lengthened.
      Basically, expect Ken not to assault you from the air, but if he does generally
      he'll be going for a MK cross-up. Use your trust LK Roll Kick to prevent this
      from happening. In general, Ken players like to walk up to you, poke you a bit
      with high moves, and then perform a quick crouching MK into a fireball just to
      make you feel stupid. Coax him by blocking low. This will force him to use
      his exceedingly slow overhead move, which you can counter with a quick chain of
      LP Mantis Slashes. When you see a Hurricane Kick coming your way, crouching
      and either hit him out of it with a crouching HP or wait till he lands (the
      shotos are more vulnerable now) and perform a quick crouching MK -> Mantis
      Slashes combo to punish him. If he tries dancing over your head with LK
      versions, time a LK Roll Kick to hit him where it hurts (i.e. the groinal
      area). When pushing an assault, I would advise against jumping unless you're
      pulling off the deepest Toe Press you've ever done in your life, because Ken
      simply controls the sky with the HP Shoryuken. Its priority and raw power is
      something that is unmatched in 3rd Strike. Instead, consistently teleport over
      his body, and as he gets up try to aim yourself about a mid-screen away from
      him. Often he'll throw out one of his ridiculous looking kicks to try and
      catch you and this is when you can counter him hard. Also, sometimes you can
      walk right in on him and either parry or block because often times Ken players
      have this immediate reaction to pull off a Shoryuken as a get-up move. This of
      course leaves Ken open to any degree of pain to which you wish to inflict upon
      him. The Twin Palm Strike is also a good move to use on Ken simply because his
      moves are to a point where you can telegraph them with a good degree of
      competence. Simply stand outside of his kick range and push him slowly and
      methodically into the corner where you can play with his mind. The Shippu
      Jinrai Kayku is the only super which you may have problems countering, but even
      then a quick crouching MK -> Mantis Slashes combo will put him in his place.

      A VERY difficult character to fight, especially when in the hands of someone
      who knows what they're doing. The basic premise of Makoto is Hayate, poke you
      a bit, jump at you with the ridiculously long ranged HP and then trip you with
      a HP. While her Hayate is a very fast special move, it's got a lot in terms of
      recovery time. Even the LP version can be snuffed and countered with your
      crouching MK -> Mantis Slashes combo. If you can parry it… well, you're
      opponent will soon discover that the Hayate is not the amazing move it was
      originally thought to be. Makoto's next main method of transportation is
      jumping (her dash is too vulnerable and her walking is snail pace). I would
      NOT recommend using your LK Roll Kick to knock her out of the air because her
      jumping HP has deceptively long range and a huge amount of power as well. In
      fact it is even difficult to knock her out of the air with your HP and HK. So
      what can you do? Jump before she does. While Makoto is mainly an offense-
      based character, she simply lacks the speed that allows her to get in very
      quickly. If you can Toe Press her before she can reach the peak of her jump,
      then you've basically got no problems. While her crouching HK does seem like
      an anti-air, its priority is very picky and will lose out to the Toe Press 95%
      of the time. I've seen very few players that can utilize the Fukiage in the
      correct manor and her Tsurugi (the special move in the air) is way to slow to
      stop your assault. Once you have her in the corner, keep her there! Makoto is
      a character, which has much difficulty dealing with corner traps. Keep her
      pinned with Mantis Slashes, and poking moves. Generally you don't need to
      worry about using your overhead, she can't counter it very easily. She may try
      that grab move on you, and if you see her pull you up by your neck and strangle
      you, immediately jump up and Toe Press. Unless she combos you, you'll get the
      drop on her as she attacks in vain. If you see her use the Tanden Renki your
      immediate reaction might be to run away. Don't, she can't block. Especially
      against Yun/Yang,

      Games:3rd Strike(Q,Oro) Alpha3(X-Dhalsim) MvC(Dr.Doom,Cpt.Commando,Magneto)
    • ja und infos sind infos oder???

      oder meinst du ich saug mir das auf engl aus den fingern

      wenn ers halt selbst nicht findet dann kann man ihn doch hlpen oder...

      und dein (!) versteh ich grad ma nicht erklärs mal bitte


      Games:3rd Strike(Q,Oro) Alpha3(X-Dhalsim) MvC(Dr.Doom,Cpt.Commando,Magneto)
    • Versteh mich nicht falsch, ist ja gut das du was gepostet hast, vor allem weil Adler wirkte als ob ers dringend braucht XD

      Weisst du, Yang's "Style" hat sich im Verlauf der Zeit eben entwickelt, der Text bräuchte doch zumindest ein klitzekleines Update und mikroskopische Verbesserungen, findest du nicht :wink:
      Mich wundert das Arlieth keinen Yang-FAQ geschrieben hat, das wäre nämlich nice, der Typ weiss wie man FAQs schreibt.
    • mag sein habs mir auch nicht durchgelesen hab halt nur was gepostet was wohl hlpen kann
      yang iss uninteressant find ich

      und der "yang style" eigentlich auch


      Games:3rd Strike(Q,Oro) Alpha3(X-Dhalsim) MvC(Dr.Doom,Cpt.Commando,Magneto)
    • "nE0|_i|_iTh" schrieb:

      "LunA_13" schrieb:

      mag sein habs mir auch nicht durchgelesen hab halt nur was gepostet was wohl hlpen kann
      yang iss uninteressant find ich

      und der "yang style" eigentlich auch


      Dann poste den link und nich das ganze FAQ, du weisst ja selber nicht mal, was da drin steht :roll:

      das iss doch sowas von gleich ob da jetzt nen link steht oder das ganze ??


      ich will auch garnicht wissen was da drin steht das iss mir so egal als wenn in china nen sack reis umfällt

      Games:3rd Strike(Q,Oro) Alpha3(X-Dhalsim) MvC(Dr.Doom,Cpt.Commando,Magneto)
    • In China fallen pro Tag 23445 Saecke Reis um.

      Du hast dir ja nich ma die Muehe gemacht, die ICQ Nummer von dem Typen rauszuschneiden. Ich check das nicht, wieso musstest du denn was posten, obwohl du keinen Plan hast, was drin steht und ueberhaupt, keinen Schimmer von der Yang Materie hast? Ich denk mal nicht, dass das da sehr hilfreich war....
    • was für ne dumme diskussion es geht doch darum das da was steht ob ich da ahnung von hätte oder nicht hum

      drauf geschissen ob ich yang kenne bla iss doch wurscht oder?????

      Games:3rd Strike(Q,Oro) Alpha3(X-Dhalsim) MvC(Dr.Doom,Cpt.Commando,Magneto)
    • Ich glaube, es ist sinnvoller statt seiner Supers, oft den :qcf: :p: :p: zu verwenden. Mit 5 Hits davon macht man mehr als 2/3 des Schadens von SAII, aber kann man es dreimal so oft machen. Die Leiste von SAII ist dafür am besten geeignet.
      If the customer is not playing the game due to it's difficulty setting, it is useful to change the game start difficulty to an easier or a more difficult setting.
    • Man muss immer viel Druck ausüben undden Gegner im Corner halten. Der größte Fehler der meisten ist das sie ihn zu generisch spielen, nach kurzer zeit kennt man die patterns und kann easy reagieren. Wichtig ist das man das timing seiner moves oft verzögert und nicht einfach die simplen combos stupide eingibt. Seinen Command Thraw kann man kara canceln, das kann praktisch sein. Wenn man das wakeup timing der Gegner kennt kann man fiese mindgames spielen mit dem thraw. Man muss den Gegner genau in dem ersten Frame nach dem aufstehen erwischen, das einige was man dagegen machen kann ist ein super jump cancle beim aufstehen oder quickstanding. Achtung, es wird bei vielen charactern nicht funzen, wie Ryo, Ken , Ibuki usw da sie euch mit dem Antiair treffen werden. Im Grunde fast das gleiche Game wie bei Alex, nur micht so leicht und die meisten machen es eh kaum.
      /// game development
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