Erste KOF NeoWave Videos und Infos

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    • Erste KOF NeoWave Videos und Infos

      Infos hab ich zwar noch keine, aber hier habt ihr die ersten Videos zum ersten KOF auf'm Atomiswave!

      Man kann zwar nicht soviel auf den Dingern erkennen, aber ist doch recht interessant!

      Es scheint so an die 36 Charas im Game zu geben. Zumindest soweit man seinem Auge trauen kann XD
      Es gibt nichts Besseres als knusprige Peking Ente :3 Ohm nom nom nom nom x3
    • Ich bin mir ziemlich sicher: was die Sprites angeht hat sich nix geändert. Die BG's sind aber wohl cool. Was das Gameplay angeht: Durch Just Defend kommen wohl spannende Matches auf uns zu 8)
      Kyokugen-Ryu Dojo Berlin
      KOF is best in life: In Behinner we trust!
    • viel erkennen tut man ja nicht grad^^ aber wie adler schon sagt, die menüs sehen fein aus, und wenn Just Defending integriert ist dann ist das auf jeden fall mal was gutes fürs KoF-Gameplay.
      You’ve got to say: I’m a human being / damn it / my life has value.
    • Chara Select

      Instruction pics

      Bilder von Geese?

      und noch nen Text zum Game Play

      >Button=action is...

      A=light punch,B=strong punch,C=heat mode,D=light kick,E=strong kick

      >Button position is...


      >Basic control is like KOF2002.

      >heat mode<NEW!>
      Press C button.
      Your character wink in red color.
      Power becomes far strong.
      But,player life automatically decrease while heat mode.

      >mode select<NEW!>
      1)super cancel mode
      Maximum stock number of power gauge is 3.
      You can use "super cancel".(consume 1 gauge stock)

      2)guard break mode
      Maximum stock number of power gauge is 2.
      You can use "just defence"(from Garou MOW).
      You can use special attack(Your opponent can't guard this attack).
      When this attack hits your opponent,"wire damage"(from KOF2001or2002) occur.
      You can't use "rolling" in this mode.

      3)MAX2 mode
      Maximum stock number of power gauge is only 1.
      But,power gauge recover automatically.(slowly)
      You can use MAX2,when character life decrease to 25%.(consume 1 gauge stock)




      That's all.
      Their looks,property,voice and graphic are all just same as KOF2002.(really "same")
      Saisyu is like KOF'98.
      Jhun is like KOF2000.
      King and shingo are same as KOF2002(dreamcast or playstation2).

      "Young" geese howard(from Art Of Fighting 2)
      Super combo is "deadly rave".Unable to guard,and damage is 80% of your life gauge.
      He is a so strong boss.


      This game is very similar to KOF2002.(But stage graph is beautiful.)

      Quelle: Orochinagi Forum
    • Und noch ein Paar genauere Details.

      Controls are for the most part like 2k2, except with the addition of the heat button, and the renaming of the standard buttons, i.e.

      A B C
      D E

      instead of

      A C
      B D

      Which it used to be.

      Other than that, CD attacks (wait - now we have to call them BE attacks? -_-;) are in, rolls are done with the same button presses (i.e. now AD instead of AB), Guard Cancel rolls, Guard Cancel CDs (screw this, I'm just going to stick to the old terminology), recovery rolls, etc are all in.

      The heat button seems to be a press once, to initiate, press again to cancel instead of a "hold on to button" thing. Personally, I think that makes a lot more sense. I have little enough hand coodination as it is. Heat activation and cancellation can be done in the air.

      Other than that, the only new command seems to be the guard break attack. done by qcf CD (remember, kids, PS is sticking to the olde KOF terminology, which means it's now BE)

      Upon starting the game, you'll have to select one of 3 modes first.

      Super Cancel Mode: Able to cancel special moves into other special moves (takes up one gauge). e.g. : Oniyaki into Koto Tsuki Negative (Iori's hcb k, right?)

      Also, standard Super Cancelling feature found in 2k1-2k3 is in. (2 gauges to cancel a DM from a special move, SCing SDMs/HSDMS will cost 3 gauges)

      While being the most orthodox mode, you're able to pull off some deep strategic tactics, which makes it fun to play.

      Maximum of 3 stocks,
      SDMs and HSDMs cost 2 stocks.

      Guard Break Mode:

      Able to do Just defend, and an unblockable Guard Break Attack (takes one gauge to perform). A mode that combines both strong attack and defence options for the advanced player.

      Guard Break Attack: qcf CD does an unblockable attack that consumes 1 stock. The animation for the Guard Break attack is a slow CD attack. Seems like the lightning effects on the character as he does the Guard Break attack grants the user some invincibility? Upon connecting, does "Wire Damage" (I suppose it just means it does some damage, then gives you a Wire option?)

      Just Defend: Done by guarding an attack the moment before it connects. Block stun (I think this is what they mean when talking about blocking "rigour". -_-) is shortened, and the hit back effect is eliminated. Life does NOT increase upon a successful Just Defend
      Max 2 stocks,
      SDMs and HSDMs cost 2 stocks.
      CANNOT perform Guard Cancel CD attacks

      MAX2 mode
      Power gauge automatically fills itself. Once you have 1/4 life remaining, your life bar flashes red, and you can expend one stock to do HSDMs. A mode that threatens the possiblity of killing your opponent in 1 hit.

      Max 1 stock.
      CANNOT DO AB ROLLS (Recovery rolls can still be performed)
      SDMs and HSDMs cost 1 stock to perform when life is flashing.

      About Heat Mode (Common to all 3 modes)

      Pressing the Heat Button will cause your character to flash red. While in effect, your attack power is *greatly* increased, but your life gauge will decrease steadily. Either hitting the button again, getting hit by your opponent, or after a set amount of time passes, Heat Mode will automatically end. Using Heat Mode when your opponent is defenceless, or whenever you see an opportunity will grant you great results.

      Overall system tweaks

      You start each round with a full power gauge. Even if you use all your stocks in one round, you'll start the next round with a full power gauge (Personal note: Hmm? Sounds like the game is going to be extremely short and intense if you have so many stocks to burn. Especially so if you're in Heat Mode and bust out DM combos. Who needs battery characters any more?)

      Lightning effects are flashed when HSDMs are performed.

      No win quote upon victory.

      Each character has 5 colours.

      Round time is 60 seconds.

      BGM stops after one round.

      Random system is from 2k2 (i.e. Start button at select screen will make you go into random mode, characters change in between rounds)

      Sound effects are from 2k2.

      Mode Select and Character Select time total 9 seconds There is no time to leusirely pick your system and characters (WTF. I have problems with 2k3s tight timing as it is. -_-)

      You have 20 seconds at the Continue Screen.

      4 types of jump: normal, big, small and middle jumps (I'm guessing this means normal jump, Hyper jump, short hop, hyper hop? Wonder if the vertical hyper hop and hyper hop = normal jump effect from 2k3 remains?)

      Guard Cancel CD attacks take off a bit of life.

      Game ends upon getting beat by 10 (probably a location test only thingy. ;p) with a CONGRATULATIONS! ON 10 WON message.

      BGM doesn't sound like traditional KOF BGM, has a bright feel to it.

      Is the Character Art from the select screen done by the Matrimelee guy?

      (Not sure about this next one) Backgrounds are high-res dot art.

      The insert card (I think this refers to the mini movelist you see in the cabinets?) only shows King, Saisyu and Shingo, as well as the "Evening Team" members (Who are the evening team? Iori's Secretaries?)

      Kyo, Daimon and Iori's HSDMs are either not displayed in the insert, or they don't seem to have it at all?

      7 rounds are fought before the boss battle.

      Quite long, a single player play through takes about 20-30 minutes.

      (Next bit is about the screen set up, quite self-explainatory, except that the green gauge beneath the life gaugeis confimed to be the guard gauge)

      Character select:

      Old Japan Team
      '97 Special team
      Saisyu, Kula, Shingo

      K' team
      Classic FF team
      2k2 Kyokugenryo team
      Jhun, Chang, Choi? (what happened to Kim?)

      Iori + Secretaries
      Classic Psycho Soldiers
      Ikari Team
      '95 Ladies Team

      Individual Characters:


      Special moves are same as '98.

      DM: Orochinagi.

      SDM: qcf x2 a/c . (I dunno how to read the name of this move. ;p Didn't he use to have a reverse Mushiki in '98 with this motion though?)

      A flame pillar eruprts, and from there, about 4-5 fireballs are shot out. Saisyu can move while the fireballs are being shot out. Seems like the fireballs can OTG and you can continue combos with it?


      HSDM is yet to have been found.

      Other characters:

      Same as DC 2k2 KOF (are there some new moves here and there?)

      Small changes from DC 2k2:

      Ralf: Far C comes out faster.

      Says the same thing to Iori in a pre-fight intro as in 2k2.


      Animation for her Freeze Execute (was this her hcb x2 AC SDM?) is now the same as her HSDM.

      Eiji shows up for a while against Iori in a prefight intro

      KOF 2000's factory BG, redrawn.

      Somewhere like a Botanical Gardens.

      Station. Lots of Diesel Trucks around. Right half of screen carries adverts for Sammy, Atomiswave, SNKNeoGeo, etc.

      Somewhere that looks like a clock tower.
      Lots of big gears moving.

      Above a drawbridge. You can see cars running around and a steel bridge in the background.

      Port. Big Ship.


      Nothing more than a 2k2 with prettier backgrounds and the mode select.

      Well, there'll probably be some changes made from now till the game release (in July), right?

      .... RIGHT? (XD I love this guy's sense of humour)

      Boss Information (spoiler... well, not really)

      Geese Howard. Looks young. Completely redrawn. (Uses the same effects though) Stage is from AOF2. Voice is from SVC. Offensive and Defensive strength seem to be about 2x a normal character's. (not sure about this)


      Reppuken. Weak version seems to be the lifter from SvC. strong version seems to be double reppuken, ground fireball.

      (move name: I don't play Geese, man. -_-;). From AOF2. Has invincibility, multi-hitting move that hurts.

      Sliding: Can be done after (above move name)

      Explosion Ball (That's all it says, man. Don't look at me. -_-)

      DM: Deadly Rave. Unblockable Ranbu. Does 60-70% damage.

      Hier noch ein Link zu einem Geese Video mit etwas bessere Qualität
    • Also das hört sich imo nich übel an oder? Der Chara select screen . . . den find ich Obergeil - geilo stylo 8)

      edit: Boah, einige Designs sind extrem Geil ( Mai, Yuri) . . . wogegen einige sehr, SEHR abstoßend auf mich wirken ( Robert, Takuma, teilweise Ryo). Insgesamt gefällt es mir rein optisch echt gut.

      Edit2: Ey, die haben den AOF2-Geese reingehauen, das kommt geil.
      Kyokugen-Ryu Dojo Berlin
      KOF is best in life: In Behinner we trust!
    • Hmmm....die Zeichnungen sind ja teilweise echt geil! Aber einige sehen ja auch wieder voll schäbig aus! Guckt euch doch nur mal Vice an! Die sieht aus wie ein Affe! Und dann noch die ganzen AOF Charas! Bäh!
      Aber die Arts von Whip, Leona oder Yuri sehen imo wiederum echt geil aus!
      Na ja. Ich denke aber echt nicht, dass das Teil wirklich was wahnsinnig geniales wird. Einfach nur ein wildes Zusammenwürfeln von allen möglichen Charas, Attacken und Techniken! Und jetzt gibt es sogar einen E Button, wenn ich mich nicht irre XD

      Freuen tue ich mich darauf trotzdem wie ein Keks! Wer weiß? Vielleicht wird das ja richtig gut ^^
      Es gibt nichts Besseres als knusprige Peking Ente :3 Ohm nom nom nom nom x3
    • Photo :roll:

      Neue Sprites gibts ja im 3D Kof :D
      "Für Karl Popper ist für die Wahrheit einer Aussage ihre Herkunft, also wer sie behauptet, nicht ausschlaggebend; im Falle von Hegel machte er von dieser Regel jedoch eine Ausnahme."
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