Bad Cann City Clash 2K4 Homepage

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    • nur werden jetzt warscheinlich alle ewig warten mit der anmeldung.
      um sich möglichst spät festzulegen.

      Alder, wieso sollen leute warten, wenn sie sich eh erst auf dem turnier festlegen müssen? du bist mal wieder zu verpeilt man!

      die werden doch wissen ob sie ein game zocken möchten oder nicht!
      Unschlagbarkeit liegt in der Verteidigung - die
      Möglichkeit des Sieges liegt im Angriff
    • There is a Site. (not like in Evil Ryu's sig... it's a typo^_^)
      Everythings german and I'm sure there will be a nice guy like "evil Ryu" who will explain everything in detail to you. :)
      The evolution of ZERO3 does not stop.

      And the ultimate level which is not seen yet awaits us with “Ultimate ZERO 5”.

      ~by UZ4 STAFF 18.12.2004~
    • Bad Cann City Clash 2004 (B3C´2K4)

      When: Friday from March 12th till March the 14th

      Jungendhaus "ANNA" Cannstatt
      Gnesener Strasse 20
      70374 Stuttgart
      Tel: 0711/522004

      Order of Tournament:

      Friday, starting with 15:30, Tournament will be opened
      Friday, starting with 16:00, Street Fighter Alpha 3 (DC) Tournament
      Friday, starting with 17:00, SNK VS Capcom Chaos (PS2) Tournament

      Saturday, starting with 13:00, Tournament will be opened
      Saturday, starting with 14:00, Capcom VS SNK 2 (DC) & Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution (PS2) Tournament
      Saturday, starting with 14:00, after Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution ends: Tekken 4 (PS2) Tournament
      Saturday, starting with 14:00, after Tekken 4 ends: Guilty Gear XX #Reload (PS2) Tournament

      Sunday, starting with 13:00, Tournament will be opened
      Sunday, starting with 14:00, King of Fighters 2K2 (DC) & Soul Calibur 2 (PS2) Tournament
      Sunday, starting with 14:00, after Soul Calibur 2 ends: Tekken Tag Tournament (PS) Tournament
      Sunday, starting with 14:00, after Tekken Tag Tournament ends: Street Fighter 3, 3rd Strike (DC) Tournament

      Entry Fees:

      Tournament Entry Fee: 5 Euro Registration Fee for all three days. For every game you want to participate in you have pay a 5 Euro Entry Fee per game.


      Preceding every match there will be a coin toss, the winner can choose one out of two options:

      #1 He has to choose his Character/Team first (Meine Anmerkung, meint ihr nicht das er als zweites Wählen darf? Ich mein daraus ergibt sich sonst kein Vorteil), or
      #2 He's allowed to select the Player side he wants to play on and can choose a Stage(Background Stage)

      The Winner is NOT allowed to change his character in the succeeding match.

      Boards and Pads should be brought along with you. Controls are customizable(Anmerkung von mir, das heisst haber nicht Hotkeys oder sowas, oder?).

      All control customizations will be done in the Option Screen, NOT during the game.

      The player has to announce the characters he'll be playing once he arrives on the Tournament site. During the Tournament he is not allowed to play any other characters than those he selected. See game specific rules for more info.

      Sign Up here: Sign Up

      BTW Jungs, ihr solltet den Einlass vorverlegen oder den Turnier beginn verschieben, denn ne 1/2 Stunde reicht meistens nicht aus bis alle da sind.
      They should call me Hadouken 'cause I'm down right fierce!
    • Looks like sombody was faster.
      Anyway here is the rest of the info for game specific rules. Hope it helps you.

      @admins of site
      Such a big tournament and not a single word of english (titles don't count)...SHAME ONE YOU!!! :P :lol:

      Game specific rules

      Street Fighter Alpha 3:
      - 3 characters must be named at registration
      - Crouch Cancel is allowed
      - default game settings

      SNK VS Capcom Chaos:
      - 3 characters must be named at registration
      - Boss characters are not allowed
      - Infinities are forbidden
      - default game settings

      Capcom VS SNK 2:
      - 2 Teams with the to be used Grooves must be named
      - Roll Cancel is allowed
      - Shin Gouki, God Rugal, Evil Ryu and Blood Iori are forbidden
      - Ratio and default game settings

      Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution:
      - 3 characters must be named
      - 3 Rounds at 60 sec. will be played

      Tekken 4:
      - 3 characters must be named
      - 100% health and default game settings

      Guilty Gear XX #Reload:
      - 3 characters must be named
      - Justice and Kliff are not allowed
      - play will be at 3 rounds

      King of Fighters 2K2:
      - 2 Teams must be named
      - default settings

      Soul Calibur 2:
      - 3 characters must be named
      - "only for console" characters (e.g. Heihachi) are not allowed
      - 100% health und default settings

      Tekken Tag Tournament:
      - 2 Teams must be named
      - 100% health und default settings

      Street Fighter 3, 3rd Strike:
      - 3 characters must be named
      - Gill is not allowed
      - default game settings
    • "Evil Ryu" schrieb:

      jungs, die page wird noch in english übersetzt. Also hört auf die arbeit wegzunehmen^^

      Könnt ihr noch da schreiben, das die 5 Euro pro Teilnehmer in einen Pot kommen und daraus das Preisgeld gemacht wird (auch in Englisch).

      Und checkt doch gleich mal ab wie die Verteilungen für 1, 2, 3 Platz sind!

      Bemu Semi-Retired, Keeper of the Secret Arts

      <Jesus> aber abwarten
      <Jesus> falls dizyz kommt tun mir die leute leid
      <Jesus> falls du dann wieder einsteigst

      Atm am spielen :
      Ich bin Setsuna :angry:

      Nuka Welt - weil ich durstig bin
    • "kei" schrieb:

      ah ok thanks,

      about SvC, boss characters - you guys mean the 8 secret characters?

      Thats right. No Geese, Mars folks or Demitri.

      Bemu Semi-Retired, Keeper of the Secret Arts

      <Jesus> aber abwarten
      <Jesus> falls dizyz kommt tun mir die leute leid
      <Jesus> falls du dann wieder einsteigst

      Atm am spielen :
      Ich bin Setsuna :angry:

      Nuka Welt - weil ich durstig bin
    • Ich wollte kurz was zu der Homepage sagen. Wenn man auf Englisch geht und das auf "tournament" dann kommt eine Fehlermeldung, hab eben und heute am Nachmittag probiert. Ist das absicht oder euch noch nicht aufgefallen? Sollte vielleicht behoben werden! :)
      The evolution of ZERO3 does not stop.

      And the ultimate level which is not seen yet awaits us with “Ultimate ZERO 5”.

      ~by UZ4 STAFF 18.12.2004~
    • Benutzer online 1

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