Etwas das mir sehr am Herzen liegt, Paris im Juni.

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    • Etwas das mir sehr am Herzen liegt, Paris im Juni.

      Wie einige vielleicht wissen gibt es von 12. bis 15. Juni ein grosses Turnier in Paris. 2D Wird gespielt
      [list]Guilty Gear XX
      The King of Fighters 2002
      Street Fighter Zero 3
      Street Fighter 3: 3rd Strike
      Capcom vs SNK 2
      Marvel vs Capcom 2[/list]

      Ich hab zwar keinen Plan was 3D mässig gespielt wird aber ich tippe mal auf SoulII und Tekken4.
      Wer von euch hat Bock hinzufahren, bzw. weiss jetzt schon das er sicher kommt?
      Was ist mit der Stuggie Crew? Kommt Ihr?
      Ich werde auf jedenfall fahren wenn sich wer finden sollte der auch fährt. Alleine hab ich keinen Bock da ich kein Wort französisch spreche.
      Also postet schnell. =P
      They should call me Hadouken 'cause I'm down right fierce!
    • Yo, I just got very bad news today. =/

      All of these tournaments at Cartoonist -except CvS2 and MvC2- are likely to get cancelled due to unforeseen events. We're currently looking for a venue in Paris to hold the 3s and GGXX tourneys independently on the same weekend. If you're not coming for CvS2/MvC2, you should wait for confirmation before booking your tickets.

      However, there will be a 3s/CvS2/GGXX tournament at Epita the upcoming weekend and a KOF2K2 tournament at Japan Expo (July 5th/6th), both in Paris.

      Sorry for the inconvenience, I have no power over this unfortunately.
    • "Mr_Capcom" schrieb:

      Damn, that are very bad news =(
      Is the 3rd Strike 'event' the folling weekend a sure thing? (As 3rd Strike is the only game I'm interested in)

      Please tell us soon enough 'cause I'd have to book the flight soon enough.


      Solltest du gehen, richte Billy Kane meine Grüsse aus! Wirst ihn mit sicherheit treffen

      Un benimm dich in Paris! Bist ja dann der erste österreichischer Bemu Botschafter! :lol:

      Un treib dort ein paar Spieler für den 18 Juli auf!

      Bemu Semi-Retired, Keeper of the Secret Arts

      <Jesus> aber abwarten
      <Jesus> falls dizyz kommt tun mir die leute leid
      <Jesus> falls du dann wieder einsteigst

      Atm am spielen :
      Ich bin Setsuna :angry:

      Nuka Welt - weil ich durstig bin
    • Sorry for the late reply, CPS_3.

      There will definitely be a 3s tourney on Sunday 1st June (that is to say this weekend), GGXX was today and VF4 is tomorrow. Both will be held at the Epita convention: 14-16 rue Voltaire 94270 Le Kremlin-Bicêtre (Métro 7 : Porte d'Italie).

      Doubt you can make it, but if you do be there before 12 for 3s or call me on my cell phone (do you still have my #?). PM me if you need more info on this.

      The Cartoonist tournaments are cancelled until further notice.

      Greetings chun_li1! See you on July 18th hopefully!
    • Falls du dir romantische Abenteuer mit mir versprichst muss ich dich leider entäuschen, ich bin schon fest mit -=Seth=- leeirt, und Tsunami ... und mit Doc. .... O_O Oh mein Gott, ich bin ein Flittchen!

      Du sagst es!
      Wegen Paris wissen wir leider noch gar nix! ich werde mich aber mal schlau machen wie und ob! :twisted:

      Bussi @ Schatzimausi :P
      Don't hate the Players!
      Hate YOUR GAME!
    • "Mr_Capcom" schrieb:

      Anything else going on regarding 3s in the following weeks?

      Not as far as I know. I heard there will be an Absolution2K3 in London sometime this summer though. I read that the fbt Vs. Fighting tournament was postponed, is that definite? :(
    • "BillyKane" schrieb:

      "Mr_Capcom" schrieb:

      Anything else going on regarding 3s in the following weeks?

      Not as far as I know. I heard there will be an Absolution2K3 in London sometime this summer though.

      In London? Cool, at least I can speak some english =P. BTW do you visit London anytime soon (again)?

      I read that the fbt Vs. Fighting tournament was postponed, is that definite? :(

      Yes, sadly it is definite. One of the reasons are that neither of the possible locations were free for that date and that these people (managers of such halls and places) like to know a round figure of the size (how many people come) and too few registered soon enough for us to give this round figure. We probably should have pointed out that the registration on the site is noncommitttal from the beginning.

      *sigh* anyway, have you voted already? =)
      They should call me Hadouken 'cause I'm down right fierce!
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