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In the continuing tradition of abstractions too painful for tiny brains, here’s a bit on how to avoid “giving it away”- the famous superpower of scrubs everywhere. Still having trouble avoiding ye olde psychic DP? Smell the shape of the match and keep your eyes open for the “critical points”.
These are points that occur during the course of a match where theres an opportunity for a significant shift in momentum/advantage. This can be just the chance to do a lot of damage (successfully crossing someone up, Zangief getting in position to land a super, etc.), but something doesnt have to be disastrous *in itself* to be a legitimately critical point. Sometimes relatively minor hits can lead into a nasty follow-up (losing momentum, and then getting trapped, for instance). Creating these critical points has a lot to do with the specifics of particular character matchups. Sometimes youre fighting for a particular position, sometimes youre waiting to build enough meter for a particular tactic, etc. Those are very particular, and change a lot depending on game, characters, and so on. Because of this, its pretty difficult to talk about them in general- so I wont try. What I’ll do instead is to discuss a few (slightly more generalizable) ways of avoiding and diffusing critical points instead, which is just as important in its own way.
These are points that occur during the course of a match where theres an opportunity for a significant shift in momentum/advantage. This can be just the chance to do a lot of damage (successfully crossing someone up, Zangief getting in position to land a super, etc.), but something doesnt have to be disastrous *in itself* to be a legitimately critical point. Sometimes relatively minor hits can lead into a nasty follow-up (losing momentum, and then getting trapped, for instance). Creating these critical points has a lot to do with the specifics of particular character matchups. Sometimes youre fighting for a particular position, sometimes youre waiting to build enough meter for a particular tactic, etc. Those are very particular, and change a lot depending on game, characters, and so on. Because of this, its pretty difficult to talk about them in general- so I wont try. What I’ll do instead is to discuss a few (slightly more generalizable) ways of avoiding and diffusing critical points instead, which is just as important in its own way.
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nozarex schrieb:
Du hast nur gewonnen, weil Mave dich für klüger gehalten hat. Du hast gespielt wie ein Mongo.