1. Creator
If you want make your event public on HardEdge you may create a new topic in this Board.
To do that, use our built-in calendar function to create a calendar entry. This automatically opens a thread here on this forum, so everyone can clearly see your event.
Don't worry, it's a completly free service. Just Try it out.
In order to add your event to the calendar, just klick the "Turnierkalender" button in the main navigation menu.

Then you can navigate down and click "Termin hinzufügen"

Now you can see. The following page:

The first thing you must do is, to check the box "Turniere"
Without this, no thread is showing up in the Forum.
Use a good title for your Tourney. You don't need to write the date into the title. The calendar does that for you.
You need to enter a start and End time.
And if you want, add a timezone.
In the next step you choose the location. Please enter valid addresses here.
And if you want, check the box "Teilnehmerliste aktivieren".
here you can main anttandees of your tourney. This feature is optional.
You can add a maximum attandee limit and every attandee can bring a friend if you choose so.
Add an registration end if you want.
The last step is the Event text. Most of the time you have prewritten it. Write here your promotional text. This text will also be displayed in-time in the forum as an upcoming event. People can discuss the event there. Provide as much information, as needed, for a successfull event.
Before you send the event, please recheck if every information is correct. If so, click "Absenden".
Now you should see the event in the calendar. You can switch now to the forum and check for answers.

When you had a look at the Forum, you can go back, by clicking the event link in the above Forum Section.

2. Attandee
You can navigate to the Calendar Event via the "Upcoming Events" Forum. Just Check the Screenshot and information straight above.
If you clicked at the event, you can send a registration confirmation via the calendar.
Click at "Teilnahme verwalten" as shown in the next screen.

A Popup turns up. Here you can choose details and then click "Absenden".

If the user list is public, you will shown up in the list.

Mein Englisch ist sehr lecker, korrekturen bitte per PN ;þ
VIel Spaß/Have fun,
If you want make your event public on HardEdge you may create a new topic in this Board.
To do that, use our built-in calendar function to create a calendar entry. This automatically opens a thread here on this forum, so everyone can clearly see your event.
Don't worry, it's a completly free service. Just Try it out.
In order to add your event to the calendar, just klick the "Turnierkalender" button in the main navigation menu.

Then you can navigate down and click "Termin hinzufügen"

Now you can see. The following page:

The first thing you must do is, to check the box "Turniere"
Without this, no thread is showing up in the Forum.
Use a good title for your Tourney. You don't need to write the date into the title. The calendar does that for you.
You need to enter a start and End time.
And if you want, add a timezone.
In the next step you choose the location. Please enter valid addresses here.
And if you want, check the box "Teilnehmerliste aktivieren".
here you can main anttandees of your tourney. This feature is optional.
You can add a maximum attandee limit and every attandee can bring a friend if you choose so.
Add an registration end if you want.
The last step is the Event text. Most of the time you have prewritten it. Write here your promotional text. This text will also be displayed in-time in the forum as an upcoming event. People can discuss the event there. Provide as much information, as needed, for a successfull event.
Before you send the event, please recheck if every information is correct. If so, click "Absenden".
Now you should see the event in the calendar. You can switch now to the forum and check for answers.

When you had a look at the Forum, you can go back, by clicking the event link in the above Forum Section.

2. Attandee
You can navigate to the Calendar Event via the "Upcoming Events" Forum. Just Check the Screenshot and information straight above.
If you clicked at the event, you can send a registration confirmation via the calendar.
Click at "Teilnahme verwalten" as shown in the next screen.

A Popup turns up. Here you can choose details and then click "Absenden".

If the user list is public, you will shown up in the list.

Mein Englisch ist sehr lecker, korrekturen bitte per PN ;þ
VIel Spaß/Have fun,
Admin Editfarbe: grün