SFV Chun Eindrücke

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    • SFV Chun Eindrücke

      Ich hatte heute genug Zeit in der Beta um mich mit Chun auseinander zu setzen, alles was ich aufliste sind persönliche eindrücke und Notizen, da ich in Englisch angefangen hab zu schreiben sind die Kommentare dementsprechend auch in Englisch weil ich zu Faul bin das noch mal in deutsch zu schreiben, falls irgendwas unklar ist versuche ich es Zeitnah zu beantworten.

      SFV Chun


      Very basic, neutral/footsie heavy char.
      Seems to have an answer for every situation.
      Hard to give a real estimate at this point.


      standing Normals:

      s.LP // nothing special, more like a combo filler if you want to, I prefer c.LP
      s.LK // a fast an somewhat reliable AA, b.HK is better most of the time
      s.MP // short reach, high hitstun normal, links into c.MK, probably c.lk/c.lp aswell
      s.MK // decent speed, decent startup, I think c.MK is alot better.
      s.HP // same animation as sf4 s.HP, mainly a footsie tool on the ground
      s.HK // same animation as sf4 s.HP, mainly a footsie tool when they try to jump or backdash

      crouching Normals:

      c.LP // good reach for a c.LP, fast startup probably the fastest with other lights and s.MP
      c.LK // low hit obviously, fast and very good reach
      c.MP // somehwat like a blanka slide, just no knockdown, not sure how to use this normal yet
      c.MK // awesome reach, this normal is one of her go to footsie tools
      c.HP // same animation as sf4 c.HP, 2 hits and your main Damage combo starter after a jumpin, the first hit has a Special and Super Cancel option, the second only has Super Cancel? still need to be veryfied
      c.HK // same animation as sf4 c.HK, Sweep, nothing more to say

      command Normals:

      b.MP/f.MP // "new" handshake, i don't particulary like the normal itself, but it's forward momentum makes it excellent for kara-throws only if done with f.MP
      df.MK // a hasanchou like kick, that is actually overhead, on Counterhit or V-Trigger it links into other normals
      b.HP // it's back, the b.HP has huge hitstun and has other link options on Counterhit and V-Trigger
      f.HK // excellent meaty tool, i believe you're airbone while doing this normal so you can't get thrown, on Counterhit or V-Trigger it links into other Normals
      df.HK // Crossup jump from SF4 returns, nothing has changes with that it seems.
      while jumping-d+MK(3) // no new properties other than a special cancel option into air EX.Legs

      jumping Normals:

      only the ones i really used

      j.MK // good crossup option, decent jump in
      j.HP(2) // still does 2 hits, but no juggle state afterwards
      j.HK // seems to have a really good hitbox seems very hard to Anti Air
      neutral j.HK // animation is the same as in sf4, feels the same aswell


      I'll cover the links from Normal into Normal here

      without Counterhit/V-Trigger:

      c.lk, c.lp // feels more like a cancel
      c.lp, s.MP
      c.lp, c.MK // only read about this one beeing able
      s.MP, c.MK
      b.HP, c.LK

      with Counterhit/V-Trigger:

      b.HP, c.MK
      b.HP, c.LK
      b.HP, c.LP
      df.MK, c.LP
      df.MK, s.MP
      f.HK, s.MP
      f.HK, c.LK
      f.HK, c.LP

      Normals with Special Cancel:

      I hope I'll cover them all, atleast the important ones

      c.HP(1) // see above


      Not many Specials, but here they are:

      QCF+ any Kick // Lightning Legs are now QCF input, thank god Legs Input is gone, possible in Air too!
      d~u+ any Kick // Spinning Bird Kick, it returns, seems like the same stuff as always.
      b~F+ any Punch // Fireball, also returns without remarkable changes, other thann EX Kikoken seems alot slower than in SF4


      MP+MK // Chun leaps forward, a lower jump Arc then her normal Jump, it actually hits on startup, but will not go trough any fireballs in the Startup phase.

      HP+HK // Chuns Normals gain multiple Hits, how it goes:
      Lights > no additional Hits
      Mediums > 1 additional Hit
      Heavys > 2 additional Hits

      Critical Art:

      QCFx2+ any Kick // kinda her Ultra 1 from SF4, not sure about the properties.


      probably what everyone is waiting for, I'll devide into Combos without and with V-Trigger, most Counterhit combos are alike with V-Trigger ones:

      without V-Trigger:

      c.LK, c.LP xx d~u.LK
      c.LK, c.LP xx QCF+LK
      c.LK, c.LP s.MP xx QCF+HK xx QCFx2+K // probably works with c.MK instead of s.MP aswell
      j.HK, c.HP(1) xx QCF+LK -> c.LP xx d~u.LK \\huge Damage and Stun
      j.HK, c.HP(1) xx QCF+LK -> c.LP xx QCF+LK+MK \\huge Damage and Stun


      B.HP xx b~f+LP+MP -> c.MK xx QCF+HK

      with V-Trigger:

      these are just Sample ones with QCF+HK mostly, it will also work with EX Legs and cancel straight into super without the HK Legs Super Cancel

      f.HK, s.MP, c.MK xx QCF+HK
      f.HK, s.MP, c.MK xx QCF+HK
      b.HP, c.MK xx QCF+HK
      df.MK, s.MP xx QCF+HK
      df.MK, c.LP xx d~u+LK

      Other Notes

      Her Walkspeed seems really fast, i like that personally

      Das war es bisher, falls jemand was zu verbessern hat, oder was unklar ist, lasst es mich wissen.

    • Der c.mp geht unter Fireballs her, oder?
      "cant believe this, only grand finals should be on start page, the raiden player healing care is mvc3 player and known mk9 hater.. obvious troll XDDD cant be more troll, i lol,d very very hard"
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