Strategy? Spacing? I just keep punching until I hit something.
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Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 12 mal editiert, zuletzt von old_man_entnervt ()
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Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 12 mal editiert, zuletzt von old_man_entnervt ()
Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von QurupeccoJOB ()
Johnny has a new set of both S and HS normals and new sweep.
His new OD looks like Jack hound but it restock his coins with 2 sunglasses that works like coins.
His new dp K move works just like divine blade.
Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von Mefistopheles ()
- Short reach in her normals
- 5HS looks like some capoeira move
- She has a ghost icon for each one of hers above her Tension gauge; can't setup same ghost until icon refills
- S Ghost summons a floating ghost, no idea about P and K
- 4D strike throw is used in combos
- 3HS is a sweep; no cancels
- Ghost gauge takes quite a while to fill
- 2S' reach is so short you can't even connect 2K > 2S point blank
- P Ghost is a floating sword ghost
- 6K is a short jump 2 hit kick downwards; no idea if overhead or low
- K Ghost is a walking spear ghost
- j.HS looks like one of KoF's Kula's moves. Can crossup.
- After ghosts come out of bag, even if you pick up the bags they stay summoned; bags can stay summoned for as long as gauge lasts
- Ghost bags "level up" according to how long they stay on screen but spend more ghost gauge accordingly.
- Overhead and strike throw both look slow
- Organ's explosion explodes both bags and ghosts
- All of Jack O's Minions disappear if she gets hit
- 5HS first hit has jump cancel
- 2HS last hit has jump cancel
- 6P > 5S > aerial combo > strike throw is a thing (melty BLOOD)
- Wasn't mentioned in the loketest pdf but she has a 6HS
- Rushdown attack (2D) is slow but has invul
Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von Mefistopheles ()
- Johnny was the most requested character, so they decided to add him.
- Jack-O' is imaged after a toy box. It's cute and has all sorts of cool stuff popping out from it. Jack-O' is a character series has yet to see.
- Elphelt brought elements from FPS-games. Jack-O' brings elements from RTS-games.
- Updates on the graphics:
Shaders on the characters have been changed.
Rim light has been added (a light to ensure the character's borderlines stand out)
Contrast and colors on a character changes in different stages.
"Point light source" has also been added (Gunflame shines in a dark stage and when it hits the opponent they also start to shine from the flames)
- Ishiwatari would like to hold as many loketests as possible. Listening to people's opinion and adjusting just once doesn't necessarily lead to a good result.
- REVELATOR's story starts after the events of SIGN's story mode. "Merciless Apocalypse" finally makes its move...
- REVELATOR's story is supposed to settle everything else than the fight between "That Man"
5D regular dust
2D a shoryuken like move
5D a downward angle projectile. " rapid fire up to 3"
2D a dive similar to Leo's and Bridal express
6D a command grab where she put you inside a coffin like thing and suplex you.
4D a command attack with a long range where she eats you with that steel pumpkin like ball then spits you.
Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von Mefistopheles ()
Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von old_man_entnervt ()
Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von Mefistopheles ()