Revolution 2015 - Europes Anime FG Tournament is back!

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    • Revolution 2015 - Europes Anime FG Tournament is back!

      So guys, its back. If you remember Sakura Fight Festa and Revolution 2014, you will hopefully remember the good fun it was


      So lets get the info dumped!

      Games List

      1. Blazblue Chronophantasma (PS3)
      2. Guilty Gear Xrd (PS3)
      3. Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax (PS3)
      4. Under Night In-birth Exe:late (PS3)
      5. Persona 4 Arena 2 (PS3)
      6. Melty Blood Actress Again Current Code (PC)
      7. Arcana Heart 3 Love Max!!!!! (PS3)

      Location: Bolney Meadow Community Center, 31 Bolney Street, SW8 1EZ Vauxhall London, England UK
      Dates: 6th - 8th of November 2015
      Venue Fee: £7.50 a day or £20 for the weekend. This is in advance, so sign up on the website!
      Tournament Entry Fee: £5
      Nearest Tube Station: Vauxhall (Victoria Line/National Rail, Zone 2) and Stockwell (Victoria Line/Northern Line Zone 2)

      Tournament Format
      • Double Elimination
      • Each set is FT2 to win the set, Finals will be FT3

      There was confusion last time so let me clarify. Its the Top8 Winners Finals, Losers Finals, and Grand Finals

      Venue Rules
      • You must be aged 16 or above. No alcohol/drugs/illegal substances, any found will mean ejection from the venue and possible banning of future events.
      • No fighting at the venue, any fighting is a bannable offense, if there is a problem please contact a member of staff first.
      • Any weaponry brought to the venue will result in immediate calls to the police.Any controllers and sticks are your own responsibility; we will not look after any at any time.
      • Do not touch any of the consoles unless you are plugging in your stick or controller.
      • Please make sure you have your wrist band at all times. Staff will periodically check if you have your wristband with you. For venue entry, please print off your PayPal receipt and a symbol of identification (Driver's Licence, Passport, ID Card) to get your wristband.

      If anything has happened to your wristband, please bring the old one to get a new one at the front desk, explaining why this occurred

      Tournament Rules:
      • If you are not at your designated spot when your game is called, there is a countdown of 2 minutes - If you are not there, you will be disqualified. If you have another game to play, please let your respective games judge know so they can start another match. If you need to go toilet, please let the member of staff know that is taking your side of the bracket so there is no confusion.
      • If there is a pause or controller disconnect while the game is active, then the offending player forfeits that round.
      • Notify when you are going for a button check so there is no confusion. Buttons checksMUST be performed before the match starts and is the responsibility of the player.
      • Chronos converters are banned
      • No Turbo controllers
      • No DualShock3's or any pads that can sync to PS3's (Due to the liability of people pressing home button during other people's matches)

      and Reminder - DUAL SHOCK 3'S ARE BANNED

      Accomodation <---- RECOMMENDED. Many people who went to SFF and Revo stayed here. Just contact them and try to fill up a room. 6 guys from Finn-crew stayed in a single room and it was fine. Also fairly cheap. Fairly

      If you want to get a group booking sorted out, contact me and I will see what I can do. And by me I mean Frost/Rayokarna/Firei

      Notes (PLEASE READ)
      • Catering: It will be better at Revo, promise. At SFF we decided to do food last minute, and now we know the demand of drinks (We will stock unlimited IRN-BRU this time)[/*]
      • Hypemeter: It was gone at SFF, it should be gone for Revo![/*]
      • Signing Up: Things are slightly different this year. With 1 day passes, make sure you buy the day you plan to attend. We have not got a schedule just yet, but assuming Xrd is on sunday. If you want to enter Xrd...please do not buy JUST a friday ticket[/*]
      • Raffle: We should have a good selection of prizes and it should be great fun[/*]

      If you need any help or inquiries, including things such as cost planning, accommodation help, please contact Frost / Firei / Rayokarna. Find us on twitter at

      @Frostybolty @Firei_UK @Rayokarna @NthGenI

      You can email us but tbh why.

      Now heres a picture of us from Sakura Fight Festa!
    • So hi Guys, just wanted to give a few updates on Revo this year

      First we have the Schedule! <--- You can find it here or on the main website @ !

      We have also added Aquapazza to the Friday Lineup! Aquapazza will be a free to enter tournament, and you are able to win raffle tickets! We all love Raffles!

      Hypemeter is gone, they've got a switch for it now and they will switch it off for us

      ...and thats it really. If anybody is interested in turning up, please post in this thread! For questions or assistance you can ask them in this thread or you can find me on twitter @Frostybolty !
    • Antaiseito schrieb:

      Oh, da sind ja tatsächlich paar mehr GERs angemeldet.
      Bin (immer)noch am überlegen, hätte gute Lust. Urlaub sollte glaub ich passen (not 100% confirmed).

      Habt ihr schon Übernachtungen und Stuff geplant/gebucht?

      Ja. Erster 6er Raum ist voll, glaube aber Anbi sucht?
      Spielt ihr Blazblue, Guilty Gear, Anime Games, Airdasher oder sonstige FGs? join HE-Discord (<- mich kann man anklicken.)
    • Mik schrieb:

      Antaiseito schrieb:

      Oh, da sind ja tatsächlich paar mehr GERs angemeldet.
      Bin (immer)noch am überlegen, hätte gute Lust. Urlaub sollte glaub ich passen (not 100% confirmed).

      Habt ihr schon Übernachtungen und Stuff geplant/gebucht?

      Ja. Erster 6er Raum ist voll, glaube aber Anbi sucht?
      Ich suche noch nach ner unterkunft von freitag bis montag.
      Zur zeit denk ich das es wohl das travel joy hostel sein wird.

      Ich steh im kontakt mit "GodSpeed". der schreibt mir am Sonntag falls er was anderes findet, ansonsten wirds travel joy :)
      Developer von GunFrame (Frame data app für Android): Google Play Store
    • Where is the Stream link?

      Bemu Semi-Retired, Keeper of the Secret Arts

      <Jesus> aber abwarten
      <Jesus> falls dizyz kommt tun mir die leute leid
      <Jesus> falls du dann wieder einsteigst

      Atm am spielen :
      Ich bin Setsuna :angry:

      Nuka Welt - weil ich durstig bin
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