Hi there German players 
I will be attending Cologne Germnay for Gamescom 2014 during the business days as a game journalist. I will be there from 12 noon to 14 in the morning.
If there are any members of the FGC from Germany I would very much like to meet some of them if possible.
I will be staying at the Koln City hotel just on the other side of Rhine river close to the Koeln Messe(where the Gamescom is held).
I asked here and there, but it looks like there wont be any major fighting game related stuff besides KI, but anyway.
Anyone from here planing to go?

I will be attending Cologne Germnay for Gamescom 2014 during the business days as a game journalist. I will be there from 12 noon to 14 in the morning.
If there are any members of the FGC from Germany I would very much like to meet some of them if possible.
I will be staying at the Koln City hotel just on the other side of Rhine river close to the Koeln Messe(where the Gamescom is held).
I asked here and there, but it looks like there wont be any major fighting game related stuff besides KI, but anyway.
Anyone from here planing to go?