Fuck grim reaper
8. - 10. 08. 2014 - Czech Arcade International, Prague (CZ) [USF4 UMVC3 KOF13 VF5FS TTT2]
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What are the results?TR
- YouGenius - Sheva - Mac - Carloz - Nani - Halibel - Maruko -
Every Frame A Painting -
"cant believe this, only grand finals should be on start page, the raiden player healing care is mvc3 player and known mk9 hater.. obvious troll XDDD cant be more troll, i lol,d very very hard"
Ultra Street Fighter 4
1. Ultima
2. Chargi
3. K0rn4lsky
Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3
1. GEX|StruC
2. Chargi
3. BO|Benkill
The King of Fighters 13
1. [Schloss]KenDeep
2. MotionM4n
3. KingRasta
Tekken Tag Tournament 2 und Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown kann ich nicht sagen.Yo! He ded. -
You forgot the most important result:
I parried Chun Li SA2
In all seriousness: Thanks to VR-Fist and the Czech community for the awesome event and for their hospitality. It was a great time, all the matches where fun and insightful, not only in KoF13 but also in Uniel and 3s. Hopefully I managed to get people to hate ElenaEverybody was awesome! Hope to see you guys soon either in the next Hessen Crash, Rumble or Red Fight District.
Boha Struc, krasse Leistung! Deutsche Ehre im AUsland verteidigtTR
- YouGenius - Sheva - Mac - Carloz - Nani - Halibel - Maruko -
Every Frame A Painting -
Seeing your handsome faces was a pleasure just as always ma niggas. Great casuals with everyone, UNIEL side tournament was dope as fuck (fuck gordeau, that's how it goes), and I'm looking forward to seeing you all at some other event soon enough!
Special shoutouts to my boy gold_rasta for riding on the casual ride of playing all dem games with me. That was dope to the brain.Visit #czecharcade @ irc.quakenet.org. -
VDV fighting!
Stream Archives:
Results and brackets:
(still finishing the text results)
(waiting for Sunday winners as those took them went to Gamescom)
It was great to see you all, I told you all already.I hope to see you all soon and I hope that Czechs become stronger before that happens.
Congrats to winners, thanks for coming, and now back to Danger Room. -
thank you, we all had a really nice time
Thanks to the Czech Fighters for the nice event, you guys are awesome. I hope next year is again a event in prague.
Thanks to KenDeep for his Tips in KoF.Siehst du diese Mülltonne voller Salz. Darin bewahrt er seine Opfer auf, das Salz verwandelt die Leichen in Mumien. -
Always a pleasure, hope the tips were useful, I'm always open to help. Same goes for everyone, so hit me a message or when someone sees me: Ask me anything.
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