Hier ein paar Übersetzungen von den 3S-Fragebögen der Seite 3rddiary.blog104.fc2.com/blog-entry-312.html.
Initiiert wurde das Ganze von Boss selbst, dessen eigener Blog das anscheinend auch ist. In den Interviews sind viele Querverweise auf wichtige Matches und Lehrer-Schüler Connections.
Credits an yuuki und aku von shoryuken.com, die die Fragebögen übersetzt haben (Link zum Thread: klick!).
Eventuell ist jemand des Japanischen mächtig und hat Lust die restlichen Interviews zu übersetzen??
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1) Please give us your name and where it came from.
It's the real name of someone I hated back in middle school.
2) How long have you been playing 3rd Strike?
This will be my 6th year.
3) Where is your main arcade(or "home arcade" in this case)?
It used to be Senzai Toriyama Game Plaza 21st Century,
but since that place closed down, I am "homeless".
4) Please tell us how you first got into 3rd Strike.
I was an offhand gamer, so I just fooled around at the arcade, and played the console version as well.
The moment I FIRST started, happened one day when I was just mashing around at the arcade,
where this one guy appeared out of nowhere and just beat the living daylights out of me.
I had no clue about the game's system or whatnot, at the time.
As a shitty Ken player back then, I recklessly tried to get in with dashes and jump-ins,
and the only things I did were "throw" and "Shoryu".
This was during a time where I didn't even know basic fighting game terms.
So at that time, this man:
..was untouchable,
..would touch on my bad habits
..couldn't be beat with random tactics
..would attack and throw me if I did nothing
..would parry and punish me if I did something
This man showed such baffling levels of overwhelming strength, something that I never experienced until that point.
That man was MOV.
I thought to myself, "Games sure can be amazing", and started watching and copying his game.
I couldn't even bear going in front of that arcade again, so I secluded myself to my local area,
but when I saw MOV win SBO in 2006, that left such an everlasting impression on me that I decided to switch to Chun-Li.
I didn't really step outside,
but one time when I was at Shibu-spo(an arcade in Shibuya), Ebara(who just started the game) said to me,
"MOV said he wants to teach you."
And then I thought to myself,
"What a pain in the ass, what the hell does he mean by 'taking me outside to teach me a game'..."
But I also knew that I just received the chance of a lifetime,
so I decided to regularly go to Shibuya, and have MOV become my teacher.
Since then, I've become addicted with the game up to this point. And that's how it is.
5) Your main character and why you chose them
Chun-Li...because that was MOV's character too
6) Players that you respect
MOV...even now I still think it's amazing how he approaches this game. He takes the fullest advantage to the game's system. He's the most earnest player.
Nitto...he plays a lot of theory fighter, but his crazy rushdown style is very cool.
Mester...the only person that can make fun of him is me. He should follow his own teachings that he gave me, and he'll definitely be stronger. Why can't he do what he preaches!
Raoh...he tought me how to have fun with this game.
Ino...his way of thinking in the game is so one-sided it's incredible. He's really good at tricking morons.
Boss...he's very sloppy, but also very strong. The way he's able to construct various theories with the game, not to mention his reading and quickness. Mister Third Strike.
KO...there is no wasted movements in his game. He eliminates any unneeded movements and tactics in his game, and shows very easily some overwhelming strength.
Momochi...He is an execution machine.....or rather WAS. He had a sixth sense for fighting, and his rushdown speed was out of control. Generally good at games.
Kokujin...he is very good at meter and life management. You may think his style is very rushdown and crazy, but in actuality he's making very minute, intricate points in his game. Even though I can't say he's good at other games, his strength and badassery are works of art.
Haitani...exceptionally good at meter and life management. Always a method behind his madness, he's so strong his matches get to the point where you go "It's almost over already??". Very well-balanced top player.
Nuki...he as a person is just too strong. He's so sick that he can react to anything he sees. Impossible to try and impersonate.
There are many more, but I'm going to have to stop here since I could just keep going.
7) Players you consider your rivals
Boss...I've teamed up with him a lot lately, but even if we part ways our motives and wills are similar to the point where we can have some very heated battles. One of the few players out there who can understand my thoughts.
Tackle Maeda...I've always wanted to play against him more.
KO...this might be ridiculous to say, but our matches always become fights to the death. I always have fun when playing against him.
Nitto...if this game gets boring to me, playing against him will always remind me of why it's fun.
8) Players you have your sights set on
Kochiya...I could see in his eyes that he became stronger. Mester is apparently teaching him, so I have high hopes for him. He also eats beef bowls way too fast.
Moto...very flexible in terms of theory fighting. He sees 3rd Strike differently compared to any other player out there. Another player I have high hopes for.
Chakotarou...whether it be casuals, or crying while drinking beer after losing a tournament, he's always quite hype. I think he could roll something good though, so I want him to keep trying. He's getting stronger, but he also needs to boost up his execution and confidence in his game.
Sakurada...he's an idiot, but he's such an idiot that he's good. I don't know if he has any more room for improvements, but he always brings something for us to expect in tournaments.
Iyan...Flo and I love how much effort he puts into his game. We're both looking to see what he does with it.
BBK*...he has five girlfriends, but his pattern's been simultaneously trying to find a woman to marry. I absolutely wish him nothing but the best.
9) Are there any matches that you remember dearly?
SBO 2007, Kanagawa vs LAST BOSS
No need for words. Just watch, and quiver.
10) If there was anything in the game that you could fix...?
I want to add a system where guys I hate would sit on the opposite side of the cab, and get shocked to death.
11) Self-analysis
I can do something immediately when told, and I put in effort.
I can deal with situations quickly.
I tend to get enraged very easily.
My will to not lose is strong.
I rarely drop things in-game.
I'm mentally ill.
12) What do you think is interesting about 3rd Strike?
You can make fun of morons AND kill them at the same time.
In other games, stupidly strong actions are intently strong. So even if a moron does nothing but that, you'll either go insane trying to stop them, or try with all your might to find a gap and beat them and whatnot. But in 3rd Strike, the parry feature is a beautiful tool that can clearly eliminate everything a moron does and make a fool out of him.
13) Have you decided on continuing to play 3rd Strike from this point on?
I haven't made up my mind yet.
14) Final words
Stop getting just familiar with your opponents immediately and just beat the shit out of him.
Do not stir up your weak habits.
It pisses me off whenever I see this.
Play the game. Shut up and take it seriously. Don't just immediately listen to others. Think for yourself.
"At least pretend that you're thinking, even if you don't know."
There is no way you'll ever become better with this train of thought.
Be more ruthless to win.
You guys aren't playing a game where you're covered with the intent to murder the moment you press the Start button.
These habits:
①"I want to get better!"
②"I want to beat ----!"
③"We had a good team! I want to win with this team next time!"
④"Hey Rikimaru, I came to hit you with a Shoryu...( ̄ー ̄)"
And you're trying to get along with top players on Twitter or at the arcades with this?
①"Never gonna happen."
②"Never gonna happen."
③"Just kill yourself, because your team sucks. Never gonna happen."
④"Go back to Nagoya."
It is important to keep your stance straight and center.
People who talk about various stuff after big tournaments, people who get drunk off their own words and boast,
are people whom I have NEVER seen try to put any serious effort into their games.
Who cares if you piss off others and just keep putting coins in like you own the cab?
It'd be better if you made time with a strong player and played some serious games with them.
All of you punks are just wasting away your time.
Nothing will change from just that.
The preceding words were towards those that want to be serious at 3S.
For everyone else that wants to play this game for fun, go ahead and have fun!
I'll teach you guys whatever you want.
Feel free to loosen up and ask.
This especially goes for you OE players.
Let's all have fun and play this game together at home, guys.
Games are fun, yo~
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Initiiert wurde das Ganze von Boss selbst, dessen eigener Blog das anscheinend auch ist. In den Interviews sind viele Querverweise auf wichtige Matches und Lehrer-Schüler Connections.
Credits an yuuki und aku von shoryuken.com, die die Fragebögen übersetzt haben (Link zum Thread: klick!).
Eventuell ist jemand des Japanischen mächtig und hat Lust die restlichen Interviews zu übersetzen??

1) What is your game name and origin?
(^a^)< Atsushi is my real name. Ill never forgive the drooling makoto from versus!
*talking about tominaga
2) How long have you been playing 3rd strike?
The tougeki before the last, I think. Around the summer of 2010. Guess it's been around 2 years now.
3) Where is your home arcade?
Koenji is my favorite so I have them include me as part of the Koenji group. However, depending on events Ill go to other arcades as listed below. please play against me if you see me there.
Tue: takadanobaba mikado
Wed: ooyama newton
Thur: nishinippori game versus
Fri: nishinippori game versus
Sat: koenji cube
Sun: nishinippori versus or ooyama newton
Other: ikebukuro safari and xbox OE
4) How'd you start playing 3rd strike?
I started because I watched videos of Aruka. I couldn't figure out how to become like aruka, but id go to danisen anyway. There Nuki taught me a lot of things and i would practice often with Kuni. After that other players including Kuroda and Rikimaru would teach me things. Now Boss is training me.
5) Who's your main character and why?
Ibuki. I started using ibuki thinking she was a strong character. I got tricked by Aruka videos.
6) Which player do you respect/admire?
Higa. Ibuki is Higa.
7) Who are your rivals?
In the beginning I couldnt beat Tominaga at all. For half a year, every day it was a challenge to see if I could beat him at least once that day. Nowadays, Im trying to get Hiyama, a chun player from Koenji to understand/realize.
8) What players are you keen on?
Oryu. We were suppose to team for tougeki last year but he ended up not being able to go to tougeki so i had to change my team. I think he's half retired now but I'd like to team with him again. When I get stronger, Ill look for a 3rd person and go get him to teach for tougeki.
9) Any matches that were memorable?
Nuki kumite (50games). Its the first time I lost 50 games in a row.
10) Anything you'd change in 3rd strike?
I want ibuki to have a triangle jump! i dont think itll effect the game too much.
11) Self analysis
I think my natural talent and such is all just average.
12) What do you like about 3rd?
For better or for worse, 1 parry can change the match.
13) Will you keep playing 3rd?
Yes I'll keep playing. 現状の勢力図をぶち壊したい。 (??)
14) Any last words?
PA is to build meter, so please dont get offended if i use it.
(^a^)< Atsushi is my real name. Ill never forgive the drooling makoto from versus!
*talking about tominaga
2) How long have you been playing 3rd strike?
The tougeki before the last, I think. Around the summer of 2010. Guess it's been around 2 years now.
3) Where is your home arcade?
Koenji is my favorite so I have them include me as part of the Koenji group. However, depending on events Ill go to other arcades as listed below. please play against me if you see me there.
Tue: takadanobaba mikado
Wed: ooyama newton
Thur: nishinippori game versus
Fri: nishinippori game versus
Sat: koenji cube
Sun: nishinippori versus or ooyama newton
Other: ikebukuro safari and xbox OE
4) How'd you start playing 3rd strike?
I started because I watched videos of Aruka. I couldn't figure out how to become like aruka, but id go to danisen anyway. There Nuki taught me a lot of things and i would practice often with Kuni. After that other players including Kuroda and Rikimaru would teach me things. Now Boss is training me.
5) Who's your main character and why?
Ibuki. I started using ibuki thinking she was a strong character. I got tricked by Aruka videos.
6) Which player do you respect/admire?
Higa. Ibuki is Higa.
7) Who are your rivals?
In the beginning I couldnt beat Tominaga at all. For half a year, every day it was a challenge to see if I could beat him at least once that day. Nowadays, Im trying to get Hiyama, a chun player from Koenji to understand/realize.
8) What players are you keen on?
Oryu. We were suppose to team for tougeki last year but he ended up not being able to go to tougeki so i had to change my team. I think he's half retired now but I'd like to team with him again. When I get stronger, Ill look for a 3rd person and go get him to teach for tougeki.
9) Any matches that were memorable?
Nuki kumite (50games). Its the first time I lost 50 games in a row.
10) Anything you'd change in 3rd strike?
I want ibuki to have a triangle jump! i dont think itll effect the game too much.
11) Self analysis
I think my natural talent and such is all just average.
12) What do you like about 3rd?
For better or for worse, 1 parry can change the match.
13) Will you keep playing 3rd?
Yes I'll keep playing. 現状の勢力図をぶち壊したい。 (??)
14) Any last words?
PA is to build meter, so please dont get offended if i use it.
1) Whats your name and its origin?
My name is boss. when I was entering local tournaments I was entering with my initials. The Tournaments in other areas, people were using game-names so i looked over at the vending machine and saw " can coffee boss". The first time I think i used this game name was at the preliminaries for GNC-hai at mikawajima.
2) How long is your history with 3rd strike?
From the very beginning.
3) Where is your home arcade?
Right now it's cube in koenji, though i go only once or twice a month. I guess lately I've been going to ooyama newton on Wednesdays.
4) How did you start playing 3rd strike?
At the time I was playing around with games casually at the arcades and by chance it was the new game released then.
5) Who's your main and why?
Makoto / Yun
Makoto: the reward is higher with her for itten yomi (one point guess/one guess). Easier to get results against stronger characters.
Yun: because he's an "all-rounder" he's more stable than makoto. I tend to end up practicing with him before a tournament.
6) Which players do you respect/admire?
Kokujin for being serious about competing/playing. he's probably one of the few people that will challenge/play you forever unless you say to him lets stop.
mov and kuroda for always evolving and trying to get stronger/seeking perfection.
7) Who do you consider your rival?
Even though I team up with him a lot my rival is rikimaru. he's the kind of rival you can be satisfied with, win or loss.
8) Which new players has your attention?
Atsushi, hiyama and matsumoto from koenji and miuchi biikeda(?)
Because they have potential, i believe it's my job/task to help them reach their potential in the future.
From kansai I think killer machine, chance and matsushita. I didnt play them for too long but I got a feeling they have potential/get much stronger with time.
9) Are there any matches that left an impression on you/memorable matches?
An old memory is playing a ken-ken set against hirai. I was able to realize you can get stronger/grow during a battle.
a recent one is the first chisho matches during danisen with makoto. even though I didn't put out the result I wanted, I am content with the fact my strengths/good parts came out in the matches.
10) What's one adjustment you'd make to 3rd strike?
that's a very difficult question, but if I had to choose one thing I'd disable chun li's crouch mk x houyoku.
11) Give us your self analysis
I think i have a high ability to analyze my opponents. I'm able to figure them out the 1st round and beat them the 2nd and 3rd round.
I'm also able to show them my tachimawari (ground game/zoning/etc) and change it up on them. During tournaments if the teammates behind me are strong I tend to rush to win and in the future I'd like to work on playing how I would normally in that situation.
12) What do you think is a fun point of 3rd strike?
The ability to make your opponents do what you want/controlling them. Where they think they chose a move themselves but in actuality I've made them choose that move.
13) Will you continue 3rd strike in the future?
Sadly my desire to play in danisen has been gone for sometime. However, I'd still like to participate in events/tournaments as much as possible.
14) Any last words?
players ask me vague questions like how can I get better. please go to the arcade, and figure out specific areas/questions that you're having trouble with before asking me.
My name is boss. when I was entering local tournaments I was entering with my initials. The Tournaments in other areas, people were using game-names so i looked over at the vending machine and saw " can coffee boss". The first time I think i used this game name was at the preliminaries for GNC-hai at mikawajima.
2) How long is your history with 3rd strike?
From the very beginning.
3) Where is your home arcade?
Right now it's cube in koenji, though i go only once or twice a month. I guess lately I've been going to ooyama newton on Wednesdays.
4) How did you start playing 3rd strike?
At the time I was playing around with games casually at the arcades and by chance it was the new game released then.
5) Who's your main and why?
Makoto / Yun
Makoto: the reward is higher with her for itten yomi (one point guess/one guess). Easier to get results against stronger characters.
Yun: because he's an "all-rounder" he's more stable than makoto. I tend to end up practicing with him before a tournament.
6) Which players do you respect/admire?
Kokujin for being serious about competing/playing. he's probably one of the few people that will challenge/play you forever unless you say to him lets stop.
mov and kuroda for always evolving and trying to get stronger/seeking perfection.
7) Who do you consider your rival?
Even though I team up with him a lot my rival is rikimaru. he's the kind of rival you can be satisfied with, win or loss.
8) Which new players has your attention?
Atsushi, hiyama and matsumoto from koenji and miuchi biikeda(?)
Because they have potential, i believe it's my job/task to help them reach their potential in the future.
From kansai I think killer machine, chance and matsushita. I didnt play them for too long but I got a feeling they have potential/get much stronger with time.
9) Are there any matches that left an impression on you/memorable matches?
An old memory is playing a ken-ken set against hirai. I was able to realize you can get stronger/grow during a battle.
a recent one is the first chisho matches during danisen with makoto. even though I didn't put out the result I wanted, I am content with the fact my strengths/good parts came out in the matches.
10) What's one adjustment you'd make to 3rd strike?
that's a very difficult question, but if I had to choose one thing I'd disable chun li's crouch mk x houyoku.
11) Give us your self analysis
I think i have a high ability to analyze my opponents. I'm able to figure them out the 1st round and beat them the 2nd and 3rd round.
I'm also able to show them my tachimawari (ground game/zoning/etc) and change it up on them. During tournaments if the teammates behind me are strong I tend to rush to win and in the future I'd like to work on playing how I would normally in that situation.
12) What do you think is a fun point of 3rd strike?
The ability to make your opponents do what you want/controlling them. Where they think they chose a move themselves but in actuality I've made them choose that move.
13) Will you continue 3rd strike in the future?
Sadly my desire to play in danisen has been gone for sometime. However, I'd still like to participate in events/tournaments as much as possible.
14) Any last words?
players ask me vague questions like how can I get better. please go to the arcade, and figure out specific areas/questions that you're having trouble with before asking me.
1) First, please give us your name and where it came from.
I am Ebara.
It's because I've been called this for over 20 years.
2) How many years have you been playing 3S?
Ever since I started playing seriously at Shibu-Spo..
I would say this is my seventh year.
3) Where is your home arcade?
It used to be Sennen Toriyama GP 21st Century, but they closed down last year.
Nowadays I am doing well with the Magma scene at Tama Center.
I also show up a lot at Monaco in Choufu.
4) Please tell us how you first got into 3rd Strike.
I started because I was sent to shivers by two things from the first SBO DVD: Izu Makoto, and the Georgia vs Hayao match.
Also while watching "Futari wa Furi-Kyara"(Kuroda/Hayao) at SBO3, I shouted out loud "I want to be on that stage too!", and began to make it a goal to show up in SBO.
5) Who do you main, and why?
Blue Hugo.
See the answer to the question above for the reason.
6) Players you respect
7) Players you consider your rivals
The players I couldn't beat at Shibu-Spo.
It pains me that I can't get my rematches against them, since over half of them ended up quitting.
8) Players you have your eye on
The Tama scene, who aren't noticed that much.
-Yomoda→He's as skilled as a top ranked player. He has long hair.
-Daikan→He doesn't quite fit his own character. He's strong.
I already can't beat them, so I try to make an effort to grasp their weaknesses every day.
Also, I'm keeping an eye on how much the Tama scene can slim themselves down in their 13th year, after 12 years of fattening themselves up.
(I can't seem to quite grasp this part, so I decided to just translate it in its literal context).
The Choufu scene.
I wish more people knew how much they've improved.
Nikotan and TK
Their stances in this game are amazing.
I wish to discuss various things with them to improve myself.
9) Are there any particularly memorable matches for you?
Regarding other players,
Hayao vs KO
Kuroda vs Justin Wong
Regarding my own,
I liked the Inheriting Gachi with BBK at Mikado,
but I would have to say my favorite was the "Head Shave Gachi" against Shiokara.
It doesn't seem to have as much views compared to what was at stake, so please check it out for him.
10) If there was one thing you could change about 3rd Strike?
Either make comboing into Houyokusen impossible, or have Hugo's regular jump be shortened to 4 frames.
11) Please give an analysis on yourself.
Good at games inside and out
12) What do you find interesting about 3rd Strike?
Except for certain players, the line between victory and defeat gets blurred because of it, but it also deserves credit for creating some very dramatic moments.
Personally, I don't like anything other than red parrying.
13) Will you keep playing 3rd Strike from this point on?
I will try my best this year as well.
14) Please tell us your tasks and goals for down the line.
As a player,
I'm stressing on seeing results as I enter tournaments until Summer time.
After that, I'll be pressing on figuring out more info regarding the Ken/Dudley/Necro/Yun matchups.
Starting this year, as a person who engulfs himself in the world of 3S rather than just a player,
I'm thinking about putting more importance on issues like "What can I do?" and "What should I do to be good?"
From a "player" to a "3rd Striker".
15) Final words
If I could meet up with friends I've known through 3rd Strike after 40 years and be able to have this type of chatter:
"I can still parry Chun's SA2 lol"
"Liar, you can't do that shit anymore lmao"
...that would be wonderful.
I am Ebara.
It's because I've been called this for over 20 years.
2) How many years have you been playing 3S?
Ever since I started playing seriously at Shibu-Spo..
I would say this is my seventh year.
3) Where is your home arcade?
It used to be Sennen Toriyama GP 21st Century, but they closed down last year.
Nowadays I am doing well with the Magma scene at Tama Center.
I also show up a lot at Monaco in Choufu.
4) Please tell us how you first got into 3rd Strike.
I started because I was sent to shivers by two things from the first SBO DVD: Izu Makoto, and the Georgia vs Hayao match.
Also while watching "Futari wa Furi-Kyara"(Kuroda/Hayao) at SBO3, I shouted out loud "I want to be on that stage too!", and began to make it a goal to show up in SBO.
5) Who do you main, and why?
Blue Hugo.
See the answer to the question above for the reason.
6) Players you respect
7) Players you consider your rivals
The players I couldn't beat at Shibu-Spo.
It pains me that I can't get my rematches against them, since over half of them ended up quitting.
8) Players you have your eye on
The Tama scene, who aren't noticed that much.
-Yomoda→He's as skilled as a top ranked player. He has long hair.
-Daikan→He doesn't quite fit his own character. He's strong.
I already can't beat them, so I try to make an effort to grasp their weaknesses every day.
Also, I'm keeping an eye on how much the Tama scene can slim themselves down in their 13th year, after 12 years of fattening themselves up.
(I can't seem to quite grasp this part, so I decided to just translate it in its literal context).
The Choufu scene.
I wish more people knew how much they've improved.
Nikotan and TK
Their stances in this game are amazing.
I wish to discuss various things with them to improve myself.
9) Are there any particularly memorable matches for you?
Regarding other players,
Hayao vs KO
Kuroda vs Justin Wong
Regarding my own,
I liked the Inheriting Gachi with BBK at Mikado,
but I would have to say my favorite was the "Head Shave Gachi" against Shiokara.
It doesn't seem to have as much views compared to what was at stake, so please check it out for him.
10) If there was one thing you could change about 3rd Strike?
Either make comboing into Houyokusen impossible, or have Hugo's regular jump be shortened to 4 frames.
11) Please give an analysis on yourself.
Good at games inside and out
12) What do you find interesting about 3rd Strike?
Except for certain players, the line between victory and defeat gets blurred because of it, but it also deserves credit for creating some very dramatic moments.
Personally, I don't like anything other than red parrying.
13) Will you keep playing 3rd Strike from this point on?
I will try my best this year as well.
14) Please tell us your tasks and goals for down the line.
As a player,
I'm stressing on seeing results as I enter tournaments until Summer time.
After that, I'll be pressing on figuring out more info regarding the Ken/Dudley/Necro/Yun matchups.
Starting this year, as a person who engulfs himself in the world of 3S rather than just a player,
I'm thinking about putting more importance on issues like "What can I do?" and "What should I do to be good?"
From a "player" to a "3rd Striker".
15) Final words
If I could meet up with friends I've known through 3rd Strike after 40 years and be able to have this type of chatter:
"I can still parry Chun's SA2 lol"
"Liar, you can't do that shit anymore lmao"
...that would be wonderful.
1. First, please give us your name and it's origin.
Hayao->It's a nickname that came from my last name. My father changed a few times so strictly speaking you could say that I'm not Hayao lol.
2. How long have you been playing 3rd Strike?
I've played it the whole time it's been out. How many years I wonder...
3. Where's your home arcade?
Suminodo Ramos Stadium. It was closed down (literally: it went to heaven) a few years back. When I was a student, I was able to play logic pro for about 4 hours with one credit probably...
Now I play at Tenma Vegas (Gamespace Vegas). But Vegas has a Seventeen Icecream machine so that's probably why it's faired better than Ramos stadium.
4. Why did you start playing 3rd Strike?
Because it was there.
5. Your main character and why you use them.
I play Hugo. Grapplers are easy to use so when the in-store card said "get next to your opponent and 360 them" I thought "this is the one!"
6. Players you respect.
Sumi-Kun (not sure about the reading of this Kanji). He's a player who likes JoJo. So when a game came out that looked like JoJo he said "I have to become the best at this" and he won National Tournaments.
When his Ken jumped, his opponents would always be crouching and eat the jump-in. So to the people at Monte, this was always called "Sumi-jump" or "fucking jump."
7. Players you consider to be your rivals?
Yohane-San, a Vegas player. We were rivals five minutes after the game came out. Even now it's usually after five minutes.
That OCV will not be forgiven!
He's always played Yang since a long time ago, but recently I feel like he's gotten remarkably strong. In the past, he's always had way more wins than losses, but lately it's about even.
He's such a good looking guy that when he'd play at Monte, there would be this old gay dude that would just stick close behind him, that's a fact.
He's also a vocalist in a band and can play while singing. They have a second single.
8. Any up and comers?
9. Do you have any memorable matches?
*05'Tougeki Kokujin-San->
The photo shoot slipped my mind. It was good that I did research on how models pose on stage. If I had done my Vogue dance sooner, I don't think I would have forgotten to do my shootdown backbreaker.
*Shiga 3-on-3 finals against Machiko-San's Urien ->
I was going on a crouching medium punch spree and Umezono had said "this Hugo is so dirty!" When I won the tournament in that fashion, he kept going on "what is this!? Hayao's promotion tournament? This isn't funny!" lol.
*When I beat Umezono-san's Sean with a confirmed XFLAT after he whiffed a low medium kick.
*In a match with Wantaren, he had Seiei-Enbu activated -> I down parried his cr. mp three times and then he Zenpou-tenshined me. That guy is clever.
10. If you could change anything about 3rd, what would it be?
I wanna be able to body splash when I'm falling from shootdown backbreaker.
11. Please give us your self-analysis
I'm a super technical player. I could probably do karapalm combos but it's just a flashy genei jin combo. I'm a 360-technical player.
The people at Vegas say "you only do 360s." I think it's funny.
Regarding throws, rather than "I should be able to grab them here" lately it's become "I want to grab them here." Even when I'd look at the opponents movements and throw them Wantaren should wouldn't laugh, so recently I looked at the stick and the cab while throwing people and Wantaren laughed so maybe I should do it like that from now on. After seeing him laugh I thought "ahh, to save one life is to save the infinite future." (I think this is an anime thing or something)
12. What are the interesting areas of 3rd?
Parrying I think.
It's easy to understand like pro-wrestling. When you're low on life and you parry and the match turns around, the people watching are like "whoaaa sick" and I'm like "I'm stronggggg" and the guy who just lost is like "god daaaaaaamn it!"
13. Will you keep playing 3s from this point on?
I'll keep playing.
14. What are your tasks and goals down the line?
Surprising and solid play. I'm looking to play like Miraikei-Idol sounds. Will I win or lose? I dunno.
15. Any final words?
"That Hayao" is "which Hayao" I wonder?
Hayao->It's a nickname that came from my last name. My father changed a few times so strictly speaking you could say that I'm not Hayao lol.
2. How long have you been playing 3rd Strike?
I've played it the whole time it's been out. How many years I wonder...
3. Where's your home arcade?
Suminodo Ramos Stadium. It was closed down (literally: it went to heaven) a few years back. When I was a student, I was able to play logic pro for about 4 hours with one credit probably...
Now I play at Tenma Vegas (Gamespace Vegas). But Vegas has a Seventeen Icecream machine so that's probably why it's faired better than Ramos stadium.
4. Why did you start playing 3rd Strike?
Because it was there.
5. Your main character and why you use them.
I play Hugo. Grapplers are easy to use so when the in-store card said "get next to your opponent and 360 them" I thought "this is the one!"
6. Players you respect.
Sumi-Kun (not sure about the reading of this Kanji). He's a player who likes JoJo. So when a game came out that looked like JoJo he said "I have to become the best at this" and he won National Tournaments.
When his Ken jumped, his opponents would always be crouching and eat the jump-in. So to the people at Monte, this was always called "Sumi-jump" or "fucking jump."
7. Players you consider to be your rivals?
Yohane-San, a Vegas player. We were rivals five minutes after the game came out. Even now it's usually after five minutes.
That OCV will not be forgiven!
He's always played Yang since a long time ago, but recently I feel like he's gotten remarkably strong. In the past, he's always had way more wins than losses, but lately it's about even.
He's such a good looking guy that when he'd play at Monte, there would be this old gay dude that would just stick close behind him, that's a fact.
He's also a vocalist in a band and can play while singing. They have a second single.
8. Any up and comers?
9. Do you have any memorable matches?
*05'Tougeki Kokujin-San->
The photo shoot slipped my mind. It was good that I did research on how models pose on stage. If I had done my Vogue dance sooner, I don't think I would have forgotten to do my shootdown backbreaker.
*Shiga 3-on-3 finals against Machiko-San's Urien ->
I was going on a crouching medium punch spree and Umezono had said "this Hugo is so dirty!" When I won the tournament in that fashion, he kept going on "what is this!? Hayao's promotion tournament? This isn't funny!" lol.
*When I beat Umezono-san's Sean with a confirmed XFLAT after he whiffed a low medium kick.
*In a match with Wantaren, he had Seiei-Enbu activated -> I down parried his cr. mp three times and then he Zenpou-tenshined me. That guy is clever.
10. If you could change anything about 3rd, what would it be?
I wanna be able to body splash when I'm falling from shootdown backbreaker.
11. Please give us your self-analysis
I'm a super technical player. I could probably do karapalm combos but it's just a flashy genei jin combo. I'm a 360-technical player.
The people at Vegas say "you only do 360s." I think it's funny.
Regarding throws, rather than "I should be able to grab them here" lately it's become "I want to grab them here." Even when I'd look at the opponents movements and throw them Wantaren should wouldn't laugh, so recently I looked at the stick and the cab while throwing people and Wantaren laughed so maybe I should do it like that from now on. After seeing him laugh I thought "ahh, to save one life is to save the infinite future." (I think this is an anime thing or something)
12. What are the interesting areas of 3rd?
Parrying I think.
It's easy to understand like pro-wrestling. When you're low on life and you parry and the match turns around, the people watching are like "whoaaa sick" and I'm like "I'm stronggggg" and the guy who just lost is like "god daaaaaaamn it!"
13. Will you keep playing 3s from this point on?
I'll keep playing.
14. What are your tasks and goals down the line?
Surprising and solid play. I'm looking to play like Miraikei-Idol sounds. Will I win or lose? I dunno.
15. Any final words?
"That Hayao" is "which Hayao" I wonder?
1) What is your name and its origin?
When I went to versus last march for the first time I found out you need a name, so I half-heartedly picked "iyan". "Iyan" in hiragana was dull so I wrote it in katakana. Eventually I plan to change it to "waruiyan"
2) What's your 3rd strike history?
I actually played casually in highschool playing around with characters like Q, ken etc but I really started playing seriously only a year ago.
3) Where is your home arcade?
originally it was a small arcade called riskamu at my university but when that closed I started playing here and there at prince. nowadays I go to shibuya kaikan whenever I can.
4) How'd you start playing 3rd?
I went to the arcade with a friend from my boxing club and saw a game that caught my eye and thought whoa! and started playing.
5) Who's your main character and why?
Yang. I thought KO was so cool so I started using him. now I'm especially appealed by how yang can so simply force a mix up on every character.
6) Which players do you respect/admire?
nuki, tominaga, sho, ko, tokura. There's too many to count. The only person I don't admire is zabi. *guessing that's a joke since him and zabi seem like buddies.
7) Who are your rivals?
There's no one in particular that I feel strongly is my rival but if I had to name some: moderu, sakurada, SHO, kubochan from mikado and gaoo. zabi also I guess.
8) Which players are you keen on now?
SHO, zabi who became meisho and sakurada. Seimitsushin and genkishin who both just changed characters. Young players which I'm a part of; KEY and kento. Also that person in shibuya named gaoo who uses yun. Kubochan who uses urien at mikado. How far will SHO go? I'm looking forward to sakurada in his first matches as chisho. When will zabi fall down in rank? KEYs getting strong when I see him play. Kento is playing seriously so he will certainly get strong.
9) Any memorable matches?
1) the match I had with tominaga at coop cup where we both had 0 dot of health left. It was very disappointed and maybe the most I've felt regret. Personally I think him saying, "I have good luck" was him being a nice person. 2) the first time I played nuki. We played about a 100 games and I didn't win a single one. afterwards he praised/complimented me and I felt genuinely happy about it. 3) kuroda during the grand finals at a tougeki qualifier. I literally couldn't get a hit on him.
10) Is there anything you'd want changed in 3rd?
I don't have any complaints. I haven't played it enough yet and maybe because yang can beat any character. Yangs a strong character.
11) Self analysis
- too much of a difference when I'm suppose to attack confidently and when I'm not suppose to
- sometimes I miss dive kick and jump lk comes out
-I almost never use parry on wake up
- I don't have crouch tech down consistent yet.
- I go in and attack even it's a situation where I don't have to go out of my way to get in.
- my human talent/ability is only average
- my pace.
- I'm not consciously thinking about the framework of being part of the enjoy playing group or seriously playing group. I enjoy matches outside of tournament play. ***
- I like to use dudley against zabi and play recklessly.
12) What do you enjoy about 3rd strike?
I like that parry is an entrance and not an escape/exit. The game showcases skill and ability - character match ups/specifics - maximum damage - mind games - parry - ground game. i also think based on the character, how they think about using parry and what they do with it is different. theres so much depth which makes it so fun.
Foreign Makoto players are "insane" in a way, but I find it amazing that I can feel their insanity while playing against them. You can even feel their drive being told through their movements in tournaments.
To be frank, I've never really played other games much, but I'm hooked(on 3S).
13) Will you keep playing 3rd?
Until I stop having fun with it as a hobby theres no reason to quit. Ill strive at my own pace to make my own best style of yang. I hope the guys who have been playing 10 years+ keep playing.
14) Any last words?
I realize that I've ended up making a name for myself as a new generation player,
but really I'm just a guy who rose up from being a scrub. If you happen to notice this game, please try it out without any worries.
The 3S scene is fun because there are people who are very deep into their characters. The playerbase is diverse.
Also, even if I strive to be a 10-year veteran, I also hope that many new players get into this game as well.
Thank you for taking the time to read this.
When I went to versus last march for the first time I found out you need a name, so I half-heartedly picked "iyan". "Iyan" in hiragana was dull so I wrote it in katakana. Eventually I plan to change it to "waruiyan"
2) What's your 3rd strike history?
I actually played casually in highschool playing around with characters like Q, ken etc but I really started playing seriously only a year ago.
3) Where is your home arcade?
originally it was a small arcade called riskamu at my university but when that closed I started playing here and there at prince. nowadays I go to shibuya kaikan whenever I can.
4) How'd you start playing 3rd?
I went to the arcade with a friend from my boxing club and saw a game that caught my eye and thought whoa! and started playing.
5) Who's your main character and why?
Yang. I thought KO was so cool so I started using him. now I'm especially appealed by how yang can so simply force a mix up on every character.
6) Which players do you respect/admire?
nuki, tominaga, sho, ko, tokura. There's too many to count. The only person I don't admire is zabi. *guessing that's a joke since him and zabi seem like buddies.
7) Who are your rivals?
There's no one in particular that I feel strongly is my rival but if I had to name some: moderu, sakurada, SHO, kubochan from mikado and gaoo. zabi also I guess.
8) Which players are you keen on now?
SHO, zabi who became meisho and sakurada. Seimitsushin and genkishin who both just changed characters. Young players which I'm a part of; KEY and kento. Also that person in shibuya named gaoo who uses yun. Kubochan who uses urien at mikado. How far will SHO go? I'm looking forward to sakurada in his first matches as chisho. When will zabi fall down in rank? KEYs getting strong when I see him play. Kento is playing seriously so he will certainly get strong.
9) Any memorable matches?
1) the match I had with tominaga at coop cup where we both had 0 dot of health left. It was very disappointed and maybe the most I've felt regret. Personally I think him saying, "I have good luck" was him being a nice person. 2) the first time I played nuki. We played about a 100 games and I didn't win a single one. afterwards he praised/complimented me and I felt genuinely happy about it. 3) kuroda during the grand finals at a tougeki qualifier. I literally couldn't get a hit on him.
10) Is there anything you'd want changed in 3rd?
I don't have any complaints. I haven't played it enough yet and maybe because yang can beat any character. Yangs a strong character.
11) Self analysis
- too much of a difference when I'm suppose to attack confidently and when I'm not suppose to
- sometimes I miss dive kick and jump lk comes out
-I almost never use parry on wake up
- I don't have crouch tech down consistent yet.
- I go in and attack even it's a situation where I don't have to go out of my way to get in.
- my human talent/ability is only average
- my pace.
- I'm not consciously thinking about the framework of being part of the enjoy playing group or seriously playing group. I enjoy matches outside of tournament play. ***
- I like to use dudley against zabi and play recklessly.
12) What do you enjoy about 3rd strike?
I like that parry is an entrance and not an escape/exit. The game showcases skill and ability - character match ups/specifics - maximum damage - mind games - parry - ground game. i also think based on the character, how they think about using parry and what they do with it is different. theres so much depth which makes it so fun.
Foreign Makoto players are "insane" in a way, but I find it amazing that I can feel their insanity while playing against them. You can even feel their drive being told through their movements in tournaments.
To be frank, I've never really played other games much, but I'm hooked(on 3S).
13) Will you keep playing 3rd?
Until I stop having fun with it as a hobby theres no reason to quit. Ill strive at my own pace to make my own best style of yang. I hope the guys who have been playing 10 years+ keep playing.
14) Any last words?
I realize that I've ended up making a name for myself as a new generation player,
but really I'm just a guy who rose up from being a scrub. If you happen to notice this game, please try it out without any worries.
The 3S scene is fun because there are people who are very deep into their characters. The playerbase is diverse.
Also, even if I strive to be a 10-year veteran, I also hope that many new players get into this game as well.
Thank you for taking the time to read this.
1) First, your name and where it came from.
My name is Kokujin("black man"). It's because Dudley is black.
2) How many years have you been playing 3S?
12 years.
3) Where is your home arcade?
Nagoya BOXQ2. I play at Gamespot Versus for the Danisen battles, though.
I ONLY play the Danisens at GSV, so my Dudley is currently Kensei(-1).
4) Please tell us how you first started 3S.
My friend Senaka suggested I try it out.
5) Your main character and why you use him?
Dudley, to answer my fans.
6) Players you respect?
First and foremost KO and Boss, because they're both 3S Gods!
Not to mention Ohnuki-san! He's the only one I can't beat, it's messed up. Definitely the matchup though..
I should also say Rikimaru; I wish I had the amount of toughness he has in tournaments!
I respect everybody back in my hometown who got better through hard work.
Players like Deshiken, Orona and so on back in Kyushu.
Players like Hayao, Haitani, Shoutarou and so on back in Kansai.
I find it amazing that these players are so strong despite the lack of info and super top players
readily available to them like in Tokyo.
I do not respect Kuni at all. Fuckin' guesser.
7) Players you consider your rivals?
I feel like I can beat him with my natural gaming abilities, but whatever game we play, he always
picks a character better than mine so I'm always in a jam.
Not to mention fellow Dudleys like Aiku and Rori.
I can't lose to them at all, I'm not ready to give up my throne just yet.
Players you have your eyes on?
The young guns at Nagoya:
-Kitagawa(weak-ass heart)
-Terubou(does whatever he wants, for better or worse)
-Masa(I don't wanna play him in casuals because he's so boring)
-Ruka(he's trying the most out of everyone, but he doesn't play Hihouden(a pachinko/slot game)
so he's a weathery bastard)
SHO(the kid who worked hard at this year's Coop Cup)
There's one more person who tried his best too, but I forgot his name.
9) Any memorable matches of yours?
When I got beat down by Ohnuki, it annoyed me when just said to me "Meh, I'm done playing with you".
So I trained hard, leveled up, and when I got my rematch with him I won 8:2.
THAT felt really good. But then afterwards I felt myself and played TOO much, and nowadays I'm just..
10) If there was one thing you could change about 3S?
I want to add a "clinch" to Dudley. It'll cost meter, but if done at the same time as a throw,
both players will be back to neutral positions.
11) Self-analysis?
I'm terrible at games but I try my best, I absolutely hate losing.
I feel like once I get motivation, I feel confident enough to beat ANYBODY.
I also feel I can understand people's thoughts/feelings. This is REALLY important for mixup options.
12) What do you find interesting about 3S?
You just don't know what's going to happen even to the end, just like Mahjong or even life itself.
As you raise your chances of winning right down to the wire, in the end you're left with nothing
but a standoff! It's moments like those where you experience exhiliration, such is life!
13) Will you keep playing 3S?
Definitely! But for fun. 3S is way too fun! But if there's another huge tournament I guess it'll
be alright if I try hard for it too!
14) What are your tasks and goals down the line?
To train all the young guys playing in my hometown.
I'd love to raise all of Nagoya myself, but the different scenes and personalities could be troublesome.
15) Final words?
Thank you, Boss and Rikimaru!
I'm so glad that you guys name dropped me in your interviews! That powered me up again!
My name is Kokujin("black man"). It's because Dudley is black.
2) How many years have you been playing 3S?
12 years.
3) Where is your home arcade?
Nagoya BOXQ2. I play at Gamespot Versus for the Danisen battles, though.
I ONLY play the Danisens at GSV, so my Dudley is currently Kensei(-1).
4) Please tell us how you first started 3S.
My friend Senaka suggested I try it out.
5) Your main character and why you use him?
Dudley, to answer my fans.
6) Players you respect?
First and foremost KO and Boss, because they're both 3S Gods!
Not to mention Ohnuki-san! He's the only one I can't beat, it's messed up. Definitely the matchup though..
I should also say Rikimaru; I wish I had the amount of toughness he has in tournaments!
I respect everybody back in my hometown who got better through hard work.
Players like Deshiken, Orona and so on back in Kyushu.
Players like Hayao, Haitani, Shoutarou and so on back in Kansai.
I find it amazing that these players are so strong despite the lack of info and super top players
readily available to them like in Tokyo.
I do not respect Kuni at all. Fuckin' guesser.
7) Players you consider your rivals?
I feel like I can beat him with my natural gaming abilities, but whatever game we play, he always
picks a character better than mine so I'm always in a jam.
Not to mention fellow Dudleys like Aiku and Rori.
I can't lose to them at all, I'm not ready to give up my throne just yet.

The young guns at Nagoya:
-Kitagawa(weak-ass heart)
-Terubou(does whatever he wants, for better or worse)
-Masa(I don't wanna play him in casuals because he's so boring)
-Ruka(he's trying the most out of everyone, but he doesn't play Hihouden(a pachinko/slot game)
so he's a weathery bastard)
SHO(the kid who worked hard at this year's Coop Cup)
There's one more person who tried his best too, but I forgot his name.
9) Any memorable matches of yours?
When I got beat down by Ohnuki, it annoyed me when just said to me "Meh, I'm done playing with you".
So I trained hard, leveled up, and when I got my rematch with him I won 8:2.
THAT felt really good. But then afterwards I felt myself and played TOO much, and nowadays I'm just..
10) If there was one thing you could change about 3S?
I want to add a "clinch" to Dudley. It'll cost meter, but if done at the same time as a throw,
both players will be back to neutral positions.
11) Self-analysis?
I'm terrible at games but I try my best, I absolutely hate losing.
I feel like once I get motivation, I feel confident enough to beat ANYBODY.
I also feel I can understand people's thoughts/feelings. This is REALLY important for mixup options.
12) What do you find interesting about 3S?
You just don't know what's going to happen even to the end, just like Mahjong or even life itself.
As you raise your chances of winning right down to the wire, in the end you're left with nothing
but a standoff! It's moments like those where you experience exhiliration, such is life!
13) Will you keep playing 3S?
Definitely! But for fun. 3S is way too fun! But if there's another huge tournament I guess it'll
be alright if I try hard for it too!
14) What are your tasks and goals down the line?
To train all the young guys playing in my hometown.
I'd love to raise all of Nagoya myself, but the different scenes and personalities could be troublesome.
15) Final words?
Thank you, Boss and Rikimaru!
I'm so glad that you guys name dropped me in your interviews! That powered me up again!
1. First, please give us your name and it's origin.
Because it's my real name.
2. When did you start playing 3rd Strike?
When I felt like it.
3. Where's your home arcade?
Kitasenjuu GAO
4. Why did you start playing 3rd Strike?
Because I was free at the time.
5. Your main character and why you use them.
I have no main character.
There's really no reason at this time.
6. Players you respect.
7. Players you consider to be your rivals?
8. Any up and comers?
All girls.
9. Do you have any memorable matches?
Every match I've played against a girl.
10. If you could change anything about 3rd, what would it be?
I would tweak it so that it's easier for girls to play.
11. Please give us your self-analysis
*Dating Master *(chief of [romantic] encounters possibly)
12. What are the interesting areas of 3rd?
There aren't any girls, so there aren't any.
13. Will you keep playing 3s from this point on?
If girls don't play, I probably won't play. If there are, I probably will.
14. What are your tasks and goals down the line?
I would like to meet a cute girl.
15. Any final words?
On April 14th there is an event called Yokohama Revolution where I will be making a stage appearance as a model, so please buy tickets!
Also please follow me on twitter! --> @kuroda61366136
[interviewer]: Thanks?
Because it's my real name.
2. When did you start playing 3rd Strike?
When I felt like it.
3. Where's your home arcade?
Kitasenjuu GAO
4. Why did you start playing 3rd Strike?
Because I was free at the time.
5. Your main character and why you use them.
I have no main character.
There's really no reason at this time.
6. Players you respect.
7. Players you consider to be your rivals?
8. Any up and comers?
All girls.
9. Do you have any memorable matches?
Every match I've played against a girl.
10. If you could change anything about 3rd, what would it be?
I would tweak it so that it's easier for girls to play.
11. Please give us your self-analysis
*Dating Master *(chief of [romantic] encounters possibly)
12. What are the interesting areas of 3rd?
There aren't any girls, so there aren't any.
13. Will you keep playing 3s from this point on?
If girls don't play, I probably won't play. If there are, I probably will.
14. What are your tasks and goals down the line?
I would like to meet a cute girl.
15. Any final words?
On April 14th there is an event called Yokohama Revolution where I will be making a stage appearance as a model, so please buy tickets!
Also please follow me on twitter! --> @kuroda61366136
[interviewer]: Thanks?
1) Please give us your name and where it came from.
It's the real name of someone I hated back in middle school.
2) How long have you been playing 3rd Strike?
This will be my 6th year.
3) Where is your main arcade(or "home arcade" in this case)?
It used to be Senzai Toriyama Game Plaza 21st Century,
but since that place closed down, I am "homeless".
4) Please tell us how you first got into 3rd Strike.
I was an offhand gamer, so I just fooled around at the arcade, and played the console version as well.
The moment I FIRST started, happened one day when I was just mashing around at the arcade,
where this one guy appeared out of nowhere and just beat the living daylights out of me.
I had no clue about the game's system or whatnot, at the time.
As a shitty Ken player back then, I recklessly tried to get in with dashes and jump-ins,
and the only things I did were "throw" and "Shoryu".
This was during a time where I didn't even know basic fighting game terms.
So at that time, this man:
..was untouchable,
..would touch on my bad habits
..couldn't be beat with random tactics
..would attack and throw me if I did nothing
..would parry and punish me if I did something
This man showed such baffling levels of overwhelming strength, something that I never experienced until that point.
That man was MOV.
I thought to myself, "Games sure can be amazing", and started watching and copying his game.
I couldn't even bear going in front of that arcade again, so I secluded myself to my local area,
but when I saw MOV win SBO in 2006, that left such an everlasting impression on me that I decided to switch to Chun-Li.
I didn't really step outside,
but one time when I was at Shibu-spo(an arcade in Shibuya), Ebara(who just started the game) said to me,
"MOV said he wants to teach you."
And then I thought to myself,
"What a pain in the ass, what the hell does he mean by 'taking me outside to teach me a game'..."
But I also knew that I just received the chance of a lifetime,
so I decided to regularly go to Shibuya, and have MOV become my teacher.
Since then, I've become addicted with the game up to this point. And that's how it is.
5) Your main character and why you chose them
Chun-Li...because that was MOV's character too
6) Players that you respect
MOV...even now I still think it's amazing how he approaches this game. He takes the fullest advantage to the game's system. He's the most earnest player.
Nitto...he plays a lot of theory fighter, but his crazy rushdown style is very cool.
Mester...the only person that can make fun of him is me. He should follow his own teachings that he gave me, and he'll definitely be stronger. Why can't he do what he preaches!
Raoh...he tought me how to have fun with this game.
Ino...his way of thinking in the game is so one-sided it's incredible. He's really good at tricking morons.
Boss...he's very sloppy, but also very strong. The way he's able to construct various theories with the game, not to mention his reading and quickness. Mister Third Strike.
KO...there is no wasted movements in his game. He eliminates any unneeded movements and tactics in his game, and shows very easily some overwhelming strength.
Momochi...He is an execution machine.....or rather WAS. He had a sixth sense for fighting, and his rushdown speed was out of control. Generally good at games.
Kokujin...he is very good at meter and life management. You may think his style is very rushdown and crazy, but in actuality he's making very minute, intricate points in his game. Even though I can't say he's good at other games, his strength and badassery are works of art.
Haitani...exceptionally good at meter and life management. Always a method behind his madness, he's so strong his matches get to the point where you go "It's almost over already??". Very well-balanced top player.
Nuki...he as a person is just too strong. He's so sick that he can react to anything he sees. Impossible to try and impersonate.
There are many more, but I'm going to have to stop here since I could just keep going.
7) Players you consider your rivals
Boss...I've teamed up with him a lot lately, but even if we part ways our motives and wills are similar to the point where we can have some very heated battles. One of the few players out there who can understand my thoughts.
Tackle Maeda...I've always wanted to play against him more.
KO...this might be ridiculous to say, but our matches always become fights to the death. I always have fun when playing against him.
Nitto...if this game gets boring to me, playing against him will always remind me of why it's fun.
8) Players you have your sights set on
Kochiya...I could see in his eyes that he became stronger. Mester is apparently teaching him, so I have high hopes for him. He also eats beef bowls way too fast.
Moto...very flexible in terms of theory fighting. He sees 3rd Strike differently compared to any other player out there. Another player I have high hopes for.
Chakotarou...whether it be casuals, or crying while drinking beer after losing a tournament, he's always quite hype. I think he could roll something good though, so I want him to keep trying. He's getting stronger, but he also needs to boost up his execution and confidence in his game.
Sakurada...he's an idiot, but he's such an idiot that he's good. I don't know if he has any more room for improvements, but he always brings something for us to expect in tournaments.
Iyan...Flo and I love how much effort he puts into his game. We're both looking to see what he does with it.
BBK*...he has five girlfriends, but his pattern's been simultaneously trying to find a woman to marry. I absolutely wish him nothing but the best.
9) Are there any matches that you remember dearly?
SBO 2007, Kanagawa vs LAST BOSS
No need for words. Just watch, and quiver.
10) If there was anything in the game that you could fix...?
I want to add a system where guys I hate would sit on the opposite side of the cab, and get shocked to death.
11) Self-analysis
I can do something immediately when told, and I put in effort.
I can deal with situations quickly.
I tend to get enraged very easily.
My will to not lose is strong.
I rarely drop things in-game.
I'm mentally ill.
12) What do you think is interesting about 3rd Strike?
You can make fun of morons AND kill them at the same time.
In other games, stupidly strong actions are intently strong. So even if a moron does nothing but that, you'll either go insane trying to stop them, or try with all your might to find a gap and beat them and whatnot. But in 3rd Strike, the parry feature is a beautiful tool that can clearly eliminate everything a moron does and make a fool out of him.
13) Have you decided on continuing to play 3rd Strike from this point on?
I haven't made up my mind yet.
14) Final words
Stop getting just familiar with your opponents immediately and just beat the shit out of him.
Do not stir up your weak habits.
It pisses me off whenever I see this.
Play the game. Shut up and take it seriously. Don't just immediately listen to others. Think for yourself.
"At least pretend that you're thinking, even if you don't know."
There is no way you'll ever become better with this train of thought.
Be more ruthless to win.
You guys aren't playing a game where you're covered with the intent to murder the moment you press the Start button.
These habits:
①"I want to get better!"
②"I want to beat ----!"
③"We had a good team! I want to win with this team next time!"
④"Hey Rikimaru, I came to hit you with a Shoryu...( ̄ー ̄)"
And you're trying to get along with top players on Twitter or at the arcades with this?
①"Never gonna happen."
②"Never gonna happen."
③"Just kill yourself, because your team sucks. Never gonna happen."
④"Go back to Nagoya."
It is important to keep your stance straight and center.
People who talk about various stuff after big tournaments, people who get drunk off their own words and boast,
are people whom I have NEVER seen try to put any serious effort into their games.
Who cares if you piss off others and just keep putting coins in like you own the cab?
It'd be better if you made time with a strong player and played some serious games with them.
All of you punks are just wasting away your time.
Nothing will change from just that.
The preceding words were towards those that want to be serious at 3S.
For everyone else that wants to play this game for fun, go ahead and have fun!
I'll teach you guys whatever you want.
Feel free to loosen up and ask.
This especially goes for you OE players.
Let's all have fun and play this game together at home, guys.
Games are fun, yo~
1) Please tell us your name and where it came from.
My name is SHO. I couldn't figure out what kind of ring name I should put in, so I just put my own name in.
2) How many years have you been playing 3S?
I think it's been ten years, but I decided to start playing the game seriously since watching last year's Coop Cup.
3) Where is your home arcade?
I live pretty close to both Ooyama Newton and Toubunerima Playhouse, so I usually play in those two arcades.
4) Please tell us your first time playing 3S.
I can't remember exactly for sure, but I originally played KoF98. But when my friend who I played with got bored of that, we just so happened to try out 3rd Strike.
The parry system was so fresh and unique that we were taken by surprise.
5) Who is your main character and why?
I play Yun, because I love how he moves. I also love how Yun is able to go on a one-sided offense with Geneijin.
6) Which 3S players do you respect?
Mester. His character advice and pointers helped me drastically change the way I think about this game.
7) Players you consider your rivals?
Too many to name.
But I guess personally, I'm not showing off enough of Yun's strong movements so I need to start with that.
8) Players you're keeping an eye on
That one Yang player I see at Ooyama Newton everyday
The Ibuki from Hiroshima
That one Yun that doesn't need any mentioning
There are plenty more, but I don't think I could finish so I'll just cut myself off here.
9) Are there any memorable matches of yours?
The first match against Yang at SBO1. I'm sure it was Roshihikari, but having him red-parry the last hit of my 123 chain TWICE just left me stunned. I was still only a local player at the time, so it scared the heck out of me to think that there was THIS much of a difference in strength against national players.
10) If there was one thing you would like to change about 3rd Strike?
Get rid of Makoto's Double Fukiage after SA2.
I really think they should do something about her damage or stun.
11) Please give us a self-analysis
I'm the type of guy who would do the same thing over and over until I can do it. My spirit is weak.
12) What do you find interesting about 3S?
It's all about the battle of wits, regardless of strong or weak character matchups. Another big thing is even if you have a huge life lead, that doesn't mean you're going to win.
13) Are you going to keep playing 3S from this point on?
I would love to.
14) What are your tasks and goals down the line?
Even against hard matchups, figuring out the most damaging combos and building back the most meter when given the chance. Practicing my combos.
15) Any final words?
It's been ten years since I've started playing this game, but this is just one of the few games out there for me that can still surprise me or get me emotional.
Even up to now, this is a game with no clear cut way to play, so newcomers are able to enjoy this game as well.
My name is SHO. I couldn't figure out what kind of ring name I should put in, so I just put my own name in.
2) How many years have you been playing 3S?
I think it's been ten years, but I decided to start playing the game seriously since watching last year's Coop Cup.
3) Where is your home arcade?
I live pretty close to both Ooyama Newton and Toubunerima Playhouse, so I usually play in those two arcades.
4) Please tell us your first time playing 3S.
I can't remember exactly for sure, but I originally played KoF98. But when my friend who I played with got bored of that, we just so happened to try out 3rd Strike.
The parry system was so fresh and unique that we were taken by surprise.
5) Who is your main character and why?
I play Yun, because I love how he moves. I also love how Yun is able to go on a one-sided offense with Geneijin.
6) Which 3S players do you respect?
Mester. His character advice and pointers helped me drastically change the way I think about this game.
7) Players you consider your rivals?
Too many to name.
But I guess personally, I'm not showing off enough of Yun's strong movements so I need to start with that.
8) Players you're keeping an eye on
That one Yang player I see at Ooyama Newton everyday
The Ibuki from Hiroshima
That one Yun that doesn't need any mentioning
There are plenty more, but I don't think I could finish so I'll just cut myself off here.
9) Are there any memorable matches of yours?
The first match against Yang at SBO1. I'm sure it was Roshihikari, but having him red-parry the last hit of my 123 chain TWICE just left me stunned. I was still only a local player at the time, so it scared the heck out of me to think that there was THIS much of a difference in strength against national players.
10) If there was one thing you would like to change about 3rd Strike?
Get rid of Makoto's Double Fukiage after SA2.
I really think they should do something about her damage or stun.
11) Please give us a self-analysis
I'm the type of guy who would do the same thing over and over until I can do it. My spirit is weak.
12) What do you find interesting about 3S?
It's all about the battle of wits, regardless of strong or weak character matchups. Another big thing is even if you have a huge life lead, that doesn't mean you're going to win.
13) Are you going to keep playing 3S from this point on?
I would love to.
14) What are your tasks and goals down the line?
Even against hard matchups, figuring out the most damaging combos and building back the most meter when given the chance. Practicing my combos.
15) Any final words?
It's been ten years since I've started playing this game, but this is just one of the few games out there for me that can still surprise me or get me emotional.
Even up to now, this is a game with no clear cut way to play, so newcomers are able to enjoy this game as well.
1) Please tell us your name and where it came from.
My real name is Sugiyama. I didn't have any plans on being famous and I had no clue about nicknames.
When I first met this one famous Akuma player named "ofc", I thought he was a Japanese guy born in some foreign country.
2) How many years have you been playing 3S?
I started when it first came out, but I don't know how many years that's been.
3) Where is your home arcade?
Shimura Newton. There are many people to play with, not to mention their motivations are always high.
4) Please tell us your first time playing 3S.
There were many strong SF2 players at my local arcade. I thought it would be fun playing against them,
but they were way too good so I just gave up on that. 3S was brand new at the time so I tried my best with that..with Ibuki.
5) Your main character and why you chose them
Necro. Chikyuu was the best Necro at the time, and a local player like me didn't even know his name.
One day, that Necro(Chikyuu) once did a neutral grab and combo'ed into st.MP. I tried it out and it worked.
The idea of something like "neutral throw->MP" was so ground-breaking to me, that I started having fun with him.
6) Players you respect?
- Nitto
One of a kind. A patient, strong and well-balanced player. I can still never forget the time when he
won 50 games at Nishi-Spo the day before the national tournament sponsored by G-up(Mester), and this was against
some of the best players around.
- Nuki
Charismatic. It's incredible how he manages to bring out the best in Chun. He doesn't just win by pushing with Chun,
but rather with his extensive knowledge of both Chun-Li and the 3S mechanics. He a 3S God that can also make any event
he goes to extremely hype.
- Xiao
I was playing both Ibuki and Necro at the time, but after I watched his beautiful playstyle I just quit Ibuki altogether.
I respect everything about him(except that he's an Idol Otaku).
- Mr. Matsuda
If there is someone else other than Nuki who deserves the title "3S God", it is him.
No other word comes to mind regarding him other than "respect".
7) Players you consider to be your rival?
I don't think there is any. I'm fine with playing against anyone who can make me better at 3rd Strike.
Anyone's fine, as long as that player doesn't make me worse at the game after playing them.
8) Players you currently have your sights set on?
Tamu, Ikeyama. Two Necros I feel excel at studying and practicing their stuff.
I don't have much experience playing Necro mirrors, so I'd love to play them once they get better.
9) Any memorable matches of yours?
When Mokomokofu beat me 10 games in a row during casuals.
He gave it to me bit by bit, at a time where I felt nothing but confidence against Ken.
It was nothing but the most damaging reversals. Nothing but despair.
10) If there is one thing you could change about 3rd Strike?
I feel that even one change would wreck the overall balance of this game,
and I'm having fun with this game as is so no changes are needed.
If anything, some sort of card system(like SF4/VF/Tekken) would be nice.
11) Self-analysis
If I get serious it's over,
If I get warmed up it's over.
12) What do you find interesting about 3S?
How it's hard to build a solid plan around your play.
Thanks to parrying, even if you're low on health, if you remain consistent with your movements
you can make a comeback from any point in the match.
13) Will you keep playing 3S from this point on?
Yes, as long as other people are playing.
14) What are your tasks and goals down the line?
To be stronger than I was yesterday.
15) Last words?
I was down on my luck from being sick last year, but I never gave up my passion for 3S.
Now that I'm feeling better and able to play, I'm having tons of fun.
My real name is Sugiyama. I didn't have any plans on being famous and I had no clue about nicknames.
When I first met this one famous Akuma player named "ofc", I thought he was a Japanese guy born in some foreign country.
2) How many years have you been playing 3S?
I started when it first came out, but I don't know how many years that's been.
3) Where is your home arcade?
Shimura Newton. There are many people to play with, not to mention their motivations are always high.
4) Please tell us your first time playing 3S.
There were many strong SF2 players at my local arcade. I thought it would be fun playing against them,
but they were way too good so I just gave up on that. 3S was brand new at the time so I tried my best with that..with Ibuki.
5) Your main character and why you chose them
Necro. Chikyuu was the best Necro at the time, and a local player like me didn't even know his name.
One day, that Necro(Chikyuu) once did a neutral grab and combo'ed into st.MP. I tried it out and it worked.
The idea of something like "neutral throw->MP" was so ground-breaking to me, that I started having fun with him.
6) Players you respect?
- Nitto
One of a kind. A patient, strong and well-balanced player. I can still never forget the time when he
won 50 games at Nishi-Spo the day before the national tournament sponsored by G-up(Mester), and this was against
some of the best players around.
- Nuki
Charismatic. It's incredible how he manages to bring out the best in Chun. He doesn't just win by pushing with Chun,
but rather with his extensive knowledge of both Chun-Li and the 3S mechanics. He a 3S God that can also make any event
he goes to extremely hype.
- Xiao
I was playing both Ibuki and Necro at the time, but after I watched his beautiful playstyle I just quit Ibuki altogether.
I respect everything about him(except that he's an Idol Otaku).
- Mr. Matsuda
If there is someone else other than Nuki who deserves the title "3S God", it is him.
No other word comes to mind regarding him other than "respect".
7) Players you consider to be your rival?
I don't think there is any. I'm fine with playing against anyone who can make me better at 3rd Strike.
Anyone's fine, as long as that player doesn't make me worse at the game after playing them.
8) Players you currently have your sights set on?
Tamu, Ikeyama. Two Necros I feel excel at studying and practicing their stuff.
I don't have much experience playing Necro mirrors, so I'd love to play them once they get better.
9) Any memorable matches of yours?
When Mokomokofu beat me 10 games in a row during casuals.
He gave it to me bit by bit, at a time where I felt nothing but confidence against Ken.
It was nothing but the most damaging reversals. Nothing but despair.
10) If there is one thing you could change about 3rd Strike?
I feel that even one change would wreck the overall balance of this game,
and I'm having fun with this game as is so no changes are needed.
If anything, some sort of card system(like SF4/VF/Tekken) would be nice.
11) Self-analysis
If I get serious it's over,
If I get warmed up it's over.
12) What do you find interesting about 3S?
How it's hard to build a solid plan around your play.
Thanks to parrying, even if you're low on health, if you remain consistent with your movements
you can make a comeback from any point in the match.
13) Will you keep playing 3S from this point on?
Yes, as long as other people are playing.
14) What are your tasks and goals down the line?
To be stronger than I was yesterday.
15) Last words?
I was down on my luck from being sick last year, but I never gave up my passion for 3S.
Now that I'm feeling better and able to play, I'm having tons of fun.
1) What's your game name and origin?
(^q^)< My name is tominaga and it's my real last name! I'll never forgive the atsushi from koenji!*
*tominagas first name is also atsushi, and this is directed at atsushi ibuki. they're good friends.
2) How long have you been playing 3rd strike?
(^q^)< Because I've been playing 10 years."*
*a famous tominaga quote. he saids it a lot jokingly when asked questions about the game.
3) Where's your home arcade?
(^q^)< At first it was Jinboushou taro. after that closed all over the place. Currently I often play at game-versus.
4) How did you start playing 3rd strike?
(^q^)< I already had been playing capcom fighting games so when 3rd strike came out I thought "oh a new game came out" and played it here and there a few times.
5) Who is your main and why?
(^q^)< My main character is makoto. I saw the "itachi combo" in the gamest* and thought it was too cool, I have to do it too, and that's where it began.
*gamest mook(strategy book) not sure what the itachi combo is.
6) Who are players you respect/admire?
(^q^)< Kenzo and Boss. They're too good at reading people and punishing people. I think they don't get left hanging to dry often. * I'm envious.
7) Who are your rivals?
(^q^)< The number of rivals/enemies have increased lately, I wonder why.
8) Which new players have your attention?
(^q^)<All the new players in general. there's been a lot of strong ones appearing recently.
9) Any memorable matches?
(^q^)< My first kuroda kumite. I could never beat kuroda ibuki. Maybe I couldn't even win now. It was the first time I couldn't beat someone that convincingly.
10) If you could change one thing about 3rd strike what would it be?
(^q^)< I'd make it easier for Wfukiage to land on chun li and ibuki. Then make oro, alex, dudley, and q's stun bar normal length. No whiff animation for karakusa. Make the gauge for tosa (sa2) 3 stocks.
11) Give us your self analysis
(^q^)< I'm slightly more lucky than everyone. I'm not looking at the screen.
12) What's one fun part of 3rd strike?
(^q^)< No matter how strong player is, they have to do something/make a choice at some point. When I win the rock-paper-scissors then, there's something that releases in my brain. It feels good.
13) Will you continue playing 3rd strike?
(^q^)< Yea, I'll keep devoting myself to getting stronger.
14) any last words?
(^q^)< Hey guys, don't get mad over games!*
*also a famous tominaga quote. the way he saids this more similiar to "hey boys and girls(kids), dont get angry because of games"
(^q^)< My name is tominaga and it's my real last name! I'll never forgive the atsushi from koenji!*
*tominagas first name is also atsushi, and this is directed at atsushi ibuki. they're good friends.
2) How long have you been playing 3rd strike?
(^q^)< Because I've been playing 10 years."*
*a famous tominaga quote. he saids it a lot jokingly when asked questions about the game.
3) Where's your home arcade?
(^q^)< At first it was Jinboushou taro. after that closed all over the place. Currently I often play at game-versus.
4) How did you start playing 3rd strike?
(^q^)< I already had been playing capcom fighting games so when 3rd strike came out I thought "oh a new game came out" and played it here and there a few times.
5) Who is your main and why?
(^q^)< My main character is makoto. I saw the "itachi combo" in the gamest* and thought it was too cool, I have to do it too, and that's where it began.
*gamest mook(strategy book) not sure what the itachi combo is.
6) Who are players you respect/admire?
(^q^)< Kenzo and Boss. They're too good at reading people and punishing people. I think they don't get left hanging to dry often. * I'm envious.
7) Who are your rivals?
(^q^)< The number of rivals/enemies have increased lately, I wonder why.
8) Which new players have your attention?
(^q^)<All the new players in general. there's been a lot of strong ones appearing recently.
9) Any memorable matches?
(^q^)< My first kuroda kumite. I could never beat kuroda ibuki. Maybe I couldn't even win now. It was the first time I couldn't beat someone that convincingly.
10) If you could change one thing about 3rd strike what would it be?
(^q^)< I'd make it easier for Wfukiage to land on chun li and ibuki. Then make oro, alex, dudley, and q's stun bar normal length. No whiff animation for karakusa. Make the gauge for tosa (sa2) 3 stocks.
11) Give us your self analysis
(^q^)< I'm slightly more lucky than everyone. I'm not looking at the screen.
12) What's one fun part of 3rd strike?
(^q^)< No matter how strong player is, they have to do something/make a choice at some point. When I win the rock-paper-scissors then, there's something that releases in my brain. It feels good.
13) Will you continue playing 3rd strike?
(^q^)< Yea, I'll keep devoting myself to getting stronger.
14) any last words?
(^q^)< Hey guys, don't get mad over games!*
*also a famous tominaga quote. the way he saids this more similiar to "hey boys and girls(kids), dont get angry because of games"
1) Please tell us your name and where it came from.
YOU. I wanted to "English-ize" my real name and it came out like this.
2) How many years have you been playing 3S?
I've played since it first came out, but I kind of "cheated on it" with a year of CvS2.
3) Where is your home arcade?
Akita Hi-Tech Sega(It closed down August 2011...)
4) Please tell us your first time playing 3S.
I've always loved Street Fighter, and I played seriously since the Alpha days,
but I only played the SF3 games very lightly.
But when 3S first came out, there were 10 credits already inserted into a machine so I decided to try it out.
I found it to be fun so I kept playing since.
5) Your main and why you play them?
Remy for life.
I was originally an Akuma player so I played him, but he took hits like a girl so I tried out
big, high-stamina characters like Hugo and Urien.
Ever since SF Anniversary Collection came out for XBox, I was able to play 3S as much as I wanted,
so I set my sights on being able to do the Sonic Machinegun.
After that, I made sure never to cheat on Remy again. lol
6) Players you respect?
T-ha, the Dudley player.
He was originally an Akita-based player and very strong when I played him, so he roughed me up pretty well.
By the way, I've only seen a couple of videos of Pierrot up until meeting him at a GSV Touzaisen,
so until that point I only knew him as "that Remy guy".
7) Players you consider your rival?
Genmitsu-shin Pierrot.
I want to somehow steal the movements of someone with a better character.
8) Players you currently have your sights set on?
I will worship the ground he walks on the day he consistently does Double Fukiage on Chun.
Until then, I will always shit on him.
9) Any memorable matches of yours?
When Hayao played with me on OE. His parries and Gigas changed my world.
10) One thing you would change about 3S?
If Remy's cr.MK was cancellable...
11) Self-analysis
Terrible at kara-throws, terrible at charge partitions, terrible at parrying,
but at least I can somehow read my opponent's thoughts.
After that, I'm too pure.
12) What do you find interesting about 3S?
I've never actually thought about one specific thing. The only thing I can say is "3S is fun because it's 3S".
13) Will you keep playing 3S from this point on?
I won't stop, as long as the game can't rot.
14) Please tell us your tasks and goals down the line.
I haven't been able to go to Danisen battles lately, but I want to rank above Chishou status.
I also want to participate in pre-Coop Cup..
15) Last words?
I want to get Taihei bugged and harass the shit out of him.
YOU. I wanted to "English-ize" my real name and it came out like this.
2) How many years have you been playing 3S?
I've played since it first came out, but I kind of "cheated on it" with a year of CvS2.
3) Where is your home arcade?
Akita Hi-Tech Sega(It closed down August 2011...)
4) Please tell us your first time playing 3S.
I've always loved Street Fighter, and I played seriously since the Alpha days,
but I only played the SF3 games very lightly.
But when 3S first came out, there were 10 credits already inserted into a machine so I decided to try it out.
I found it to be fun so I kept playing since.
5) Your main and why you play them?
Remy for life.
I was originally an Akuma player so I played him, but he took hits like a girl so I tried out
big, high-stamina characters like Hugo and Urien.
Ever since SF Anniversary Collection came out for XBox, I was able to play 3S as much as I wanted,
so I set my sights on being able to do the Sonic Machinegun.
After that, I made sure never to cheat on Remy again. lol
6) Players you respect?
T-ha, the Dudley player.
He was originally an Akita-based player and very strong when I played him, so he roughed me up pretty well.
By the way, I've only seen a couple of videos of Pierrot up until meeting him at a GSV Touzaisen,
so until that point I only knew him as "that Remy guy".
7) Players you consider your rival?
Genmitsu-shin Pierrot.
I want to somehow steal the movements of someone with a better character.
8) Players you currently have your sights set on?
I will worship the ground he walks on the day he consistently does Double Fukiage on Chun.
Until then, I will always shit on him.
9) Any memorable matches of yours?
When Hayao played with me on OE. His parries and Gigas changed my world.
10) One thing you would change about 3S?
If Remy's cr.MK was cancellable...
11) Self-analysis
Terrible at kara-throws, terrible at charge partitions, terrible at parrying,
but at least I can somehow read my opponent's thoughts.
After that, I'm too pure.
12) What do you find interesting about 3S?
I've never actually thought about one specific thing. The only thing I can say is "3S is fun because it's 3S".
13) Will you keep playing 3S from this point on?
I won't stop, as long as the game can't rot.
14) Please tell us your tasks and goals down the line.
I haven't been able to go to Danisen battles lately, but I want to rank above Chishou status.
I also want to participate in pre-Coop Cup..
15) Last words?
I want to get Taihei bugged and harass the shit out of him.
1) Please tell us your name and where it came from.
-"Y.S.B."...It's just an initial that this club I was a member of back in school used,
so it has nothing to do with the Super Turbo scene.
-"Wasabi"...Hayao was the one who bestowed this name upon me! A long time ago at Nishi-Spo(now Nishi-Sega),
I once teamed up with Hayao and Eriho, two Hugo players from the Kansai region. When they said "Hey, let's
write our names in hiragana", Hayao turned "YSB" into "わさび(Wasabi)". lol
2) How many years have you been playing 3S?
Same time as Konitan: since the 3S location tests. I guess this would be my 15th year playing.
(Ebara said 17 years though, so he might be the one that's right lol)
3) Where is your home arcade?
- My eternal home is Shinjuku More.
- Where I first started playing was, along with Konitan, around the Jinbou-chou area.
- In the Ranbat days, I played at Shimura Newton since it was close to my home.
- Nowadays I play at Versus once a week, or Yokohama Freedom since it's near where I work.
- I also showed my face at Gyoutoku Tecmo whenever they held events there.
(but I was shocked to hear that they're shutting down at the end of March...)
4) Please tell us your first experience with 3S.
I played since 2nd Impact, but Hugo was the worst character in the game so there were moments
where I was going to quit, but since he got better in 3S I decided to keep playing him. lol
5) Your main character and why you chose them
Hugo. Along with the previously answered question, I've also played grapplers ever since Zangief
in World Warrior. I'm don't think I would be hooked on Hugo this much if he was actually a good character..
6) Players you respect?
Hiro-chan(Best Oro from Nagoya). He's the first person on my list who is both older than me,
and I can't seem to beat much. As older people get, the worse they should be getting at this game,
but he's so sick!
7) Players you consider your rivals?
- All of BM Jirou. They're all my friends, but whenever I play them things get very intense.
- Everybody, because Hugo's so weak. lol
8) Players you're keeping an eye on?
- I'd be going on forever on this question...so first I'll just say "all of these younger players
coming out lately". Great reactions, highly motivated, and I can't seem to beat them so I don't
really want to play against them. lol
- The White Ken player from Yokohama...he's naturally skilled, so if I ever take him to Versus
I think he can make it to at least Meishou rank.
- Also the people who started out halfway through 3S's lifespan, not to mention I'm enjoying
the fact that female players have been coming out a lot more these days. (^p^)
9) Any memorable matches of yours?
Here's also another question that I could go on forever about, but if we're talking about matches
that made myself feel good...lol
- When I teamed up with TK(Q) during this one Machida Beat Live 2v2 Ranbat, I actually managed to beat
Nitto Yun, who was in his prime back then, at a tournament for the very first time(not to mention with
zero seconds left). I think it was after that day that the Machida scene accepted me as a strong player.
(this was 10 years ago lol)
- When my team(happy[AL], Sawaguchi[YU], Sugiyama[NE], TK[Q], myself) managed to beat out the team of
Nuki, Boss, Pierre, KO and Match during Coop Cup 3.
- When I actually managed to place in a Shimura Newton Ranbat.
- When I managed to beat Raoh in an anchor battle at SBO3, when his team previously managed to win SBO.
- The time when Tokura went completely apeshit and I managed to rank to Ouja status for the first time.
- The day I won a Namiki Ranbat undefeated.
- In 2003, back when I traveled to Osaka for the first time and played a "10 match Gachi" against Umezono,
I caught him with a walk-up Gigas while his cr.MK was in recovery frames. Someone yelled at me "GO BACK TO
TOKYO~!" while Hayao said "GODLY!" next to me.
- The shock I experienced when I played against Deshiken for the first time(around the first Coop Cup)
...if I go on any more I feel like Ebara's going to start complaining, so unfortunately I'm going to have
to stop here. lol
10) If you would change one thing about 3S?
- Since everyone keeps saying "get rid of Chun's cr.MK xx SA2 hitconfirm", if I were to say something
as a Hugo player...give him some EX throws!
- Make LP 360 unquickroll-able, while give HP 360 damage. Meat Squasher should be as fast as EX Lariat,
and unquickroll-able.
- Give Ultra Throw as much range and startup as LP 360.
- Give Backbreaker the same startup as 360 while unquickroll-able like Megaton.
11) Self-analysis
Points I like about myself:
- It feels good whenever there's a video of myself and I seem to stand out. lol
- Continuous coins(it means I hate losing to the point where I'll hog the machine until I win~ lol)
- But for a serious answer, it's to entertain all the viewers watching as a BM Jiro member,
and giving other players who use weak characters hopes and drea*shot*
12) What do you find interesting about 3S?
Since everyone keeps talking about parries, I'll instead say this:
"Comparing your own character to other games, you stand with no relevance to strength".
Players who I personally find interesting are all on 3S. "I want to beat that guy",
"I want to win like that guy", "I wanna get destroyed lol" I think that these new and young players
are able to achieve their goals because of simple reasons like these, not to mention "wanting to beat
the veterans" and "trying their best to get up on the grand stage".
That, and I think the Danisen rankings and the Touzaisen events are amazing!
13) Will you keep playing 3S from this point on?
- As long as arcades don't shut down.
- As long as the player base doesn't decrease.
14) Please tell us your tasks and goals down the line.
There are so many to name, but since I don't have as much free time as I used to I'm just going to
have to laboringly (....can't tell you guys here lol)
My first goal is to make it to Meishou rank! Whenever I see something like "Hugo's the
only one that doesn't seem to be in Meishou, what a bummer", that motivates me.
15) Last words?
Sorry for writing such long answers.*
(If there's going to be an SBO this year, I hope to team up with top tier characters lol)
-"Y.S.B."...It's just an initial that this club I was a member of back in school used,
so it has nothing to do with the Super Turbo scene.
-"Wasabi"...Hayao was the one who bestowed this name upon me! A long time ago at Nishi-Spo(now Nishi-Sega),
I once teamed up with Hayao and Eriho, two Hugo players from the Kansai region. When they said "Hey, let's
write our names in hiragana", Hayao turned "YSB" into "わさび(Wasabi)". lol
2) How many years have you been playing 3S?
Same time as Konitan: since the 3S location tests. I guess this would be my 15th year playing.
(Ebara said 17 years though, so he might be the one that's right lol)
3) Where is your home arcade?
- My eternal home is Shinjuku More.
- Where I first started playing was, along with Konitan, around the Jinbou-chou area.
- In the Ranbat days, I played at Shimura Newton since it was close to my home.
- Nowadays I play at Versus once a week, or Yokohama Freedom since it's near where I work.
- I also showed my face at Gyoutoku Tecmo whenever they held events there.
(but I was shocked to hear that they're shutting down at the end of March...)
4) Please tell us your first experience with 3S.
I played since 2nd Impact, but Hugo was the worst character in the game so there were moments
where I was going to quit, but since he got better in 3S I decided to keep playing him. lol
5) Your main character and why you chose them
Hugo. Along with the previously answered question, I've also played grapplers ever since Zangief
in World Warrior. I'm don't think I would be hooked on Hugo this much if he was actually a good character..
6) Players you respect?
Hiro-chan(Best Oro from Nagoya). He's the first person on my list who is both older than me,
and I can't seem to beat much. As older people get, the worse they should be getting at this game,
but he's so sick!
7) Players you consider your rivals?
- All of BM Jirou. They're all my friends, but whenever I play them things get very intense.
- Everybody, because Hugo's so weak. lol
8) Players you're keeping an eye on?
- I'd be going on forever on this question...so first I'll just say "all of these younger players
coming out lately". Great reactions, highly motivated, and I can't seem to beat them so I don't
really want to play against them. lol
- The White Ken player from Yokohama...he's naturally skilled, so if I ever take him to Versus
I think he can make it to at least Meishou rank.
- Also the people who started out halfway through 3S's lifespan, not to mention I'm enjoying
the fact that female players have been coming out a lot more these days. (^p^)
9) Any memorable matches of yours?
Here's also another question that I could go on forever about, but if we're talking about matches
that made myself feel good...lol
- When I teamed up with TK(Q) during this one Machida Beat Live 2v2 Ranbat, I actually managed to beat
Nitto Yun, who was in his prime back then, at a tournament for the very first time(not to mention with
zero seconds left). I think it was after that day that the Machida scene accepted me as a strong player.
(this was 10 years ago lol)
- When my team(happy[AL], Sawaguchi[YU], Sugiyama[NE], TK[Q], myself) managed to beat out the team of
Nuki, Boss, Pierre, KO and Match during Coop Cup 3.
- When I actually managed to place in a Shimura Newton Ranbat.
- When I managed to beat Raoh in an anchor battle at SBO3, when his team previously managed to win SBO.
- The time when Tokura went completely apeshit and I managed to rank to Ouja status for the first time.
- The day I won a Namiki Ranbat undefeated.
- In 2003, back when I traveled to Osaka for the first time and played a "10 match Gachi" against Umezono,
I caught him with a walk-up Gigas while his cr.MK was in recovery frames. Someone yelled at me "GO BACK TO
TOKYO~!" while Hayao said "GODLY!" next to me.
- The shock I experienced when I played against Deshiken for the first time(around the first Coop Cup)
...if I go on any more I feel like Ebara's going to start complaining, so unfortunately I'm going to have
to stop here. lol
10) If you would change one thing about 3S?
- Since everyone keeps saying "get rid of Chun's cr.MK xx SA2 hitconfirm", if I were to say something
as a Hugo player...give him some EX throws!
- Make LP 360 unquickroll-able, while give HP 360 damage. Meat Squasher should be as fast as EX Lariat,
and unquickroll-able.
- Give Ultra Throw as much range and startup as LP 360.
- Give Backbreaker the same startup as 360 while unquickroll-able like Megaton.
11) Self-analysis
Points I like about myself:
- It feels good whenever there's a video of myself and I seem to stand out. lol
- Continuous coins(it means I hate losing to the point where I'll hog the machine until I win~ lol)
- But for a serious answer, it's to entertain all the viewers watching as a BM Jiro member,
and giving other players who use weak characters hopes and drea*shot*
12) What do you find interesting about 3S?
Since everyone keeps talking about parries, I'll instead say this:
"Comparing your own character to other games, you stand with no relevance to strength".
Players who I personally find interesting are all on 3S. "I want to beat that guy",
"I want to win like that guy", "I wanna get destroyed lol" I think that these new and young players
are able to achieve their goals because of simple reasons like these, not to mention "wanting to beat
the veterans" and "trying their best to get up on the grand stage".
That, and I think the Danisen rankings and the Touzaisen events are amazing!
13) Will you keep playing 3S from this point on?
- As long as arcades don't shut down.
- As long as the player base doesn't decrease.
14) Please tell us your tasks and goals down the line.
There are so many to name, but since I don't have as much free time as I used to I'm just going to
have to laboringly (....can't tell you guys here lol)
My first goal is to make it to Meishou rank! Whenever I see something like "Hugo's the
only one that doesn't seem to be in Meishou, what a bummer", that motivates me.
15) Last words?
Sorry for writing such long answers.*
(If there's going to be an SBO this year, I hope to team up with top tier characters lol)
- Wämpaier Sejfjohr -
SFIII, da bin ich dabei.
SFIII, da bin ich dabei.
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