11. - 12.05.2013 - Hyper Arcade Collision, Prague (CZ)

    Das Hardedge Forum wurde am Abend des 30.01.2023 eingestellt und in ein Archiv umgewandelt. Bitte nicht versuchen sich zu registrieren oder einzuloggen.

    • Nerfstikk: Good to hear you're coming!

      "What are the accommodations at the venue like (for sleeping there), what do we need to bring?"

      - The accommodation itself is pretty lowtier, the venue doesn't count with people being there overnight, but we can manage in sleeping bags etc. It will still cost some (although not much) money (due to the venue owners wanting us to pay them for keeping an overnight watch there)
      Another possibility is to sleep at a nearby hotel, which will cost much more, but involves sleeping in a bed.
      The last possibility is to ask someone from Prague who is not going to be sleeping at the venue whether you could sleep at his place.

      "Another question, anyone know if it'd be feasible to take a taxi from the main railway station to the venue?"
      - That's not really a good idea, because the venue is not in Prague, thus I believe it would be quite expensive. Since there are more foreign players coming, I'm sure someone from the Czech community will be able to wait for them at the train/bus stations in order to pick them up and go to the venue itself together.
      Visit #czecharcade @ irc.quakenet.org.
    • Thanks for the response, got all the information I need (I had some trouble with my browser not displaying the website correctly due to a faulty plugin, hence the stupid questions...). :)
      Signed up now as well. Looking forward to it, see you there!

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von Nerfstikk ()

    • Taxi would cost you like 600 CZK if not more. Not recommended

      I'll be preparing some better guidance for you this weekend, so that you can manage with public transport (from the main train and bus stations). Will post here later.

      On meeting you, we can arrange something. I'll be completely free on Friday to pick anyone in Prague and depending on when who comes, we can do some gameplay, we can check the city or go for a beer, whatever we may want to do. I think you'll have your plans ready soon as the date approaches and once we know your plans, we can arrange.

      Sleeping in the place will be cheap, there's like every second player going for it, so let's say it will be 50 CZK per night. Get your sleeping bag with you and whatever you need to put between you and the ground :)

      The hotel info is here hyper.czecharcade.com/english/accommodation/

      We're happy to see many of you registered. Looking forward to see you!
      VR-Fist 仮想拳 - twitter
      Czech Fighting Games Community - www.czecharcade.com
    • Honor and glory.

      Yo Halibel, ft10 in Blazblue?
      <president> wenn du gegen smoriya spielst wirst mich aber drum bitten wieder auf plee zu gehn weil der so honest und normal is im vergleich
      <president> wie beschreib ich das am besten
      <president> wenn ich smoriya wäre, wäre die engine vom spiel der sf5 stammtisch

      +2 damage GGXrd Millia CMV
    • TR Halibel: Cups.

      And in case of AE also:
      1st – PS3 God of War: Ascension* + PS3 Motorstorm Apocalypse Dual Shock 3 Black bundle
      2nd – PS3 God of War: Ascension*
      3rd – PS3 Time Crisis: Razing storm (Disc contains Time Crisis 4 as well as Deadstorm Pirates)
      Visit #czecharcade @ irc.quakenet.org.
    • Für God of War hab ich letztens 2 Kilo Grillfleisch + Soßen, Semmeln und 1 Palette Bier bekommen im Supermarkt. Könnte sich also tatsächlich auszahlen, Halibel :>
      <president> wenn du gegen smoriya spielst wirst mich aber drum bitten wieder auf plee zu gehn weil der so honest und normal is im vergleich
      <president> wie beschreib ich das am besten
      <president> wenn ich smoriya wäre, wäre die engine vom spiel der sf5 stammtisch

      +2 damage GGXrd Millia CMV
    • The tournament date is getting closer and with 42 players registered, we have finalised the schedule. Please check it here .

      We are also putting a limit on all games so that we stay on schedule. Those who didn’t register in advance will be able to register at the venue, 2 hours before their game’s tournament begins the latest and only up to the limit of players shown below, or instead of someone who registered in advance but couldn’t make it.

      The caps are as follows:

      Super Street Fighter 4: AE – 32 players
      Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 – 16 players
      The King of Fighters 13 – 8 players
      Tekken Tag Tournament 2 – 16 players
      Guilty Gear XX AC+ – 16 players

      (I remember to make a quick guide for you for public transport, don't worry.)
      VR-Fist 仮想拳 - twitter
      Czech Fighting Games Community - www.czecharcade.com
    • Last minute information about the event - travelling to the place etc.

      I'm really glad that there are people from hardedge community coming to the place and I'd like to give you last pieces of information you should know.

      First of all, means of transportation:
      We are going to help you guys get to the place Friday (we can even pick you up) if you decide to use public transportation, but we need to know when are you going to get to Prague. You can either contact me here on the forum, on our IRC channel, our facebook page or my phone number which will be provided at the end of the post.

      We've also prepared a page specifically with a map and info about getting to the place. Link: hyper.czecharcade.com/english/venue/

      Quick notes you should probably know about:

      - smoking outside
      - night smoking possible
      - the main gate for cars closes at approx. 9pm (on Friday, we can open the gates if you arrive later)
      - 5 minutes walk (near the bus station) is a market with some food, open from 6am to 11pm
      - drinks at the venue: coke/fanta/sprite, shock, beer (!)
      - we will order pizzas regularly; there's also a great czech restaurant close to the venue (pls use it only when not going to play your game in the tournament)
      - if you sleep at the venue, the wake up call goes at 9am, all your sleeping bags etc. need to moved to your cars so that the random visitors are not disturbed

      In case of emergency, you can call me: +420 774 421 420
      Visit #czecharcade @ irc.quakenet.org.
    • Thank you all for coming and showing such high level of competitiveness that made the event such a good one.

      Before I start writing a report of the action (if I actually manage to do that both in Czech and English, we'll see), I have a few things I need to tell some people.

      Dracula: We will talk to each other on IRC, as I'm sure, so I'll tell you what did the shop say about the cup.

      Austrian group (President, Rele, Max): There's been stuff forgotten at the place. Hairbands, a cap (which I believe is president's), but most importantly, you guys have forgotten to take your prizes for Guilty Gear tournaments, so I will have to send them to you by post. Please let me know of your address.
      I will take pictures of all that's been lost&found at the place and has not been signatured, hopefully enough today.

      Other than that, really looking forward to seeing you guys, had a great time at HAC! : )
      Visit #czecharcade @ irc.quakenet.org.
    • prk schrieb:

      but most importantly, you guys have forgotten to take your prizes for Guilty Gear tournaments

      Did I even win anything? lol dat 5th place booby prize

      Thanks for the great event @ all the organizers. I wished people would've been as hype about Guilty Gear as I thought they would. Can't complain about Marvel though, had a real blast and the atmosphere was really great.
      The location was extremely awesome, although not quite as suitable for sleeping as I thought :D The shitty weather palyed a role though, I suppose it would be perfect during "real" summer.
      Loved the community, everyone was really nice and inviting. Looking forward to seeing you again.

      Special shoutouts go to VR-Fist & prk, for trying to help us find a venue last minute. Even though it didn't work out, I still appreciate the effort. Love you guys.

      Congrats to all winners.
      <president> wenn du gegen smoriya spielst wirst mich aber drum bitten wieder auf plee zu gehn weil der so honest und normal is im vergleich
      <president> wie beschreib ich das am besten
      <president> wenn ich smoriya wäre, wäre die engine vom spiel der sf5 stammtisch

      +2 damage GGXrd Millia CMV
    • Thanks for coming, it was a great time with you. Would love to play more if I didn't have to organise and stuff, but still got enough of gameplay.

      The weather kinda fucked us up. The whole week was sunny and warm, it's sunny and warm today in Prague. It seems like someone wished for a cold weekend and his wish was fulfilled regardless of FGC being sleeping almost outside. For future events, if we keep the venue, we should reserve a hotel and sleep there. I think this one won't be hard to figure out.

      Congratz to Dracula for taking KOF. Good match, although I felt like you went kinda easy on him before the reset :) And TR Sheva showing his amazing reads in AE and just playing so perfect, that was some real power from Germany. I look forward to visiting you sometime soon.

      You can find the results at czecharcade.com/vysledky-z-hyper-arcade-collision/ (links below the games' names are for brackets)
      Stream archives are at twitch.tv/czecharcade/videos?kind=past_broadcasts
      VR-Fist 仮想拳 - twitter
      Czech Fighting Games Community - www.czecharcade.com
    • I already talked with Prk and now I would like to thank you for this weekend.
      before arriving at the venue I didnt konw what to expect. I was happy that I found the venue almost by myself (thanks at vr-fist again).
      Then I saw these hundreds of aracdes and I felt like a child again :thumbup: .
      I tried many arcades out espacially the shooters where you have to use guns.
      Of course is your community smaller compared to germany but when I saw the fights or the photoshooting outside I noticed that everybody knows each other.
      This is a big advantage that you have. I was also impressed that when I won a few matches so many people were clapping. I know it as an foreigner that the hostpeople are only cheering for their own players. It was very kind from you to cheer also for me :).
      From the view of a player I didnt noticed any organizational problems. Respect for that!
      Again thank you for this weekend, the awesome trophy and your motivation for your community! Respekt an PRk for his footsie fei long. I liked the winner and grand finals.
      I hope you guys willl come soon to germany. And if you do so let me know in advance ;)
      - YouGenius - Sheva - Mac - Carloz - Nani - Halibel - Maruko -

      Every Frame A Painting
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