Reflex GT Winter 2013 16-17.02.2013

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    • Ausverkauft? Mac meinte die Veranstalter überlegen sich das abzublasen weil sich zu wenig anmelden....keine Ahnung.
      Eintritt soll 40 Euro kosten. 40 Euro für einen Tag....
      Team Rookie, B

      Sheva - YouGenius - Carloz - Mac - Maruko - Nani - Halibel

      "Hear Me Roar"
    • Also ich habe sowohl ReflexGT (Sander Beijer, s. oben) als auch Emersion angeschrieben.

      Unfortunatly it might have been.

      I hear the tournament will probably be cancelled due to lack of interest!

      Such a shame!

      Offiziel wurde glaub ich noch nichts angekündigt, aber es wird wahrscheinlich abgeblasen.

      Wollte hin, aber werde, falls es doch noch stattfindet, nicht hinfahren.
      :u: :uv: :v: :ov: :p: 8)
    • ReflexGT has issued a statement in which the Super Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition Tournament is cancelled. Reflex GT wants to organize the largest console video gaming tournaments of mainland Europe called Reflex GT Winter 2013 and announced that the Western Wolves Seonwoo “INFILTRATION” Ryan Hart and Lee Ryan “LAUGH” Ahn were going to compete at Reflex GT Winter 2013 in a SSF4 AE tournament with a prizepot of 5000 euro. The event will still take place on the 16th and 17th of February and features other console games such as Fifa 13, Cod amd Halo 4.
      Even though the Super Street Fighter 4 tournament was cancelled Reflex GT said is has learned a lot and hopes to partner with experienced fighting game parties for future events. Check out the Reflex GT statement after the break

      The Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition (Xbox 360) tournament of Reflex GT Winter 2013 has been canceled.

      Due to unfortunate circumstances, caused by events both in and out of control of our team, the Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition (Xbox 360) tournament (17th of February) has been canceled. A tough decision has been made after a thorough analysis of the situation and consultation with all parties involved. Concluded was that it was made unpossible to deliver what was initially promised to the tournament participants. Alternative tournament formats have been considered but unfortunately were deemed unworkable and could not guarantee the quality of experience we want to offer all our event attendees.

      This has been our first time attempt to serve the fighting game community of the world with a new major tournament in Europe. Even though everyone’s efforts may now seem to have been for nothing, we do have gained more experience and knowlegde of working with this great community and plan to make good use of it in the future. Our intentions of supporting the growth of the fighting game community are unchanged and we plan to partner up with experienced fighting game parties to deliver great events in the future.

      We deeply apologise to all people who planned to attend this event for this tournament and the inconvenience we may have caused with our decision. Tournament participation tickets will automatically be refunded. Visitors can get their visitor ticket refunded by contacting us via e-mail. Other types of inconvenience or complaints can be communicated to us via e-mail as well. We will try our best to solve all issues as a result of this tournament’s cancelation.


      The Reflex GT team
      Yo! He ded.
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