P4U Naoto Shirogane Combos(klick!!)
Copy&Paste von Dustloop ( dustloop.com/forums/showthread…lls-have-been-honed!-quot ), thx to blargh:
Die Terminology wird erstmal übernommen, wenn der Homeport da ist, wird für die Wiki eh im Lab übernachtet und alles entsprechend "formatiert" und gegengeprüft und so...
jc - jump cancel
djc - double jump cancel
sjc - super jump cancel
1M! - 1 more! cancel
1M!Burst - 1 more! burst
IAD - instant air dash
Trap mixup - 214C/D, mostly done at the end of combos
5A starter
5AA>5C>2AB>236A~Bx5 (1700, 1)
5A>5B>5C>2C (850, 2)
Anti-air 5A(>5A)>jc>j.A>j.C>djc>j.A>j.C>trap mixup (???)
5A>5B>214214A/B~A~D>5C>sj.B>j.C>j.D (2780, 50 SP + awakening)
5A>5C>236AB>1M!Burst>5B>5C>IAD>j.A/j.B>j.C>5C>236B~D>236236D>214D>236A~D>(opponent lands on trap) 2C>5C>IAD>j.B>j.C>236A (4700+, 3, 75 SP)
2A starter
2A>2B>5C>236B~B/C (1900, 1)
2A>5B>2B>5C>2AB>trap mixup (1200)
5B starter
5B>5C>1M!Burst>5C>IAD>j.B>j.C>land>5C>236B~Bx5 (3000, 1, 50 SP)
Special starters
C/D trap>j.B>j.B>j.C>j.D>trap mixup (???, 3)
D trap>5B>5C>236B~Cx5 (3000, 3)
D trap>5B>5C>IAD>j.B>j.C>land>5C>236B~Cx5 (3500, 3)
D trap>2A>5C>IAD>j.B>j.C>land>5C>236B~Cx5 (???, 3)
Strategy? Spacing? I just keep punching until I hit something.
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