Quelle: dustloop.com/forums/showthread…irijo-General-Information
Thx to SoLW & Tari

Thx to SoLW & Tari

D attack and "Bufura" freeze the opponent on hit.
Crouching C puts the opponent into charm state. During charm state, the opponent's SP is absorbed.
The awakened super special 'Mabufudyne'; C version summons two articles, while the D version has Tsurara* mow everything down at once!
R Action:
Moonlight (月影) - B+D
Setsuna Samidare Geki* (刹那五月雨撃) - 236236A/B
Bufudyne - 236236 C/D
Awakened Super Special:
Mahabufudyne - 214214C/D (additional input C/D)*
*based on loketest info, I assume this means you summon with 214214C/D, then fire the projectiles with additional C/D inputs
Mitsuru's general gameplay
She can fight at any distance, combining excellent long-range attacks of Artemisia and great normals of Mitsuru herself. She actually still has Marin Karin (!), which is one of her normal attacks (2C). It reduces the enemy SP gauge, leaving them out of options. Also, her boobs bounce.
Nantoka doesn't remember too much about her, sorry guys.
Bufula - a wall of ice advances slowly on the ground. the D version makes it follow Mitsuru a little as she walks forward (tr?).
Moonlight - her R-action; she jumps in the air and makes a crescent-shaped cut. Obviously an anti-air move.
Setsuna Samidare Geki - Mitsuru performs a rapier combo, and blows the enemy away. A perfect combo ender.
Bufudyne - a huge block of ice is summoned before Mitsuru, freezing the enemy.
Mabufudyne - Great articles are summoned behind Artemisia before she shoots them forward. C version shoots 2 huge chunks of ice, while D version can be mashed for lots of small ones.
Strategy? Spacing? I just keep punching until I hit something.
== Editierfarbe ==
Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von old_man_entnervt ()