Quelle: dustloop.com/forums/showthread…-Shirogane-general-thread
Thx to blargh & SoWL

Age: 16 (though she's 15 at the beginning of P4)
Date of Birth: April 27th, 1995
Zodiac: Taurus
Height: 152 cm (5'0")
Blood Type: B
Initial Persona: Sukuna-Hikona
Ultimate Persona: Yamato-Takeru
Weapon: Pistol
Arcana: Fortune
Ease of use: 2
Attack: 2
Defense: 2
Speed: 4
Persona: 4
Shield of Justice (正義の盾) - with an opponent's attack (counter) *requires Persona*
Counter Shot (カウンターショット) - after Shield of Justice prevents an attack *requires Persona*
Counter Shot ・ Revision (カウンターショット ・ 改) - after Shield of Justice prevents an attack *requires Persona*
Throw: additional attack (投げ追加攻撃) - After successful ground throw, C *requires Persona*
Double Fangs (二連牙) - 236A/B *EX OK*
Shooting Stance (狙撃構え) - 214 A/B *EX OK*
Shoot | front-facing, bounce shot, anti-air (狙撃 | 正面、跳弾、対空)* - During Shooting Stance, A/B/C
Stance Release (構え解除) - During Shooting Stance, D or 214A
Megido Detonator (感圧起爆型メギド) - 214C/D *requires Persona, EX OK, air OK*
*During "Shooting Stance", A/B/C fire shots.
*When out of bullets, 214B reloads.
*"Megido Detonator" lays a trap. It appears when the opponent approaches it.
Set S Special-case-use Rifle ・ Rank 1 (対S事案用特殊小銃 ・ 甲型) - 236236A *air OK*
Set S Special-case-use Rifle ・ Rank 2 (対S事案用特殊小銃 ・ 乙型) - 236236B *air OK*
Hamaon/Mudoon (ハマオン/ムドオン) -236236C/D *requires Persona*
*"Set S Special-case-use Rifle ・ Rank 2" reduces the Fate counter all at once! (note: loketest info says this is just a large reduction, not a reduction all the way to zero)
*When the Fate counter reaches zero, Hamaon/Mudoon can instantly kill the opponent.
HOLD UP! (HANDS UP!) (ホールドアップ!)* - 214214A/B, then while walking, A/B
CRITICAL SHOOT (クリティカルシュート) - 214214A/B, then while walking, C/D
*"Shoot" has a max of 5 bullets, "HOLD UP!" has a max of only 3 bullets
Naoto's general gameplay
She combines quick movements with traps and fast bullet projectiles. That makes her very difficult to approach, since her bullets are very fast, and the traps lead to instant death.
The gauge that she uses is the Fate Gauge. It is located below the enemy's health gauge, and its initial value is 14. This counter ticks down if Naoto attacks with particular attacks.
When the counter reaches zero, the whole screen becomes dark, indicating the Danger state. If Naoto performs her Hamaon/Mudoon super in such state, she will kill the enemy immediately.
The gauge recovers between rounds by half the number it was decreased by (though the exact system is confusing right now). It recovers completely if Naoto uses her instant kill. Perhaps it is better to leave the instant kill for the final round, cutting the counter to 7 instead of just killing the enemy?
Her ground throw can be followed up by pressing C: Sukuna-Hikona will strike the enemy, ticking down the Fate counter.
Naoto's skills
Double Fangs - kicks the enemy and takes out the gun. Can be followed up by bullet shots.
Shooting Stance - Naoto takes out the gun. B version makes her dash backward a little. It's possible to reset the number of bullets shot by performing the B version between the shots.
Shoot - Naoto, guess what, shoots the bullets. A version shoots forward, B version shoots towards the ground and bounces off, C version shoots diagonally upward. Every fifth bullet ticks down the Fate counter by 1. You can recharge the bullets by performing the B Shooting Stance.
Megido Detonator - C version sets up the trap right before Naoto, while D version places it on the ground (right below her, I guess). The air versions place it on the ground, too. You can have up to 2 on the screen at once. The trap explodes if the enemy is hit in its vicinity. Though you can't see the trap, it lights up if the enemy attacks it. The Fate counter is ticked down by 3 (or was it 2?) when the trap connects.
Shield of Justice - Blows the enemy away by generating AT-field (lol). Sukuna-Hikona may perform a counter-attack, ticking down the Fate counter.
Set S Special-case-use Rifle ・ Rank 1 - The ground version is performed after a back flip; similar to Noel's Bullet Rain, a good combo ender. Silences the target on hit (can't use Persona).
Set S Special-case-use Rifle ・ Rank 2 - this one is more similar to Noel's Thor, shooting a laser. Counts down the Fate counter. A lot.
Hamaon - the enemy is tracked down and immobilized, and a multi-hit combo is performed. Because it has no invulnerable frames, you can't use it as a reversal. Instantly kills the enemy if Fate counter is on 0.
Mudoon - Sukuna-Hikona shoots a long beam of darkness before him. There's a possibility that you can't block it, only avoiding it by jumping. Instantly kills the enemy if Fate counter is on 0.
Hands Up!/Critical Shoot - the gun is taken out as Naoto walks forward. Apply pressure to the opponent while trying to get the critical shot through. The critical shot has a lot of invulnerable frames, so you can easily use it as a counter-attack.
Thx to blargh & SoWL

Age: 16 (though she's 15 at the beginning of P4)
Date of Birth: April 27th, 1995
Zodiac: Taurus
Height: 152 cm (5'0")
Blood Type: B
Initial Persona: Sukuna-Hikona
Ultimate Persona: Yamato-Takeru
Weapon: Pistol
Arcana: Fortune
Ease of use: 2
Attack: 2
Defense: 2
Speed: 4
Persona: 4
Shield of Justice (正義の盾) - with an opponent's attack (counter) *requires Persona*
Counter Shot (カウンターショット) - after Shield of Justice prevents an attack *requires Persona*
Counter Shot ・ Revision (カウンターショット ・ 改) - after Shield of Justice prevents an attack *requires Persona*
Throw: additional attack (投げ追加攻撃) - After successful ground throw, C *requires Persona*
Double Fangs (二連牙) - 236A/B *EX OK*
Shooting Stance (狙撃構え) - 214 A/B *EX OK*
Shoot | front-facing, bounce shot, anti-air (狙撃 | 正面、跳弾、対空)* - During Shooting Stance, A/B/C
Stance Release (構え解除) - During Shooting Stance, D or 214A
Megido Detonator (感圧起爆型メギド) - 214C/D *requires Persona, EX OK, air OK*
*During "Shooting Stance", A/B/C fire shots.
*When out of bullets, 214B reloads.
*"Megido Detonator" lays a trap. It appears when the opponent approaches it.
Set S Special-case-use Rifle ・ Rank 1 (対S事案用特殊小銃 ・ 甲型) - 236236A *air OK*
Set S Special-case-use Rifle ・ Rank 2 (対S事案用特殊小銃 ・ 乙型) - 236236B *air OK*
Hamaon/Mudoon (ハマオン/ムドオン) -236236C/D *requires Persona*
*"Set S Special-case-use Rifle ・ Rank 2" reduces the Fate counter all at once! (note: loketest info says this is just a large reduction, not a reduction all the way to zero)
*When the Fate counter reaches zero, Hamaon/Mudoon can instantly kill the opponent.
HOLD UP! (HANDS UP!) (ホールドアップ!)* - 214214A/B, then while walking, A/B
CRITICAL SHOOT (クリティカルシュート) - 214214A/B, then while walking, C/D
*"Shoot" has a max of 5 bullets, "HOLD UP!" has a max of only 3 bullets
Naoto's general gameplay
She combines quick movements with traps and fast bullet projectiles. That makes her very difficult to approach, since her bullets are very fast, and the traps lead to instant death.
The gauge that she uses is the Fate Gauge. It is located below the enemy's health gauge, and its initial value is 14. This counter ticks down if Naoto attacks with particular attacks.
When the counter reaches zero, the whole screen becomes dark, indicating the Danger state. If Naoto performs her Hamaon/Mudoon super in such state, she will kill the enemy immediately.
The gauge recovers between rounds by half the number it was decreased by (though the exact system is confusing right now). It recovers completely if Naoto uses her instant kill. Perhaps it is better to leave the instant kill for the final round, cutting the counter to 7 instead of just killing the enemy?
Her ground throw can be followed up by pressing C: Sukuna-Hikona will strike the enemy, ticking down the Fate counter.
Naoto's skills
Double Fangs - kicks the enemy and takes out the gun. Can be followed up by bullet shots.
Shooting Stance - Naoto takes out the gun. B version makes her dash backward a little. It's possible to reset the number of bullets shot by performing the B version between the shots.
Shoot - Naoto, guess what, shoots the bullets. A version shoots forward, B version shoots towards the ground and bounces off, C version shoots diagonally upward. Every fifth bullet ticks down the Fate counter by 1. You can recharge the bullets by performing the B Shooting Stance.
Megido Detonator - C version sets up the trap right before Naoto, while D version places it on the ground (right below her, I guess). The air versions place it on the ground, too. You can have up to 2 on the screen at once. The trap explodes if the enemy is hit in its vicinity. Though you can't see the trap, it lights up if the enemy attacks it. The Fate counter is ticked down by 3 (or was it 2?) when the trap connects.
Shield of Justice - Blows the enemy away by generating AT-field (lol). Sukuna-Hikona may perform a counter-attack, ticking down the Fate counter.
Set S Special-case-use Rifle ・ Rank 1 - The ground version is performed after a back flip; similar to Noel's Bullet Rain, a good combo ender. Silences the target on hit (can't use Persona).
Set S Special-case-use Rifle ・ Rank 2 - this one is more similar to Noel's Thor, shooting a laser. Counts down the Fate counter. A lot.
Hamaon - the enemy is tracked down and immobilized, and a multi-hit combo is performed. Because it has no invulnerable frames, you can't use it as a reversal. Instantly kills the enemy if Fate counter is on 0.
Mudoon - Sukuna-Hikona shoots a long beam of darkness before him. There's a possibility that you can't block it, only avoiding it by jumping. Instantly kills the enemy if Fate counter is on 0.
Hands Up!/Critical Shoot - the gun is taken out as Naoto walks forward. Apply pressure to the opponent while trying to get the critical shot through. The critical shot has a lot of invulnerable frames, so you can easily use it as a counter-attack.
Strategy? Spacing? I just keep punching until I hit something.
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