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Aria Esther schrieb:
P3 und p4 spielen in der gleichen welt.
Spoiler anzeigen In P4 hat man sogar noch ein trip zum P3 gebiet/ort (japan ist ja nicht allzu gross lol)wo es einige cameos zu sehen gab![]()
Executed by pressing A + C + D. It acts similar to BlazBlue's "Barrier Burst": it blows opponents away as they are attacking. After it is used, it appears as a black "B" on screen. Any increase to the SP Gauge fills this "B" progressively, and when it is full the BURST indicator is recovered. Two different kinds, a normal burst which simply knocks opponents away and "red" bursts which activates while you're in any sort of neutral state (not being attacked or in block stun) which fills up a large amount of SP when used.
All-Out Rush
Started by pressing A + B. This launches an overhead attack with super armor and, when it connects, the opponent is sent violently spinning away from the attacking player. Mashing A or B afterwards sends the player in a dash towards the opponent to continue the combo and, finally, two options are available to the attacker: hitting C or D. C launches the opponent up in a cloud of smoke resembling a skull who can then be chased by the player executing the move while D knocks the opponent away.
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