Dead or Alive 5
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Gutes Spiel.Spielt ihr Blazblue, Guilty Gear, Anime Games, Airdasher oder sonstige FGs? join HE-Discord (<- mich kann man anklicken.)
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Wie ich schon in einem anderen Forum gesagt habe: " Gibt uns einen ordentlichen Online Mode und ich bin überglücklich" -
Weiter verkürztes Zeitfenster für Konter und dickere Juggles, besonders im Tag Team. Wieder schön 16 Hit-Combos dem Gegner ins Gesicht reindrücken. Damit bin ich zufrieden.
ThyXDevourer schrieb:
Meine Gebete wurden erhöhrt.
Wie ich schon in einem anderen Forum gesagt habe: " Gibt uns einen ordentlichen Online Mode und ich bin überglücklich"
Genau so
mehr will ich gar nicht -
Ick freu mir
Das mit dem verküzten Zeitfenster für Counter würde ich auch sehr begrüßen, genau so wie ein paar neue Kämpfer + den kompletten Cast vom Vorgänger natürlich. -
Helena, Helena, HELENA!!!!!!!!
Sonst sah das Video nicht so besonders aus, aber verkürzte Zeiten für den Counter hats schon gebraucht. -
Also doch DOA5
Wer hätte das gedacht...
Boobs & Asses-Counter-Edition. I like, obwohl die den bekackten Counter auch endlich mal rausnehmen hätten können
Na ja, hauptsache wieder ein neues Bemu.Follower of the
ゲーセン道 - The Way of the Arcade
Doitsu Dashpunch #1 of 3
コンボができねえPrügelはただのPrügelだ!Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von exe ()
Kiku schrieb:
Nächstes Jahr kehrt endlich das beste 3D-Bemu wieder auf die großen Konsolen zurück. Freuet euch!
Der war gut.
Freuen tuts mich trotzdem. -
Längere Version des Vids im Eröffnungspost:
Strategy? Spacing? I just keep punching until I hit something.
== Editierfarbe == -
Christie & Ayane im Tag Team <3. HNNNG!
Thaaa bouncing game goes on!!!
Ganz wichtiges Material...NOT!
aber trotzdem lustig. xDWenn's trifft isses nicht unsafe. -…-ninja-gaiden-sigma-vita/
Das wesentliche aus dem Link, in dem Siliconera den Team Ninja-Chef Yosuke Hayashi im Rahmen eines Ninja Gaiden 3-Interviews auch zu DOA5 einige Fragen stellte:
You’re also working on Dead or Alive 5 and we saw Ryu hanging off a rooftop.
Everything you saw in that trailer was gameplay. That is a feature we are putting in there and it is one of the key features that will define the next level of fighting games.
To be completely honest, after Dead or Alive 4 we weren’t sure what the future was going to be. We were trying to think of something new, but we weren’t getting any ideas of what to do for 5. Then we saw Street Fighter IV and the fighting genre come back because in a large part of Capcom and what they were doing. For all of the fighting games that came out we looked at them, but there was something wrong. They looked great with updated graphics and had online gameplay, but the gameplay itself hasn’t changed. It’s still the gameplay we’ve had for years.
We started to think how can we change the genre. What could we add new and put that into the fighting game? And that’s how that idea came out.
How else do you want to change the genre? Some developers like Arc System Works put an emphasis on technical combos while the Soulcalibur series is more accessible. Where does Dead or Alive and its new system fit in?
Dead or Alive is different from both of those. We’re looking for simple, but deep fighting entertainment. We’re not looking to be a technical hardcore fighter. We want a game that a lot of people can have fun with, but people who want that depth can find it. When people watch the second part of the demo that will give players a sense of what we’re thinking of when we mean "fighting entertainment."
Are you creating any new characters for Dead or Alive 5?
Yes, absolutely. It’s a numbered title, so we will have new characters. In the gameplay footage, you can tell the character designs have been updated as well. The characters that you’ve come to know and love will be changed too and players will feel the entire roster is refreshed.
color=#ff0000]Were there any ideas from Code Chronos that made it into Dead or Alive 5?[/color]
As a project it has been canceled, but people who were involved with that project have worked on Dead or Alive 4, Dimensions, and Dead or Alive 5. There is a link there, but there isn’t a direct connection.
Strategy? Spacing? I just keep punching until I hit something.
== Editierfarbe ==Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von old_man_entnervt ()
Team Ninja will give Ninja Gaiden 3 buyers a taste of Dead or Alive 5. First print copies in Japan will include a code to download Dead or Alive 5 demo alpha version.
The demo has two playable characters, but who you get to use depends on which console you’re playing Ninja Gaiden 3 on. Hayate and Ayane come with the PlayStation 3 version. Hitomi and Ryu Hayabusa are in the Xbox 360 demo.
Ninja Gaiden 3 comes out in Japan on March 22. Tecmo Koei have a collector’s edition too, which includes the game, an "Unmask" artbook, soundtrack, a figurine, and a premium DOA5 demo code with all four fighters unlocked. The premium edition will retail for 13,440 yen ($172).
Strategy? Spacing? I just keep punching until I hit something.
== Editierfarbe == -
Wird gekauft!
Danke für die info =)
-Aria-Success is not something you run after, but something you Attract by the person you become!
Random blub
Original Ninja Gaiden outfit & geschrumpfte (also jetzt normale) boobs…stume-in-dead-or-alive-5/Follower of the
ゲーセン道 - The Way of the Arcade
Doitsu Dashpunch #1 of 3
コンボができねえPrügelはただのPrügelだ! -
Kono toki wo matteta ze (Darauf habe ich gewartet), sagt er ....
Zu gut!Follower of the
ゲーセン道 - The Way of the Arcade
Doitsu Dashpunch #1 of 3
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