Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3

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    • Neue Liste mit Infos & Changes von der EVO 2011 (via Eventhubs :(

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      • There will be a new strategy guide for Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 and some of the people at EVO are involved with the process of creating it. It sounded like this will have frame data and be similar to the BradyGames guide released before.

      • Capcom considered a DLC spectator mode for the original MvC3.

      • While talking about balancing the games the battle director, NeoG, said there are two different schools of thought when it comes to balancing. One is to balance the characters around the game's tool sets and the other is to give characters unique attributes and balance them out that way. UmvC3 is built around the unique stuff.

      • In regards to Venom and Gambit not making the cut, they reiterated that Marvel has a lot of say as to who makes it or not.

      • Everyone has mashable attacks in UMvC3, meaning that you can mash the buttons to do more damage.

      • Capcom feels the quality assurance team has some really strong players on it overall.

      • Someone said they noticed a damage increase in the game, but NeoG said they hadn't changed how much life stuff takes off. If could be a by product of the shorter lifebars.

      • A lot of casual users apparently didn't see the X factor gauge so Capcom made it more visible. They also wanted to try something new with the lifebars. They're aware a lot of people don't like it, and they're listening. In the newest build they've changed the UI a bit, but Capcom couldn't bring that build with them. The X-Factor gauge isn't over the top either anymore.

      • In regards to balancing games NeoG said they watch tournaments and follow the community when they're tweaking things. He said Niitsuma must sign off on the changes. They do realize sometimes that things aren't as balanced as intended. In regards to nerfing characters, they don't want to go so far that players completely lose the time investment they've put in.

      • When it was asked if Capcom could balance and buff up all assists so they're the same power reltively, and the same person also wondered how much the current assists have been changed. They said it's a tall order to make them all roughly the same. As far as how much they touched them, you'll have to see when it comes out.

      • Hawkeye was created to be very different than Taskmaster.

      Character specific changes for UMvC3
      • Spider-Man's webs travel faster. The Web Ball, Web Swing and Spider-Sting can be cancelled. Crawler assault, button mashing during this does more damage now.

      • Doctor Doom's Photon Array does more damage when mashing. Doom's mid-air special moves will always knock down now. Jumping Hard has a new variation.

      • Arthur has more health.

      • X-23's Talon Attack in the air will cancel out other character's air moves. They said you have to try this out.

      • Iron Man can't double jump, but now he can do an air dash to cancel out of moves.

      • Amaterasu can change weapons in mid air.

      • MODOK can cancel out of of a move in mid jump by dashing.

      • Hsien-Ko has more things up her sleeve, literally, more projectiles she can throw.

      • Akuma has less health.

      • Chun-Li has a new attack which is a different version of her Spinning Bird Kick.

      • Felicia can now do a delta kick in the air.

      • Phoenix has less health now.

      • Hulk has a new move, another charge attack.

      • Captain America has a double jump.

      • Wesker can speed up if he hits you with his sunglasses.

      • Chris can now cancel out of his gun attacks by doing another special move.

      • Shuma-Gorath can absorb his opponent's meter or make it go down by using a standard throw.

      • Super-Skrull's Meteor Smash can be done in mid-air now.

      • Zero's Max Buster shot can be used to cancel other moves. Say if you do his Shoryuken, you can cancel it with a max shot.

      • Sentinel has slightly less health. Very slight, probably dropped him down from 910,000 to 900,000.

      • Thor's command grab has slightly increased range.

      • Dante with the Devil Trigger going can triple jump and air dash twice in a row.

      • Deadpool can cancel out of special moves while warping.

      • Dormammu can do Liberation and Dark Hole(?) in the air now.

      • Trish's mid air Maxmimum Voltage can followed up after wards for another attack on a grounded opponent.

      • Tron is one that's getting slightly nerfed. Her Gustaf Fire assist is losing its invicibility. Servbot launcher can be executed three times in a row now, though.

      • Crouching Hard with Haggar knocks down now.

      • Morrigan has a new move that can absorb her opponent's meter. Probably the fireball mentioned earlier.

      • These characters all have new moves. Some of these were announced previously though. C. Viper, Spencer, She-Hulk, Magneto, Storm, Wolverine (Swiss Cheese) and Taskmaster.
    • • Capcom considered a DLC spectator mode for the original MvC3.

      "cant believe this, only grand finals should be on start page, the raiden player healing care is mvc3 player and known mk9 hater.. obvious troll XDDD cant be more troll, i lol,d very very hard"
    • Schön, dass die Lifebars etwas verändert werden sollen. Die waren ja kaum zu ertragen.
      Phönix weniger health zu geben find ich allerdings ziemlich mies. Durch den X-Factor nerv, den ich im Gegensatz zu den meisten anderen hier bis jetzt richtig kacke finde und die Moves die Meter abziehen wird sie meiner Meinung nach kaum noch spielbar sein, geschweige denn eine Gefahr für den Gegner darstellen.
    • san-san2k8 schrieb:

      ich finde auch sie braucht noch ne Fullscreen Super wie Ammy um wirklich einsetzbar zu werden
      Hat sie doch schon.
      Und ihrer ist besser als ammys.

      Phoenix noch weniger HP zu geben wird den char einfach noch DÜMMER machen, nicht das eigentliche Problem beheben (dark phoenix zu random in xfc3).
      Jetzt wie dann ist während xfc3 mode instagib mode angesagt.
      XFC Änderungen werden da viel stärker reinspielen als irgendwelche HP changes.

      Nur 1 Special pro Jump ist schon eine sinnige Änderung.
      "cant believe this, only grand finals should be on start page, the raiden player healing care is mvc3 player and known mk9 hater.. obvious troll XDDD cant be more troll, i lol,d very very hard"
    • ./grain schrieb:

      Schön, dass die Lifebars etwas verändert werden sollen. Die waren ja kaum zu ertragen.
      Phönix weniger health zu geben find ich allerdings ziemlich mies. Durch den X-Factor nerv, den ich im Gegensatz zu den meisten anderen hier bis jetzt richtig kacke finde und die Moves die Meter abziehen wird sie meiner Meinung nach kaum noch spielbar sein, geschweige denn eine Gefahr für den Gegner darstellen.

      ich hoffe du bist einfach nur ein troll. sollte das ernst gemeit sein was du da von dir gibst, dann hello @hopfenundmalzverloren... Dx
    • KenMasters90 schrieb:

      Lupinko twittert schon wieder über eine Version nach Ultimate bzw. 12 weitere Chars für Ultimate bzw. als DLC. Einfach nur genial der Kerl :)

      lupinko Lance Lingos
      so i hear they be bringin' sumthang new 2 #datmarvel, we got dat wsop in da house, but chris potter didn't make dat party, dang

      sonst finde ich nichts weiter, klär mich auf ^^

      bzgl. umvc3 panel @evo, das war wohl mit abstand der schwächste und zugleich enttäuschendste capcom panel seit langem -_- *facepalm*
    • KenMasters90 schrieb:

      Lupinko twittert schon wieder über eine Version nach Ultimate bzw. 12 weitere Chars für Ultimate bzw. als DLC. Einfach nur genial der Kerl :)

      Hmmmpf... -.- nein, hat er nicht!

      Er hintet lediglich dinge, die auf den einen oder anderen dlc char hinweisen. Von 12 stück steht da aber nicht im entferntesten etwas, und von einem neuen mvc NACH ultimate (wtf?!?) schonmal garnicht!

      Deine quellen würden mich langsam echt mal interessieren... :rolleyes:
    • ''so i hear they be bringin' sumthang new 2 #datmarvel, we got dat wsop in da house, but chris potter didn't make dat party, dang''

      ''basically we got dem playaz and dem ladies takin' part with dis new trick added to #datmarvel word to your synergy''

      ''#datmarvel is a helluva drug, word to your synergy''

      ''obv that wasn't talkin' bout no playaz but i'm talkin' bout dat game, and what new rules be brought into dat ****, ya digg #datmarvel''

      "Remember you shouldn't lose hope, dreams may come true after all..."

      "Damn more "NEW" characters in! that Marvel Character never show up..."

      "What foolishness drove you to oppose me."

      "I'm not talking about gambit, I thought that was pretty obvious, smh"

      "There aren't going to be anymore riddles, but incoherent street talk? that will remain for sure"

      Das mit den 12 und der 'neuen' Version muss ich wohl von den Unity Posts aufgeschnappt haben. Mein Fehler :rolleyes:
      Und dann war btw. noch die Rede von einem Spiderman und einem Street Fighter Gegner.

      Das drittletzte oben gepostete Zitat soll angeblich auf Bison hinweisen. Bei dem Spiderman Gegner hoffe ich auf Doc Ock oder Eddie Brock Venom/Carnage.
    • Aha, interessant... *hust*

      wie auch immer, ich will Asura in irgendeiner MvC version haben, ob DLC oder komplett neue Vers. mir egal, ich will ihn spielen ich will ihn mainen, wie es bei Juri der Fall war - mir völlig egal ob der Char scheisse/schlecht/Bottom Tier u.ä. sein wird, ich werde ihn spielen falls der jemals das MvC-Licht erblicken sollte, Capcom do it! >:OOOOOO
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