Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3

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    • Schade dass Frank West den move hat der Taskmaster gehören müsste.
      Und Rocket Racoon teleportiert schneller als Raiden, wtf.
      "cant believe this, only grand finals should be on start page, the raiden player healing care is mvc3 player and known mk9 hater.. obvious troll XDDD cant be more troll, i lol,d very very hard"
    • Das Thema hatten wir schon und megaman krpplsohn kann mir gestohlen bleiben.
      "cant believe this, only grand finals should be on start page, the raiden player healing care is mvc3 player and known mk9 hater.. obvious troll XDDD cant be more troll, i lol,d very very hard"
    • daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn, wie soll man bitte nicht den racoon zocken wollen nachdem man diesen trailer gesehen hat?
      der scheint irgendwie auch so dante mäßig viele moves zu haben, nur sieht der nicht so bescheuert aus wie der ken verschnitt.

      I like!

    • nur noch geil :) - adam the clown theme rmx

      noch nicht wirklich zeit gefunden das ganze neue material vernünftig anzuschauen und zu verarbeiten, muss allerdings ganz ehrlich gestehen, dass mich racoon sehr überrascht hat, ehemals als reine slotverschwendung empfunden, und jetzt teilweise sogar einfach nur baff vom design, moveset (abtauch-special?? hahaha, eddie aus gg lässt grüssen, lol...) und ja, diese raue aggresivität für so einen zwerg ^^
    • Frank West hat mich in noch keinem Spiel interessiert. Möglicherweise ändert sich das mit UMVC3 - höchstwahrscheinlich aber nicht.

      Was Rocket Raccoon betrifft: Ich muss sagen, ich bin überrascht. Ein netter, fieser, kleiner Kerl. Und da liegt auch schon das Hauptproblem... er ist "zu klein". Charaktere mit derart kleinen Hitboxen konnte ich noch nie besonders leiden (siehe z.B. Servbot, Viewtiful Joe, Amaterasu etc.), was allerdings nichts mit dem jeweiligen Charakter selbst zu tun haben muss. Einen Platz in meinem Team wird er wohl nicht bekommen. Am Ende bleibt nur zu sagen: Eine lustige Idee von Marvel aber nicht deren bestes Pferd.

      The Fighting Game Glossary by Infil - Quelle: glossary.infil.net/

      Don't ride the Hate-Train, enjoy your games.
    • Ok also jetzt mal ehrlich, Racoon ist doch wie geschaffen für Simi oder? der perfekte Char für ihn, allein schon, weil er ein Messer trägt und am Ende jedes Matches einen quasi damit "belästigt" aka hammergeile Winanimation xDDD

      Fred wird mir da sicherlich zustimmen, Racoon ist für Simi prädestiniert xDDD zu geil digga ohne witz, bitte SPIEL IHN! :D CLICK!

      racoon mit altona ersetzen bei der winquote und ab gehts xD hahaha oh mann zu gut hey
    • youtube.com/user/Miles923

      sehr viele intelligente Fragen und interessante Infos, 15min+!, must see für alle Strange- und Nemesisinteressenten.

      Playtest Infos von Leuten mit Plan, generelles Stuff und über RR & Frank West
      Spoiler anzeigen
      UMvC3 Notes

      First we will post the system, RR and West info since it was the most requested, later today or tomorrow we will post all the other characters impressions. You can ask questions about RR and West but we wrote down everything we can remember. Stay tuned.
      Characters HP
      Nemesis 1150
      Frank West 1050
      Ghost Rider 1050
      Ironfist 975
      Phoenix Wright 975
      Hawkeye 900
      Nova 875
      Firebrand 875
      Vergil 850
      Strange 850
      Strider 750
      Rocket Racoon 750
      System notes:
      - XFactor is still strong, but (and this was not tested extensively so we can be wrong) we think xfactor lvl3 was nerfed the most. The difference from lvl1 to lvl2 and lvl3 didn’t seem to be has much as in vanilla. We weren’t getting full kill combos with lvl3 as easily as before, that’s for sure, but lvl1 and lvl2 didn’t seem to be much different from vanilla.
      - You can Xfactor in the air after using a crossover counter, this opens up ridiculous possibilities and I think it has a lot of potential.
      - You can cancel blockstun in the air with xfactor. This works just like on the ground. Imagine blocking wolverine’s dive kick in the air > air xfactor > punish. It works easily and you can even air grab them.
      - TAC countering didn’t seem to be react-able. We were both using the down direction (we talked about it), and I was just trying to react to the new color that shows up and I wasn’t able to counter it even once. I knew which direction to counter, tried just to react to the color and still couldn’t. Maybe my reactions suck a lot but I don’t think you can use the colors to counter TACs.
      - Legendary raw tags are still overhead.
      - we left the new “hold S to auto super jump” ON just to see how it feels and honestly it’s very bad. The worst part was with characters with double or triple jump, where I did S, hold it by mistake and when I pressed UP as usual to follow them, I would already be in the air due to the S hold, and the game would register my input as the double jump, messing up my combo. This was obviously my fault but when you’re not used to it, it can really mess you up. Also, using this makes it impossible to do stuff like delayed super jumps and neutral super jumps. The auto jump always goes up-towards and leaves the floor immediately after launching them.
      - The “switched order” of the portraits at the top of the screen really messes you up at first. The order from top to bottom is Assist2-Point-Assist1, in the chaos of the game, if you look at that to check the order of your assists, it can really mess you up. This is easily avoided if you memorize your team order obviously but still, it’s bothersome.
      - when selecting a stage, the random stage option is the default one.
      - black-costume characters on black-shaded stages is still a problem. It gets really confusing at times.
      - menus and options are exactly the same as before as we all kown by now. Didn’t test online features.
      Rocket Racoon:
      Overall impressions: we think he is going to be very good, he can effectively keep away, and also put the pressure up when up close using rocket skates. He is not very fast except when using rockets skates but that move is so good that I don’t see a problem with his mobility. Damage is not very good but he has so many tools to dish out damage and chip that he will have no problem taking people down. Using assists he will probably control the screen easily.
      - Assists: Log, Claymore and double shot. All assists are the same as the attacks used on point. Which means: claymore does not otg, explodes on contact with opponent. Log is good but I think not as good as people might think, the wallbounce is great but I was having trouble catching people with it. The double shot is mostly meh
      - Burrow mechanics: The input is down down + attack. L version is a teleport that puts RR directly in front of his opponent. M version is the same but puts RR behind the opponent . H version is where it gets crazy. When you do the motion and press H, if you hold it, RR stays underground (up to 4~5 real seconds) and you can move left and right. It’s not very fast and you can see where he is at all times, also it is very punishable on “exit”. The crazy part is that you can cancel anytime he is underground to a hyper, even lvl3. He is completely invulnerable while underground. Cancelling underground to the spring hyper seemed safe.
      - Rockets skates is very good. Input is Attack+S (L,M or H didn’t seem to make a difference). Can use only one when airborne but several grounded, which means he can rocket around characters with ease (it doesn’t go through characters). Creates good mixups and is very hard to react to, if he has time to mix people up with rocket skates, they will get opened up for sure. Can even fake crossup with rocket skates behind the opponents head, and then back down to their feet where he was before. Can follow with normals for easy overheads and combo. Usable 8-way in the air but only 1 time as I said. It’s amazingly good both to create pressure when up close and to escape quickly from tough situations. You can cancel normals to rocket skates, which is crazy good.
      - Traps, input is qcb+attack. L is claymore, M is boulder trap, a rock crashes down on opponent when they touch the trap. H is net trap, opponent is trapped for about 2 real seconds. All traps can be jumped over and are somewhat easy to avoid. It is possible to jump into them and block them. This goes for the spring hyper too. All special versions of the traps disappear when RR is hit. The spring hyper stays on screen even if RR is hit.
      - Spring hyper is called Mad Hopper. has combo potential, stays on screen even if RR is hit. Can be easily jumped over and does around 230K damage by itself. Several can be placed on screen at the same time bouncing the opponent in different directions.
      - objects specials: dp+attack. L version is the oil bomb, can be ignited with all of RR’s shots/lasers. Oil puddle stays on screen if RR is hit, ignited oil does not. M version is the bear trap, has good range, seemed unsafe, can’t tell for sure. H version is the log swing, has wallbounce, it doesn’t take up as much screen as one might think but it’s very hard to react to it so you have to know it’s coming to avoid it. Not sure but can probably be crouched under by everyone.
      - gun shots, done with qcf+attack, shoots one ball, can be followed with another shot by pressing another button. The button pressed changes the next shot’s direction (think Hulk’s gamma charge variations) can be used to control the screen but is a little too slow to be enough by itself to keep someone out. I was playing around with this and full screen I was able to shoot two straight shots, and do immediate burrow teleport to create a safe left right mixup covered by the shots.
      - cr.h is a gun shot that goes angled up full screen, hits the top of Nemesis Head from full screen away, can be canceled. at mid/close-distance can be comboed into bear trap for an easy hit-confirm into hyper.
      - Forward + H is a dash Hit that can be canceled to S ( L M H towards+H S works) (think Arthur).
      - His LvL3 appears to be instant. we were trying to block after the super flash and it still hit. We tried Burrow cancelling underground to lvl3 and from what we saw it still is instant which means that if RR goes underground with 3 levels the opponents is risking a lot if he doesn’t keep blocking. This needs further testing but we think it works this way. I can see people laming it out just going underground, moving away, and just repeating this until the opponent stops blocking and eats a lvl3. Don’t take this for granted though.
      - His Hover can be used like Storm’s to do instant overheads. Hover can be canceled to rocket skates. Hover, burrow and rocket skates will be his main mobility tools. In case I haven’t mentioned it yet, burrow and rocket skates are really gdlk moves when used correctly.
      - Color 6 is a cammo suit.
      Frank West
      Overall impression: he will have a lot of problems getting to the higher levels, which is when he becomes a better character. He is mostly bad up until reaching lvl3. His mobility is also awful until he has the lvl3 roll. Damage isn’t really good even when leveled up, which makes me think we missed “something” when playing him. He felt really low tier when we played but I’m sure we missed something.
      - Level system: Getting to lvl3 is possible in one extended combo but to get to lvl4 and then 5 takes incredibly longer. He will definately need to drink before combos or start a combo with a character with better hit count and then TAC to West to end the combo with photo. We are not exactly sure but the “experience” gained with the camera seems to be directly related to the combo hit count. Getting to lvl5 took ridiculously long. We were about to give up when it happened. Damage is the same in lvl5, range is extended, all normals seem better in range and priority but the damage didn’t really change. We didn’t explore lvl5 due to time constraints, but even in the command list, we couldn’t find any additional moves or hypers exclusive to lvl5. He didn’t seem so recover health either in lvl5. Basically we didn’t really find anything awesome with his lvl5 which I’m sure exists and will make us look stupid when it is revealed the input for taking a photo is qcf + S
      - Drinking is tricky. You drink (with down down S I think) and he gets a boost to his camera which gives him around 3 times more exp in each shot. The problem is that drinking causes you to vomit, and from all the tests we did, vomiting always happens after a set period of time. Around 10 real seconds we guess. You can’t drink multiple times, and when the fixed period of times passes, West just throws up. We tried doing nothing or doing combos and nothing seemed to change the vomit process. It can’t be canceled to anything, not even xfactor. It takes really long for him to vomit so you can’t really protect him before-hand with assists. Our guess right now is that if you vomit, you will most definately eat a combo. Forget about reaching lvl4 and 5 without drinking so we will have to figure out an answer to this vomiting problem. After vomiting you can drink again which repeats the whole process.
      - Damage output seems to be on the low side, and we didn’t notice any difference on higher levels. He doesn’t really has anything to open people up until lvl3 when he gets the CvS2 roll which is very good when used with assists. His overhead is slow and to get to the higher levels you will have to open people up which will be hard. He can somewhat control the screen with zombies and projectiles (towards+H, changes with lvls but even at higher lvls didn’t seem very effective) but fast characters
      will get in on him easily and he can’t really get people off him when he needs to.
      - Servbot hyper works a lot like She-hulk’s tornado, didn’t really test invincibility. Did not test follow-ups either but we didn’t really notice it was possible. The multi-weapon hyper has a lot of invincibility and changes according to lvl when used.
      - Assists: Drinking, gives 30% meter, his lvl when this is used does not change the amount of meter gained (did not test invincibility). shopping cart assist does not otg, but hits multiple times and carries across the screen, good to get space with keepaway characters. the melee assist (think golf club multi-hit attack seen in videos) pulls the opponent closer. The weapon used in this assist and the pull-in are increased with his lvl.
      - weapons specials are qcf+attack. L version is the broom multi-poke, M is the baseball bat (wall bounce), and H is a slow axe overhead. L and M versions of this special change with his lvl. The H version stayed the same throughout.
      - has a roundhouse special at higher levels, don’t remember the input. L is a fake kick, M is a forward hit, and H is an otg that we couldn’t follow with anything except hypers. The knee drop is down+H but we couldn’t find any follow-ups to it.
      - charge back + towards and attack is the walking zombie that locks them in place. The swinging zombie throw seemed good but wasn’t really tested. We can’t remember the input for this but if I had to guess I’d say it’s qcb+attack. zombies don’t seem to change with levels.
      - Color 6 is the Chris Redfield zebra outfit.
      [Confirmed typo on my part.
      West's roll becomes available at lvl2.]

      Spoiler anzeigen
      Playtest Info Part 2

      We didn’t really have much time to test other characters but from what we played we were able to pick some stuff up. More character impressions coming later by Kee Chak, for now here’s my write-up.
      - st.H still has only one hit of armour
      - The new super punch (hold M) seemed really useless, the only real use I could find for it was using the 1-hit armour to bait a punish and cancel the punch to tornado. takes really long to charge fully, wasn’t able to combo off the wallbounce unless near the corner. Needs further testing.
      - Gamma charge AA might have armour on the first charge (not 100% sure)
      - Gamma Crush does not OTG on the way up like it never did.
      - Did not notice any changes to Gamma Tornado except the known damage buff.
      - Gamma Quake still does not have any hitbox on the punch part of the move so it still works just like in MvC3.
      - Combo > Gamma Crush > air xfactor > gamma wave > Gamma Crush is possible and does a lot of damage as expected.
      - I was able to do 2 reps of Hulk’s corner infinite on a smaller character (Wolverine I think). For some reason I always dropped the combo on the 3rd rep, not sure if it was me messing up or what, but at least 2 reps works.
      Ghost Rider
      - cr.H has incredible range and is very good.
      - cr.M moves forward a little and can even cross under, but this is hard to setup.
      - Full screen keepaway is really good, H > torwards H gives the wallbounce which allows for combo if used at mid-range or command grab to combo at long range.
      - j.S is good as expected, but has to be used carefully as it is not possible to cancel it to anything and it has a long recovery.
      - back + H is the flame pillar which otgs and is very good to keep away. It’s very spammable and against slower characters like Haggar or Nemesis will probably make it impossible for them to get in on GR. Does good damage too.
      - At short range GR seemed very weak, all normals are slow and he his very easy to hit. His gameplan will probably revolve around 100% pure keepaway.
      - The chain hyper traded a few times with random moves when I used it incorrectly, so it is not fully invincible.
      - Wavedash > cr.M > lvl3 adds ridiculous range to his lvl3. The lvl3 already has good range on itself and when kara’d it becomes even better.
      - His 3 shot + stomp hyper isn’t a guaranteed combo on every occasion. In 2 different combos, I hit the first 2 shots and then the 3rd whiffed and the stomp obviously was blocked and I was punished. Both of these happened when I did the hyper at long range, not sure if this was the cause of it or not.
      - Jumping rocket angled down is really slow and has long recovery, not very usable. Standing rocket is very high and can be crouched by small and average height characters.
      - Does really good damage but has terrible mobility. I was having a lot of trouble trying to get close to any character that had any zoning tools.
      - Incredible mobility. He does low damage but he will be opening people all the time. Grounded qcb+M does a towards jump that automatically puts him in flight mode mid-jump. Using his air command dash (qcb+M in air) he does an angled dash towards that lowers him a little keeping him in the air. Both of these moves together make it possible to go from 3/4 of the screen away to a crossup air-dash in a very small period of time. He’s very fast.
      - Spit-fire is really annoying to deal with, Firebrand can mix up his game using his air mobility and his projectiles.
      - His lvl3 was not tested extensively but it can get pretty crazy at times. At one point I was being rushed down by Firebrand with lvl3, and the confusion created was so big that I got tricked into trying to hit the clone instead of the original Firebrand. They look very much the same and in the chaos I actually lost track of which was the clone and which was the real Firebrand.
      Phoenix Wright
      - Maya shield is very good. If she takes too many hits, she gets knocked back but she can take a lot of hits. We tried Berserker barrage X and she was only knocked down when 2 or 3 hits remained on the barrage. we tried Swiss cheese and she really takes a lot of hits before she is knocked out. It also appears to block hits on the other side of the shield (on her back), at one point we had Wright looking for evidence right next to her and we couldn’t hit him. She stays out for like 5 real seconds if she is not hit out of it first.
      - All Maya attacks have long recovery because she always does poses and slowly walks away after doing what she was called to do. She can’t be called again until she is off-screen again. In one occasion we used her slide and then walked back along her and it took forever for her to disappear and be usable again.
      - Finding evidence is really fast, you can get all three in under a second. The problem is that if you get a bad evidence, throwing it away is very slow and it is useless as an attacking projectile.
      - In courtroom mode, his evidence turns into attacking tools, some of them are actually good and can be used to keepaway. Two of the evidences are very good, one of them is the triple spread one seen in videos and the other one works almost the same as that 3 rings-attack that Strange has, which track the opponent.
      - Getting to turnabout mode was really hard for me. On all occasions that we tried I eventually gave up and asked the other player to let me hit them with the OBJECTION move so we could test turnabout mode. It will probably not be this hard to do but I felt really incapable of getting a combo on faster characters using Wright. The good news is…
      - Turnabout mode is even more ridiculous than you might think. The giant fingers are as good as we thought, the same goes for his lvl3. What I think wasn’t really explored yet was his evidence attacks in turnabout mode. They become ridiculously good, and the best part is that he can double shot all of them. This means that good ones like the triple spread and triple rings become really dominant. I’m not sure what object gives the triple rings attack but it is ridiculously good in turnabout mode. Being that he can double-shoot them, he constantly has 6 tracking projectiles on screen, and since they are fast moving, Wright can keep spamming them. Also, before they start tracking they hover for half a second over Wright covering him from jumpins and front attacks. The tracking on them also prevents teleports to Wright’s back. They didn’t seem to have much durability or damage but the constant spamming makes them very strong. This will probably be good to force opponents into making an error and get hit with a finger into combo or lvl3.
      - The “Press the witness” assist seemed pretty useless. No wallbounce, invincibility or otg.
      - The little time I had with him was used trying to understand how to use his rekkas effectively. He does good damage and has good ground mobility.
      - His air game is really awful, he will have to keep the fight on the ground to have any chance at doing serious damage. Will probably be very easy to lame him out just by superjumping back all the time.
      - He powers up really fast and it will be easy for him to power up mid-combos as well as in full screen situations when he is pushed back.
      - Will have a lot of problems to get in on zoning characters. He basically has no option except wave-dash.
      - Didn’t really test him extensively but his mobility is just amazing, his attacks are good anywhere on screen.
      - The triple charge hyper has some weird properties that we couldn’t quite understand, it also seemed punishable.
      - We were not able to confirm if the red life usage is optional or not, but we couldn’t find a way not to use it, so my guess is that he always uses red life on his hypers.
      - His projectile (attack+S) seemed really slow and useless, he throws it way up high and the tracking didn’t seem very good.
      - Pretty much all of his normals are unsafe. He can make them safer by cancelling them.
      - His “berserker slash” does cancel into Devil Trigger and allow for a full combo just like Wolverine but Vergil’s attack is not as invincible and is easier to react to.
      - He does seem like a very strong character but he will not be easy to use at all.
      - Some of his assists become buffed when used with Devil Trigger.
      - His swords hyper is really good. The variation that puts the swords over the opponent’s head is crazy since they come down slowly and are not a blockstring. I can confirm this since I blocked the 1st sword that came down and was hit by the 2nd one.
      Chun Li
      - Her new otg is her stomp kick (in the air down + j.M). Can probably be followed up on her own to combo. I was able to use it as an otg both “tiger-kneeing” it, or just hard knockdown > neutral jump > stomp before landing. Probably has different follow ups in either situation.
      - EX spinning bird kick seemed good but doesn’t really has any combo potential. Hits a large area around her.
      - Shield skills seemed a little slower and it maybe covers more ground horizontally. Not sure though.
      - Rocket punch to hyper sentinel force does not work unless used right at the beginning of a combo.
      - We were not able to use his air armour. If it wasn’t already confirmed, I would say that it wasn’t there.
      - Disruptor is a little slower but it’s still good, just not as spammable as before.
      - His disruptor assist is also slowed down.
      - Did not test the other new attacks but repulsion is really strong. The other playing was spamming repulsion and I wasn’t able to get in on Magneto except with wave-dashing, and even then it took me a long time to get over to him.
      - The new j.S allows for otgs, even after air grab, but I wasn’t able to combo of it. Maybe it is possible to combo by himself, but assists will probably make it easier.
      - We were not able to use his new special cancel to teleport to confirm gun shots into teleport and combo. The teleport is just too slow for that. It does feel like being able to cancel specials to teleport will allow for different combos but we really didn’t have time to experiment with this.
      - cr.H definitely otgs, but it can’t be canceled into anything else except towards + H (standing pipe). This doesn’t combo by itself so he will need an assist to extend his combos. The opponent seemed to recover very fast after the otg and I wasn’t even doing extended combos.
      - When used by itself towards + H does a ridiculous amount of hit stun. It’s probably the most hit stun I’ve seen in any move.
      - His new Death from above move seemed useless. He does a pose in the startup of the move that goes upward and makes the move come out really delayed which prevented it from comboing with anything else. I couldn’t even use it to otg and I did tiger-knee it. I’m sure I missed something but I was really confused by this move.

      -neues S (auto. hinterher jump wenn gedrückt gehalten)-feature -> schrott, i like und war eh schon von vornerein klar, dass das schwachsinn sein würde sowie der simple mode, zumindest für leute die das spiel mehr als 1 mal im monat einschmeissen.
      -schwarzgekleidete chars immernoch nervig in dunkleren stages, sadface.jpg? ne nicht wirklich, map/stage-pool ist nun doppelt so groß wie es vorher der fall war und noch mehr afair = :good:
      -ausserdem ist nun finally der stage-select auf RANDOM gesetzt und nicht "pmode stage" ...ja ich fand das von anfang an scheisse :P, vorallem online
      -xf3 wieder bestätigt, dass es definitiv generft wurde, bei xf1-2 ist man sich weiterhin unsicher, denke schon das da auch was bei xf1-2 geändert wurde, allerdings weniger wie xf3
      -CROSSOVER COUNTER AIR XF = mächtig, man wird nun viel mehr crossover counters sehen, sehr unterschätztes feature, gab bisher nur ein paar spieler (tokido mit sent xx hard drive@canada cup zb letztens mal wieder) die das innem match gebracht haben, hab da selber ein paar ideen mit nemesis zb. allerdings betrifft das nicht des air xf.
      -raw tags IMMER NOCH overhead... -_-
      -RR = gawdlike, war und ist obvious
      -frank west = meh und immer noch zuviele fragezeichen

      frieda & tokido feedback inkl. SEHR interessanten videos, MUST SEE ebenfalls CLICK!
      falls ads/werbung aufpoppt, oben rechts raufklicken (jap. skip ad)

      soviel neues footage und nächste woche ist es dann endlich soweit, and i woz like:

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von sh1Nd ()

    • sh1Nd schrieb:

      -xf1-2 wieder bestätigt, dass die definitiv generft wurden, bei xf3 ist man sich weiterhin unsicher, denke schon das da auch was bei xf3 geändert wurde, allerdings weniger wie xf1-2

      Ich bin jetzt zu faul es mir ein zweites Mal durchzulesen, aber steht da nicht das Gegenteil? Nämlich, dass XF1-2 relativ unverändert scheinen, lvl3 aber definitiv abgeschwächt wurde?
    • Gab wohl einige Fehler bei der Übersetzung damals. Hulks H doch keine 3 Hit Super Armor, sondern nur noch einer, was schade das es nerfed wurde. Und Senit hat auch keine Air Armored Moves. Aber immerhin muss ich so weniger Angst haben das mehr Hulk spielen (kB das wer "meine" Chars spielt :B ).

      Vllt. kann ich mir das Game doch zu Release holen, mal sehen X(
      Put your punches where your mouth is and actually try to hit me!
    • Cheesus schrieb:

      Ich bin jetzt zu faul es mir ein zweites Mal durchzulesen, aber steht da nicht das Gegenteil? Nämlich, dass XF1-2 relativ unverändert scheinen, lvl3 aber definitiv abgeschwächt wurde?

      ach fuck, ja klar natürlich... ich habe den post in 2min verfasst gehabt kurz bevor ich los musste vorhin, änder einfach das xf1-2 mit xf3 um dann passt der satz aka
      -xf3 wieder bestätigt, dass es definitiv generft wurde, bei xf1-2 ist man sich weiterhin unsicher, denke schon das da auch was bei xf1-2 geändert wurde, allerdings weniger wie xf3

      war total in eile und bei der masse an neuen infos hab ich alles quasi im krassen schnelldurchlauf überflogen da ich das noch gepostet haben wollte.

      Vllt. kann ich mir das Game doch zu Release holen, mal sehen X(

      Do it! oder von was hängt es noch ab? :)
    • Geldmangel, hab erst neuen Stick bezahlt, Fahrschule, Konzert Ticket und weitere Kleinigkeiten. Wird sich wohl leider alles bis Dezember/Januar ziehen. Aber bis dahin ist es dann billiger!
      Put your punches where your mouth is and actually try to hit me!
    • WOW! @WaterSeven, bitte mal in deinen ersten Post reineditieren, wäre ne feine Sache, dem Typen muss man einfach Respekt zollen... das ist ja fast schon ein zweiter Brady Guide, lol.

      Spoiler anzeigen
      • 12 new fighters join the battle, for a grand total of 50 fighters including the two DLC characters from MvC3. Outside of Strider Hiryu, all of them are new to the MvC franchise.

      • 9 new stages to play on. Some are slighty modified versions of stages in MvC3, some are heavily modified, and some are brand new. You can view a gallery of them all here. Also, Random is the default stage
        selection this time around, THANK GOD!

      • Spectator Mode! This time around, you and up to 5 other players can spectate a match in 8-player lobbies online. Huzzah!

      • Complete rebalancing of the cast from MvC3 to fit in the UMvC3 environment, including new moves for returning characters! Data from playtesting, event builds and tournaments were all taken into consideration when balancing UMvC3. A complete change log of the changes is available in it's own section below.

      • Tweaks to X-Factor and other core gameplay mechanics! X-Factor was a game changing and highly controversial mechanic in MvC3, which could turn the tables and win the match for you in seconds. You can find both the mechanic and character-specific change log in their own section below.

      • A Play as Galactus in an offline, arcade-style mode and fulfill your destructive cosmic fantasies!

      • Heroes and Heralds free DLC mode! An exciting new mode which allows people to power-up their characters with new abilities using collectable ability cards! Details below.

      • A reversible cover! The original cover, done by artist Shinkiro, can be reversed to get alternate box artwork done by Mark Brooks of Capcom. You can view the alternate covers here.

      • New Achievements/Trophies! You can view the entire list of achievements here. Trophies will most likelily be exactly the same.

      • A new Brady Games Guide will be released! The release date is TBA, but if your serious about UMvC3, it's a no brainer to pick up the guide. The last one was met with universal praise and the authors of this one promise it's even better and more refined. View it on Amazon.com here.

      • A UMvC3 variant of the Hori Real Arcade Pro V was recently announced. According to MarkMan, they will come to the overseas eventually, but they will release alongside UMvC3 in Japan.

      • UMvC3 is also a launch title for the Playstation Vita! Little has been revealed so far but PR has stated it's the "full console version with additional surprises." The game will feature local and online multiplayer, with hints at full lobby functionality and the ability to "exchange" content with other Vita players. Touchscreen-control options that will allow for the inputs of moves through gestures, but the real hook is that any DLC purchased on your PSN account on your PS3 will be shared with the PS Vita version so you don't have to buy it again.

      • A $39.99 price tag. All the hype, for less green!

      I'd like to thank Becquerel for making the lovely character banners for the change log, Dahbomb for his fantastic work compiling the most accurate change log on the 'net and contributing the character descriptions for the new 12 characters, and the rest of MahvelGAF for contributing tidbits here and there that helped make this OT :D

      And last but not least..


      There are a few integral changes that have been made to the core gameplay mechanics of MvC3, some of which shake things up a great deal:
      Spoiler anzeigen
      • X-Factor can be activated in the air.

      • The attack and speed increases for each character while in X-Factor have been adjusted. Additionally, the damage reduction minimum while in X-Factor has been decreased from 50% in MvC3 to 35% in UMvC3, and Hyper Combos performed during X-Factor will now be subject to damage scaling.

      • A left/ right Team Aerial Combo exchange during an air combo will take away 1 bar of your opponent's HC Gauge.

      • When you launch the enemy in the air with a Special Attack, hold the button down and your character will automatically super jump to follow the launched opponent. (This can be turned on or off in the Options menu.)

      • The window for Aerial Exchange Counters has been adjusted, making it easier to land one.

      • If you land a Snap Back attack on an assist character, similar to the landing it on the point character, the assist will become unavailable for a short period of time.

      • It is no longer possible to block during an air dash.

      • The rate of HC Meter gain has been decreased by 10%, to 90% of what it was in MvC3.

      • In MvC3, the amount of hit stun caused by assists was fixed, but in UMvC3 hit stun caused by assists will also be subject to hit stun deterioration during combos.

      [*]For characters who have 8-way dashes, the speed on their down-back air dash has been slightly decreased.

      For character-specific changes, a + indicates a buff, a - indicates a nerf, and +/- is a change that can be viewed either way. Additionally, a (?) beside a change denotes a change that has been observed/speculated but has not been officially documented. These also apply for the Capcom Change Log below.

      Let's get into it

      Spoiler anzeigen

      + Shield Slash specials are faster and have better recovery
      + L Shield Slash now hits OTG and it is possible to combo a hyper after it or relaunch.
      + Has a Double jump now
      + M/H versions of Charging Star now cause an untechable soft Knockdown and their horizontal knockback increased
      + Both Beta and Gamma assists received a damage increase
      + Captain America's Back Flip/Cartwheel move has start up invulnerable frames now
      + Hyper Charging Star can be mashed for more hits/damage
      - Medium and Hard Charging Stars have had their damage reduced
      - Shield Slash now inflicts less untechable time
      - The amount of time that an opponent is knocked down after a Hyper Charging Star has been decreased

      + Quick Work: The distance/range/speed of this attack is said to have been increased.<br>
      + All of Deadpool's normals can be cancelled into his taunt (which has a hit box)<br>
      + Supposedly faster specials and Ninja gifts (?)<br>
      + Guns have less recovery time/better start ups<br>
      + Deadpool's throws now cause longer knockdown time.<br>
      + Quick Work is now Team Hyper Cancelable.<br>
      + Deadpool can now cancel special moves into his Teleport which include Quick Work and Trigger Happy<br>
      + Chimichangas! can be activated from Quick Work<br>
      + Happy Happy Trigger can be mashed for more hits/damage (both air and ground versions)<br>
      - Mad Wheel (Overhead) cannot be canceled anymore<br>
      - Bolo Loop is removed through various changes to the Bolo trap:<br>
      * H.Ninja Gift floats lower.<br>
      * H.Ninja Gift causes longer opponent incapacitation.<br>
      * Incapacitation time from H. Ninja Gift decreases with combo length.

      + His zoning specials have become better in speed and recovery including Dark Hole and Purification (?)<br>
      + Dark Matter (f+H) can be special canceled into Mass Change (his teleports) and Dark Spells now. In fact, Dark Matter can pretty much be special canceled into any of Dormammu's special moves.<br>
      + Increased the pushback on both of his ground Light Attacks<br>
      + Increased distance on backdash<br>
      + Ground dash is significantly faster (?)<br>
      + Ground throw now causes a untechable hard knockdown. Air throws will always do a hard knockdown now<br>
      + Dormammu can now chain his cr.M into cr.H for 3 ground chains<br>
      + Can chain cr.L into cr.H giving Dormammu a universal hit confirm on all characters<br>
      + Can charge Dark Spells while airborne. Can only charge one at a time and is vulnerable until he lands. He stops in the air when performing this special, in the same manner as Dark Hole.<br>
      Liberation in the air causes him to teleport to the ground and then perform the release.<br>
      * Liberation (2 red, 1 blue) is guaranteed to activate (active from 1st frame) meaning if you activate it and you get hit during the start up the spells would still appear<br>
      * Liberation (2 red, 1 blue) causes untechable knockdown<br>
      * Liberation (2 red, 1 blue) rocks come out slower<br>
      * Liberation (2 red, 1 blue) rock damage has been increased<br>
      * Liberation (2 blue, 1 red) is guaranteed to activate (active from 1st frame) even if you get hit on start up<br>
      + Can attack out of down-back airdash. Most likely up-back too.<br>
      + Chaotic Flame hyper can be mashed for more hits/damage<br>
      +/- Dorm puts Flame Carpet slightly further out &amp; hitbox change(?). Flame Carpet disappears when Dorm is hit.<br>
      - Reduced hitstun on cr.M

      + Doom is generally a faster character now especially on his dashes (?)<br>
      + J.H laser beam is faster. J.H has a better hit box/hit detection and better start up along with a bigger hit stun allowing for potential combos after hit confirming with it in an air to air situation.<br>
      + Doom's forward throw causes a hard knockdown now<br>
      + Air S moves faster vertically<br>
      + Air S causes an exaggerated bounce in an anti-air situation but is not a true ground bounce (too low for it) it's more like a hard knockdown. Enough time to OTG after it into a full combo. Can be canceled into Flight and go into Doom's M&amp;M combos, either from a Jump or Super Jump state.<br>
      + Doctor Doom's Photon Array and Doom Time hypers do more damage/hits when mashing<br>
      +/- Photon Shots in the air have less active frames

      + Has a new charge move (The Incredible Punch) now where he charges up a straight punch (essentially charging his st.M) which has some super armor and causes wall bounce on impact. Can follow up after an OTG move/assist. Does damage on block and can be cancelled out of while charging into any of his specials including his command throw. It's possible to chain into the Incredible Punch from Light and Medium Attacks.<br>
      + Gamma Charge's attacking priority has been improved<br>
      + Grounded Gamma Charge now has Super Armor. The second part of grounded Gamma Charge now floats higher (the rising version).<br>
      + Anti-Air Gamma Charge's second hit (Medium version) will now cause a wall bounce<br>
      + Gamma Wave's charge time decreased.<br>
      + Gamma Tornado's (Command throw) damage increased to 200K

      + Iron Mans UniBeam is faster and recovers faster, spammable while on the ground. Both as an assist and as a point character. In the air, his beams most notably his L Unibeam is pretty much the same speed as before (?)<br>
      + Ground dash moves him at least 1/2 screen across. Before it moved him about 1/3rd distance (?)<br>
      + Repulsor Blast/Spread activate faster. Upon hit Repulsor Spread causes a hard knockdown and it can be followed up afterward with Smart Bomb -&gt; Proton Cannon<br>
      + Repulsor blast/Repulsor Spread input has been changed to reflect Iron Man's current orientation (so he doesn't cross himself up and input incorrectly) and Repulsor Spreads are now activated by just adding a button like H.<br>
      + Smart Bombs have better recovery frames, start up and do more damage on hit for both ground and air Smart Bombs<br>
      + Iron Man can now cancel his normals into dashes in the air like Magneto allowing him to perform new flight/dash cancel combos<br>
      + Even faster flight cancel with better start up<br>
      + Iron Man's cr.H is now SPECIAL CANCELLABLE. Can even be canceled into flight mode. Iron Man can also now chain cr.H into launcher making his ground series much easier to execute<br>
      + Standing H and j.S have better hit confirms into a combo because they have better priority/hit box<br>
      + The amount of untechable time after someone has been hit by the cr.H Shoulder Missile has been increased<br>
      + Proton Cannon hyper can be mashed for more damage/hits as well as Iron Avenger<br>
      +/- Overall damage scaling for Iron Man has been tweaked. Normal moves' damage scaling has been reduced and special moves damage scaling has been increased<br>
      - Repulsor Spread priority lowered<br>
      - Decreased untechable time for opponents after a Smart Bomb hit<br>
      - Triangle jump/air dash mechanics reworked. Seem to have different trajectories and acceleration (faster acceleration slower velocity). Possibly different types of dashes. In any case most players seem to agree that Iron Man's tri-jump game has been significantly nerfed because of this change due to the general speed of it is greatly reduced.<br>
      - Removal of double jump

      + New move Gravitation/Repulsion/Attraction that modifies your momentum anywhere on the screen (similar to the wind effect from Storm, or like Rachel's Wind Drive in Blazblue). Can pull you forward, push you back, or force you to stay more-or-less stationary.<br>
      - Air dash reduced in range, and reduced in speed. Slightly affects some ROM midscreen combos of Magneto. Triangle jumps overall appear to be slightly slower.<br>
      - J.H pushes enemies away more and combined with the dash range reduction, combos are harder to do. He still has access to his Grav loop in the corner but you get less repetitions out of them. Other fly cancel/air dash loops like the Magnetic Blast loops aren't as reliable or just may not be possible anymore.<br>
      - St.H no longer causes untechable soft knockdown<br>
      - Disrupter start up slowed down and is generally slower but still a dominant projectile. Causes less block stun now. This includes all his Disruptors including his L, M and H versions.<br>
      - Throw trap time decreased slightly (?)<br>
      - Magnetic Tempest no longer has invulnerability on start up<br>
      + Magnetic Tempest and Gravity Squeeze can be mashed for more damage/hits

      + MODOK can cancel moves in the air with a dash<br>
      + Killer Illumination hyper does more hits/damage when mashed

      - Only one action per jump. No more multiple fireballs, no more fireball into teleport.<br>
      *You can do 2 actions per flight mode as it is now longer. You can do Air H Shot into Teleport if you went flight mode first but there is longer start up on H Shots.<br>
      - Air H Shot has longer start up and slower recovery. Air M Shot is pretty much the same. Air L Shot has faster recovery.<br>
      - Slight reduction in health (like 420K to 375K after testing... Magneto's LVL3 which is exactly 400K kills Phoenix at full health)<br>
      - TK Shots dissipate when Phoenix herself is hit<br>
      - TK Traps dissipate when Phoenix herself is hit<br>
      - Cr.M Slide shortened in range<br>
      - Glitch involving teleport after flight mode which kept the flight mode on the ground has been removed

      + Flight mode appears to activate faster (?)<br>
      + Rocket punches recovery and overall speed of Sentinel has been increased. Sentinel's cr.M recovers faster (he pulls his boots back in faster)<br>
      + Sentinel drones have been sped up. They are now a true block string.<br>
      + Cr.M has 3 points of super armor (?)<br>
      + Plasma Storm hyper can be mashed for more damage<br>
      +/- When Assist Alpha (Drones) hit from behind the opponent, the knockback is reversed as well so that they will be struck towards the point character<br>
      - Launcher now has 1 hit of super armor instead of having hyper armor<br>
      - Air combo into L Rocket Punch into HSF is less reliable because Rocket Punch causes less untechable time now<br>
      - Health rounded off to 900K

      + New Lampost swing (Savage Swing) move that causes wall bounce on impact. Has considerable start up and recovery but it can be canceled into Runner stance for follow up options<br>
      + Emerald Cannon now makes her jump forward a bit on the dropkick AND has a few hits of armor. Easier to connect after a DHC<br>
      + Taking out the Trash hyper can be mashed with the directional inputs for more damage<br>
      + If you don't input any following normal command like a launcher, Chariot will have 3 hits super armor when cancelled into run cancel moves like Clothesline and Torpedo<br>
      + Clothesline causes wall bounce if hit opponent on air allowing for new combos after OTG Torpedo<br>
      + Cancelling into Torpedo from Chariot is faster<br>
      + Cancelling into Clothesline from Chariot is faster<br>
      +/- Opponent flies farther away when hit by Torpedo<br>
      +/- She Hulk drops faster/is heavier in terms of weight class<br>
      - Cr.H Slide now covers less distance<br>
      - She Hulk is unable to chain numerous cr.L in order to hit confirm into a full combo.

      + Normal throw now absorbs/steals Meter (decreases the opponent's and adds it to the player's side)<br>
      + Devitilization has faster start up<br>
      +/- Knockdown properties on jumping S have been changed. J.S. is now untechable with removed OTG property<br>
      + Mystic Smash hyper and Chaos Dimension can be mashed for damage/hits

      + Spider-Man's Web Zips travel faster than before<br>
      + The Web Ball, Web Swing and Spider-Sting (all of his specials essentially) can be canceled into Web Zips<br>
      + Crawler Assault can be mashed for damage/hits<br>
      + Crawler Assault now leaves opponent in an untechable hard knockdown state which is enough for Spider Man to follow it up with Web Zip OTG and Maximum Spider<br>
      + Reduced animation frames in Crawler Assault hits all across the hyper<br>
      + Spider Man's Web Zip is now able to hit OTG and you can go into Maximum Spider after it. There is possibility of more follows up now for Spider Man in an OTG situation<br>
      + You can now follow up an air Web Swing after a ground Web Swing immediately<br>
      + Web Throw tosses opponents high enough, slow enough and short enough so that Maximum Spider is easier to follow up after it. It is possible that you can do more stuff after it<br>
      +/- Ultimate Web Throw attack direction has been changed to the side<br>
      + Ultimate Web Throw can cause more damage and hits if you mash the directional buttons<br>
      - Due to changes on Web Ball property after catching opponent (no more neutral teching only) it is very difficult or impossible to do the infamous UWT reset with Spider Man now (?)<br>
      - Web Throw does not cause fully unscaled damage anymore, it's subject to proper scaling now

      + New Move: DP+S = Fair Wind, pushes opponent away<br>
      New Move: RDP+S = Foul Wind, pulls opponent towards her<br>
      Storm's Winds have better distance coverage than Magneto's (she pushes/pulls more than him) but overall slower. These moves also affect opponents when they are downed<br>
      + Appears to do better damage overall (?)<br>
      + Appears to have faster air dashes (?)<br>
      + Hailstorm covers more space on the screen making it harder for opponents to jump over it. (?)<br>
      + All of Storm's hypers can be mashed for more damage/hits<br>
      - Cannot call assists while floating from super jump. She can still call assists while floating if done after a normal jump

      + In the air charge S Stone Dunk move has a bigger hit box (as well as some of his other command normal moves)<br>
      + Meteor Smash is doable from the air now<br>
      + LVL3 Death Penalty now homes in on the target upon activation<br>
      + Stone Smite now has at least one hit of armor when the move (non-charging version) goes off (?)<br>
      + Inferno can be mashed for more hits/damage<br>
      + Armor on Orbital Grudge activates faster/quicker than before<br>
      +/- Orbital Grudge floats opponents higher<br>
      - Orbital Grudge assist does not cause soft knockdown anymore (?)

      + New Move: Sting Master can be linked after Shield Charge<br>
      + Taskmaster can now cancel out of his Web Swing move with special and hyper moves<br>
      +/- Shield Charge has its distance increased on knockback and the float from the hit of the Charge has been reduced<br>
      - Taskmaster has difficulty doing long combos involving self relaunches after OTG arrows because the arrow lift doesn't lift up as much anymore as well as general hit stun changes<br>
      - Generally speaking, Taskmaster does less damage overall in combos due to normal damage scaling and finishers involving his Legion arrow hypers. Damage from his Legion arrow hyper when hit raw still does about the same damage but when added at the end of a lengthy combo does less damage<br>
      - Jumping Hard Attack's now floats the opponent higher on hit<br>
      - Damage on Aim Master shots have been lowered<br>
      +/- Floatyness/Height on Aim Master H and jump Air Master Shot H has been decreased<br>
      + All of Taskmaster's Legion arrow hypers can be mashed for more damage/hits

      + Range on air Mighty Hurricane command throw increased. Range on all Mighty Hurricane (ground versions) are increased as well. Karas into the command throws are easier apparently. Active throw frames of Mighty Hurricane have been increased for all strengths.<br>
      + Thor's Mighty Spark projectiles have faster start ups. Not only that but the hit box underneath Mjolnir is bigger and hits smaller characters no and have better recoveryw. Active hit box on the spark on L Mighty Spark is longer making jump ins risky for opponents. Mighty Spark's untechable state on the opponent has been increased.<br>
      + Grounded A Mighty Strike has less recovery/more hit stun, giving you enough time to follow up after it with a combo. Generally speaking Thor's Might Strike attacks have better start up/recovery and it takes him less time to charge them up to max.<br>
      + Cr.L, J.L and St.L have larger hit boxes<br>
      + Standing M knockback has been shortened<br>
      + All of Thor's Might Smash moves have improved priority/hit box and the H version of Mighty Smash takes less time to charge up to maximum<br>
      + Generally speaking Thor does more damage from both his specials and normal attacks due to changes to his minimum damage scaling (has been upped from before)<br>
      + Mighty Punish command hyper has been improved. It is now invincible from the first frame, the active frames of the hyper have been increased and the range has been improved as well. Now also gives Thor more time to move around after it lands.<br>
      + Mighty Tornado hyper can be mashed for more hits/damage<br>
      + Thor's air dashes appear to be faster (?)

      - Berserker Slash is slower on start up, lost invincibility frames<br>
      - The Dive Kick has a much smaller hit box, some launchers/anti-air moves beat it out cleanly now<br>
      - J.L has has it's hit box reduced which means that instant overheads with j.L may be more difficult or not possible anymore<br>
      +/- Berserker Charge command input priority changed to the lowest among Hyper Combos<br>
      +/- Some sort of button-mashy Machine Gun Claw move. He can combo after it with a launcher<br>
      + All of Wolverine's hypers are mashable for more damage/hits

      - Berserker Slash is slower on start up, lost invincibility frames<br>
      - The Dive Kick has a much smaller hit box, some launchers/anti-air moves beat it out cleanly now<br>
      - J.L has has it's hit box reduced which means that instant overheads with j.L may be more difficult or not possible anymore<br>
      +/- Berserker Charge command input priority changed to the lowest among Hyper Combos<br>
      +/- Some sort of button-mashy Machine Gun Claw move. He can combo after it with a launcher<br>
      + All of Wolverine's hypers are mashable for more damage/hits

      ...für den Rest habe ich keine Lust mehr, ausserdem solltet ihr euch eh selber in den Thread da reinklicken, habt Spaß und GET FUCKING HYPE!
    • ach ja und noch etwas...
      ...on October 4th 2011 iPlayWinner, Capcom, MadCatz & SouthTown Arcade gave the world a preview of the most anticipated fighting game of the year...

      heute geht es bereits los, höchstwahrscheinlich mit guter neuer tech., so hyped, werd mir das ganze aber leider nicht live anschauen können :S - allen anderen, hfhf!
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