Es gibt keinen Dan Video Thread?! Holy shit!
Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von Kuronomaru ()
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Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von Kuronomaru ()
smugami schrieb:
You'll need captions on and have to pause it for the explanations, I wanted to save space on the video, sue me(Okay can view now, didn't want people complaining about it going too fast or whatever :P)
It's finally here, a week in the making (more or less, well more less than more) the "long awaited" Dan SSF4AE guide. I decided to do a lot of the notation with YouTube this time, took bloody ages!
I arranged the combos in order of how much meter is used starting with no meter usage first. I didn't mention meter management because I think that's up to your own discretion.
Slight correction: s.HK link to KRK is exactly the same as doing c.HP cancel to KRK and s.HP is only 5 less damage so for punishment it's best to not risk the link and go with a cancel. Also KRK FADC to nj.HP is character and situation specific. I'd only use nj.HP after a raw KRK FADC.
I didn't cover everything since what I haven't covered has been covered before... coverednessness.
Again didn't show every new combo, just the ones I think are the most useful.
Concerning Focus Attacks, everything that was shown in the punish combos works after forward dash, obviously. And if you've done a back dash the options haven't changed from before.
I didn't do anything about wake-up options, basically the same as before with the added benefit of trying to hit them with a s.MP or s.HK if you want to try for frame traps.
I also didn't want to go too heavily into character specific combos.
Any questions feel free to ask.
On a side note I replaced the Seimitsu stick with a new Sanwa one so I have my octagonal gate back, yay! Now 50% input errors will be cut down to 25%
Disclaimer: This is a non-profit fan-made video for entertainment (and educational) purposes.
All material used belongs to their respective owners, I do not claim ownership.
This video is covered by the Fair Use Act.
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