SkullGirls - der Talk

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    • Chargi schrieb:

      Ist SG nun auf 1on1 oder 3on3 ausgelegt?

      Aktuell kann man aussuchen ob man 1,2 oder 3 Charas spielen will. Staerke is dann aehnlich des Ratio systems in CvS2. Je weniger charas, desto staerker der Chara.

      Ob man nun von ner Auslegung ueberhaupt sprechen kann.

    • Verstehe.
      Assists gibts ja auch, wie ich in so nem Matchvid gesehen hab.

      Bin auf Release Date gespannt.

      Easier Inputs for more complex motions

      In order to shift the game’s focus from executing difficult moves to fighting strategically, the game features simplified inputs.
      For example, if a character has any moves that require to move the joystick in a 360° motion, the game will be able to recognize the motion, even if the input was not placed as fast as is required as in other similar fighting games. This makes executing these moves easier for the majority of unexperienced players, and allows them to potentially try out new characters that were beyond their skill level in other titles. This simplicity also prevents the character from jumping while performing the 360° motion, which is a common occurrence for many players.

      Ich hoffe das wirkt sich nicht zu krass aus. Ala Backdash, vorwärts, Superjump IAD - oh, er springt nicht, da 360° registered wurde! :D
      Follow me on Twitter: @chargi
      Follow me on Twitch: chargiii
    • SkullGirls FAQ

      Quelle: Dustloop

      Q: What is Skullgirls?
      A: Is a new 2D fighting game based on an original IP, it's key members include the artist Alex Ahad (renowned artist who's had works featured in Lava Punch, Scott Pilgrim, and even in Udon's compilation books), Mike "Z" Zaimont (long time tournament competitor), Christina Vee (long time voice actress who is directing the character vocals and even voices a character herself), and Michiru Yamane (known for her compositions for the Castlevania series).

      Q: Wow sounds impressive, but what gameplay features can I expect?
      A: Skullgirls features a range of features and modes that will be both familiar and new even to long time fighting vets, the first of which will become apparent when you select you character...or characters! Skullgirls utilizes a "ratio" system in which either player can have teams of up to 3 characters at their command, however the more characters you have the weak each individual one is. BUT don't let this discourage you, for fighting as a team allows you access to Delayed Hyper Combos, Assist Actions, and Tag-ins/outs so that you can recover health. So all sizes have their benefits and negatives.

      Speaking of Assist Actions each character will have 3 to choose from, the first 2 are predefined, however the third one is COMPLETELY customizable! Yes, you are allowed to put in your very own input to be executed when that character is called! The only limitations are it can't be a Super nor can it involve a jump.

      Skullgirls also features an "Infinite Detection" system, if you are doing a sequence of moves that will result in a continuous loop, the hit sparks on your opponent will alter, signaling them of an infinite. At this time they can press any button and cause a "burst" like animation and break free. There is also an "Unblockable Detection" system in place as well, in many other tag fighters it is common to have unblockable setups due the ability to call an assist to attack high while you go low, but in this game if two simultaneous attacks connect within an inhuman time frame to react you will block both attacks with a successful guard. But be warned as this point is very brief and the opponent can still input just enough time in between the attacks to land a hit.

      Lastly let's talks about some of the smaller but still great things like the fact 360 motions will be easier to input as it will read attempts and not force you to say jump if you aren't inputting it as fast as you would need to in other games. You can also gain meter by whiffing attacks however you can not retreat and whiff to build meter, you must be advancing forward, also note that once you have 1 stock you can no longer do this. Oh an don't worry about bad netplay experience as Skullgirls will use the GGPO netcode!

      Q: Wow, that alot to process, but what about characters? How many are there and what can I expect?
      A: Right now the final, FINAL roster is unknown as the game will support download content and more characters will be on their way! However there will be around 8 characters on release, and while the initial cast is all female you can set your insecurities aside as there will be male character included down the line. At the time of this publication 4 characters have been announced:
      Filia, your typical rush down character she has a "Dragon Punch", a projectile like move, and many other moves that keep her up close and pressuring her opponent.
      Cerebella, the grappler dreams are made of, with a throw for nearly ever situation and great ways of moving about both on the ground and in the air, she'll have you seeing stars.
      Peacock, the zoner who's 40% projectiles, 40% references, and 20% who knows... She may be annoying from afar but you can't help but chuckle at her many sight gags.
      Parasoul a trap playstyle suits this royal debutant well as she sets up timed explosions all over the screen with the occasional assistance from one of her loyal soldiers.

      Q: When can I get my hands on it?
      A: At the moment there is no set release date or price, the game is merely advertised as coming in "2011". It will be available as a digital release for Playstation Network and Xbox Live Arcade.

      Q: Where can I learn more?
      A: Of course keep your eyes on the Skullgirls section here on Dustloop, but you can also browse over at the game's official website and the developer's site as well. Some of the team members actually frequent the forums every now and then; Mike Z of course, Ravidrath, Urichinan, and EU03.
      Follow me on Twitter: @chargi
      Follow me on Twitch: chargiii
    • Juri Han schrieb:

      Steht denn schon fest das es keine Retail Version geben wird? Man könnte zu dem Spiel sicher ne schöne Collectors/Limited Edition mit ein paar hübschen Extras raushauen. D:

      Wäre ne schöne Idee, aber SkullGirls ist trotz dem Hype immer noch ein (fast)Independent Projekt. Und ne Retail Veröffentlichung erhöht die Produktionskosten immens.
      DLC ist da vorerst ne ganze Ecke wirtschaftlicher, wenn es gut läuft gibt's vielleicht ein Sequel. :good:
      Wenn's trifft isses nicht unsafe.
    • Ohja, finde sie machen sehr gute Fortschritte und hoffe das es im Januar dann verfügbar ist. Sie fügen bei den Stages auch immer mehr Details hinzu jetzt damit das Ganze nicht mehr so leblos aussieht.
      Spielt ihr Blazblue, Guilty Gear, Anime Games, Airdasher oder sonstige FGs? join HE-Discord (<- mich kann man anklicken.)
    • hmmmmm... infinite protection mit einem auto burst hätte man eventuell etwas eleganter lösen können, find ich nicht die beste wahl, und unblockable protection bräuchte man nähere infos, für wie viele frames die in kraft ist..
      du bist eine schade für beat em ups :) Komm mal in tekken6 dann zeig ich dir 17 hit sample move mit deviljin
      wenn du tekken hast zock nächstes ma mit mir da das spamm in tekken6 nich geht da man es kontert und dabei nen combo move zu kombinieren :)

      cheat cheat, niemand will mit dich spielen, patetic playing
    • Könnte sein, dass es eine gute Strategie wird, eine Combo zu drücken, die mit einem Loop zu beenden und so einen Burst zu baiten, um eine weitere Combo dranzuhängen. Andere Art von Reset quasi.

      Ich bin nicht so der Fan von dem grafischen Stil des Spiels, aber die Combatmechaniken klingen äußerst interessant.
      <president> wenn du gegen smoriya spielst wirst mich aber drum bitten wieder auf plee zu gehn weil der so honest und normal is im vergleich
      <president> wie beschreib ich das am besten
      <president> wenn ich smoriya wäre, wäre die engine vom spiel der sf5 stammtisch

      +2 damage GGXrd Millia CMV
    • Mir geht es genauso, Stil finde ich ganz ok und kann mich anfreunden damit. Aber was das System selbst an geht und die Features die drumherum gezeigt werden sind einfach nur Top.
      Spielt ihr Blazblue, Guilty Gear, Anime Games, Airdasher oder sonstige FGs? join HE-Discord (<- mich kann man anklicken.)
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