Umineko: Golden Fantasia (Ougon CROSS) (Steam Release: 08.12.2017)

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      Ougon 2 announced.

      Originally Posted by chronotrig from AnimeSuki Forum:

      Since it doesn't look like anyone's posted it here yet, the sequel to Ougon Musou Kyoku was announced today. Looks like it'll be coming out either at Winter Comiket or Summer Comiket.

      Ryuukishi mentioned that he'd like the most recent character contest to influence the lineup of new characters. He also made a point of mentioning how surprised he was to see Lambdadelta so high in the polls. Make of that what you will.

      He's also thinking about adding a mode to make special abilities easier to use (pushing a button to use Battler's blue truth was his example). Though he doesn't seem too sure on that point, and is asking for fan input.


      Patch 1.03 raus:

      General Gameplay Changes
      • A REPLAY feature has been added to the VS mode. (Replays are up to five minutes long and a maximum of 999 can be stored)
      • An option has been added to save replays.
      • Added an option for offline delay.
      • Damage touch startup speed has been tweaked.
      • Re-adjusted the command interpreter for half circle motions.
      Known Character Specific Changes
      • The Berserk Ability (Eva's) no longer influences stun.
      • The minimum height requirement on air dashes have been lowered.
      • Each character's Attack Touch has been individually tweaked.
      • The behavior of Eva Beatrice's Jelly has been modified.
      • Kanon's Wolf Jump (41236X) can be performed in mid-air.
      • The priority on Ronove's Enchant Shield (41236X) has improved.
      Moves that have been tweaked
      • Battler - Blue Truth (236X) including SP version
      • Shannon - j.2C, 2C, Absolute Protection Barrier (22A+B), It's Not A Hat? (214A+B)
      • Kanon - c.5B, 2B, Water Slice (623X) including SP version, Crescent Moon Slice (j.236X) including SP version, Meta Super
      • Ronove - 2B, 2C, Enchant Shield (41236X) including SP version.
      • Lucifer - 6B, Stake of Pride (214X) air version only, Meta Super
      • Beatrice - Meta Super
      • Virgilia - j.2C, Divine Hammer: Mjollnir (41236A+B)
      • Siesta - Dreaming Rolling Bunny (623A+B)
      Bug Fixes
      • Fixed a bug which occurred after v1.01 in which attacks were evidently not coming out after a clash.
      • Other miscellaneous bugs have been fixed.
      Other Fixes
      Character-Specific Health Values
      • 4950: Ronove
      • 4500: Battler, Virgilia, Shannon
      • 4350: Siesta, Eva Beatrice
      • 4200: Beatrice, Ange
      • 4050: Kanon, Lucifer
      Insert Game - Retro & Arcade Gaming Community
      Play Blazblue/Persona/Under Night, join #blazblue (<- mich kann man anklicken.)
    • Ja, das hatte was. Aber gut, dass es in 1.01 weggepatcht wurde :D

      Hier noch mal zur Übersicht, was sich alles seit Release geändert hat:
      General Gameplay Changes
      • Hitstop increased.
      • Increased the delay cancel window on many normals.
      • Many attacks (such as throw) that did not prorate previously now have proration.
      • Normal attacks now auto-correct properly when a cross under occurs.
      • Adjusted various attacks and specials.
      • Added throw invincibility when landing after being hit in the air.
      Known Character Specific Changes
      • Ronove's Enchant Shield disappears after a certain amount of time.
      Bug Fixes
      • Ronove's Enchant Shield bug fixed.
      • Kanon's Offscreen bug fixed.
      • Various other bug fixes.
      Other Fixes
      • Option for POV and XY inputs
      • Keyboard 'W' binded as "Start"
      • Game no longer picks up keyboard input when not active window
      • Various netplay tweaks

      General Gameplay Changes
      • Attack Touch comes out slower.
      • If a Burst doesn't hit an opponent, the tag does not occur. SP meter is still taken, but the Tag meter does not get consumed.
      • Stun damage has been greatly adjusted.
      • SP meter gain now scales with damage dealt.
      • Characters have character-specific health values now.
      • Changed some of the damage calculations.
      • Crouching and standing hitboxes have been adjusted.
      • Various specials and supers have been modified.
      Known Character Specific Changes
      • Ronove's parry counter (Elegant Shield) can now be held down to make it stay out longer.
      • Ronove's Meta Super has an improved hitbox. It is now much easier to combo into.
      • Battler's 6C is now an overhead.
      • Siesta's Golden Bow (j.236N) recovers in the air, allowing you to perform air normals as you are falling.
      • Siesta's 2a has reduced frame advantage.
      • Siesta's Neutral j.C is now cancelable.
      • Siesta's Rolling Bunny has reduced recovery on all versions including EX.
      • Shannon's f.5C (the cart) is now special cancelable.
      • Shannon's 6B is now overhead on the first hit as well as the second.
      Bug Fixes
      • Fixed a bug where a metal cancel would accidentally come out on a successful hit.
      • Fixed a bug where the camera wouldn't return after Virgilia gets hit during Odin (her meta super).
      • Fixed a bug with the curtains / blackouts not returning etc.
      Other Fixes
      • Added display option for simple background.
      • Added shadow options for simple display.
      • Half circle motions, forward dashes, and backdashes have smaller input windows.
      Character-Specific Health Values
      • 4950: Ronove
      • 4500: Battler, Virgilia, Shannon
      • 4350: Siesta, Eva Beatrice
      • 4200: Beatrice, Ange
      • 4050: Kanon, Lucifer

      Und 1.03 Changes stehen im Post #63. 3 Patches in 2,5 Monaten ist schon ordentlich.
      Insert Game - Retro & Arcade Gaming Community
      Play Blazblue/Persona/Under Night, join #blazblue (<- mich kann man anklicken.)
    • Oh super :)

      Xbox for Moe/Nerd/Fighting game/Shmup Nr.1 Konsole!!

      Hoffentlich auch als Disc-Version und ohne region lock! Publisher ist ja noch unbekannt, oder?
      Follower of the
      ゲーセン道 - The Way of the Arcade
      Doitsu Dashpunch #1 of 3
    • Also aus der Meldung geht hervor, dass der Publisher Alchemist ist, also die die sich auch um die Konsolen-Ports der 7th Expansion Visual Novels gekümmert haben.
      Auf meinem Grab soll stehn:
      "Naja, immerhin hat ers versucht"
    • Thunderwiesel schrieb:

      Also aus der Meldung geht hervor, dass der Publisher Alchemist ist,

      Hm ok, dann wird es wahrscheinlich einen region lock geben. Gal Gun un No Fate sind auch von denen und die sind leider auch region locked...
      Follower of the
      ゲーセン道 - The Way of the Arcade
      Doitsu Dashpunch #1 of 3
    • The Xbox 360 release includes three additional characters:
      Jessica Ushiromiya, George Ushiromiya, and Rosa Ushiromiya. Famitsu
      didn’t specify a release date for Ougon Musou Kyoku X, but we’ll keep an eye out for one.


    • Also haben die Gerüchte gestimmt. Schade, dass es nur xbox ist, aber bald kommt eh Ougon 2, wo die 3 Chars vermutlich auch drin sein werden.
      Und wie ich vermutet hab: die fangen mit den "billigen" chars an, bis sie absolute Favs wie Dlanor, Bern, Lambda oder Will raushauen.

      EkusuKariba schrieb:


      Ja, hat mich auch seeehr überrascht. Jessica und George war klar, aber Rosa? Find ich nice, dann besteht noch Hoffnung auf andere Nicht Meta Chars.
      DIe müssen noch Maria einfügen, dann haste dein Team Ekusu :D

      Hier noch paar Screens:…ZN5R8Za7Lc9B6mG87514.html

      2 EP2 Stages dazu, sehr nice
      Insert Game - Retro & Arcade Gaming Community
      Play Blazblue/Persona/Under Night, join #blazblue (<- mich kann man anklicken.)

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von Shino ()

    • Patch 1.04 ist raus!

      Neuer Post, weil holy shit, so viele Changes:
      VIelen, vielen Dank an brett von dustloop für die Übersetzung

      There is now a rating system based on your online performance.
      Simple background mode also reduces the burden during meta deny sequences.
      You can now replay recorded actions in Training Mode
      During replays, you can slow down and fast forward.
      When Metaworld ends, it no longer removes any Abilities (if you neutral touched during meta, for instance).
      Immediately after landing you can be attacked <- Not really too sure about this, and kind of hard to test. (There are more situations where can get hit multiple times in the air)
      When you land a counter hit it is always possible to continue with at least one attack. (Puts them in a comboable state)
      You can now jump cancel certain standing attacks when hitting an airborne opponent.
      The character being counter hit now glows red.
      It now says when you do a Reversal.
      After getting guard broken, the charge time for recovering your Touch Gauge has increased from 3 seconds to 5 seconds.
      All characters have had their Attack Touches tweaked.
      Damage Touch startup and recovery have both been tweaked.
      You can no longer perform actions when your partner is coming in during Guard Touch.
      You can no longer be thrown by command throws during jump start up.
      Command interpretation for dashing / backdashing when you have been crossed up has been modified.
      The command interpreter in general is now better at preventing misinterpretations.
      Short air combos now exist
      Some code has been reverted back to 1.02.
      A bug involving simultaneous crossups orienting improperly has now been addressed.
      A bug in which Kanon's Meta Super effect continued even when interrupted has been fixed.
      The height requirement on triple jumps has been lowered.
      Ability: Auto Guard - You can now block even during dash recovery.
      Ability: Break Boost - The duration has been extended.
      Ability: Counter Boost - The damage bonus has been increased.
      Ability: Silent Attack - This ability is now more effective.
      Kanon, Lucifer, and Beatrice's HP values have been modified.
      The SP gain on Siesta's Golden Bow have been adjusted.
      The length of Virgilia's jump startup frames have been modified.
      The recovery on Ronove's backdash has been modified.
      Varies normals and specials have been tweaked.

      Some explanations for the changes: Landing a counter hit does not increase hitstun. Rather, it puts you in a combo'able state when you normally aren't in one. The obvious example of this is moves that launch on hit, such as Battler's Divekicks / DPs. You can now follow them up.

      Just messing around it seems like almost all standing attacks can now be jump cancelled ground to air, including close proximity normals. As with previous patches, many "anti air" moves are still really shitty because most of them are "close" moves that dont come out early enough (unless you're Ronove :p). Fortunately, it means you can get a much better rewards off of tactics such as running under them when they jump in at you, then catch them on their backside. This makes some moves much riskier, such as Virgilia's post 1.03 dive kick (j.2C), which on block can often be punished with 5a, but led to nothing. Now you can connect 5a into some air combo or more mashing etc.

      Character specifics:

      Beatrice's 6C and Ronove's j.C can now be button held.
      Changed moves:

        Battler: Meta super
        Ronove:Elegant Sheild
        Beatrice:Red Truth、j.214A and j.214B
      Insert Game - Retro & Arcade Gaming Community
      Play Blazblue/Persona/Under Night, join #blazblue (<- mich kann man anklicken.)
    • Ja, Maria muss einfach auch noch kommen.. uuh.

      Ougon 2 mit Lambda, Bern, Will und Dlanor is nur ne Frage der Zeit <3
      Chars wie Gaap oder Krauss sollten es dann auch hoffentlich schaffen.

      // Müsste ma wieder Ougon nach den Patch-Changes gegn andere spielen.. bin gespannt ob Mik's Spassten-Paafekkuto-Team immer noch so behindert ist :)
    • bei mir funktioniert die Luschfa Loop nicht... j.C connected nie nach 6A D:

      Haben die das bereits gepatched?

      // NVM es geht xDD man muss j.C bissl timen :P

      Hab Behinna Loop mit Beatrice gefunden xDD
      ...214A+B, (5C, j.AB, 214A+B) x N
      (Das erste 5C mit einem 5B ersetzen macht die Combo viel einfacher, geht nur in der Ecke)

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 5 mal editiert, zuletzt von EkusuKariba ()

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